Callout Scoundrel

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
This is some quality nonsensical shit even by your standards Flynn.

Has your Rampant Rabbit got stuck on Earthquake setting?

I can only think something is over exiting your clitoris to enable you to jumble your thoughts like a light soufflé on a low oven setting.

None of those posts are connected in any way. You stated that I 'got mad' that someone had responded to a post of mine yet your 'proof' of this is me replying in kind to being called Gimp. Is that not the way this game is played. Have you re-written the rules in crayon with highlights by your favourite sniffin pen?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Flynn, stop.

Caskur isn’t this PI farming nutjob you are trying to convince yourself she is.

I know everything that went down at BH when EB pulled that shit and it wasn’t Caskur who gave him her info. So stop trying to reinvent history when you were barely around at that time and if you were, we were making gifs of you fucking dog fucker.

Caskur has, more then anybody in this communities history, had her shit splattered all over these forums and the fact she’s still standing is more then enough for me to says she’s a fucking boss ass bitch. In this day and age, the fucking paper thin bitches on these forums would be running to the feds if they had half the shit pulled on her on them.

So save the speeches for Martin Luther King. Caskur has been incessant on having an old school match then Scoundrel started a queefathon when the question of judges came up then hid behind his own uterus.

YOU, as a mod, don’t need to promote matches and whomever thinks just because Flynn has a panel that suddenly it’s Flynn’s responsibility to cater like a fucking chump to everyone’s whims needs a fucking bat with nails sticking out of it right into their forehead.

Make a thread, sticky, clean up the morons who are looking for cheap attention into the discussion thread and that’s it.

Flynn don’t owe anybody here Jack fucking shit. If you idiots can’t have everything ready before you @ Flynn, don’t bother her.

I believe you had already been laughed the fuck out of BH after it was discovered that you were using pre-writes there and at FC.
Really? When was this? Because the great thing is all the “great flamers” get accused of pre-writes. The faglamers were accused of writing shit for each other. I take that as a compliment you stupid mong.

Who was never accused of pre-writes?


Because you ain’t shit but an incessant troll.

Then you went on your little roman holiday as you typically do...i.e...running for the hills because you couldn't have a panel and because you were straight up cheating in "matches" using pre-written material that either Bumspud or Oranje had written up for you weeks in advance using it as your very own.

Something seems odd about this delusion…

First, I wrecked BumSpud in a match to the point;

A. He never won a match after


B. He went full frontal fire hole demanding he judged his own matches.
I wouldn’t want that useless hack writing anything for moi

So right there, you fail.

As for OJ, if you look at that pic again, you see I lost. I told him I wasn’t gonna post because I had shit to do in RL but that was Twat with his “Champs have to defend the title every so many days” bullshit when everyone, including OJ, had no problem waiting the extra fucking week. And even then, Calliope wrote all his shit.

You were at BH, yeah? You do know about the whole Calliope ghost writing for OJ thing that was exposed along with all the yellow bears making gifs for OJ expose shit?

And i pre-write?:LOL3:

Actually, she is the fucking "nutjob" I'm portraying as only a bonafide "nutjob" would have Alpha Nova as her administrator on her board for the very sole purpose of harvesting i.p. addresses. You weren't even there when it went down and I know this for a fact because during that time you were fucking around at Flame4cash, pissing them off trying to get a panel there because Ruthless1 tore into you about begging for a panel and for your empty threats of threatening to leave and never coming back again. Caskur gave Evil Dud her own info in the hopes that that Aussie contingent would be one fucking happy family. I know this because he was passing around her p.i. like it was a fun share size bag of fucking Skittles. You don't know anything because you were no where around when the Jewels saga with Evil Turd went down along with where. You had already been bloodied up soo fucking bad that you had already tucked tail and ran to the wannabe flame sites that catered to plagiarizers, cheaters (you), and pussies (also you). So don't run in here talking like you were some big bad flamer that everyone was scared of. It's quite funny too because even H.C. Trouble doesn't remember all these empty titles you claimed you won. It's easy to brag when no one remembers 10-15 years ago. You can pretty much say anything you want, can't you?
By the time I went to Fags4Cash, Ruthless1 was dead!!

I can get Turdson to come here and confirm that:LOL3:

And why is her own "shit splattered up" all over the fucking place? It's because she's the one that put it out there you fucking myopic fucking whiner. I've been out here for years as well, where's my info? That's right jerkoff, it's not out here because I'm not some lonely shitbag that needs the affirmation of a bunch of fuckwits that I need to throw out my life history to quell their perverse thirst for p.i., only then to get upset when that personal shit is used back against her. Yeah, Caskur is sooo strong to still be standing...bullshit! When she throws out her own shit to the wolves, that's cause for celebration because she's soo resilient? No. You dickhead, she's brought all this on herself. You act as if though I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. She has no choice but to wallow in her own unmitigated crappolla. She's not someone strong, as she did all this to herself. Go talk your shit to someone that doesn't know you or her.
See, I know the whole story, and I’m not going to post that shit up.

But, your wrong. Which right now, on all this drivel youve

As far as matches go Mr. Cry Wolf, you can also shut the fuck up about it. As in your own fucking words, my "job" here isn't to hold people's hands and walk them through the callout and match process. That's on them if they want all that. What's stopping them from making their own threads for matches if this is just supposed to be for fun? Why now are the "matches" important? How long have these idiots been members of BF? Yet, now they want "matches?" Get the fuck out of here you ship jumping tard. Like you have any business talking about "matches" as you hit and run before any match can start. Just not 48 hours ago you were saying you wanted a 3-way match, then a two-way match. Then 24 hours later you're leaving for good. Now that's a pretty good Houdini act if you're able to be gone and still finish up a "match."
You are fucking high.

I never agreed to a three way, nor would I ever soil my skills against a fucking tard like Scoundrel. I stated a match against Caskur once her match with shifferbrains ended.


Actually, you're wrong about the Scoundrel. He personally informed me before he was even called out by your mom that he wasn't interested in the judging aspect of the "matches" and this makes sense as he was like that at SG. But you didn't know this did you? Yet, you presume to tell me what happened at BH over a decade ago when you were fucking long gone like the running little bitch you are? That's funay!
Dumbass, I built the BG. That place was everything because of me and died a painful death once I left.

Scoundrel wasn’t having matches because there was nobody left to have matches with. He tried recruiting FT members and everyone laughed at him.

That, I remember

With all that being said, if you had looked, I did put up a thread just for those two little whiny senior citizens. So your untruthful Martini commentary was not needed. If anything it opened up a casket of ghosts that should have been kept closed.
Pot, meet kettle.

Don’t try and flame, Flynn.

Just mod

Well that's Poofer's Sunday afternoon spoiled.

Carry on saying you refuse to post against me because I'm not worthy son. It makes you look well ard. :Excited5:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Flynn, stop.

Caskur isn’t this PI farming nutjob you are trying to convince yourself she is.

I know everything that went down at BH when EB pulled that shit and it wasn’t Caskur who gave him her info. So stop trying to reinvent history when you were barely around at that time and if you were, we were making gifs of you fucking dog fucker.

Caskur has, more then anybody in this communities history, had her shit splattered all over these forums and the fact she’s still standing is more then enough for me to says she’s a fucking boss ass bitch. In this day and age, the fucking paper thin bitches on these forums would be running to the feds if they had half the shit pulled on her on them.

So save the speeches for Martin Luther King. Caskur has been incessant on having an old school match then Scoundrel started a queefathon when the question of judges came up then hid behind his own uterus.

YOU, as a mod, don’t need to promote matches and whomever thinks just because Flynn has a panel that suddenly it’s Flynn’s responsibility to cater like a fucking chump to everyone’s whims needs a fucking bat with nails sticking out of it right into their forehead.

Make a thread, sticky, clean up the morons who are looking for cheap attention into the discussion thread and that’s it.

Flynn don’t owe anybody here Jack fucking shit. If you idiots can’t have everything ready before you @ Flynn, don’t bother her.

I believe you had already been laughed the fuck out of BH after it was discovered that you were using pre-writes there and at FC.
Really? When was this? Because the great thing is all the “great flamers” get accused of pre-writes. The faglamers were accused of writing shit for each other. I take that as a compliment you stupid mong.

Who was never accused of pre-writes?


Because you ain’t shit but an incessant troll.

Then you went on your little roman holiday as you typically do...i.e...running for the hills because you couldn't have a panel and because you were straight up cheating in "matches" using pre-written material that either Bumspud or Oranje had written up for you weeks in advance using it as your very own.

Something seems odd about this delusion…

First, I wrecked BumSpud in a match to the point;

A. He never won a match after


B. He went full frontal fire hole demanding he judged his own matches.
I wouldn’t want that useless hack writing anything for moi

So right there, you fail.

As for OJ, if you look at that pic again, you see I lost. I told him I wasn’t gonna post because I had shit to do in RL but that was Twat with his “Champs have to defend the title every so many days” bullshit when everyone, including OJ, had no problem waiting the extra fucking week. And even then, Calliope wrote all his shit.

You were at BH, yeah? You do know about the whole Calliope ghost writing for OJ thing that was exposed along with all the yellow bears making gifs for OJ expose shit?

And i pre-write?:LOL3:

Actually, she is the fucking "nutjob" I'm portraying as only a bonafide "nutjob" would have Alpha Nova as her administrator on her board for the very sole purpose of harvesting i.p. addresses. You weren't even there when it went down and I know this for a fact because during that time you were fucking around at Flame4cash, pissing them off trying to get a panel there because Ruthless1 tore into you about begging for a panel and for your empty threats of threatening to leave and never coming back again. Caskur gave Evil Dud her own info in the hopes that that Aussie contingent would be one fucking happy family. I know this because he was passing around her p.i. like it was a fun share size bag of fucking Skittles. You don't know anything because you were no where around when the Jewels saga with Evil Turd went down along with where. You had already been bloodied up soo fucking bad that you had already tucked tail and ran to the wannabe flame sites that catered to plagiarizers, cheaters (you), and pussies (also you). So don't run in here talking like you were some big bad flamer that everyone was scared of. It's quite funny too because even H.C. Trouble doesn't remember all these empty titles you claimed you won. It's easy to brag when no one remembers 10-15 years ago. You can pretty much say anything you want, can't you?
By the time I went to Fags4Cash, Ruthless1 was dead!!

I can get Turdson to come here and confirm that:LOL3:

And why is her own "shit splattered up" all over the fucking place? It's because she's the one that put it out there you fucking myopic fucking whiner. I've been out here for years as well, where's my info? That's right jerkoff, it's not out here because I'm not some lonely shitbag that needs the affirmation of a bunch of fuckwits that I need to throw out my life history to quell their perverse thirst for p.i., only then to get upset when that personal shit is used back against her. Yeah, Caskur is sooo strong to still be standing...bullshit! When she throws out her own shit to the wolves, that's cause for celebration because she's soo resilient? No. You dickhead, she's brought all this on herself. You act as if though I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. She has no choice but to wallow in her own unmitigated crappolla. She's not someone strong, as she did all this to herself. Go talk your shit to someone that doesn't know you or her.
See, I know the whole story, and I’m not going to post that shit up.

But, your wrong. Which right now, on all this drivel youve

As far as matches go Mr. Cry Wolf, you can also shut the fuck up about it. As in your own fucking words, my "job" here isn't to hold people's hands and walk them through the callout and match process. That's on them if they want all that. What's stopping them from making their own threads for matches if this is just supposed to be for fun? Why now are the "matches" important? How long have these idiots been members of BF? Yet, now they want "matches?" Get the fuck out of here you ship jumping tard. Like you have any business talking about "matches" as you hit and run before any match can start. Just not 48 hours ago you were saying you wanted a 3-way match, then a two-way match. Then 24 hours later you're leaving for good. Now that's a pretty good Houdini act if you're able to be gone and still finish up a "match."
You are fucking high.

I never agreed to a three way, nor would I ever soil my skills against a fucking tard like Scoundrel. I stated a match against Caskur once her match with shifferbrains ended.


Actually, you're wrong about the Scoundrel. He personally informed me before he was even called out by your mom that he wasn't interested in the judging aspect of the "matches" and this makes sense as he was like that at SG. But you didn't know this did you? Yet, you presume to tell me what happened at BH over a decade ago when you were fucking long gone like the running little bitch you are? That's funay!
Dumbass, I built the BG. That place was everything because of me and died a painful death once I left.

Scoundrel wasn’t having matches because there was nobody left to have matches with. He tried recruiting FT members and everyone laughed at him.

That, I remember

With all that being said, if you had looked, I did put up a thread just for those two little whiny senior citizens. So your untruthful Martini commentary was not needed. If anything it opened up a casket of ghosts that should have been kept closed.
Pot, meet kettle.

Don’t try and flame, Flynn.

Just mod

Memories lol


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn, stop.

Caskur isn’t this PI farming nutjob you are trying to convince yourself she is.

I know everything that went down at BH when EB pulled that shit and it wasn’t Caskur who gave him her info. So stop trying to reinvent history when you were barely around at that time and if you were, we were making gifs of you fucking dog fucker.

Caskur has, more then anybody in this communities history, had her shit splattered all over these forums and the fact she’s still standing is more then enough for me to says she’s a fucking boss ass bitch. In this day and age, the fucking paper thin bitches on these forums would be running to the feds if they had half the shit pulled on her on them.

So save the speeches for Martin Luther King. Caskur has been incessant on having an old school match then Scoundrel started a queefathon when the question of judges came up then hid behind his own uterus.

YOU, as a mod, don’t need to promote matches and whomever thinks just because Flynn has a panel that suddenly it’s Flynn’s responsibility to cater like a fucking chump to everyone’s whims needs a fucking bat with nails sticking out of it right into their forehead.

Make a thread, sticky, clean up the morons who are looking for cheap attention into the discussion thread and that’s it.

Flynn don’t owe anybody here Jack fucking shit. If you idiots can’t have everything ready before you @ Flynn, don’t bother her.

I believe you had already been laughed the fuck out of BH after it was discovered that you were using pre-writes there and at FC.
Really? When was this? Because the great thing is all the “great flamers” get accused of pre-writes. The faglamers were accused of writing shit for each other. I take that as a compliment you stupid mong.

Who was never accused of pre-writes?


Because you ain’t shit but an incessant troll.

Then you went on your little roman holiday as you typically do...i.e...running for the hills because you couldn't have a panel and because you were straight up cheating in "matches" using pre-written material that either Bumspud or Oranje had written up for you weeks in advance using it as your very own.

Something seems odd about this delusion…

First, I wrecked BumSpud in a match to the point;

A. He never won a match after


B. He went full frontal fire hole demanding he judged his own matches.
I wouldn’t want that useless hack writing anything for moi

So right there, you fail.

As for OJ, if you look at that pic again, you see I lost. I told him I wasn’t gonna post because I had shit to do in RL but that was Twat with his “Champs have to defend the title every so many days” bullshit when everyone, including OJ, had no problem waiting the extra fucking week. And even then, Calliope wrote all his shit.

You were at BH, yeah? You do know about the whole Calliope ghost writing for OJ thing that was exposed along with all the yellow bears making gifs for OJ expose shit?

And i pre-write?:LOL3:

Actually, she is the fucking "nutjob" I'm portraying as only a bonafide "nutjob" would have Alpha Nova as her administrator on her board for the very sole purpose of harvesting i.p. addresses. You weren't even there when it went down and I know this for a fact because during that time you were fucking around at Flame4cash, pissing them off trying to get a panel there because Ruthless1 tore into you about begging for a panel and for your empty threats of threatening to leave and never coming back again. Caskur gave Evil Dud her own info in the hopes that that Aussie contingent would be one fucking happy family. I know this because he was passing around her p.i. like it was a fun share size bag of fucking Skittles. You don't know anything because you were no where around when the Jewels saga with Evil Turd went down along with where. You had already been bloodied up soo fucking bad that you had already tucked tail and ran to the wannabe flame sites that catered to plagiarizers, cheaters (you), and pussies (also you). So don't run in here talking like you were some big bad flamer that everyone was scared of. It's quite funny too because even H.C. Trouble doesn't remember all these empty titles you claimed you won. It's easy to brag when no one remembers 10-15 years ago. You can pretty much say anything you want, can't you?
By the time I went to Fags4Cash, Ruthless1 was dead!!

I can get Turdson to come here and confirm that:LOL3:

And why is her own "shit splattered up" all over the fucking place? It's because she's the one that put it out there you fucking myopic fucking whiner. I've been out here for years as well, where's my info? That's right jerkoff, it's not out here because I'm not some lonely shitbag that needs the affirmation of a bunch of fuckwits that I need to throw out my life history to quell their perverse thirst for p.i., only then to get upset when that personal shit is used back against her. Yeah, Caskur is sooo strong to still be standing...bullshit! When she throws out her own shit to the wolves, that's cause for celebration because she's soo resilient? No. You dickhead, she's brought all this on herself. You act as if though I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. She has no choice but to wallow in her own unmitigated crappolla. She's not someone strong, as she did all this to herself. Go talk your shit to someone that doesn't know you or her.
See, I know the whole story, and I’m not going to post that shit up.

But, your wrong. Which right now, on all this drivel youve

As far as matches go Mr. Cry Wolf, you can also shut the fuck up about it. As in your own fucking words, my "job" here isn't to hold people's hands and walk them through the callout and match process. That's on them if they want all that. What's stopping them from making their own threads for matches if this is just supposed to be for fun? Why now are the "matches" important? How long have these idiots been members of BF? Yet, now they want "matches?" Get the fuck out of here you ship jumping tard. Like you have any business talking about "matches" as you hit and run before any match can start. Just not 48 hours ago you were saying you wanted a 3-way match, then a two-way match. Then 24 hours later you're leaving for good. Now that's a pretty good Houdini act if you're able to be gone and still finish up a "match."
You are fucking high.

I never agreed to a three way, nor would I ever soil my skills against a fucking tard like Scoundrel. I stated a match against Caskur once her match with shifferbrains ended.


Actually, you're wrong about the Scoundrel. He personally informed me before he was even called out by your mom that he wasn't interested in the judging aspect of the "matches" and this makes sense as he was like that at SG. But you didn't know this did you? Yet, you presume to tell me what happened at BH over a decade ago when you were fucking long gone like the running little bitch you are? That's funay!
Dumbass, I built the BG. That place was everything because of me and died a painful death once I left.

Scoundrel wasn’t having matches because there was nobody left to have matches with. He tried recruiting FT members and everyone laughed at him.

That, I remember

With all that being said, if you had looked, I did put up a thread just for those two little whiny senior citizens. So your untruthful Martini commentary was not needed. If anything it opened up a casket of ghosts that should have been kept closed.
Pot, meet kettle.

Don’t try and flame, Flynn.

Just mod

Look at the date on your first victory. That backs up my factual data that you were weren't even at BH during the time that Caskur spewed out her own personal P.I. to Evil Dud. And look at those fucking people you had a match against. Flea? Jesus Christ, a wet towel could have beaten Flea back then. Brimstone Jack, the guy that refused to face me at any venue. Bumspud, to this day that's up for debate because of the biased voting at FC as FC and BH were at odds over stolen members. The only other person on there remotely talented was Oranje. You were facing the equivalent of what BF has in its ranks now.

I call bullshit. H.C. Trouble I believe was privy to it as well when you were called out about your pre-writes, it was big news. That would explain the difference between the now you and the back then you. You were lucky to have Bumspud ghost write for you, you could only hope that you could ever be as talented as him. 2016-2018 is when Bumspud went downhill for whatever reason. It would make sense that you beat Bumspud as he gave you all his quality material and couldn't be fucked to write more. Or was he AWOL in that match?

Calliope sucked and had some sort of weird relationship with LoCo or someone equally unimportant. She was the Dove of BH. I don't believe in a million years she wrote anything for that Dutch twat, Oranje.

Hey retard, none of the talented posters ever got accused of pre-writes because they never did that...only you. And you were called out onto the floor about which coincidentally was the same time you left on sabbatical.

Go ahead get Turdson to come over here and confirm that as he wasn't there either, he was bounced out of BH just like you.

You're not going to post that whole story because you don't know it. All your 8nfo is from Caskur and as most of us know, all her stories are tweaked making her look like an innocent spinster being picked on. Yeah. Right!

I don't need to try to "flame you." You do it to yourself.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This is some quality nonsensical shit even by your standards Flynn.

Has your Rampant Rabbit got stuck on Earthquake setting?

I can only think something is over exiting your clitoris to enable you to jumble your thoughts like a light soufflé on a low oven setting.

None of those posts are connected in any way. You stated that I 'got mad' that someone had responded to a post of mine yet your 'proof' of this is me replying in kind to being called Gimp. Is that not the way this game is played. Have you re-written the rules in crayon with highlights by your favourite sniffin pen?

So. Why was I quoted?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Hey retard, none of the talented posters ever got accused of pre-writes

Am I missing something here?

Is writing something before you use it a high crime? I would have thought that so long as it was original content then there wouldn't be a problem. What is the time limit on pre-writes? If you write the day before you post is it a pre-write? If you write 5 minutes before you post is that?

Ghost writing yeah. Pre writing..........Doesn't really bother me.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Flynn, you just got cunt punted.

You are lucky the new season dropped or I would go into more detail on everything I said and make you look like even more of a buffoon.

Just take the L and move forward

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
So. Why was I quoted?

There comes a point when explaining more is flogging a dead quadruped. That point was a few posts ago.

I can no more teach you how to read and comprehend nor instruct you in the use of an opposable thumb when masturbating.

Some things you have to work out for yourself.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hey retard, none of the talented posters ever got accused of pre-writes

Am I missing something here?

Is writing something before you use it a high crime? I would have thought that so long as it was original content then there wouldn't be a problem. What is the time limit on pre-writes? If you write the day before you post is it a pre-write? If you write 5 minutes before you post is that?

Ghost writing yeah. Pre writing..........Doesn't really bother me.

Ask Martini. He was the one vilified for doing so. I was there.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
So. Why was I quoted?

There comes a point when explaining more is flogging a dead quadruped. That point was a few posts ago.

I can no more teach you how to read and comprehend nor instruct you in the use of an opposable thumb when masturbating.

Some things you have to work out for yourself.

I see. Again. This coming from the guy that got hit by a bus that was parked.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn, you just got cunt punted.

You are lucky the new season dropped or I would go into more detail on everything I said and make you look like even more of a buffoon.

Just take the L and move forward

I'm sorry but this wasn't a callout. It was pure facts on my part. Sometimes the truth isn't pretty.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Bumpspud destroyed mongo at BH like iit was a daily religious duty

And no one in thier right mind would ever believe this semi literate jackass was anything but toilet paper to Oranje

End of

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Does anyone else laugh to themselves at the fact that Poofer has some silly "flame match" card that is nearly FIFTEEN YEARS OLD saved like it's some source of personal pride?

Do you put this as proof of your more stellar life accomplishments on that used piece of toilet paper you call a resume?

It's like his win record.

There are many like it but this one is his


what. a. fucking. clown.

Can you imagine if this dipshit was actually a somebody for like a whole week and actually had an office? Where professionals like me pride our golfing, football, bowling trophies etc etc and pictures of family members and people who love us in real life --- this fucking asswipe will have these "match cards" printed, laminated and placed into picture frames and liked placed all over the desk

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha I cant with these fucking insects

and you people wonder why I laugh when you say I'm the meanie who pours acid on your little ant hills?

@Dove can you believe this shit?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Hey retard, none of the talented posters ever got accused of pre-writes

Am I missing something here?

Is writing something before you use it a high crime? I would have thought that so long as it was original content then there wouldn't be a problem. What is the time limit on pre-writes? If you write the day before you post is it a pre-write? If you write 5 minutes before you post is that?

Ghost writing yeah. Pre writing..........Doesn't really bother me.

Ask Martini. He was the one vilified for doing so. I was there.
You really gotta link this before you look more stupid.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
you say that like it's a new revelation

I think what I am witnessing is new behaviour because Flynn has some...for lack of a better word....power.

He is like the kid who own the soccer ball and expects everyone to give him a little respect, or he will take his ball and go home.

We just need any mod to step up and agree to monitor a Match Thread and remove run-in posts.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
you say that like it's a new revelation

I think what I am witnessing is new behaviour because Flynn has some...for lack of a better word....power.

He is like the kid who own the soccer ball and expects everyone to give him a little respect, or he will take his ball and go home.

We just need any mod to step up and agree to monitor a Match Thread and remove run-in posts.

Do we have an ignore threads option around here?

This upcoming match may prove a feature like a much needed necessity

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I am already thinking about future matches.

Joo versus Admin would be fun to watch. No Run-ins.

Just you and Admin, no interference.

See if he can do anything more than SPAM and posts other people's memes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
soundrel was asking how to link a photo, so he was obviously going to use one in his match

the photo he finally managed to post was fucking Cartman from South Park


yea, this scoundrel vs caskur match was going to be really good
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey Fox, have you seen Chinks melty yet?

It’s as bad as Last of Us 2 metacritc fan reviews

Everyone believes she is the dual account of a fashionista now. Fash is being portrayed like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a result.

If Fash is Shen li, then that would mean Fash suddenly enters an altered state of conciseness that she is unaware of and begins behaving erratically on the BF forum, attacking old white people and demanding to be banned.

That would be very bizarre and kinda funny if true.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Hey Fox, have you seen Chinks melty yet?

It’s as bad as Last of Us 2 metacritc fan reviews

Everyone believes she is the dual account of a fashionista now. Fash is being portrayed like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a result.

If Fash is Shen li, then that would mean Fash suddenly enters an altered state of conciseness that she is unaware of and begins behaving erratically on the BF forum, attacking old white people and demanding to be banned.

That would be very bizarre and kinda funny if true.
This revelation is troubling

I think I'm going to cancel my hulu subscription now