
Domestically feral
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United states

I just got the J&J vaccine a few days ago. The day after I felt the way that looks lol


HEY, you guys! >:(


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

The vaccine is protein, fat/lipids and sugar. NEXT dumb meme?

And who the fuck doesnt know tylenol is acetaminophen?

Take this idiot meme to a left wing anti big pharma crunchy mom group. I terrified them all with the chemical composition of our own blood. They are probably still snorting colloidal silver.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My favorite psycho anti big pharma lefty Facebook group is a happy place called UriNation (urine nation).

These people piss in bottles and wash their face and brush their teeth in it. They drink it. They rub it on their bodies.

Some of the more seasoned piss vets enjoy "aging" it and they show off bottles of two year old piss with fucking basil and mint springs floating in it and talk about taking shots of it because they think its medicine.

There was one insanely dumb woman who attempted to treat her own cervical cancer with blood root salve and she burnt out her whole vagina.

Why not just fuck a hot poker? Same result and it would have been cheaper and probably less painful.

But yeah A.....make fun of people who have justifiable fears and concerns about a new technology in an age ripe with rampant misinfo and psycho levels of partisan tribal politics.

I remember just 6 months ago all the big left wing yapping heads were all anti Covid vaccine under Trump.....and openly dissing it, and now that Biden is in office their tunes changed.

Such grotesque hypocrisy. Stop pretending your "side" isnt directly to blame for many of the issues we have with mistrust today.

Enjoy it. You guys worked hard to put millions of people off and give them reasons to not trust anything. Democrat voting black citizens have the lowest vaccination rate. High fives!! The fruits of leftwing labor.