
Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
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Just lead your best life. You cant stop COVID! It'll GET CHA!!!!!!!! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!

Oh yea, and if you wanna stop that dog from pissin on your yard, put up a chain link fence cause that stops most piss! LOLZ!


Domestically feral
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United states
Kids are gonna be pulling their masks down to their chins, by grabbing the front right where their nose is(introducing whatever microbes are on their fingers directly to their mucus membranes)....licking or spitting on their hand, and smacking other kids with their mucus hand yelling "corona touch!!" and squealing with laughter.

Because they are fucking kids.

You guys are demanding the government place a risky burden onto children that is unrealistic and will do MOREvto pass around germs than it ever will mitigate in those circumstances. These are KIDS. They dont have a high risk of getting sick from Covid. So now let's have them grabbing on their faces all day to make SURE they get sick.

It would be better to have teachers get vaccinated, make sure classrooms are disinfected and stop being lazy on handwashing. Because Americans are horrible with handwashing.... and that is the most effective way to control spread.

You just got people grabbing on their face with nasty hands on their cloth placebo on socail media openly saying "I was so careful! I still got sick!" when they likely would have been fine had they wore a proper mask, not contaminated cloth placebo comfort masks and washed their hands properly instead of just wearing layers of sanitizer over filth.
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Factory Bastard
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COVID aint no different than when evil privileged whitey brought his white diseases to dem injuns. The injuns didnt have any childhood immunity so the poor ol injuns dieded. We'll get over this.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Study cited in article

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No one ever said they were 100% effective. They reduce the spread of infection. They are only part of risk reduction strategies that handwashing and social distancing. Vaccination is now part of risk reduction as well.
A plastic bag wrapped tightly around your head. If you don't pass out you're not doing it correctly

It's the only way to be 100% sure.

yer welcome


Domestically feral
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United states
COVID aint no different than when evil privileged whitey brought his white diseases to dem injuns. The injuns didnt have any childhood immunity so the poor ol injuns dieded. We'll get over this.

It's just gross really. If medical professionals like nurses, doctors, emts, techs et were using ppe the way the public is using it? Cloth shitty contaminated masks and not washing hands right?

We would have a much higher mortality rate from nosocomial infections.

But yeah let's extend this delusion that the cloth shit is working and force it on little kids who really do not care about this virus and are not gonna take this seriously enough to safely use masks. Put germy cloth across their face all day and have them breathing in their mucus and everything they get on their hands and rub it all in their nose and eyes.

Its nothing but partisan politics and one side wanting everyone to do what they want them to do. Its not about health or the pandemic. Its narcissism.

People who care are reasonable and realistic and want to use methods that will work best. This country will never unite enough to work it's just better to go the route where people mind their own fucking business and worry about themselves.


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Domestically feral
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United states
Look at this shit.

Is there a "right way" to wear a mask?
Yes. Place the mask securely over the mouth and nose and stretch it from ear to ear. It should fit snugly along the sides of the face without any gaps. It can be held on with ear loops or ties. Remember to wash hands before and after wearing it and avoid touching it once it's on. When back home, avoid touching the front of the face mask by taking it off from behind.

Wash and completely dry cloth face masks after each wearing.

Note: Face masks should not be worn when eating or drinking. Also, make sure the mask has no choking or strangulation hazards for young children."

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Right there in the guidelines its explained you should NOT be touching it.

And anyone who thinks children are going to NOT grab all over it, touch it, scratch it, pull it down....fuck TRADE them.. while at school all day is completely delusional.

This entire measure RELIES on proper use. And cloth is a terrible material to use for this as it is.

All this is going to do is make a bunch of kids fucking sick because they are absolutely going to contaminate their masks. They should never be expected to cope with this better than the dumb fuck adults I see in the store grabbing their cloth masks right by the nose and mouth.

How do you left wingers benefit from this? What sort of reward are you feeling by pushing something so unrealistic? Can you explain that please?

When kids start getting sick THEN will you realize the masks are doing more harm then good in a school setting? Or will you just yell about whoever the governor is or ignore it all together?

Fuck. Americans shouldn't be so unempathetic and controlling.

My own 5 year old cannot help herself touching it JUST on a grocery trip. She isnt even doing it consciously. It's a thing on her face. I won't even put it on her anymore because it's too stressful. Shes safer without it. Period. I'm not having my kid get sick because democrats are controlling fucking assholes that care about compliance and politics over safety.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Look at this shit.

Is there a "right way" to wear a mask?
Yes. Place the mask securely over the mouth and nose and stretch it from ear to ear. It should fit snugly along the sides of the face without any gaps. It can be held on with ear loops or ties. Remember to wash hands before and after wearing it and avoid touching it once it's on. When back home, avoid touching the front of the face mask by taking it off from behind.

Wash and completely dry cloth face masks after each wearing.

Note: Face masks should not be worn when eating or drinking. Also, make sure the mask has no choking or strangulation hazards for young children."

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Right there in the guidelines its explained you should NOT be touching it.

And anyone who thinks children are going to NOT grab all over it, touch it, scratch it, pull it down....fuck TRADE them.. while at school all day is completely delusional.

This entire measure RELIES on proper use. And cloth is a terrible material to use for this as it is.

All this is going to do is make a bunch of kids fucking sick because they are absolutely going to contaminate their masks. They should never be expected to cope with this better than the dumb fuck adults I see in the store grabbing their cloth masks right by the nose and mouth.

How do you left wingers benefit from this? What sort of reward are you feeling by pushing something so unrealistic? Can you explain that please?

When kids start getting sick THEN will you realize the masks are doing more harm then good in a school setting? Or will you just yell about whoever the governor is or ignore it all together?

Fuck. Americans shouldn't be so unempathetic and controlling.

Canada just made vaccinations for all Federal employees manditory


Domestically feral
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United states
Look at this shit.

Is there a "right way" to wear a mask?
Yes. Place the mask securely over the mouth and nose and stretch it from ear to ear. It should fit snugly along the sides of the face without any gaps. It can be held on with ear loops or ties. Remember to wash hands before and after wearing it and avoid touching it once it's on. When back home, avoid touching the front of the face mask by taking it off from behind.

Wash and completely dry cloth face masks after each wearing.

Note: Face masks should not be worn when eating or drinking. Also, make sure the mask has no choking or strangulation hazards for young children."

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Right there in the guidelines its explained you should NOT be touching it.

And anyone who thinks children are going to NOT grab all over it, touch it, scratch it, pull it down....fuck TRADE them.. while at school all day is completely delusional.

This entire measure RELIES on proper use. And cloth is a terrible material to use for this as it is.

All this is going to do is make a bunch of kids fucking sick because they are absolutely going to contaminate their masks. They should never be expected to cope with this better than the dumb fuck adults I see in the store grabbing their cloth masks right by the nose and mouth.

How do you left wingers benefit from this? What sort of reward are you feeling by pushing something so unrealistic? Can you explain that please?

When kids start getting sick THEN will you realize the masks are doing more harm then good in a school setting? Or will you just yell about whoever the governor is or ignore it all together?

Fuck. Americans shouldn't be so unempathetic and controlling.

Canada just made vaccinations for all Federal employees manditory

Why federal employees?

Do they work with medically vulnerable people or children?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Look at this shit.

Is there a "right way" to wear a mask?
Yes. Place the mask securely over the mouth and nose and stretch it from ear to ear. It should fit snugly along the sides of the face without any gaps. It can be held on with ear loops or ties. Remember to wash hands before and after wearing it and avoid touching it once it's on. When back home, avoid touching the front of the face mask by taking it off from behind.

Wash and completely dry cloth face masks after each wearing.

Note: Face masks should not be worn when eating or drinking. Also, make sure the mask has no choking or strangulation hazards for young children."

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Right there in the guidelines its explained you should NOT be touching it.

And anyone who thinks children are going to NOT grab all over it, touch it, scratch it, pull it down....fuck TRADE them.. while at school all day is completely delusional.

This entire measure RELIES on proper use. And cloth is a terrible material to use for this as it is.

All this is going to do is make a bunch of kids fucking sick because they are absolutely going to contaminate their masks. They should never be expected to cope with this better than the dumb fuck adults I see in the store grabbing their cloth masks right by the nose and mouth.

How do you left wingers benefit from this? What sort of reward are you feeling by pushing something so unrealistic? Can you explain that please?

When kids start getting sick THEN will you realize the masks are doing more harm then good in a school setting? Or will you just yell about whoever the governor is or ignore it all together?

Fuck. Americans shouldn't be so unempathetic and controlling.

Canada just made vaccinations for all Federal employees manditory

Why federal employees?

Do they work with medically vulnerable people or children?

Their agenda is that they deal with the public so the government says vaccine or no job


Domestically feral
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United states
Expecting elementary students to properly masks is more futile than expecting poor people to wear condoms.


Factory Bastard
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How about this? Sorry fools. Masks work

Masks work in so far it prevents spit droplets from infected people from being sprayed as far. That is it. Wearing a mask will not prevent a non-infected person from getting infected (assuming they are not using an N95 mask which is only fully effective for around 30 minutes or less as the moisture in your breath wets the paper fiber).

I think it is important that people understand the limitations of these things.


Factory Bastard
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How about this? Sorry fools. Masks work
How, when the pores are 50X larger than the virus?

It reduces but does not stop virus shedding. If you are in an enclosed area with them for an extended period then you are likely to still get it. It does decrease droplet spread but aerosalized viruses will travel through it just at a slower rate.


Factory Bastard
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So far, its about YOUR OPINION. I’m more about facts and science.
I’m sorry Dovey. I think you’re wrong. Being wrong could be deadly.

I'm not though.

It's a huge part of my job to understand the proper use of ppe. And what people are doing is NOT proper. In fact wearing contaminated cloth on your face not only doesnt mitigate infection spread its probably getting people sick.

These are little children. They should not be expected to sit with masks on....and improper masks btw. They are going to be grabbing them all day and trading them with other kids

And what's worse I bet you anything when little start getting deathly sick it will be ignored because it will make mandates look like the shit idea they are.

I'm not sending mine. I'm not even going to watch this and my baby isnt going anywhere NEAR this.

Did you watch the video posted earlier where an epidemiologist went over three NIH studies on this topic? I think you should.


Domestically feral
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United states
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How about this? Sorry fools. Masks work

Masks work in so far it prevents spit droplets from infected people from being sprayed as far. That is it. Wearing a mask will not prevent a non-infected person from getting infected (assuming they are not using an N95 mask which is only fully effective for around 30 minutes or less as the moisture in your breath wets the paper fiber).

I think it is important that people understand the limitations of these things.

Its VERY important that people understand the limitations and proper use. But alas. Its "mUh pOliTicS!" now and they are so stuck on this "leftwing smart! Leftwing sCiEnCe!"....right wing dumb....der hur Trumptards stoopidz!!"

It's actually dangerous putting them on kids at school or wearing them thinking you are protected but what the fuck ever. I'm opting out of public school so at least my baby wont end up sick.

It's just too much stress. I'd be freaking out every fucking day that shes rubbing germs all over her face and trading masks with other kids. Because you KNOW they are going to. There is not nearly enough supervision.

Just a mess. People are arrogant to the point of heartless stupidity.


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How about this? Sorry fools. Masks work

Masks work in so far it prevents spit droplets from infected people from being sprayed as far. That is it. Wearing a mask will not prevent a non-infected person from getting infected (assuming they are not using an N95 mask which is only fully effective for around 30 minutes or less as the moisture in your breath wets the paper fiber).

I think it is important that people understand the limitations of these things.



Factory Bastard
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Meanwhile, here in the COVID capital of the multiverse emergency room wait times are still under 3 minutes

Now I'm convinced Santa and his reindeer are lending a hand transporting the never ending tsumai of COVID patients unto the roof top of the hospital via his sled. Makes sense.

Florida had to start a whole new industry of mobile morgues.

It's a brand spanking new thing that has never been done before! Now that there is maybe 50 more annual deaths in the state a florida this year....its the first time anyone ever needed a mobile morgue unit.
So I spoke with my son in law and learned all this emergency ventilator stuff is bullshit too. Florida ALREADY has their own stockpile of vents. BTW, he had to put another fully vaccinated person in the ICU recently.

Were they vaccinated with Pfizer?


Factory Bastard
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Study cited in article

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No one ever said they were 100% effective. They reduce the spread of infection. They are only part of risk reduction strategies that handwashing and social distancing. Vaccination is now part of risk reduction as well.
No Oak, don't you get it, not 100% means 0%!

Oh just wait until we have 5 year olds in the hospital because they were grabbing on their mucusy cloth masks shoving microbes up their nose and in their eyes. And trading masks. And pulling them down.

Adults dont even do this right, but little children are totally going to do it right.

I certainly agree that little kids are probably the least likely to use them properly.


Factory Bastard
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How about this? Sorry fools. Masks work
How, when the pores are 50X larger than the virus?

It reduces but does not stop virus shedding. If you are in an enclosed area with them for an extended period then you are likely to still get it. It does decrease droplet spread but aerosalized viruses will travel through it just at a slower rate.
I wore a mask to my eye doc today. Much of my exhaled breath caused fog on my glasses. I suppose if I had any virus, it would dry between breaths and the next one would send virus everywhere.