Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Factory Bastard
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Australia's capital has seen panic buying as the government orders snap lockdowns.



Domestically feral
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United states
Masks only work to MITIGATE (not prevent) if they are used properly and that means a procedural mask. A fresh one frequently. These cloth masks being worn all day and people grabbing on them isnt doing anything BUT probably helping people get sick.

Putting masks on little children all day is a VERY BAD idea. They are absolutely NOT going to sit there and keep their germy hands off them. These are little children.... not short adults, and adults are not even doing it right.

Put them on kids and you are going to see children getting VERY sick with a variant of nasty shit like Hand Foot and Mouth, Flu, stomach viruses and yeah.....Covid.

They WILL be grabbing their masks. Rubbing microbes all over their faces. Sitting with their mucus pressed on their airways. They are gonna pull them down behind staffs back(by grabbing the front.. so everything on their hands will be shoved right in their mucus membranes). They will trade masks with other kids.

Who the fuck thinks the government mandating this on little children is a good idea really?

I'm not even sending mine to school. I cannot get her to safely wear a mask during a grocery store trip.....I'm not sending her to get sick by force because adults have lost their fucking minds and just want everyone to obey with some covid status quo that will do more harm than good. Nope. I'm not putting her at that risk level.

Masks do not stop infection. They just mitigate spread... that's it. And it only works if it's done properly. What people are doing with cloth is all for SHOW. That's why its spreading like it is. It's not the few people not wearing them. It's people wearing cloth and grabbing on it touching their face. Cloth is stupid enough.....but people are contaminating their masks and wearing it. Wearing contaminated cloth and deluded themselves that they are somehow protected. You NEVER see nurses and doctors with cloth masks......that wouldnt even allowed because cloth is a breeding ground for germs. You get germs all over your clothes...its worse as a mask.

Now we want kids to have contaminated crap on their face ALL DAY and give them more reason to shove their germy hands all over their noses and eyes.

Can we NOT? This is absolutely an idea is carrying more risk than benefit. In fact....its all risk and no benefit. But let's keep sacrificing kids at the alter of partisanship. If this was treated honestly then it has to admitted these mask mandates havent done shit but help the spread and God forbid democrats look bad or admit fault. Health and safety of children must be secondary I guess.

Anyone who expects their kindergartener to go to a germ factory like school with that shit on their face is an asshole idiot. And irresponsible. Point blank. Show more care for your kids. Keep them home if you are that off the edge where you cannot make reasonable decisions.

And people out there screeching things like "if you think a mask is uncomfortable, try a vent" need therapy for PTSD.
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Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Masks only work to MITIGATE (not prevent) if they are used properly and that means a procedural mask. A fresh one frequently. These cloth masks being worn all day and people grabbing on them isnt doing anything BUT probably helping people get sick.

Putting masks on little children all day is a VERY BAD idea. They are absolutely NOT going to sit there and keep their germy hands off them. These are little children.... not short adults, and adults are not even doing it right.

Put them on kids and you are going to see children getting VERY sick with a variant of nasty shit like Hand Foot and Mouth, Flu, stomach viruses and yeah.....Covid.

They WILL be grabbing their masks. Rubbing microbes all over their faces. Sitting with their mucus pressed on their airways. They are gonna pull them down behind staffs back(by grabbing the front.. so everything on their hands will be shoved right in their mucus membranes). They will trade masks with other kids.

Who the fuck thinks the government mandating this on little children is a good idea really?

I'm not even sending mine to school. I cannot get her to safely wear a mask during a grocery store trip.....I'm not sending her to get sick by force because adults have lost their fucking minds and just want everyone to obey with some covid status quo that will do more harm than good. Nope. I'm not putting her at that risk level.

Masks do not stop infection. They just mitigate spread... that's it. And it only works if it's done properly. What people are doing with cloth is all for SHOW. That's why its spreading like it is. It's not the few people not wearing them. It's people wearing cloth and grabbing on it touching their face. Cloth is stupid enough.....but people are contaminating their masks and wearing it. Wearing contaminated cloth and deluded themselves that they are somehow protected. You NEVER see nurses and doctors with cloth masks......that wouldnt even allowed because cloth is a breeding ground for germs. You get germs all over your clothes...its worse as a mask.

Now we want kids to have contaminated crap on their face ALL DAY and give them more reason to shove their germy hands all over their noses and eyes.

Can we NOT? This is absolutely an idea is carrying more risk than benefit. In fact....its all risk and no benefit. But let's keep sacrificing kids at the alter of partisanship. If this was treated honestly then it has to admitted these mask mandates havent done shit but help the spread and God forbid democrats look bad or admit fault. Health and safety of children must be secondary I guess.

Anyone who expects their kindergartener to go to a germ factory like school with that shit on their face is an asshole idiot. And irresponsible. Point blank. Show more care for your kids. Keep them homw if you are that off the edge where you cannot make reasonable decisions.
The adults are mostly using masks to prevent on the spot fines...a good amount of kids aren’t bothering to wear masks and nobody is actually saying much about it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I’m sorry Dovey. I think you’re wrong. Being wrong could be deadly.

I'm not though.

It's a huge part of my job to understand the proper use of ppe. And what people are doing is NOT proper. In fact wearing contaminated cloth on your face not only doesnt mitigate infection spread its probably getting people sick.

These are little children. They should not be expected to sit with masks on....and improper masks btw. They are going to be grabbing them all day and trading them with other kids

And what's worse I bet you anything when little start getting deathly sick it will be ignored because it will make mandates look like the shit idea they are.

I'm not sending mine. I'm not even going to watch this and my baby isnt going anywhere NEAR this.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Masks only work to MITIGATE (not prevent) if they are used properly and that means a procedural mask. A fresh one frequently. These cloth masks being worn all day and people grabbing on them isnt doing anything BUT probably helping people get sick.

Putting masks on little children all day is a VERY BAD idea. They are absolutely NOT going to sit there and keep their germy hands off them. These are little children.... not short adults, and adults are not even doing it right.

Put them on kids and you are going to see children getting VERY sick with a variant of nasty shit like Hand Foot and Mouth, Flu, stomach viruses and yeah.....Covid.

They WILL be grabbing their masks. Rubbing microbes all over their faces. Sitting with their mucus pressed on their airways. They are gonna pull them down behind staffs back(by grabbing the front.. so everything on their hands will be shoved right in their mucus membranes). They will trade masks with other kids.

Who the fuck thinks the government mandating this on little children is a good idea really?

I'm not even sending mine to school. I cannot get her to safely wear a mask during a grocery store trip.....I'm not sending her to get sick by force because adults have lost their fucking minds and just want everyone to obey with some covid status quo that will do more harm than good. Nope. I'm not putting her at that risk level.

Masks do not stop infection. They just mitigate spread... that's it. And it only works if it's done properly. What people are doing with cloth is all for SHOW. That's why its spreading like it is. It's not the few people not wearing them. It's people wearing cloth and grabbing on it touching their face. Cloth is stupid enough.....but people are contaminating their masks and wearing it. Wearing contaminated cloth and deluded themselves that they are somehow protected. You NEVER see nurses and doctors with cloth masks......that wouldnt even allowed because cloth is a breeding ground for germs. You get germs all over your clothes...its worse as a mask.

Now we want kids to have contaminated crap on their face ALL DAY and give them more reason to shove their germy hands all over their noses and eyes.

Can we NOT? This is absolutely an idea is carrying more risk than benefit. In fact....its all risk and no benefit. But let's keep sacrificing kids at the alter of partisanship. If this was treated honestly then it has to admitted these mask mandates havent done shit but help the spread and God forbid democrats look bad or admit fault. Health and safety of children must be secondary I guess.

Anyone who expects their kindergartener to go to a germ factory like school with that shit on their face is an asshole idiot. And irresponsible. Point blank. Show more care for your kids. Keep them homw if you are that off the edge where you cannot make reasonable decisions.
The adults are mostly using masks to prevent on the spot fines...a good amount of kids aren’t bothering to wear masks and nobody is actually saying much about it.

They are mandating them for little children here.

Its delusional and its directly putting children in harm's way.

It's one thing when it's just adults being stupid or having this anxiety ritual with psuedoppe....but forcing little kids is REVOLTING.

They have less risk of getting Covid as it is.. pushing masks is just basically guaranteeing children get ill.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
So far, its about YOUR OPINION. I’m more about facts and science.
I’m sorry Dovey. I think you’re wrong. Being wrong could be deadly.

I'm not though.

It's a huge part of my job to understand the proper use of ppe. And what people are doing is NOT proper. In fact wearing contaminated cloth on your face not only doesnt mitigate infection spread its probably getting people sick.

These are little children. They should not be expected to sit with masks on....and improper masks btw. They are going to be grabbing them all day and trading them with other kids

And what's worse I bet you anything when little start getting deathly sick it will be ignored because it will make mandates look like the shit idea they are.

I'm not sending mine. I'm not even going to watch this and my baby isnt going anywhere NEAR this.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So far, its about YOUR OPINION. I’m more about facts and science.
I’m sorry Dovey. I think you’re wrong. Being wrong could be deadly.

I'm not though.

It's a huge part of my job to understand the proper use of ppe. And what people are doing is NOT proper. In fact wearing contaminated cloth on your face not only doesnt mitigate infection spread its probably getting people sick.

These are little children. They should not be expected to sit with masks on....and improper masks btw. They are going to be grabbing them all day and trading them with other kids

And what's worse I bet you anything when little start getting deathly sick it will be ignored because it will make mandates look like the shit idea they are.

I'm not sending mine. I'm not even going to watch this and my baby isnt going anywhere NEAR this.

I have state liscence and certifications that say its NOT my opinion.

And yeah....I'm pulling my authority on this one. I worked bedside with infectious disease and used PPE....properly, all fucking DAY. I HAVE to know how to properly use it.

Ya'll are not even putting the CONTAMINATED cloth placebo at best ON and OFF correctly.

If I had gone into a patients room with cloth on my face that I had handled? I would have lost my job. Possibly my certifications.

For the mask to even mitigate(that's all they do....mitigate.. and only if everyone is using them properly), you need a fresh procedural mask every 15(maybe 30) minutes and you CANT touch the mask part. You need to touch it by the straps.

You know I'm right. Infectious disease requires a level of caution you need to be trained in. Microbes contaminate cloth and surfaces FAST and all it takes is brushing a contaminated finger across something.

These cloth masks are breeding grounds.

This is going to make children very sick with more than a Covid. It pretty much guarantees if they come into contact with Corona they are going to get a symptomatic cases. They'll be shoving it right into their mucus membranes.

You dont want to think politics are more important than kids but here we are. Adults have lost their minds and the fact is kids are gonna suffer because of it. Again.

And Fauci KNOWS this. But they wanna look like they have a plan....the truth is without an effective vaccine there isnt fuck all that can be done. It's all putting a band aid on a gunshot wound.

The best thing to do with children in school? The teachers buck up and get vaccinated. Disinfect the classrooms a few times daily and have kids wash their hands frequently. That's the BEST bet.

Putting masks on them....especailly just going to encourage the spread of not just covid but all kinds of childhood illness. Hand Foot and Mouth. Flu. Yuck!

People have turned the mask into what we call "comfort ritual". It provides a false sense of security and a feeling of control during a time where our world feels out of control. That's it.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My posts are posting twice wtf lol
Here’s some comic relief... :LOL3:

You see how he is handling the part that covers the nose and mouth?

Yeah that's contamination. And its cloth. Germs love cloth... that's why medical care providers wear disposable gowns when dealing with infectious we dont carry viruses and bacterias room to room.

And even with all the care going into that? People still get nosocomial infection.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
My posts are posting twice wtf lol
Here’s some comic relief... :LOL3:

You see how he is handling the part that covers the nose and mouth?

Yeah that's contamination. And its cloth. Germs love cloth... that's why medical care providers wear disposable gowns when dealing with infectious we dont carry viruses and bacterias room to room.

And even with all the care going into that? People still get nosocomial infection.

Listen to the minister of health talking about spreading Covid passing around the Zol...marijuana hahahahahahaa...funny as fuck, and someone turned it into a song.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"It also makes me feel good, calm, and clear. And, according to research, those good feelings may come in part because of the sense of control the ritual provides in my life.

We humans tend to like this illusion that we can control outcomes or take charge in difficult situations and that might be one reason why rituals comfort us during times of stress, or grief and connect us during times of celebration. But, they can also help you become more aware and engaged in the every-day moments of life."

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That's all people are doing with masks right now.

Do we REALLY want the government to MANDATE this upon little children who are going to be touching their face VASTLY more often? It's like handing them their very own petri dish to play with all day. Seriously.

People can do what they want I guess but I'm not sending mine. I have successfully protected my Squish through this so effectively she didnt even get sick when i had it. I'm not sending her somewhere where her health and safety is so disregarded so adults can feel better.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
