Florida COVID Infections Increasing according to Medical Authorities there


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
My doc says this will all blow over in about 8 weeks. We'll see if he's right.

Didnt fatso say the same thing?
So my libtarded doc that tried to talk me into the jab this week IS a liar! Glad I made the right call and refused it!

I think you should take up smoking if you don't, don't start using seat belts, don't get vaccinated and make sure to ignore all other preventive behavior.

They're nothing more than obstacles to your freeDUMB
I also own an $80K American Sports car that I regularly street race. It'll do 200MPH. Now I do wear my belt when I'm illegally street racing because bumps at high speed can make it difficult to steer. I usually go through 2 sets of rear tires a year and they're about $500 each. Of course I buy them from an out of state source.

I don't care. You're still a bald motherfucker. Blech.
LOL! I bet my Komodo Grill is worth more than your car tho! :LOL3:

That's nice.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Seven day total of clvid deaths in Florida is 62 or 7.75 per day. Up slightly but still very near the lowest point in the last year. Infections don't really matter so much as deaths and deaths remain low. Still mostly unvaccinated, still mostly people over 65, and still mostly people with multiple pre-existing conditions.

Also, the argument about new variants isn't very persuasive once you realize their are over eight billion people in the world 90%+ haven't had the jab. Qe're going to have variants every six months to a year world wide forever from now on. I still urge people to vax but really the only ones at risk are the unvaxxed so the people who are already vaxxed should chill out with the irrational panicking nonsense.

Long haulers sickness matters though. You don't have any data on that.

What percentage are long haulers? Very, very, very few. If you are super concerned wash your hands regularly and social distance. The mask, unless it is a fresh new n95, doesn't protect you from getting it. It does marginally help prevent symptomatic people from spreading it as fast. If you are stuck in an in closed space with then for any length of time you'll likely still get exposed. So really just washing your hands, not touching your face, and social distancing while trusting in your immunity is all you can really do.

I am a long hauler, and no matter the percentages, let me tell you, it fucking sucks.

I was left with asthma. I get asthma attacks now.....never ever happened before covid but it started when I had it and it still happens now over a month later.

I have a friend who got a pretty bad case, she wasnt hospitalized but she was sick in bed for two weeks and she has severe long haul issues. She almost died twice from long Covid complications.

Thankfully the majority are not serious.....but those serious ones and the long haul are no joke.

Did you get that metalic....chemical like taste in the back of your mouth? I know a lot of people were complaining about that. I just straight up couldnt taste anything for a month.

I didn't get COVID, got the first jab of the vaccine, but I still have these odd side effects from it.
Left hand/arm still swollen. Still gotta wonky left knee, tho these symptoms are starting to subside a bit.
So if COVID doesn't gitcha the vaccine will, Dovey!

I hope they come with a safer alternative to mRNA vaccines soon
I'd ditch them as soon as I could.
And I think Pfizer & Moderna know that everyone else would too.

That's why they're pushing booster shots on the population so soon.
Make their money while they can.

Milk it for all its worth.

How is it that you are attributing your symptoms to the vaccine? Is a "wonky knee" a common symptom of vaccination?


Factory Bastard
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Sorry Ladies and Germs, I'm trying to catch up on my meme commitments to the forum, bare with me.
I dont understand why we dont just execute all libs. If we did, AIDS wouldnt even exist ITFP!


Domestically feral
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

Isnt the exploitation of dead people disgusting?

You dont see media reports about that man or woman who was going off online or everyday life who died with headlines like "Man who always wore his mask and preached about how everyone should just "mask up" dies of Covid 19" even though we KNOW it happens.

They totally use people, even in death, to push the narratives.

I guess as long as you die doing exactly what the government wants, you are fine. But if you die making your own choices or questioning anything or acting in a human way rather than robotic unquestioning obedience....the parties propaganda arm will make an example of you.

And their readers dont care how nasty and ugly it is. They probably love it.

Really we should start doing it back. There are SO MANY posts in Covid survivor groups of people saying they did everything the government said and still got deathly ill.....or a friend or loved one died from it and they are shocked because their loved one did everything they were supposed to do.

The left wing covidians do not care about deaths. They care about control. And they like examples of people who they assume didnt take the ordered precautions or those caught saying things contrary to the decided narrative because it gives them a sense of smug superiority AND a feeling of control.

I bet you for every one story of someone out of line with the narrative getting Covid and dying there are at least 4 people who obeyed and thumped the narrative who died.

But these people want to stay in their small little bubble where they have it all figured out and they have a degree of manufactured control within the marketed narrative they gobble up.


Factory Bastard
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Sorry Ladies and Germs, I'm trying to catch up on my meme commitments to the forum, bare with me.
I dont understand why we dont just execute all libs. If we did, AIDS wouldnt even exist ITFP!
I still say AIDS was a huge disappointment.

I mean, a virus that targeted homosexuals, hobos, losers, drug addicts and general deviants?

who could have asked for more?


Domestically feral
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United states

Sorry Ladies and Germs, I'm trying to catch up on my meme commitments to the forum, bare with me.
I dont understand why we dont just execute all libs. If we did, AIDS wouldnt even exist ITFP!
I still say AIDS was a huge disappointment.

I mean, a virus that targeted homosexuals, hobos, losers, drug addicts and general deviants?

who could have asked for more?

Fauci actually said it was airborne back in the day. Lmao.

He has always been a pompous fuck up.


Factory Bastard
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Sorry Ladies and Germs, I'm trying to catch up on my meme commitments to the forum, bare with me.
I dont understand why we dont just execute all libs. If we did, AIDS wouldnt even exist ITFP!
I still say AIDS was a huge disappointment.

I mean, a virus that targeted homosexuals, hobos, losers, drug addicts and general deviants?

who could have asked for more?
Dont worry dude. I guarantee you AIDS 2.0 will arrive. When me and the fam are watching TV and any of them fag medicine commercials come on, I yell out "If we killed all you faggits, we wouldnt need this medicine!". My kids LOL and nod their heads.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?


Factory Bastard
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Seven day total of clvid deaths in Florida is 62 or 7.75 per day. Up slightly but still very near the lowest point in the last year. Infections don't really matter so much as deaths and deaths remain low. Still mostly unvaccinated, still mostly people over 65, and still mostly people with multiple pre-existing conditions.

Also, the argument about new variants isn't very persuasive once you realize their are over eight billion people in the world 90%+ haven't had the jab. Qe're going to have variants every six months to a year world wide forever from now on. I still urge people to vax but really the only ones at risk are the unvaxxed so the people who are already vaxxed should chill out with the irrational panicking nonsense.

Long haulers sickness matters though. You don't have any data on that.

What percentage are long haulers? Very, very, very few. If you are super concerned wash your hands regularly and social distance. The mask, unless it is a fresh new n95, doesn't protect you from getting it. It does marginally help prevent symptomatic people from spreading it as fast. If you are stuck in an in closed space with then for any length of time you'll likely still get exposed. So really just washing your hands, not touching your face, and social distancing while trusting in your immunity is all you can really do.

I am a long hauler, and no matter the percentages, let me tell you, it fucking sucks.

I was left with asthma. I get asthma attacks now.....never ever happened before covid but it started when I had it and it still happens now over a month later.

I have a friend who got a pretty bad case, she wasnt hospitalized but she was sick in bed for two weeks and she has severe long haul issues. She almost died twice from long Covid complications.

Thankfully the majority are not serious.....but those serious ones and the long haul are no joke.

Did you get that metalic....chemical like taste in the back of your mouth? I know a lot of people were complaining about that. I just straight up couldnt taste anything for a month.

I didn't get COVID, got the first jab of the vaccine, but I still have these odd side effects from it.
Left hand/arm still swollen. Still gotta wonky left knee, tho these symptoms are starting to subside a bit.
So if COVID doesn't gitcha the vaccine will, Dovey!

I hope they come with a safer alternative to mRNA vaccines soon
I'd ditch them as soon as I could.
And I think Pfizer & Moderna know that everyone else would too.

That's why they're pushing booster shots on the population so soon.
Make their money while they can.

Milk it for all its worth.

How is it that you are attributing your symptoms to the vaccine? Is a "wonky knee" a common symptom of vaccination?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.


Factory Bastard
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?
Has the estate filed suit against your sil, yet?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?


Factory Bastard
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.
Not to worry, I haven't had confidence in the GOP since Raygun.


Factory Bastard
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.
Not to worry, I haven't had confidence in the GOP since Raygun.
Not to worry, nobody here thinks you have an IQ higher than an ashtray.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.
Not to worry, I haven't had confidence in the GOP since Raygun.
Not to worry, nobody here thinks you have an IQ higher than an ashtray.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.
Not to worry, I haven't had confidence in the GOP since Raygun.
You’ve had a lot of confidence in strange cock tho


Domestically feral
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United states
Seven day total of clvid deaths in Florida is 62 or 7.75 per day. Up slightly but still very near the lowest point in the last year. Infections don't really matter so much as deaths and deaths remain low. Still mostly unvaccinated, still mostly people over 65, and still mostly people with multiple pre-existing conditions.

Also, the argument about new variants isn't very persuasive once you realize their are over eight billion people in the world 90%+ haven't had the jab. Qe're going to have variants every six months to a year world wide forever from now on. I still urge people to vax but really the only ones at risk are the unvaxxed so the people who are already vaxxed should chill out with the irrational panicking nonsense.

Long haulers sickness matters though. You don't have any data on that.

What percentage are long haulers? Very, very, very few. If you are super concerned wash your hands regularly and social distance. The mask, unless it is a fresh new n95, doesn't protect you from getting it. It does marginally help prevent symptomatic people from spreading it as fast. If you are stuck in an in closed space with then for any length of time you'll likely still get exposed. So really just washing your hands, not touching your face, and social distancing while trusting in your immunity is all you can really do.

I am a long hauler, and no matter the percentages, let me tell you, it fucking sucks.

I was left with asthma. I get asthma attacks now.....never ever happened before covid but it started when I had it and it still happens now over a month later.

I have a friend who got a pretty bad case, she wasnt hospitalized but she was sick in bed for two weeks and she has severe long haul issues. She almost died twice from long Covid complications.

Thankfully the majority are not serious.....but those serious ones and the long haul are no joke.

Did you get that metalic....chemical like taste in the back of your mouth? I know a lot of people were complaining about that. I just straight up couldnt taste anything for a month.

I didn't get COVID, got the first jab of the vaccine, but I still have these odd side effects from it.
Left hand/arm still swollen. Still gotta wonky left knee, tho these symptoms are starting to subside a bit.
So if COVID doesn't gitcha the vaccine will, Dovey!

I hope they come with a safer alternative to mRNA vaccines soon
I'd ditch them as soon as I could.
And I think Pfizer & Moderna know that everyone else would too.

That's why they're pushing booster shots on the population so soon.
Make their money while they can.

Milk it for all its worth.

How is it that you are attributing your symptoms to the vaccine? Is a "wonky knee" a common symptom of vaccination?

I like how you guys always focus on the fringe as some representative of everyone.

Feurstien is a known heretic. He has absolutely no credibility or influence on anyone outside of his cult.

He is not a representative of Christains OR anyone not left. (Since today, being right of Stalin gets you label "far right" or some variation of extremist)

Of course expecting you to be able to be fair or have any sort of grasp of opposing views is a fool's endeavor.

There are right wingers here who are not against the vaccine at all. Or masks. What we are against is government force.

Just because people like you are so programmed to view government as less representative of people and more like a parent(hence your offense at Desantis, and your simple minded criticism of his leadership). You dont understand the role of the American government. You guys vote and vote for the government to have more involvement in peoples lives.

To the extent where apparently you cant even be actively responsible for your own health. You need the government to order you to "mask up". And you dont even grasp what the purpose is and how it mitigates(not prevents) spreading.

And why should you, right? Your politicains and media and the words "experts" and "scientists" are enough for you. In your establishment cucked brain, your health is the responsibility of the government. And you extend that across the board.

Never mind your glorious overlords have allowed well over 7k infected immigrants into the country and cared them everywhere. It doesn't even exist if your leftwing media isnt telling you. Or wait.. .has leftard media admitted it yet and also claimed that isnt spreading it?

I'd bet you would unquestioningly believe that shit,, too.

A good many Americans do not need the government to instruct us on how to manage our health. SANE and thinking people do NOT trust the government. A large portion of the black population isnt going to get this shot and all you hyper partisan establishment shills are only causing a lot of them to double down.


Domestically feral
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United states
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.

If doctors came out with a petition to ask them to please shut the fuck up and stop so they can address concerns and fears, and help people feel more comfortable getting the vaccine.. these total cretins would ignore them and keep right on going. Making people less likely to get it and keeping them from even voicing their concerns. I happen to know 3 democrat voters who are terrified of the vaccine and afraid to talk about it because of how their "side" treats people.

So....they LIE and say they got it.

This is the toxic, hateful and counter productive atmosphere leftist bring to the table. Progressives have created such a hostile culture that people dont even want to TALK. I've watched these people eat their own.

I really cant imagine lashing out at people like that just over the slightest deviation of the chosen narrative. Especailly over something like this.

I really think they enjoy hatefulness.

No matter. The more radical and hostile they get, the more their "party" will shrink. They are best campaign for those of us who still value liberty and diversity.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Too physically fit for tiny virus*
Congrats! You found another .4%'er.

40% is a lot. That would be 36 million.

Do you mean 4%? That would be .04/. Even 4% is a bit number when it comes to death.
.4%. At least that was the last I heard. The goalpost has most assuredly moved since then.

.4 is 40%. Jesus Christ how is it possible that you don't know that?
.4% IS NOT 40% you stupid assed bitch. Grow a fukin brain FFS!

of 90 million unvaccinated. That's a lot of fucking people, moron.
Wait, you misread .4% for 40% and somehow I'M the moron? BWAAAAHAHAHA! PWN3D!

Hey, while you're off learning basic math, lemme know how many people would have died with the vax anyway. My son-in-law had someone die just the other day who was all vaxed up. A lot of good it did them. Also, how many are perma fuk'd from the jab?

Yes, I made a mistake. I was seeing .4, not .4%. That doesn't diminish the fact that .4% of a huge number is still a huge number, does it?
No, but it certainly diminishes the impact of you calling me a moron. On top of that, even that .4% is a number that cant be trusted. With all the bullshit we've been fed over the last 1.5 years, I'm not confident in anything from either side.

If doctors came out with a petition to ask them to please shut the fuck up and stop so they can address concerns and fears, and help people feel more comfortable getting the vaccine.. these total cretins would ignore them and keep right on going. Making people less likely to get it and keeping them from even voicing their concerns. I happen to know 3 democrat voters who are terrified of the vaccine and afraid to talk about it because of how their "side" treats people.

So....they LIE and say they got it.

This is the toxic, hateful and counter productive atmosphere leftist bring to the table. Progressives have created such a hostile culture that people dont even want to TALK. I've watched these people eat their own.

I really cant imagine lashing out at people like that just over the slightest deviation of the chosen narrative. Especailly over something like this.

I really think they enjoy hatefulness.
Admin really enjoys cock