Hey Biggie-Shit


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see

We know. You all do. You could have stopped there.

The rest is projection all of you REFUSE to see in yourselves but so quickly and sanctimoniously point out in others....but really is just a YOU problem.

I disagree hatred is easy. That's why I'm not left. I have a difficult time meeting the requirements of being perpetually angry, seething with hate and dehumanizing my opposition.

Sad it's easy for you. But it is what it is and there is clearly no reasoning to be had.

You talk about projection

Because I know it when I see Mr "Everything I don't like is from FOX!"

Check yourself.

You say dat lassie as if you actually believe it is not just Rupert Murdoch propaganda.

I believe she is a dedicated follower of the Marjorie Taylor Green ilk


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Another " WAH if you oppose my cult you must be a follower of people I hate because the Party told me to!!"

It's hard for you shills to imagine that people wouldnt naturally oppose your authoritarian beliefs and that they MUST be following someone like you guys do.

You guys do not have independent thoughts, will uncritically run with whatever your Ministry of Trutn tells you so you assume everyone is like that.


Factory Bastard
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

Because Communism and Fascism as we know them are both totalitarian forms, they are at the far left and far right ends of the line. However the line ain't linear, it's an arc and pretty much ends up as a circle with the two ends cozying up to each other. They don't join up, because the dividing issue is "who owns the means of production?" And at the end of the day, that's the only real difference.

Of course it is the closing argument in the same circle, the problem wiff the circle, is that it satellites and encompasses a lot more than extremism.

Is everyone in the US an extremist, is everyone in the UK an extremist in extremis post Brexit?

Of course not, but even the 30+ percent seem vocal enough in both countries to deny democracy and the rule of law I keep espousing.

So yes, it is categorically linear. You can plot one end to the other.

What fucked the US up was not a fucked up President who wasn't once capable of living up to the job, but why the job could so easily be marginalised by simple hate, a minority, and a constitution that failed its people. Two impeachments, while profiting from the Presidency, and still no ultimatum in criminal charges.

What does dat say aboot the rule o' law in the United States?

A lot, is my assertion.


Factory Bastard
Another " WAH if you oppose my cult you must be a follower of people I hate because the Party told me to!!"

It's hard for you shills to imagine that people wouldnt naturally oppose your authoritarian beliefs and that they MUST be following someone like you guys do.

It's only you and your cult like following that toe any party line.

You follow Trump, even when he is out of executive power and out of options.... who do I follow again?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Another " WAH if you oppose my cult you must be a follower of people I hate because the Party told me to!!"

It's hard for you shills to imagine that people wouldnt naturally oppose your authoritarian beliefs and that they MUST be following someone like you guys do.

You guys do not have independent thoughts, will uncritically run with whatever your Ministry of Trutn tells you so you assume everyone is like that.
Or perhaps it is because you cut and paste her current talking points. Hello?


Factory Bastard
France has just sentenced not that that long ago its former President to another year under house arrest. If only the Yanks had dat kinda courage as a democracy. Fuck me, Italy sent their top stinky finger fucker to the big hoose for what, 5 years?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I like how you fink you are a democracy, even in your hobbled version of it.

America isnt a democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic.

Only dems/progs think it's a democracy.

A pure democracy would be tyranny of the majority. I compare it to gang rape. The majority winning out over the minority.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH
Way to miss the point entirely, bimbo. The Declaration and the 2nd Amendment establish the right to military grade firearms for the purpose of overthrowing the federal government. Full auto machine guns are what the military has so those are covered under the 2nd Amendment by default. Therefore, all federal gun control laws are illegal.

Now scurry off back to your cum soaked mattress, tramp.

I must have missed the bit where they talked about bumped assault weapons in the 2nd Amendment. Of course you should be able to protect yourself, from a vote that you disagree with.

See where I am going wiff dis diss?
LOL! Dont tell me you're another tard that believes the founders only intended muskets for the people? Go ahead, I wont be surprised.

This ALWAYS cracks me up

I would rather take a bullet than a fucking musket LOL.

Got shot in the leg with a musket....your leg will be gone. Muskets blow craters into people lol.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH
Meanwhile you support felons like Blake, Huber and that pedophile Jew that was attempting to torpedo gas stations . You’re gonna have to forgive me when I tell you that you are completely full of dog shit


Factory Bastard
Oh Jesus, when the morons have to eradicate democracy with the hypocrisy of their own self worth as a nation, you know you are in trouble. Post 45 claims America was the greatest democracy on the planet, abounded. And why wouldn't they?

Post Jan 6th, America was never really a democracy, so what are you getting your panties in a bundle over.

Raskin told you why today, that America was a democracy yesterday and via the Republican Party will not be one tomorrow.

You fascists fuckers should at least attempt to keep up while refusing to even acknowledge why you are the laughing stock of the Western world.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Another " WAH if you oppose my cult you must be a follower of people I hate because the Party told me to!!"

It's hard for you shills to imagine that people wouldnt naturally oppose your authoritarian beliefs and that they MUST be following someone like you guys do.

You guys do not have independent thoughts, will uncritically run with whatever your Ministry of Trutn tells you so you assume everyone is like that.
Or perhaps it is because you cut and paste her current talking points. Hello?
Whereas you’d rather her cut and paste a cock into your wanting mouth wouldn’t you, fagboi


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH
Meanwhile you support felons like Blake, Huber and that pedophile Jew that was attempting to torpedo gas stations . You’re gonna have to forgive me when I tell you that you are completely full of dog shit

They ignore the facts of the Blake case to the point where they are just liars. They dont even look at the facts.


Factory Bastard
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH
Meanwhile you support felons like Blake, Huber and that pedophile Jew that was attempting to torpedo gas stations . You’re gonna have to forgive me when I tell you that you are completely full of dog shit

They ignore the facts of the Blake case to the point where they are just liars. They dont even look at the facts.

You should educate us, like you always never do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH
Meanwhile you support felons like Blake, Huber and that pedophile Jew that was attempting to torpedo gas stations . You’re gonna have to forgive me when I tell you that you are completely full of dog shit

They ignore the facts of the Blake case to the point where they are just liars. They dont even look at the facts.
And in doing so damage the credibility when real crimes are committed against black men like George Floyd and Eric Garner

fuck Jacob Blake


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh Jesus, when the morons have to eradicate democracy with the hypocrisy of their own self worth as a nation, you know you are in trouble. Post 45 claims America was the greatest democracy on the planet, abounded. And why wouldn't they?

Post Jan 6th, America was never really a democracy, so what are you getting your panties in a bundle over.

Raskin told you why today, that America was a democracy yesterday and via the Republican Party will not be one tomorrow.

You fascists fuckers should at least attempt to keep up while refusing to even acknowledge why you are the laughing stock of the Western world.

America was NEVER a democracy. Its always been a Constitutional Republic.

See how leftards dont even know what kind of country this is? Let alone how it works?

We have some democratic processes but we are a Constitutional Republic that honors and preserves rights and liberties of the individual. Here everyone gets a voice. No one has to be forced to live under a majority rule.

Its BETTER and superior to a democracy. If you think democracy is the bar....you've been brainwashed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH
Meanwhile you support felons like Blake, Huber and that pedophile Jew that was attempting to torpedo gas stations . You’re gonna have to forgive me when I tell you that you are completely full of dog shit

They ignore the facts of the Blake case to the point where they are just liars. They dont even look at the facts.

You should educate us, like you always never do.

Ignorance and arrogance make you unable to be educated.

You guys are willfully ignorant.


Factory Bastard
A republic unlike any other that conforms to that designation. A democracy as long as the minority can persuade the majority that elections are irrelevant. And then, we have Dovey claiming that is the natural cycle of a Republic that only Trump has ever tried to rule as a dictator.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Another " WAH if you oppose my cult you must be a follower of people I hate because the Party told me to!!"

It's hard for you shills to imagine that people wouldnt naturally oppose your authoritarian beliefs and that they MUST be following someone like you guys do.

It's only you and your cult like following that toe any party line.

You follow Trump, even when he is out of executive power and out of options.... who do I follow again?
Meanwhile you leftist slobs have him on your minds more than all of us combined

is it perhaps because you cannot find anything good to say about the current president that you so constantly have to bring up yesterday’s news?


Domestically feral
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United states
At BL myself and like 4 other people posted the second Blake video that showed he was fighting police, people posted his records to show why he had a warrant and proof that police were there to arrest him on the warrant.

NONE of it was even looked at. Dems/progs will just run thier mouth about why they are right and others are dumb racists and then announce how smart they are while completely ignoring facts.

It's like a party made of cluster b personality disorders blowing eachother and projecting thier defects on other people who do not buy into thier cult.


Factory Bastard
No, not you Dovey. America wasn't meant to be like this, wiff brown and black people in it, even though you killed 500,000 men women and children to prove just how racially inferior you are.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Your republic with the only written constitution outside Scotland in the 14th C, is not a democracy?

Did I fucking stutter?

Again....America is not a democracy. It is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. We have some democratic processes.....but we are a REPUBLIC.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No, not you Dovey. America wasn't meant to be like this, wiff brown and black people in it, even though you killed 500,000 men women and children to prove just how racially inferior you are.

You are completely delusional and brainwashed.

You people are a vile racist cult. Period.


Factory Bastard
The psychology of which you speak is meaningless, much like you, it depends on a viewing point. You have no point worth making, that's why you cannot seem to bring yourself to a conclusion that might mirror reality.


Factory Bastard
Your republic with the only written constitution outside Scotland in the 14th C, is not a democracy?

Did I fucking stutter?

Again....America is not a democracy. It is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. We have some democratic processes.....but we are a REPUBLIC.

Of course you stuttered, a constitutional democracy is a Republic. You have spent the last 250 years espousing dat.