Hey Biggie-Shit

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Looks don't matter on the internetz, ya fukin midget.

looks don't matter on the internet. Then goes on to call a 5' 9" guy a midget

Irony or agony?

You fine friends at BF decide :LOL3:

Stop lying!

In that homoerotic picture of you at a Greek Bath house, you are seen no taller than the fake marbled sink.

I do not understand why you zip around here on your crab shaped legs trying to Jedi Mind Trick us all into believing that you're taller than an average Chinese person?
Would you stop breathing so heavy if I said I'm 5' 8.79887" tall instead?

Can we a avoid your inevitable brain aneurysm by settling there, or will we have to witness you screeching like someone just clipped one of your butterfly wings off with a hacksaw for the next 20 years like we did with the 3.5K gift I gave to dovey

It shows just how tall your intelligence is. You are this alleged millionaire and all it takes is $3.5K to deep sex me? You run away, pretending you didn't see my little invite, because you don't have $3.5K.

Pretty sad when a rich person has to lie online about having wealth. Even sadder when said so millionaire is worried about his height on a forum full of losers.
Ok got me, I don't have 3,500.00

can you stop screaming bloody murder now?

So, why do you have to tell fairy tales of you having huge bank?
Because I'm 5' 8.7873" and really really really wished i were a whole 5' 9" ?

they have a medical procedure to make you taller… I learned all about it while I was “pouring coffee” aka practice antics that blew your divorce attorney away lol
Do they have a procedure to make you less of a miserable desperate lush?

asking for a friend


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.


Factory Bastard
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see one last blaring inconsistency in you Joo. That underneath that pro alt-right shite you do not have a modicum of decency left, just because you hate the left.

I always wondered, left of what. Decency, respect? Christ, I am positive we could not even agree what your understanding of left is in your country, while trolling mine.

If anyone is fumbling here Joo...it is, and always was you.

Hatred is easy. That's why the law is there to make us pay for what we only fink we can abscond wiff.

It never sat well wiff me what you continually posted, it just sounded off about what you boaked and boasted.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

you’re SOOO extra these days, mommy issues


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

It's really disgusting how much leftists empower and support criminals and how hard they work to disempower regular law abiding Americans.

They completely HATE that we can defend ourselves. They flat out oppose it.

And they have the audacity to disapprove of talk if civil war.

They want to remove and micromanage our Constitutional rights, they enable and minimize violent riots, they attack a kid who clearly shot to defend himself and they completely ignore the deaths caused by riots.

They want to centralize everything and use schools as a leftwing brainwashing center to squirt out more violent and racist activists.

And they think no one is going to rise up and blow back.

Completely insane. Why dont they just move to Cuba? Its thier dream government.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Looks don't matter on the internetz, ya fukin midget.

looks don't matter on the internet. Then goes on to call a 5' 9" guy a midget

Irony or agony?

You fine friends at BF decide :LOL3:

Stop lying!

In that homoerotic picture of you at a Greek Bath house, you are seen no taller than the fake marbled sink.

I do not understand why you zip around here on your crab shaped legs trying to Jedi Mind Trick us all into believing that you're taller than an average Chinese person?
Would you stop breathing so heavy if I said I'm 5' 8.79887" tall instead?

Can we a avoid your inevitable brain aneurysm by settling there, or will we have to witness you screeching like someone just clipped one of your butterfly wings off with a hacksaw for the next 20 years like we did with the 3.5K gift I gave to dovey

It shows just how tall your intelligence is. You are this alleged millionaire and all it takes is $3.5K to deep sex me? You run away, pretending you didn't see my little invite, because you don't have $3.5K.

Pretty sad when a rich person has to lie online about having wealth. Even sadder when said so millionaire is worried about his height on a forum full of losers.
Ok got me, I don't have 3,500.00

can you stop screaming bloody murder now?

So, why do you have to tell fairy tales of you having huge bank?
Because I'm 5' 8.7873" and really really really wished i were a whole 5' 9" ?

they have a medical procedure to make you taller… I learned all about it while I was “pouring coffee” aka practice antics that blew your divorce attorney away lol
Do they have a procedure to make you less of a miserable desperate lush?

asking for a friend

you have friends? Seriously? Pffft


Factory Bastard
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.


Factory Bastard

It's really disgusting how much leftists empower and support criminals and how hard they work to disempower regular law abiding Americans.

They completely HATE that we can defend ourselves. They flat out oppose it.

And they have the audacity to disapprove of talk if civil war.

They want to remove and micromanage our Constitutional rights, they enable and minimize violent riots, they attack a kid who clearly shot to defend himself and they completely ignore the deaths caused by riots.

They want to centralize everything and use schools as a leftwing brainwashing center to squirt out more violent and racist activists.

And they think no one is going to rise up and blow back.

Completely insane. Why dont they just move to Cuba? Its thier dream government.

What law abiding citizens, the 6th of January type?

How is that democracy, when you were filleted by one man to believe that a whole nation lied to you?

And more dan dat, the dumbest cunt ever to inhabit the White House.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see

We know. You all do. You could have stopped there.

The rest is projection all of you REFUSE to see in yourselves but so quickly and sanctimoniously point out in others....but really is just a YOU problem.

I disagree hatred is easy. That's why I'm not left. I have a difficult time meeting the requirements of being perpetually angry, seething with hate and dehumanizing my opposition.

Sad it's easy for you. But it is what it is and there is clearly no reasoning to be had.


Factory Bastard
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see

We know. You all do. You could have stopped there.

The rest is projection all of you REFUSE to see in yourselves but so quickly and sanctimoniously point out in others....but really is just a YOU problem.

I disagree hatred is easy. That's why I'm not left. I have a difficult time meeting the requirements of being perpetually angry, seething with hate and dehumanizing my opposition.

Sad it's easy for you. But it is what it is and there is clearly no reasoning to be had.

You talk about projection when you utilise Fox talking points.

Trump lost. He also lost in 2016 to the popular vote. Or are you saying, that result was right just because it delivered what you wanted.

Biden never won. The Canadian Venezuelan cabal organised Biden's ascension?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we call Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
BS the right isn’t hateful.. it’s their way or GTFO

They want to fully empower the states over the government and 86 the courts because it gives them more leverage for their hostile take over. It’s all about them preserving this patriarchal Christian extremist control over the nation and fuck the minorities.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see

We know. You all do. You could have stopped there.

The rest is projection all of you REFUSE to see in yourselves but so quickly and sanctimoniously point out in others....but really is just a YOU problem.

I disagree hatred is easy. That's why I'm not left. I have a difficult time meeting the requirements of being perpetually angry, seething with hate and dehumanizing my opposition.

Sad it's easy for you. But it is what it is and there is clearly no reasoning to be had.

You talk about projection

Because I know it when I see Mr "Everything I don't like is from FOX!"

Again.....just because YOU allow corporate media to build your reality for you to the point where you are a hatefilled shill for the establishment doesnt mean your opposition does the same.

Check yourself.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

It’s the far right that is pro stripping everyone of their basic civil rights and support a totalitarian dictatorship ran by a neo-nazi supporter aka Trump :Crazy:


Factory Bastard
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.


Factory Bastard
Yeah I can see justice in innocent people in Kenosha having their businesses destroyed despite not even knowing Blake or the cops that shot him

Good lawing there

then your issue is with the asshole Republicans who initiated tort reform and who wrote these BS insurance policies devoid of coverage for riots….

but we have a justice system in place to deal with criminals… we don’t need civilian children who want to play police officer with a semi automatic weapon out hunting people making an already highly charged situation even more volatile

I see, so your attitude is that rioters should be allowed to burn neighborhoods to the ground as long as insurance companies pick up the tab. But, I'm certain you'd be crying foul if YOUR bottom line were some how affected by an insurance company being forced to come out of pocket on an event which can easily be orchestrated at any time via a few facebook posts. Especially when police are being hamstrung by local politicians and cannot do their jobs

We have a justice system in place to deal with riots you say? Well, Kenosha certainly didn't look as if there was a justice system in place in the 3 nights leading up to August 25th. Unless of course, you smarter westerners are viewing different footage than the rest of us are.

And tell me, since you're so much smarter than all of us middle class republicans without college degrees, had the dumpster fire toerpedo ignited a series of fire which led to a nearby child's death which provision of your beloved "Tort Law" would be applicable and capable of returning that child safe and sound to his/her family?

don’t put words in my mouth, Mr. Perpetual Reach Around….

That dumpster you were SOOOO concerned about ~ the dude who lit the damn thing on fire has already been charged!

Lighting a dumpster fire doesn’t justify some 17 yo jack ass shooting at you. The law is written specifically to deter this sort of behavior in BOTH of their directions.
What words did I put in your mouth Ms I think I know law because I poured coffee for an attorney for 20 something years of my life?

I said that I had issue with people who were completely uninvolved with Blake's shooting suffering consequence for that event

To which YOU essentially said they wouldn't be suffering consequence if republicans hadn't reformed tort law in favor of allowing insurance company indemnification in the event rioting. Which, if you didn't have your head so firmly planted up your own ass with this cringe worthy desire to be viewed as militant; when in fact you are privileged as fuck and only fronting like a store window here you'd see for yourself that this essentially equates to a positive nod to the rioting we saw in Kenosha as long as some other innocent third party is forced to foot the bill.

To which I then pointed out that even in the event an insurance company would be held liable for monetary damages there are simply certain things that money cannot buy back. A human life lost being one such example. So better to stop the dumpster fire and acts like it than to allow such and then blame some one else for the tragedy after the fact. Which is exactly what brave citizens like Kyle and others like him were attempting to do that night.

It's all there in simple English and since you have a college degree that is obviously fucking worthless I suggest you pick up a dictionary to help you out. Google has several.

Don’t let me interrupt you from being a sexist pig in addition to racist, Mr. Man…. especially while you’re still fumbling with mob rule…. *rolls eyes*

And likewise, don't let me interrupt you from being a fronting, fumbling drunk who's been known secretly among the male population on these boards as Ms Desperata for nearly 15 years now, darling *smile*

I refuse to see

We know. You all do. You could have stopped there.

The rest is projection all of you REFUSE to see in yourselves but so quickly and sanctimoniously point out in others....but really is just a YOU problem.

I disagree hatred is easy. That's why I'm not left. I have a difficult time meeting the requirements of being perpetually angry, seething with hate and dehumanizing my opposition.

Sad it's easy for you. But it is what it is and there is clearly no reasoning to be had.

You talk about projection

Because I know it when I see Mr "Everything I don't like is from FOX!"

Check yourself.

You say dat lassie as if you actually believe it is not just Rupert Murdoch propaganda.


Factory Bastard
You do realise that Tucker and his family are now in their booster phase.

3 jabs and not out, while demanding that you as a worthless piece of human excrement, should stand up for your rights never to consider the herd, while claiming herd immunity as an option.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Looks don't matter on the internetz, ya fukin midget.

looks don't matter on the internet. Then goes on to call a 5' 9" guy a midget

Irony or agony?

You fine friends at BF decide :LOL3:

Stop lying!

In that homoerotic picture of you at a Greek Bath house, you are seen no taller than the fake marbled sink.

I do not understand why you zip around here on your crab shaped legs trying to Jedi Mind Trick us all into believing that you're taller than an average Chinese person?
Would you stop breathing so heavy if I said I'm 5' 8.79887" tall instead?

Can we a avoid your inevitable brain aneurysm by settling there, or will we have to witness you screeching like someone just clipped one of your butterfly wings off with a hacksaw for the next 20 years like we did with the 3.5K gift I gave to dovey

It shows just how tall your intelligence is. You are this alleged millionaire and all it takes is $3.5K to deep sex me? You run away, pretending you didn't see my little invite, because you don't have $3.5K.

Pretty sad when a rich person has to lie online about having wealth. Even sadder when said so millionaire is worried about his height on a forum full of losers.
Ok got me, I don't have 3,500.00

can you stop screaming bloody murder now?

So, why do you have to tell fairy tales of you having huge bank?
Because I'm 5' 8.7873" and really really really wished i were a whole 5' 9" ?

they have a medical procedure to make you taller… I learned all about it while I was “pouring coffee” aka practice antics that blew your divorce attorney away lol
Do they have a procedure to make you less of a miserable desperate lush?

asking for a friend

you have friends? Seriously? Pffft
Mad. Lol. How many drinks does it take to get people to like you these days?


Factory Bastard
I'm only glad you and Dovey aren't pulling me up anymore on ma spelling errors dat aren't actually spelling errors. From small acorn's and all dat.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Looks don't matter on the internetz, ya fukin midget.

looks don't matter on the internet. Then goes on to call a 5' 9" guy a midget

Irony or agony?

You fine friends at BF decide :LOL3:

Stop lying!

In that homoerotic picture of you at a Greek Bath house, you are seen no taller than the fake marbled sink.

I do not understand why you zip around here on your crab shaped legs trying to Jedi Mind Trick us all into believing that you're taller than an average Chinese person?
Would you stop breathing so heavy if I said I'm 5' 8.79887" tall instead?

Can we a avoid your inevitable brain aneurysm by settling there, or will we have to witness you screeching like someone just clipped one of your butterfly wings off with a hacksaw for the next 20 years like we did with the 3.5K gift I gave to dovey

It shows just how tall your intelligence is. You are this alleged millionaire and all it takes is $3.5K to deep sex me? You run away, pretending you didn't see my little invite, because you don't have $3.5K.

Pretty sad when a rich person has to lie online about having wealth. Even sadder when said so millionaire is worried about his height on a forum full of losers.
Ok got me, I don't have 3,500.00

can you stop screaming bloody murder now?

So, why do you have to tell fairy tales of you having huge bank?
Because I'm 5' 8.7873" and really really really wished i were a whole 5' 9" ?

they have a medical procedure to make you taller… I learned all about it while I was “pouring coffee” aka practice antics that blew your divorce attorney away lol
Do they have a procedure to make you less of a miserable desperate lush?

asking for a friend

you have friends? Seriously? Pffft
Mad. Lol. How many drinks does it take to get people to like you these days?

None. I didn’t alienate any of them during my divorce.

But I’m talking about my actual lifelong friends here and not a bunch of random posters online, so there is that.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

I’ve seen a lot of trumpers who are reformed street thugs pushing this totalitarian dictatorship agenda. It’s disgusting. Why anyone would want to endanger us all because they led a life of crime is beyond my comprehension SMH


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

Because Communism and Fascism as we know them are both totalitarian forms, they are at the far left and far right ends of the line. However the line ain't linear, it's an arc and pretty much ends up as a circle with the two ends cozying up to each other. They don't join up, because the dividing issue is "who owns the means of production?" And at the end of the day, that's the only real difference.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.

Wrong. I maintain my point.

You guys have really bought a lot of fascist bullshit that you dont even know is fascist because you were also told fascist means "right wing" and you wouldnt be able to define or point out any real fascism OR any thing truly "right wing".

Arms is a Constitutional Right. Put there to balance power. Period.

Fascism is right wing. It isn't a debating point.

Never once said that bearing arms is not constitutional, merely wondering why an outdated form of democracy is undermined by right wing hypocrisy.

Fascism is the centralizing of everything to be ran by the government. It's what YOU guys want.

You fucknuts have no clue what fascism is. You also have no clue what right wing is. American right wing is SMALL GOVERNMENT. You psychos want government control of EVERYTHING.

You mindless arrogant shitheels would have marched right along with nazis.

You guys should consider pulling your heads out of your asses and getting WAY over yourselves.

I guess we should have all realized we were in trouble when definition of "fascism" was changed a few years ago to "right wing". Anyone with a fucking brain would know that doesnt make ANY sense.

It's what we Orwellian. "Freedom and individual liberty and rights is FASCISM!!! Quick!!! Submit to the government!!"

Fucking useful idiots. PRIVILEGED useful idiots. You people are so fucking spoiled you are lashing out at regular people who want to preserve thier rights and liberties.

You have become what you all claim to hate.

Fascism is the centralisation of governance? Really? Can you give me a reference for that?

Would you be interested to know that small governance was what Mussolini touted, long before Hitler? However, the problem became that right wing politics always demands autocracy, just so that it can historically blame one man for it's failure.

Socialism as a stepping stone to Communism can and has proved to also be an autocracy, as it struggled with what that one man can never let go.

Fascism is right wing, and so is Communism, as long as it is wielded by the one man who determines what it is supposed to mean.

Because Communism and Fascism as we know them are both totalitarian forms, they are at the far left and far right ends of the line. However the line ain't linear, it's an arc and pretty much ends up as a circle with the two ends cozying up to each other. They don't join up, because the dividing issue is "who owns the means of production?" And at the end of the day, that's the only real difference.
Extremists are ruining this country.