I know the UN makes some of your heads explode

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
You know what's a call for genocide? The Hamas charter - all Jews and Christians must be killed and only Arab muslims shall populate "Palestine". I'm sure everyone read that since it's been linked numerous times now.


Factory Bastard
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Leo Varadkar, who
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of Ireland . . . drew parallels
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“Leaders often ask me why the Irish have such empathy for the Palestinian people. And the answer is simple: We see our history in their eyes,” Varadkar said. “A story of displacement, of dispossession, national identity questioned or denied, forced emigration, discrimination, and now, hunger.”

Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, the Palestinian ambassador to Ireland, says Irish support comes from a history of shared experiences.

“This historical background that the Irish people themselves endured… they know exactly what’s the meaning of occupation, colonization, oppression, dispossession,” she told CNN. The Irish “know how the Palestinians feel when now we reach this degree” of hunger.

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Factory Bastard
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You know what's a call for genocide? The Hamas charter - all Jews and Christians must be killed and only Arab muslims shall populate "Palestine". I'm sure everyone read that since it's been linked numerous times now.
The Hamas charter does not give Israel the right to murder innocent Palestinians.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
No one is arguing for that. No one. But you are an apologist for genocide.
Absolutely not, Lotus, any more than you are for constantly defending Hamas and muslims in general.
The people of Gaza are dying because Hamas, being cowards, hide in civilian areas, they use civilians as shields.
Let them come out and fight as men, and let the innocent people of Gaza oppose them and reject them. Hamas is why those people are losing their lives. It's been all laid out for you, the whole dynamics but all you do is cry about Israel, never a harsh word about Hamas - nothing but lockstep libtard playbook shit. How about being evenhanded (thoughtful that is) in your critiques and I will happily leave the subject to you.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Look away everyone - I don't want you to see what "palestinian" muslims teach their children, how they steal their minds, indoctrinate them into a cult of hate and death.

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It's fucking disgusting, but this is what you defend.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Look away everyone - I don't want you to see what "palestinian" muslims teach their children, how they steal their minds, indoctrinate them into a cult of hate and death.

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It's fucking disgusting, but this is what you defend.

@realgrimm has posted video clips of Israelis teaching their children to hate

The older kids in Israel are taken to the border crossing where food aid trucks are trying to get into Gaza to create disruption. The IDF then closes the border down for "safety".

They do everything to make sure innocent children starve. They are animals.


Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
Israel and palestine should be ethnic cleansed and the populations displaced by mass migrations from the carribean.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
@realgrimm has posted video clips of Israelis teaching their children to hate
No way!!!!
I would never expect a known nazi to do any such thing.
youtube? never question anything you view there.
..or maybe it's from the Aryan Brotherhood Free Press website where all them cool anti-JOOO memes come from.

Look at those pics - that's what muslims do.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No way!!!!
I would never expect a known nazi to do any such thing.
youtube? never question anything you view there.
..or maybe it's from the Aryan Brotherhood Free Press website where all them cool anti-JOOO memes come from.

Look at those pics - that's what muslims do.

Yeah, don't believe my lying eyes...


Factory Bastard
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Absolutely not, Lotus, any more than you are for constantly defending Hamas and muslims in general.
The people of Gaza are dying because Hamas, being cowards, hide in civilian areas, they use civilians as shields.
Let them come out and fight as men, and let the innocent people of Gaza oppose them and reject them. Hamas is why those people are losing their lives. It's been all laid out for you, the whole dynamics but all you do is cry about Israel, never a harsh word about Hamas - nothing but lockstep libtard playbook shit. How about being evenhanded (thoughtful that is) in your critiques and I will happily leave the subject to you.
Because of the numbers, Holliday. It's that simple.



Factory Bastard
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Who is not being even handed here?

That first displacement in 1948 set off a chain reaction — like dominoes falling, Fatima says — which has landed her here: A cinderblock house wedged between a sheep pen and a dry riverbed, behind a section of giant concrete barrier Israel built in 2002 after the second Palestinian intifada uprising.

Over the past three months, the vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza — some 2 million people — have been internally displaced by war, according to
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. Some members of Israel's government want them to leave Gaza altogether.

But family histories like the Abu Dahouks' are why that idea hits such a nerve. It evokes the trauma of an earlier displacement that has become part of what it means to be Palestinian. That displacement reverberates through Palestinian music, culture and art. And it explains why people in Gaza — many, or perhaps most of whom have seen their homes destroyed — may refuse to relocate outside the Gaza Strip, even temporarily.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Who is not being even handed here?

That first displacement in 1948 set off a chain reaction — like dominoes falling, Fatima says — which has landed her here: A cinderblock house wedged between a sheep pen and a dry riverbed, behind a section of giant concrete barrier Israel built in 2002 after the second Palestinian intifada uprising.

Over the past three months, the vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza — some 2 million people — have been internally displaced by war, according to
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. Some members of Israel's government want them to leave Gaza altogether.

But family histories like the Abu Dahouks' are why that idea hits such a nerve. It evokes the trauma of an earlier displacement that has become part of what it means to be Palestinian. That displacement reverberates through Palestinian music, culture and art. And it explains why people in Gaza — many, or perhaps most of whom have seen their homes destroyed — may refuse to relocate outside the Gaza Strip, even temporarily.


How many generations of Palestinians have to be in limbo? It's an international disgrace.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Because of the numbers, Holliday. It's that simple.

.. So like did you feel bad for the Nazis or Confederates because numbers. Here's an idea, don't start a war then cry foul when you get your ass handed to you.
..You know Hamas has said they don't care about the palestinian deaths, You know they hide behind women and children so people like you will vilify the people they have attacked and whose total destruction they call for.
..You may be willing to be taken in, I'm not.
All of those people you are crying for - they are victims of Hamas' aggression and disregard for life. Then again, to paraphrase that great muslim hero Osama bin Laden - you love life, we love death.
The only life they love are those they can torture, oppress and ruin. They're MAGA on steroids. The worst of radical conservatives. You defend them all you like and never say a word of condemnation.


Factory Bastard
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.. So like did you feel bad for the Nazis or Confederates because numbers. Here's an idea, don't start a war then cry foul when you get your ass handed to you.
..You know Hamas has said they don't care about the palestinian deaths, You know they hide behind women and children so people like you will vilify the people they have attacked and whose total destruction they call for.
..You may be willing to be taken in, I'm not.
All of those people you are crying for - they are victims of Hamas' aggression and disregard for life. Then again, to paraphrase that great muslim hero Osama bin Laden - you love life, we love death.
The only life they love are those they can torture, oppress and ruin. They're MAGA on steroids. The worst of radical conservatives. You defend them all you like and never say a word of condemnation.
I do not believe in an eye for an eye, let alone 40 eyes for one eye. Israel is Goliath. Hamas is David. That's a simple fact that has great meaning here.


Factory Bastard
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.. So like did you feel bad for the Nazis or Confederates because numbers. Here's an idea, don't start a war then cry foul when you get your ass handed to you.
..You know Hamas has said they don't care about the palestinian deaths, You know they hide behind women and children so people like you will vilify the people they have attacked and whose total destruction they call for.
..You may be willing to be taken in, I'm not.
All of those people you are crying for - they are victims of Hamas' aggression and disregard for life. Then again, to paraphrase that great muslim hero Osama bin Laden - you love life, we love death.
The only life they love are those they can torture, oppress and ruin. They're MAGA on steroids. The worst of radical conservatives. You defend them all you like and never say a word of condemnation.
Kind of like you defend Israel (Goliath) and never say one word of condemnation for their brutality. How many Israeli children has Hamas killed? How many Palestinian children has Israel killed?

Remember that asshole Kyle? He murdered a guy who was supposedly a ped.o. Does my disdain for Kyle mean I defend ped.os?

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Israel and palestine should be ethnic cleansed and the populations displaced by mass migrations from the carribean.
Cute - but the fact is that palestine would still be surrounded by muslims so the genocide would just be of Caribbeans. "From the river to the sea"
Carob beans - haven't had carob in a long time, Good stuff.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Kind of like you defend Israel (Goliath) and never say one word of condemnation for their brutality.
Lotus...Lotus, how many time do I have to say it? I am only commenting to provide much needed balance, and historical accuracy that no one else is providing. Provide it by unbiased commentary and I won't say a word on the subject. Promise.

PS: so you're equating p.edos with Hamas/muslims. Interesting.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
That first displacement in 1948
I'm very sorry, but Jews were being attacked before Israel became an independent state (1947), and Jews also were displaced from muslim lands. Why can there be artificially created muslim states and no Jewish state?
...and, why is Gaza even in Israeli control - because it was seized after aggressive muslim nations got there ass kicked. But, hey, ask Egypt if they want it back. They don't, they don't want anything to do with allies of Muslim Brotherhood. They know who palestinian muslims are and want nothing to do with them.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Israel is Goliath. Hamas is David.
LoLz - There are more than half a billion ME muslims. Less than 10 million Jews - far less actually. All of 15,000 in the muslim countries. There are 1.8 million muslims in Israel alone.
.. Would you like to try that David and Goliath thing again?
Look lotus, I said - I will not make a single comment if you and others preferably, start being even handed in your commentaries. I am only providing needed balance and historical accuracy.