MitM- The Boss pinched, Dovid/Murdork Pedogate


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

What's wrong Punky Brewster? You guys upset that you still can't find a post where Dovey swears up and down that "I threatened to take *insert name here* to court?"

A midget and a 10th grade drop out. You fucks are made for each other. Oh right. Biggie gave Dovey the boot not even a day into their storybook relationship.

The "storybook" is taller than you.

Somebody needs to step away from the net .. take a breath to rediscover a life outside of a meth riddled alleyway
... your innate ability to blow wind and generally be a fucktarD is astonishing .

What are going to do if I don't, cocksucker? You going to follow me around and make idiot low brow sexual comments about me? Gee. That's not happening now or anything...

Go get bent you fucking hairless barely talking ape.

well FUCK !!
at least you're talking about something else for a change you crack5head ....

Why don't you do the world a fucking favor and go swallow a fucking hand grenade you fucking bitch.

NOW that's what I like to SEE (:
A freaking out meth head :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

This is worth the log on !

That's what I fucking thought you inbred troglodyte. Instead of witty comebacks you're upchucking your usual shitty banal goat farts, you call "posting."

You fucking don't dictate shit around here you dickless wonder. If you were to get sodomized to death by Ronald McDonald aka Freud, no one would care or give one Bastard Factory Fuck. You're a nobody, who can't even post under their real "nic."

WAT ||


possible for you to calm the fuck down before responding
it makes for a more coherent post .... either that or put the meth down for a sec .
Who wants to dicktake ? just tired of seeing you bleed from thread to thread with your meth fueled jargon
consider if you will this is not your personal complaint dept.
people don't give a FUCKDY about your hurt Flynny :rightON:

It hasnt calmed down in 2 years as far I've seen lol.

I mean at least it isnt ranting about board war, digital stills and libel lawsuits anymore lol.

Flynn is still stuck in Bawl Hall mode and just kinda pretends in its head that everyone else is there with her/him/it.

It's like a constant repeat of all the reasons why that "community" failed. Generic "ur poor, ur a slut" crap coupled with the PI dramas they loved over there. Flyn has never been able to form a personality outside of that I imagine my unfortunate experience with that psycho shitcaster Fartini really provides them that taste of their "Bawl hall glory days".

That's why they are always talking about this e fame. Or who is "somebody" and who is "nobody". They equate being the cool kid at the tard table with actual cyber fame. As well assuming that's what everyone here is gunning for or desiring. It's so bizzare.

And since they are pretty much miserable losers in their actual lives, being an e someone is real important shit to them lol. It's such a trainwreck with layers and layers of more trainwreck.


You just got caught lying and now you're trying clean up your idiotic fucking post.

How "empiracle" was that?

Was that a liitle "biracial?"




Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's in this thread stupid.

Look how pissed the Bawl Hall shitbags are because their King Fartini blasted bullshit on the internet lol. Running all over the boards trying to meat shield their predator when no one even gives a fuck

Get them digital stills out, Flyn lmaoooo.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That was a kid. I straight up said "wtf that looks like a kid"

That's not a 26 year old Pooftard. Even the police were worried that was a minor.

You sure were jumpy about me sharing them.
Well yeah, it's a 26 year old. I think she was 24 at the time of that pic if that makes your vapid claim any better.

And who's jumpy? You shared pics from your job you shouldn't have, why wouldn't I think you would share any pic you come into contact with?

Didn't you share pics of little boys with Murdork?

1. No. That kid wasnt even 17. And ain't no 24 year old gonna mess with you, P. You can lie all you want on the boards but that was KID and I even said "omg that's a kid"

2. Nope. Murd is having a hysterical alcohol binge and raging that I back stabbed her for voting for Trump.

Shes talking about two adult men that I reported to the police that sent my daughter unsolicited dick pics on her discord. All of this info is of course right in the exchange shes blathering about.

So I actually have NO problem putting the peddle to floor here......but you might have some issues.

In simpler terms, a few old ass men pulled a you and tried hitting on a gaggle of minor girls and got reported to cops. Seems to be a epidemic.
1. Like I said, I can post a vid of my gf confirming it's her and she's 26.

2. I said in the podcast these were "allegations", so good luck with the lolsuits.

3. Since it was on a discord, you really have no clue if it was adults or not. You have no clue if the alleged pics were even from this country, so good luck with that one.

4. If this actually happened, why are you sending the pics to Murdork in the first place instead of going to the cops?


We got all that handled, Fartini. Dont you worry yourself with that. Murd knows those were absolutely adults- so do police we reported it to. Shes as fucked up as you.

Worry about that 15 year old girl you sent me that I reported to the cops. I really dont think any of the older parents online are gonna buy your sleazy bullshit anymore than I did.

Why dont you just take your inflamed polyps and go cry on FT? I dont fucking go over there.

Why you gotta come here, start this tired old bullshit again and act like you are not a 50 year old predator?

You play a lot of FN yeah? Feel more comfortable around kids clearly.
I know a better agency to forward the info to. It’s federal

text me

I missed this yesterday.


Disturbing, isn't it? Thank fuck he flipped on me that night thinking I showed them to Freud. Made blocking him easier.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

Plus for System of a Down, not for telling Flyin Nutjob how to post.

Rukia Kuchiki

Factory Bastard
You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

as forum bouncer, all you seem capable of doing is laying on the ground while flynn takes a shit on your face.

you could always try posting some more woman urinating gifs, that might teach her a lesson.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
i listened to the podcast.... the boss was on the late show recently... i think he said he was 74 now.
Yeah he's up there in age.

His last album was the drizzling shits. Not like when Bowie died he released a classic on the way out.

Still, Bruce's early stuff is iconic.

Born to Run

Musicians would kill themselves to have one of those records on their catalog

Springsteen is a talentless hack and I hope he falls into a foundry smelter face first.



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

That was a kid. I straight up said "wtf that looks like a kid"

That's not a 26 year old Pooftard. Even the police were worried that was a minor.

You sure were jumpy about me sharing them.
Oh dear.

no wonder seamajor immediately bonded with MarTeeny... the both have a thing for children


Youre foulded up Stubby Are you I’ll?
No I'm not ""I'LL"

Are you dyslexic? CHild rapist?

Looks just like ya Stubby. No wonder you can’t get laid
I cant get laid and here I am ON THIS VERY THREAD talking to a woman who has fucked my brains out on several occasions :ROFL:

Stick to child molestation, cretin, logic is not a good look on you

Pineapple Butt is incel level aggro....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It's in this thread stupid.

Look how pissed the Bawl Hall shitbags are because their King Fartini blasted bullshit on the internet lol. Running all over the boards trying to meat shield their predator when no one even gives a fuck

Get them digital stills out, Flyn lmaoooo.

Look how Dovey likes to make shit up and run with it after she was blasted out of the water as a fucking liar.

Show me the thread where I say I have "digital stills."

Remember when YOU were calling me Martini? Just goes to show how fucking off base you normally are.

P.S.-You ever going to pay Biggie Bitch back?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

Plus for System of a Down, not for telling Flyin Nutjob how to post.

Oh. What is that dear sister?

Do I go around accusing a forum of "censorship" for 19 fucking weeks straight? Then threaten to leave and then threatens yo threaten to leave?

I mean the only "nutjob" here is your melty ass. Any time someone tells you you don't have to pollinate every fucking thread with political garbage you fucking turn into a spamming wacko. Running around talking about how unfair it is that you can't cry in every single thread with your audacious claims of bias.

Shut up, bitch.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

Plus for System of a Down, not for telling Flyin Nutjob how to post.

I’m trying to make her see reason. If she acts like this in the real world, it’s only a matter of time before she’s hurt by someone or buried somewhere in the ground and becomes a cold case. Think of it as big brother logic.
Yeah, SOAD rocks!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

Plus for System of a Down, not for telling Flyin Nutjob how to post.

I’m trying to make her see reason. If she acts like this in the real world, it’s only a matter of time before she’s hurt by someone or buried somewhere in the ground and becomes a cold case. Think of it as big brother logic.
Yeah, SOAD rocks!

Dude, you need to clean your own side of the street.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.



That post is really inappropriate.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.



That post is really inappropriate.

Saying the obvious to unhinged mental cases like this is like trying to teach algebra to ants.

It's a nice gesture but a waste time.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.



That post is really inappropriate.

Saying the obvious to unhinged mental cases like this is like trying to teach algebra to ants.

You "teach Algebra?"

You couldn't EVEN spell "empiracle" and "biracial" correctly. I doubt ypu can even do simple arithmetic.

I hope your kids have enough to eat, today.



You ever going to pay Biggie Cocksucker back?




Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.



That post is really inappropriate.

Saying the obvious to unhinged mental cases like this is like trying to teach algebra to ants.

You "teach Algebra?"

You couldn't EVEN spell "empiracle" and "biracial" correctly. I doubt ypu can even do simple arithmetic.

I hope your kids have enough to eat, today.



You ever going to pay Biggie Cocksucker back?



Oi...shit for brains...change it up before you’re banned!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I see the t
Flyn should review those digi stills lmaooo

As soon as you find the posts.


You’re giving me headaches! You’re all over the forum with the same bullshit you stroppy cunt. You should piss off to your other forums for good since you can’t seem to contribute evenly across the board. Your rants used to be funny, now you’re just plain toxic...

That's all they are gonna do. They do it everywhere.

It's all a "game" until you start fucking with them, then they just continue to devolve further and get more toxic and repetitive.

Youd think by now they would be bored of it.....but that would require an IQ higher than a single digit. They have actual beef with me and cant understand that absolutely no one gives the slightest fuck, so they meltdown and start wailing and throwing out threats. It's like theyve deputized themselves to police the conduct of adults on the internet.

Casket has been around for over a decade and ALWAYS has someone shes got some personal, nasty PI drama with. It's like an addiction for her. No joke. You can google this demented slag and see it as far back as 2008. Caskur and Dean has a handful of hits if you are bored and have a puke bag.

Pretty gross. They are toxic, dysfunctional people with poor boundaries. Seems to be a theme with most self proclaimed "flamers" hence why their boards fail. They all gotta have someone they have serious beef with. I'm definitely not the first, just the latest.




My name is Dovey. I use the flame forums as my personal piggy bank. I have conned my way to free cash. I use my body as a vessel for sex. I advertise that I have morals, but after having unprotected sex on a dirty mattress with someone I only knew for a week, well everyone knows better.

I also hate Flynn, because she's kicked my teeth in at every forum I bring my slutty as to. It makes me really upset that Flynn exposes my atrempts to defraud other posters through lies and made up stories. I "hate" Flynn sooooo much that now I am reduced to making shit up even after I was PROVEN to be lying, likr I normally do.

I am so "empiracle!" Because I can also spell, "biracial."

I won't pay Biggie back because I let him fuck me.

I'm willing to bet money that Flynn ferociously finger banned her/him/itself while posting this. Its saturated in frustrated sexual energy.

I bet he/she/it took digital stills for later, as well.

More of your syrupy, "please, help anyone. Defend me from Flynn, because I can't even take care of myself" lines.

How are your kids doing? Are you using your state money to buy them food? Or are you off buying drugs again? What happens when CPS drug tests you again? What will happen to those children then? After all, you and your "spouse," you so dearly love are recovering addicts.



Se there is a thread out there where you deny "fucking" Martini, then turn around and admit to it. Remember that thread that you spent 6 months running away from? You also have a habit of "running away" from gainful employment and "running away" from the truth.



That post is really inappropriate.

Saying the obvious to unhinged mental cases like this is like trying to teach algebra to ants.

You "teach Algebra?"

You couldn't EVEN spell "empiracle" and "biracial" correctly. I doubt ypu can even do simple arithmetic.

I hope your kids have enough to eat, today.



You ever going to pay Biggie Cocksucker back?



Oi...shit for brains...change it up before you’re banned!

By who? You?



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!