MitM- The Boss pinched, Dovid/Murdork Pedogate

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Zero. I got to see Taras new tits tho. How’d you do little guy?
Tara is 12


Sick fuck


Domestically feral
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United states
You still be looking like an inbred STD collector who flosses with barbed wire tho

You still are a midget with frog legs.
You’re still an inbred drooling retard who looks like a talking palm tree

At least I'm not a midget that claims to be a "millionaire" that drives cab for something to do. Plus, I didn't fuck Dovey and pay $3.5K for pussy.

Dovey's roast beef looking cunt is taller than you.

It's more like ham.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...

Menopause starts at 40? Damn I WISH.

Unfortunately according to the average, while it COULD start in the 40s, it typically starts in the 50s. So if i fit an average here, and I likely will because I've never been sterilized or had a hysterectomy, I still have another decade at least to deal with having periods.

It's a nice thought, though and I'm sure you intended that to be an insult lol.

YANNO what? Did your time on the boards perhaps coincide with your onset of menopause? Because that would explain a lot. If you can still remember that far back, of course. It's been what, like 20 years?


Domestically feral
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United states


Factory Bastard
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

your perversions make me want to gag.
Your avatar makes me want to gag

...and spray my monitor screen with Lysol just to be sure


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

what an extremely weird question to ask a stranger.

your perversions make me want to gag.

Because taking a shot at your dusty ancient pipes by saying they queef out toxic dust and ending in a rhetorical is creepy as fuck.

But straight up asking a strange man about his fertility and asking intrusive questions about reproductive decisions made during a real life relationship is perfectly not creepy.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I played Momodora- Reverie under the moonlight and have to admit, for an under the radar game, it was actually fun.

If you are into the whole metroidvania type of platformer, give it a shot. It's maybe a day's worth of unlocking but worth it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

what an extremely weird question to ask a stranger.

your perversions make me want to gag.

Because taking a shot at your dusty ancient pipes by saying they queef out toxic dust and ending in a rhetorical is creepy as fuck.

But straight up asking a strange man about his fertility and asking intrusive questions about reproductive decisions made during a real life relationship is perfectly not creepy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

your perversions make me want to gag.
Your avatar makes me want to gag

...and spray my monitor screen with Lysol just to be sure

drink all of the lysol as well to make doubly sure...

what did dopey dove say when you invaded Murdocks hidden bits?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

your perversions make me want to gag.
Your avatar makes me want to gag

...and spray my monitor screen with Lysol just to be sure
drink all of the lysol to make doubly sure...

Stubby pours it in his ass, as instructed

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

your perversions make me want to gag.
Your avatar makes me want to gag

...and spray my monitor screen with Lysol just to be sure

drink all of the lysol as well to make doubly sure...

what did dopey dove say when you invaded Murdocks hidden bits?
She asked when’s the threesome

what did your hubby say when he found out your were slumped in a dirty bathtub with your cottage cheese sacks pried open with a rusty rebar begging dean to shoot a baby into that crust crammed sewage shaft?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Maybe more glazed?

I'm sure in about ten more years or 15....or whenever menopause starts

it starts at your age...
Must be about a good 40 years since you stared puffing out cayenne pepper in lieu of period blood. Is that right Quasimodo?

your perversions make me want to gag.
Your avatar makes me want to gag

...and spray my monitor screen with Lysol just to be sure

drink all of the lysol as well to make doubly sure...

what did dopey dove say when you invaded Murdocks hidden bits?
She asked when’s the threesome

what did your hubby say when he found out your were slumped in a dirty bathtub with your cottage cheese sacks pried open with a rusty rebar begging dean to shoot a baby into that crust crammed sewage shaft?

I like the entitlement in the excuses they use to try to pry into the intimate details of our off board relationship.

Basically because we met on the internet.. on a venue none of these people were on....long before they even knew we existed....and because it was known we were an item off the board, Casket and her inflamed side kick Flynn feel entitled to demand answers to questions like..."what is Bigs sperm count" and "What color is Doveys labia" and "did they have any plans to have children" and "what's the PH balance on the wet spot left on the sheets after Big and Dovey cum" and other such noncreepy musings and wonderings.

And it's normal because yanno we told people we were together so naturally we are obligated to share all this with them.

It's totally not a personality disorder or anything.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The thought of you 2 copulating is gag inducing. like 2 sweating farm animals.

Well that makes it even more odd considering that's the main focus of all this irrational outrage is that I copulated several times with Big and then 12 years later met up with the first psycho I've ever met in person from the actual boards.

You know what is even odder than that? That YOU were not going to post here until we left because of the "drama" and yet this "drama" is legit 98 percent of what you post about.

Same with Flea right now. She thinks others should "own up" to their behaviour but only certain people and certainly not herself, who has repeatedly said she wants to "disengage" from the "drama" but yet has been one of the only people engaging in it and its mostly the only topic she blathers about.

Basically you guys are ONLY interested in drama and you just want a "safe" place to discuss it and trash people with no push back while pretending to be "disengaged".

Because if you guys were not nonstop blathering about it, it would completely die and go away and for some reason, you guys dont want that.

I wonder why that is. It's probably because my assessment of you guys is pretty dead on and you should be on a therapist couch and not on BF or FT foaming at the maw over drama you cant move past. And you are all seriously petty as fuck and childish and that's a consensus, btw.

Everywhere you guys go you bring people down with your gross, uncomfortable petty dramas. It's a shame. When there is years and years worth of the same patterns this old tired shit that never changes(except the posters you guys focus on) it's easy to see where the problem is.

Maybe the 4 of you could make your own fort to complain and bitch in. Stop using "Dovey" as your distraction and excuse to avoid dealing with your real problems.....which is your own selves. I'm far more second hand embarrassed for the 4 of you than I ever will be "offended"

Get well.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The thought of you 2 copulating is gag inducing. like 2 sweating farm animals.
Meanwhile the farm animals would be gagging at the idea of having to push your back rolls up over your head just to find your trout trap


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The thought of you 2 copulating is gag inducing. like 2 sweating farm animals.
Meanwhile the farm animals would be gagging at the idea of having to push your back rolls up over your head just to find your trout trap

Farm animals belly up when that sack of toxic sewage comes within 50 yards of them.

It's an evolutionary response to keep their genetics safe.

Shes why those fainting goats faint and why humans are the only species to experience "uncanny valley".

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Can you imagine Caskur on all fours with all those friction stains on her asscrack and inner thighs?

looks like someone lit a pallet of fireworks between her legs


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can you imagine Caskur on all fours with all those friction stains on her asscrack and inner thighs?

looks like someone lit a pallet of fireworks between her legs

I could imagine that, yes.

However I dont know if my insurance would cover the 30 day rehab stay I would require after such a trauma.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You still be looking like an inbred STD collector who flosses with barbed wire tho

You still are a midget with frog legs.
You’re still an inbred drooling retard who looks like a talking palm tree

At least I'm not a midget that claims to be a "millionaire" that drives cab for something to do. Plus, I didn't fuck Dovey and pay $3.5K for pussy.

Dovey's roast beef looking cunt is taller than you.
No. You’re a stick figure meth head with a tombstone carousel in your mouth and you smell funny

Now you're being fucking retarded. So you've "smelled" me, huh? When was this? Did you take your private jet or one of your many "luxury cars" to come "smell" and stalk me?

If you're going to go there, you might as well throw in my alleged "lawsuit" and some "digital stills."

What are you going to do for your next trick? Run around the forums calling me a "kiddy fiddler" 1,363 times?

Fucking idiot.

The "tombstone" is taller than you.