Murdock - Pathological Liar 2


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I don’t need an excuse for a simple oversight mentioning “last” instead of “2 Halloweens ago” ~ but what’s most alarming is how you jumped all over it like like flies on shit.

You are SOOOO extra, petty, and drag queen dramatic it’s disturbing. What I can’t get over is that YOU actually took time out of your day to fixate and obsess about something I said on a message board in an attempt to prove me a “pathological liar”…. YOU googled the full moon cycles of Halloween past based on the information I provided, which is where any reasonable person would have come to the realization that it was a simple oversight on my part… except you’re a moron with a shitty attitude and nothing better to do.

There was no "oversight".

You lied.

Your story does not add up.

You lied.

You said it was a full moon on Halloween. But there was no full moon on any of the Halloweens that fit your story.

You lied.

You cannot dispute that you lied.

So why not share the reason that you lied?

Do you find it too embarrassing?


You lied


what I find embarrassing is that you’re still rambling on about this…

What I find more embarrassing is that you researched and provided 2 full moon cycles for Halloween approx 20 years apart and was still dumbfounded by the answer.

what I find MOST embarrassing is that you fell for the 7.5/7.5” reverse troll joke… which was in reference to average size of a COCK… which you said 7.5” is HUGE, micro penis man :LOL3:

No wonder you stalk women online, you ineffectual weirdo. Perhaps you can practice mindfulness and find your way out of this constant state of disassociation and provide that bull dyke you drug your feet to the altar with for 10 years a little attention. I’m sure she needs it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Someone’s a little miffed I’m thinking


She is like a child being corrected.

Like when Fat Lily was 10 and her parents asked her where all the chocolate went and she said

"I have no idea."

Question: How in the hell would you know how a child responds to being corrected? Admittedly, you’re not a father/step-father/adoptive parent :Crazy:

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder….


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
the most minuscule of details

The devil is in the details.

Have you come up with any excuse as to why you lied?

Shes drunk a lot. And she has BPD.

Her life detail lies are not intentional. Her limbic system is basically a martini olive by now. Her intentional lies are intensely maliscious.

With Murd you have a lot of different kinds of lies and the majority are due to brain damage.

whats BPD ?

Borderline personality disorder.

did you learn that term from your court ordered drug rehab counselor or one of your John’s?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are SOOOO extra, petty, and drag queen dramatic. BINGO!!!

Actually there's more to his shtick than drama queenING. @The Prowler was betrayed or felt he was at some point in his life

Have you notice how often and how many people/posters he accuses of being liars? Especially women. Prowler has got a Lotta unresolved issues and hurts in his life.

"Lily, you're a Liar!"

"Murdock, your a Liar too a too!"

"Flea you did something too!"

"LotusBud. .....Liar! "

....who else does the Moron leave out?"

Then his retorts end with the perverse laugh of a Mad Man.

"Hahahahaha! "

As if the fool feels hes accomplished something valuable in his insignificant little life.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
what I find embarrassing is that you’re still rambling on about this…

What I find more embarrassing is that you researched and provided 2 full moon cycles for Halloween approx 20 years apart and was still dumbfounded by the answer.

I Googled "When was the last time there was a full moon on Halloween" and a page came up that listed the last couple of Halloweens that had a full moon.

It took about 32 seconds.

Because I was taking my time.

32 seconds to prove that you are full of shit.

Deal with it.

what I find MOST embarrassing is that you fell for the 7.5/7.5” reverse troll joke… which was in reference to average size of a COCK… which you said 7.5” is HUGE, micro penis man :LOL3:

Nobody was talking or thinking about cock but you, you wasted idiot.

Fuck Murdock, you have destroyed what little mind you had.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
So has Murdock even tried to explain why she lied about this "full moon on Halloween" story?


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Someone’s a little miffed I’m thinking


She is like a child being corrected.

Like when Fat Lily was 10 and her parents asked her where all the chocolate went and she said

"I have no idea."

Question: How in the hell would you know how a child responds to being corrected? Admittedly, you’re not a father/step-father/adoptive parent :Crazy:

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder….

I noticed he ignored this one….


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Shes drunk a lot. And she has BPD.

Her life detail lies are not intentional. Her limbic system is basically a martini olive by now. Her intentional lies are intensely maliscious.

With Murd you have a lot of different kinds of lies and the majority are due to brain damage.


So when she has these memories, like the "full moon on Halloween" that I pointed out in this thread, I wonder how she reacts when she realizes it is all in her head.

It is not based in reality.

Wow. Not being able to distinguish your delusions from reality must be a bitch.

Liar @Joe, do you think you are in the same boat? When the inconsistencies in your stories are pointed out to you, what feelings do you experience? Shame? Embarrassment? Panic....?

Pretty much. That's where much of the misdirected anger comes from.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Oh look, drama.

It really should not be this way.

This is the way it would go if Murdock 7.5 were a semi-normal, more-or-less balanced, somewhat mature person:

  1. Murdock 7.5 tells a story.
  2. TP thinks "Bullshit."
  3. TP does a few minutes of research, finds proof of bullshit, and calls out Murdock 7.5 on her bullshit.
  4. Murdock 7.5 comes up with some flimsy excuse as to why that was not what she really meant or why she made such a critical mistake or it was a misunderstood joke or...something!!
  5. Everyone knows that Murdock 7.5 has been caught in a lie, but lets her off the hook because they feel sorry for her.
But we never get to 4. Murdock 7.5 does not even try to explain her mistake lie.

And I would usually leave it at that. In fact, 9 times out of 10 when I catch Murdock 7.5 or Liar @Joe in an obvious lie here I do not even point it out.

But sometimes...

I feel like playing.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
the most minuscule of details

The devil is in the details.

Have you come up with any excuse as to why you lied?

Shes drunk a lot. And she has BPD.

Her life detail lies are not intentional. Her limbic system is basically a martini olive by now. Her intentional lies are intensely maliscious.

With Murd you have a lot of different kinds of lies and the majority are due to brain damage.

It's spelled "malicious" you fucking dingbat.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
She's a female, of course she lies, they pretty much all do.

It isn't always in a malicious spiteful way though, they often talk pointless bullshit just for the sake of it, so they have something to add to a discussion, even if it's meaningless waffle.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
what I find embarrassing is that you’re still rambling on about this…

No wonder you stalk women online, you ineffectual weirdo. Perhaps you can practice mindfulness and find your way out of this constant state of disassociation and provide that bull dyke you drug your feet to the altar with for 10 years a little attention. I’m sure she needs it.

Yeah it's puzzling why a grown man with too much time on his hands would be obsessed with shoe size of a woman he's never met nor ever will. And even stranger still that he would accuse & try to pin her for 'lying'.

I just as much figgered that when women talk about their shoe or dress sizes it's usually a form of bonding with other women to find common ground with each other. As in "I own these pair of shoes or a dress at this size, give or take a half size or so, they suit me & I like them."

Kinda like men who talk with other men about the car they drive. Bonding. Trying to find common ground.

But doofus @The Prowler can't seem to distinguish between typical behaviour and 'lies'. And then he becomes obsessed with trying to prove they are lies. Prowler is a fool who makes up false accusations, believes them & actually pursues his own lies.

He's like an autistic child.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Murdock You must be so honored to have Joe and X coming to your rescue LOL.. They are like 2 superheros :LOL3:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
what I find embarrassing is that you’re still rambling on about this…

No wonder you stalk women online, you ineffectual weirdo. Perhaps you can practice mindfulness and find your way out of this constant state of disassociation and provide that bull dyke you drug your feet to the altar with for 10 years a little attention. I’m sure she needs it.

Yeah it's puzzling why a grown man with too much time on his hands would be obsessed with shoe size of a woman he's never met nor ever will. And even stranger still that he would accuse & try to pin her for 'lying'.

I just as much figgered that when women talk about their shoe or dress sizes it's usually a form of bonding with other women to find common ground with each other. As in "I own these pair of shoes or a dress at this size, give or take a half size or so, they suit me & I like them."

Kinda like men who talk with other men about the car they drive. Bonding. Trying to find common ground.

But doofus @The Prowler can't seem to distinguish between typical behaviour and 'lies'. And then he becomes obsessed with trying to prove they are lies. Prowler is a fool who makes up false accusations, believes them & actually pursues his own lies.

He's like an autistic child.

He’s been doing this for over ten years. Yes, that’s how long we’ve known him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He’s been doing this for over ten years. Yes, that’s how long we’ve known him.

10 years?!? That long?

I wonder if @The Prowler is autistic or suffers from some other mental disability eh?

All these personal attacks on women in this forum could be his way of cryING to them for sympathy or help @The Countess.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Murdock 7.5

So Murdock does not seem to be able to control herself.

She tells these boring stories about her life, but "for some reason" feels the need to lie.

It is sad and pathetic, but being a nice person, I do not usually say anything about her obvious lies.

But sometimes I do. I did after she posted this:

I read that and thought that it really is not healthy for her to think that people really believe her bullshit. So I scrutinized her story, looking for something to prove she is full of shit, and noticed this:

Knowing that full moons only occur approximately every 29 or 30 days, I checked to see when there were full moons on Halloween.

The last two were in 2001, and 2020.

Well, those years do not fit with her story. Provable when she added this:

So I called her on her bullshit again.

She has not even tried to explain her lie. Again.

This raises some interesting points of discussion.

1. Is Murdock's life so fuckin' pathetic that she needs to constantly lie to appear interesting?
2. When the answer to 1. turns out to be "Yes", why does Murdock not change her pathetic circumstances?
3. Why do a lot of people here forgive her when she constantly lies? Is it because they feel sorry for her? Is it because they are in the same boat of having a sad, pathetic life?

I know this is likely to get some "TheProwler is being mean to Murdy!" replies.

But this is not about me.

This is about Murdock and her habitual lying.

Is it pathological?

Can she be helped?

Does she need to see a professional?

And why do some people here support Murdock in this self-destructive behaviour? Do you just play along because you want her to enjoy a few moments of appearing interesting? I mean, that would be a nice thing to do; but when she knows that feeling is all based on a lie, it will not last. If you really want to help her, you need to help her confront her problem.

Dude I was looking for the thread where I showed how Dirty Turdy Murdy was asking to see the dick pics that grown males sent my daughter and how I clearly explained what had happened and how shes a disgusting and malicious liar.

But this is fucking hilarious.

She trashes Christians and shes lying about being a "witch"

I swear to God. White progs from CA are about the dumbest, nastiest people on the planet.

Literally EVERY ex wife or ex girlfriend of her current victims (males) is abusive and psycho and what not. She says this during every one of her short lived relationships. She spoke horribly about the white guy she was dating....he had a daughter who Murd was very threatened by and she spoke with resentment about how this child inconvenienced HER and how horrible the mother was.

The ONLY thing Murd cares about is how she can put down other women. She probably doesn't give a single rip shit about her current moron Alphonso .....but he has an ex she can compete with and win because this woman probably doesnt give a shit about her and is just living her life happily

Murd also had a physical altercation with Bigs ex wife on the astroplane.....I wish I was kidding.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I bet Murd dumps period blood from her 45 plus uterus into the food she feeds Alphonso. Poor guy lmao.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^Not at all spiraling into lunacy

I’m the most honest person you’ll come across and for entirely selfish reasons…. raises your vibration to be honest.

Plus Alphonso loves good girls hehehe