Repooplickin 600$ Stimulus Check Could Save the Lives of Millions of Americans


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.

The government should have done a lockdown with guaranteed wages, like any civilized socialist country. That's what socialism is about, not about giving your tax dollars to the wealthy, which is the way cons and neolibs are doing it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans


I’m kinda pissed that unemployment offered a stimulus. What did those people stuck at home spend it on? Alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s sounds about right.

They should give it to people who are working and will push it in the economy in areas where it will be turned over 3x+.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The US is beyond cooked. Let them fight it out on communities, the streets, every state...

This election in all likelihood will remain stolen all because cowardly and piss weak leftists want a government to rob its fellow citizens of money, dignity, and spiritually...

THEY broke the best chance of civil liberties in the modern world remaining... THEY robbed, and virtue signalled statues, families, history, real lives because of gender dysphorias, laziness, and coveting...

THEY... people like Jake, Lotusbud, and Seamajor, demanded their idiocies be entered into polite discord.

I hope you all named rot in hell. All three of you, and anyone that has abandoned actual Liberal principles and taught such fallacies to their IQ troubled offspring.

Don't ever cross me in real life...especially away from civilisation... I don't know how harsh I would address my words to you..............

When you going to pack and come over here to fight in the civil war, tough guy hero?

When are YOU?

You fled the US because of politics not going the way you wanted. I just left two decades earlier without any fanfare...

Put up or shut up, you stupid cunt...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The US is beyond cooked. Let them fight it out on communities, the streets, every state...

This election in all likelihood will remain stolen all because cowardly and piss weak leftists want a government to rob its fellow citizens of money, dignity, and spiritually...

THEY broke the best chance of civil liberties in the modern world remaining... THEY robbed, and virtue signalled statues, families, history, real lives because of gender dysphorias, laziness, and coveting...

THEY... people like Jake, Lotusbud, and Seamajor, demanded their idiocies be entered into polite discord.

I hope you all named rot in hell. All three of you, and anyone that has abandoned actual Liberal principles and taught such fallacies to their IQ troubled offspring.

Don't ever cross me in real life...especially away from civilisation... I don't know how harsh I would address my words to you..............

Amen brother


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


That won't happen this time, though, because people won't be rolling in money like they were in the 20s. The bread lines didn't happen till 1930, after the crash. You've already got them now.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


That won't happen this time, though, because people won't be rolling in money like they were in the 20s. The bread lines didn't happen till 1930, after the crash. You've already got them now.
And if you vermin libs have your way there won’t even be enough resources to provide bread lines


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Dovey, the covid relief bill includes billions to Egypt, 2 billion to the space force (so rich people can leave the planet once we've trashed it), 35 million to sexual abstinence programs, 5 million for the special congressional medical clinic, and they abandoned hazard pay for essential workers.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


That won't happen this time, though, because people won't be rolling in money like they were in the 20s. The bread lines didn't happen till 1930, after the crash. You've already got them now.

I’m convinced it was the excessive living/drinking that spiraled the economy into the crash of 1929... which is the perfect example of people taking advantage of a situation. They knew the market was going to crash and they borrowed from the banks and put it all in stocks.

Unfortunately, I think we are heading in that direction now.


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So - who are and have been the sticks in the mud?

With deadlines looming, Trump throws wrench into COVID-19 relief agreement
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·Senior Writer
Wed, December 23, 2020, 9:00 AM EST

President Trump undermined his own party’s
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with a Tuesday night video calling for $2,000 in direct payments, far more than Republicans had been asking for.
In a video posted to Twitter, Trump called the $600 direct payments agreed to over the weekend by congressional leadership “ridiculously low” and the 5,593-page bill a “disgrace.”
Trump has been almost entirely absent from the congressional negotiations, as he has focused on attempting to overturn the results of the Nov. 3 election.
While both chambers passed the bill with margins that would override a potential veto — which Trump did not specifically threaten but certainly implied in the four-minute address — a delay could result in the government shutting down due to lack of funding and millions of Americans losing their unemployment payments and homes due to looming deadlines.
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After Trump suggested the payments of $2,000 — a large increase from the $600 put forth by
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— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi quickly jumped at the opportunity to increase the $900 billion relief bill.
“Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks,” the Democratic leader posted to Twitter after Trump’s message, sharing his video with her own followers. “At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

The $2.2 trillion CARES Act, which passed in March,
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, keeping Americans afloat during the economic downturn with a combination of $1,200 stimulus checks and enhanced federal unemployment payments. As the direct payments were spent and expanded unemployment insurance ended,
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, according to a new study. The Democratic House passed the $3 trillion HEROES Act in May, but the Republican-controlled Senate neither took it up nor passed a COVID-19 relief bill of its own.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican leadership team pushed to keep the price tag of the legislation below $1 trillion to appease GOP members
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. A group of Democratic senators led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., had been advocating for larger payments, while Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said he had personally lobbied Trump for larger payments. Democrats in the House had also been vocal about disappointment in the $600 payments, and hours after Trump’s message, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.,
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that she and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., “already co-wrote the COVID amendment for $2,000 checks, so it’s ready to go.”

“Glad to see the President is willing to support our legislation,” she added. “We can pass $2k checks this week if the Senate GOP agrees to stand down.”


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

Got the Spanish Flu as a kid.... got COVId twice in a year...


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There are a number of these stories...

do you feel the same tho? my energy levels were never the same after I had scarlet fever

I find it fascinating that a certain percentage of Europeans are immune to HIV because their ancestors were exposed to the bubonic plague


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


That won't happen this time, though, because people won't be rolling in money like they were in the 20s. The bread lines didn't happen till 1930, after the crash. You've already got them now.

I’m convinced it was the excessive living/drinking that spiraled the economy into the crash of 1929... which is the perfect example of people taking advantage of a situation. They knew the market was going to crash and they borrowed from the banks and put it all in stocks.

Unfortunately, I think we are heading in that direction now.

You're an idiot then...

Nobody knew it was coming. Woodrow Wilson had only ratified the Federal (non federal) Treasury a mere decade or so before...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s
Are you seriously dumb enough to believe not wearing masks has prolonged this manufactured crisis?

I can understand now why the pandemic of 1918 was followed by the roaring 20s and everyone was dressed to the 9s to do just about anything lol


That won't happen this time, though, because people won't be rolling in money like they were in the 20s. The bread lines didn't happen till 1930, after the crash. You've already got them now.

I’m convinced it was the excessive living/drinking that spiraled the economy into the crash of 1929... which is the perfect example of people taking advantage of a situation. They knew the market was going to crash and they borrowed from the banks and put it all in stocks.

Unfortunately, I think we are heading in that direction now.

You're an idiot then...

Nobody knew it was coming. Woodrow Wilson had only ratified the Federal (non federal) Treasury a mere decade or so before...

if no one knew it was coming.. explain Joe Kennedy


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Got the Spanish Flu as a kid.... got COVId twice in a year...


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There are a number of these stories...

do you feel the same tho? my energy levels were never the same after I had scarlet fever

I find it fascinating that a certain percentage of Europeans are immune to HIV because their ancestors were exposed to the bubonic plague

I had the covid, and I have been exhausted ever since.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

Got the Spanish Flu as a kid.... got COVId twice in a year...


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There are a number of these stories...

do you feel the same tho? my energy levels were never the same after I had scarlet fever

I find it fascinating that a certain percentage of Europeans are immune to HIV because their ancestors were exposed to the bubonic plague

I had the covid, and I have been exhausted ever since.

Fucking covid... it just keeps fucking up legit death numbers.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.

There are tens of thousands of Joe Kennedy's... how are you sure?

Pffft... there was only one Joe Kennedy relevant during the depression... was googling which President was in office the only trick you have up your sleeve? Cause I’ve been a history buff since I was a weeeeeeee little girl.

And I toured Revolutionary and Civil War battlegrounds every month in my youth....but that doesn't name your generic Joe Kennedy or what he is to your point...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.

There are tens of thousands of Joe Kennedy's... how are you sure?

Pffft... there was only one Joe Kennedy relevant during the depression... was googling which President was in office the only trick you have up your sleeve? Cause I’ve been a history buff since I was a weeeeeeee little girl.

And I toured Revolutionary and Civil War battlegrounds every month in my youth....but that doesn't name your generic Joe Kennedy or what he is to your point...

I posted this already... you must have missed it...

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. ~ the bootlegger who locked down the rights to distribute Johnny Walker exclusively in the US


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.

There are tens of thousands of Joe Kennedy's... how are you sure?

Pffft... there was only one Joe Kennedy relevant during the depression... was googling which President was in office the only trick you have up your sleeve? Cause I’ve been a history buff since I was a weeeeeeee little girl.

And I toured Revolutionary and Civil War battlegrounds every month in my youth....but that doesn't name your generic Joe Kennedy or what he is to your point...

I posted this already... you must have missed it...

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. ~ the bootlegger who locked down the rights to distribute Johnny Walker exclusively in the US
And relevance is?