Trump tells adoring CPAC crowd he is considering a run for 2024.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem is the degenerate race baiting liars claim any "desperate outcome" automatically means "institutional racism" without any evidence. For instance they completely ignore the vastly, vastly higher violent crime rate by blacks then lie and claim because blacks are over represe Ted in prisons as a percentage of population that that magically means the system is racist. No, that means blacks are more likely to choose to be vient felons. No one forced the. To do those drive by, those robberies, or those rapes. They, as individuals decided work was for suckered and that crime was easier. They made those choices and only coward liars claim blacks just can't get by without being violent criminals.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem is the degenerate race baiting liars claim any "desperate outcome" automatically means "institutional racism" without any evidence. For instance they completely ignore the vastly, vastly higher violent crime rate by blacks then lie and claim because blacks are over represe Ted in prisons as a percentage of population that that magically means the system is racist. No, that means blacks are more likely to choose to be vient felons. No one forced the. To do those drive by, those robberies, or those rapes. They, as individuals decided work was for suckered and that crime was easier. They made those choices and only coward liars claim blacks just can't get by without being violent criminals.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I want to thank everyone participating in this thread for making it the most popular thread to ever appear at Bastard Factory, at least that's what a surprising number of you are telling me in PM. Thanks again!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And, anything in particular you want to mention?
Great Sheafs of things to add, but not my country. We have our own issues.
Offering a point of reference for the discussion on US Incarceration so nothing is based on rumour or hearsay or even better "personal life experience". Keep things fair.

Although I have heard Wiki may be owned by jooz.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Four years is a very long time. It will be difficult for Trump to keep his numbers up for that long especially in the face of nu.erous lawsuits and legal accusations.

I am thinking Florida Governor De Stantis is in a very good position based upon his very successful response to covid.
He would be good.

Florida is awesome

Oh. my. fucking. god.

Yeah, Floriduh is completely awesome.


No state tax, balanced budget and complete freedom

Can you say the same about that shithole Cali?

people will not stop moving to Cali tho... it’s the weather

as someone who grew up in a concrete jungle too... I get why you bought where you did. It was a sound decision. Plus you have so much space between you and your neighbors and you’ll never get that much bang for your buck in NY or CA

but the poor areas of Florida are as bad as any of the other southern states

I was born in Southern California, I was brought up in Southern California, I own properties in Southern California, I still live in Southern California. Only about a quarter of the people I grew up with still live here as most moved away often because of price. The truth is this state's population has been flat or declining for a quarter century. Especially native born population has been leaving in droves. The only thing keeping population just slightly down each year instead of deep population loses has been immigration; mostly illegal immigration.

The truth is to live the American dream here takes a lot of money and you get a lot less for your money. Many of my peers were not successful enough and so moved to other states where they could afford the American dream and there is nothing wrong with that. Now we are seeing even the wildly successful people leaving as well and they are taking both their money and the companies they own with them. That is not a good trend.
Same is true with Seattle from everything I've seen.

The city actually allowed antifia scum to seize a portion of the city for several weeks unhindered. That can't be good for the local businesses and anyone with half a business brain already has their migration plans drafted.

I didn’t realize this was going to turn into your hatred for BLM/Antifa....

The CHOP was disassembled months ago... but only after Antifa caused the Seattle PD to abandon the station and they have not returned. That was after the Seattle PD assaulted me, my friends and a group of peaceful protesters carrying poster boards with tear gas while they were holding AK47s ready for war.

Antifa destroyed real estate prices in Seattle. It appears that the transplants have all fled the city and people have stopped moving here (Yay! It won’t be another LA!!!). The locals are now referring to this as the “new” Seattle... only the self-aware will survive here and I’m ok with that. It will eventually return to its roots as being the grungy live music loving city I fell in love with when I was 15.
I hate BLM / ANtifa pretty much for the reasons you listed. It's always the innocent who bear the consequence of their actions

I know you'd like to hold the police officers who assaulted you accountable but I hold these scumbag riot provocateurs accountable NOT the guy making 60,000 a year who cannot read the minds of "peaceful protestors" vs the minds of "other peaceful protestors" and therefore has no real way of distinguishing between who is who in the heat of the moment.

If I were one of those police officers I'd have done a lot worse.

My philosophy is this : Kill em all and let God sort em out, I'm just here to collect a check and make it home to my family

I know you would have... but you also backed a fascist as president, so I’m not surprised. However, I’m well seasoned and well versed in the philosophy of law and I’m not changing my mind here until the poverty gap is shrunk drastically and something is done about systemic racism.... only then will we be truly safe from this ever happening again.

Complaining about the riots that have resulted from centuries of police brutality against the black community is almost as ignorant as the systemic racism itself. If we don’t fix the core problem here, we are putting a bandaid on a bullet wound and this vicious cycle will keep repeating itself... which is endangering us all tbh.
Before we continue any further I'd like you to provide me with a coherent definition of "systemic racism"

Be specific
Perhaps first agree on a valid source of information?

how about a wiki linki....

Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of
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that is embedded as normal practice within
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or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in
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, and
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, among other issues. It is important to recognize the harmful affects that institutional racism can have on people especially students in schools where it is prominent.
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So basically everyone in our society in on board with stringing up black people from the nearest tree?

This definition is utter lameness of the highest order.

Again, let's examine the key adjective here. ""systemic"" which essentially means the entire system. So what you have gone on to believe is that the entire system in this country is racist

Let me ask you this. Was Jacob Blake a victim of systemic racism or just the victim of poor choices he himself made at the time of his arrest?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Four years is a very long time. It will be difficult for Trump to keep his numbers up for that long especially in the face of nu.erous lawsuits and legal accusations.

I am thinking Florida Governor De Stantis is in a very good position based upon his very successful response to covid.
He would be good.

Florida is awesome

Oh. my. fucking. god.

Yeah, Floriduh is completely awesome.


No state tax, balanced budget and complete freedom

Can you say the same about that shithole Cali?

people will not stop moving to Cali tho... it’s the weather

as someone who grew up in a concrete jungle too... I get why you bought where you did. It was a sound decision. Plus you have so much space between you and your neighbors and you’ll never get that much bang for your buck in NY or CA

but the poor areas of Florida are as bad as any of the other southern states

I was born in Southern California, I was brought up in Southern California, I own properties in Southern California, I still live in Southern California. Only about a quarter of the people I grew up with still live here as most moved away often because of price. The truth is this state's population has been flat or declining for a quarter century. Especially native born population has been leaving in droves. The only thing keeping population just slightly down each year instead of deep population loses has been immigration; mostly illegal immigration.

The truth is to live the American dream here takes a lot of money and you get a lot less for your money. Many of my peers were not successful enough and so moved to other states where they could afford the American dream and there is nothing wrong with that. Now we are seeing even the wildly successful people leaving as well and they are taking both their money and the companies they own with them. That is not a good trend.
Same is true with Seattle from everything I've seen.

The city actually allowed antifia scum to seize a portion of the city for several weeks unhindered. That can't be good for the local businesses and anyone with half a business brain already has their migration plans drafted.

I didn’t realize this was going to turn into your hatred for BLM/Antifa....

The CHOP was disassembled months ago... but only after Antifa caused the Seattle PD to abandon the station and they have not returned. That was after the Seattle PD assaulted me, my friends and a group of peaceful protesters carrying poster boards with tear gas while they were holding AK47s ready for war.

Antifa destroyed real estate prices in Seattle. It appears that the transplants have all fled the city and people have stopped moving here (Yay! It won’t be another LA!!!). The locals are now referring to this as the “new” Seattle... only the self-aware will survive here and I’m ok with that. It will eventually return to its roots as being the grungy live music loving city I fell in love with when I was 15.
I hate BLM / ANtifa pretty much for the reasons you listed. It's always the innocent who bear the consequence of their actions

I know you'd like to hold the police officers who assaulted you accountable but I hold these scumbag riot provocateurs accountable NOT the guy making 60,000 a year who cannot read the minds of "peaceful protestors" vs the minds of "other peaceful protestors" and therefore has no real way of distinguishing between who is who in the heat of the moment.

If I were one of those police officers I'd have done a lot worse.

My philosophy is this : Kill em all and let God sort em out, I'm just here to collect a check and make it home to my family

I know you would have... but you also backed a fascist as president, so I’m not surprised. However, I’m well seasoned and well versed in the philosophy of law and I’m not changing my mind here until the poverty gap is shrunk drastically and something is done about systemic racism.... only then will we be truly safe from this ever happening again.

Complaining about the riots that have resulted from centuries of police brutality against the black community is almost as ignorant as the systemic racism itself. If we don’t fix the core problem here, we are putting a bandaid on a bullet wound and this vicious cycle will keep repeating itself... which is endangering us all tbh.
Before we continue any further I'd like you to provide me with a coherent definition of "systemic racism"

Be specific
Perhaps first agree on a valid source of information?

how about a wiki linki....

Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of
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that is embedded as normal practice within
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or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in
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, and
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, among other issues. It is important to recognize the harmful affects that institutional racism can have on people especially students in schools where it is prominent.
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So basically everyone in our society in on board with stringing up black people from the nearest tree?

This definition is utter lameness of the highest order.

Again, let's examine the key adjective here. ""systemic"" which essentially means the entire system. So what you have gone on to believe is that the entire system in this country is racist

Let me ask you this. Was Jacob Blake a victim of systemic racism or just the victim of poor choices he himself made at the time of his arrest?

do you kiss your girlfriend with this mouth?

Jacob Blake is a victim of the suppression of his people for the last 200 years.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And, anything in particular you want to mention?
Great Sheafs of things to add, but not my country. We have our own issues.
Offering a point of reference for the discussion on US Incarceration so nothing is based on rumour or hearsay or even better "personal life experience". Keep things fair.

Although I have heard Wiki may be owned by jooz.

Why would you say something like that last part. Don't you think we have enough tards without adding to it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Four years is a very long time. It will be difficult for Trump to keep his numbers up for that long especially in the face of nu.erous lawsuits and legal accusations.

I am thinking Florida Governor De Stantis is in a very good position based upon his very successful response to covid.
He would be good.

Florida is awesome

Oh. my. fucking. god.

Yeah, Floriduh is completely awesome.


No state tax, balanced budget and complete freedom

Can you say the same about that shithole Cali?

people will not stop moving to Cali tho... it’s the weather

as someone who grew up in a concrete jungle too... I get why you bought where you did. It was a sound decision. Plus you have so much space between you and your neighbors and you’ll never get that much bang for your buck in NY or CA

but the poor areas of Florida are as bad as any of the other southern states

I was born in Southern California, I was brought up in Southern California, I own properties in Southern California, I still live in Southern California. Only about a quarter of the people I grew up with still live here as most moved away often because of price. The truth is this state's population has been flat or declining for a quarter century. Especially native born population has been leaving in droves. The only thing keeping population just slightly down each year instead of deep population loses has been immigration; mostly illegal immigration.

The truth is to live the American dream here takes a lot of money and you get a lot less for your money. Many of my peers were not successful enough and so moved to other states where they could afford the American dream and there is nothing wrong with that. Now we are seeing even the wildly successful people leaving as well and they are taking both their money and the companies they own with them. That is not a good trend.
Same is true with Seattle from everything I've seen.

The city actually allowed antifia scum to seize a portion of the city for several weeks unhindered. That can't be good for the local businesses and anyone with half a business brain already has their migration plans drafted.

I didn’t realize this was going to turn into your hatred for BLM/Antifa....

The CHOP was disassembled months ago... but only after Antifa caused the Seattle PD to abandon the station and they have not returned. That was after the Seattle PD assaulted me, my friends and a group of peaceful protesters carrying poster boards with tear gas while they were holding AK47s ready for war.

Antifa destroyed real estate prices in Seattle. It appears that the transplants have all fled the city and people have stopped moving here (Yay! It won’t be another LA!!!). The locals are now referring to this as the “new” Seattle... only the self-aware will survive here and I’m ok with that. It will eventually return to its roots as being the grungy live music loving city I fell in love with when I was 15.
AK-47's? :ROFL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Four years is a very long time. It will be difficult for Trump to keep his numbers up for that long especially in the face of nu.erous lawsuits and legal accusations.

I am thinking Florida Governor De Stantis is in a very good position based upon his very successful response to covid.
He would be good.

Florida is awesome

Oh. my. fucking. god.

Yeah, Floriduh is completely awesome.


No state tax, balanced budget and complete freedom

Can you say the same about that shithole Cali?

people will not stop moving to Cali tho... it’s the weather

as someone who grew up in a concrete jungle too... I get why you bought where you did. It was a sound decision. Plus you have so much space between you and your neighbors and you’ll never get that much bang for your buck in NY or CA

but the poor areas of Florida are as bad as any of the other southern states

I was born in Southern California, I was brought up in Southern California, I own properties in Southern California, I still live in Southern California. Only about a quarter of the people I grew up with still live here as most moved away often because of price. The truth is this state's population has been flat or declining for a quarter century. Especially native born population has been leaving in droves. The only thing keeping population just slightly down each year instead of deep population loses has been immigration; mostly illegal immigration.

The truth is to live the American dream here takes a lot of money and you get a lot less for your money. Many of my peers were not successful enough and so moved to other states where they could afford the American dream and there is nothing wrong with that. Now we are seeing even the wildly successful people leaving as well and they are taking both their money and the companies they own with them. That is not a good trend.
Same is true with Seattle from everything I've seen.

The city actually allowed antifia scum to seize a portion of the city for several weeks unhindered. That can't be good for the local businesses and anyone with half a business brain already has their migration plans drafted.

I didn’t realize this was going to turn into your hatred for BLM/Antifa....

The CHOP was disassembled months ago... but only after Antifa caused the Seattle PD to abandon the station and they have not returned. That was after the Seattle PD assaulted me, my friends and a group of peaceful protesters carrying poster boards with tear gas while they were holding AK47s ready for war.

Antifa destroyed real estate prices in Seattle. It appears that the transplants have all fled the city and people have stopped moving here (Yay! It won’t be another LA!!!). The locals are now referring to this as the “new” Seattle... only the self-aware will survive here and I’m ok with that. It will eventually return to its roots as being the grungy live music loving city I fell in love with when I was 15.
I hate BLM / ANtifa pretty much for the reasons you listed. It's always the innocent who bear the consequence of their actions

I know you'd like to hold the police officers who assaulted you accountable but I hold these scumbag riot provocateurs accountable NOT the guy making 60,000 a year who cannot read the minds of "peaceful protestors" vs the minds of "other peaceful protestors" and therefore has no real way of distinguishing between who is who in the heat of the moment.

If I were one of those police officers I'd have done a lot worse.

My philosophy is this : Kill em all and let God sort em out, I'm just here to collect a check and make it home to my family

I know you would have... but you also backed a fascist as president, so I’m not surprised. However, I’m well seasoned and well versed in the philosophy of law and I’m not changing my mind here until the poverty gap is shrunk drastically and something is done about systemic racism.... only then will we be truly safe from this ever happening again.

Complaining about the riots that have resulted from centuries of police brutality against the black community is almost as ignorant as the systemic racism itself. If we don’t fix the core problem here, we are putting a bandaid on a bullet wound and this vicious cycle will keep repeating itself... which is endangering us all tbh.
Before we continue any further I'd like you to provide me with a coherent definition of "systemic racism"

Be specific
Perhaps first agree on a valid source of information?

how about a wiki linki....

Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of
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that is embedded as normal practice within
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or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in
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, and
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, among other issues. It is important to recognize the harmful affects that institutional racism can have on people especially students in schools where it is prominent.
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So basically everyone in our society in on board with stringing up black people from the nearest tree?

This definition is utter lameness of the highest order.

Again, let's examine the key adjective here. ""systemic"" which essentially means the entire system. So what you have gone on to believe is that the entire system in this country is racist

Let me ask you this. Was Jacob Blake a victim of systemic racism or just the victim of poor choices he himself made at the time of his arrest?

do you kiss your girlfriend with this mouth?

Jacob Blake is a victim of the suppression of his people for the last 200 years.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
do you kiss your girlfriend with this mouth?

Jacob Blake is a victim of the suppression of his people for the last 200 years.
Absolutely. And she agrees entirely. So does every other black person I know who is not looking to feel sorry for themselves

It's only the white people who subconsciously believe they are indeed superior to the black race that spout utter nonsense like this

200 years of oppression is bullshit. A crock of shit and a piss poor excuse to be reaching for a knife AFTER several cops have told you to get down on the ground and place your hands behind your back. If it were me I'd have emptied the clip right in his head and been done with his sorry worthless ass. Oppression his fucking ass right into the ground. And EVERY black man in the hood that I know says the same thing.

The average homie in the hood doesn't give the slightest fuck about what happens to the next black man living 2 streets down from him let alone someone who lived as a slave hundreds of years ago. Want proof? Tell me how much BLM has donated to reconstruction efforts in Minneapolis? How many centers for black education and career planning have they established in Baltimore? How many food lines are they running in Chicago?

This alone tells me you know jack shit about how black people in the hood really think.

200 years of oppression. Fuck outta here with that complete bollocks. Some black dude comes at me sideways with nonsense like that and he'll get 200 rounds of ammunition and I don't give the first fuck what his great great great Grandfather went through.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
do you kiss your girlfriend with this mouth?

Jacob Blake is a victim of the suppression of his people for the last 200 years.
Absolutely. And she agrees entirely. So does every other black person I know who is not looking to feel sorry for themselves

It's only the white people who subconsciously believe they are indeed superior to the black race that spout utter nonsense like this

200 years of oppression is bullshit. A crock of shit and a piss poor excuse to be reaching for a knife AFTER several cops have told you to get down on the ground and place your hands behind your back. If it were me I'd have emptied the clip right in his head and been done with his sorry worthless ass. Oppression his fucking ass right into the ground. And EVERY black man in the hood that I know says the same thing.

The average homie in the hood doesn't give the slightest fuck about what happens to the next black man living 2 streets down from him let alone someone who lived as a slave hundreds of years ago. Want proof? Tell me how much BLM has donated to reconstruction efforts in Minneapolis? How many centers for black education and career planning have they established in Baltimore? How many food lines are they running in Chicago?

This alone tells me you know jack shit about how black people in the hood really think.

200 years of oppression. Fuck outta here with that complete bollocks. Some black dude comes at me sideways with nonsense like that and he'll get 200 rounds of ammunition and I don't give the first fuck what his great great great Grandfather went through.

he never reached for the knife.... he opened the car door and was shot in the back multiple times while there were multiple officers there and children in the car

the police there are not required to wear cameras... so we have no idea what was said or why he felt the need to potentially surrender a weapon in this manner

what’s bull shit is the argument that there was a recent warrant issued for his arrest by a woman who was an adult too intoxicated to give consent and how automatically that justifies this shooting when he was unable to give a statement in that case


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Biggie Smiles

But there are other, clearer cases of police brutality and vigilante justice brutality against the black community... to name a few recents: Casey Goodson, Andre Maurice Hill and Ahmaud Arbery.

I’m still trying to find the name of the black man who was pulled over riding his bike and was being placed under arrest and asked if he had any weapons and when he put it on the ground the cops shot him....

It’s the centuries of these lynchings in the streets at the hands of police who want to play judge/jury/executioner that got us to the BLM protests turned Antifa riots. Not to mention the exorbitant amount of tax dollars to put the cops on trial and retire them indefinitely when they do shit like this.

If the cops can’t do the job correctly, then don’t be a cop. It’s that simple. You think if any of us cut corners or couldn’t perform our job duties properly that we could doing some illegal shit that gets us retired indefinitely with a full pension? HELL TO THE MOFO NO.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And, anything in particular you want to mention?
Great Sheafs of things to add, but not my country. We have our own issues.
Offering a point of reference for the discussion on US Incarceration so nothing is based on rumour or hearsay or even better "personal life experience". Keep things fair.

Although I have heard Wiki may be owned by jooz.

Why would you say something like that last part. Don't you think we have enough tards without adding to it?
For the simple fact of keeping all the rumours out in the open.
There are some on here that militantly believe everything is owned by "jooz" which apparently means it MUST be false.

I don't make the claim.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not wading through any of your piles of crap/posts in my thread,

Honest opinions only please, I recently had a death in the family.

D'ya like the gold wheels no nah?

It's pretty, but I suspect useless. Gold rims matter little. How much can it haul? Does it have 4x4 capability? What's the mileage? One good winter snowstorm and it's stuck judging by the ground clearance on it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
White people get shot and killed by the fukin cops all the damn time but we dont burn our cities down over it. In fact, nobody really gives a shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
White people get shot and killed by the fukin cops all the damn time but we dont burn our cities down over it. In fact, nobody really gives a shit.

no one cares about white trash that’s why
As nobody should care about niggers getting what they deserve. If the cops kill someone and there's no good reason, imprison the cop. Color dont mean shit. Mike Brown sure as fuk got what he deserved and that cop should be viewed as a hero who did a service for the community. If you dont agree, you're a piece of shit who should be raped to death and tossed in a dumpster.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

I’m not surprised you don’t agree with irrefutable facts when you have no qualifications other than being another racist hick who cheers this type of brutality on while playing couch juror watching the media spun hype on tv.

I have a hint: never bring a knife to a gun fight Bwa hahahha


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Scientific American posted an article by Jim Daley on March 1, 2021 “Killings by Police Decline After BLM Protests”

Fight the power.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

There was a weapon in his hands as he walked around to his car.

Here is the second video that came out showing him fighting with cops and getting tased twice

Here is the report

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But it’s rather long so here’s a condensed breakdown.

▪️First, a note on the investigation. The Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) investigated this, not the Kenosha PD. Over 30 DCI agents spent over 1,000 hours in investigation. All evidence gathered will be made available to the public with limited redaction.

▪️On the afternoon of Aug 23, Blake was at the residence of Laquisha Booker, the woman who called the police and who had 3 kids with Blake. It was one of their son’s birthdays, which was why Blake was there. Given the dysfunctional nature of their relationship and the limited/contradictory evidence, the exact reason for the disagreement is unknown, but something happened which sparked an argument.

▪️At 4-4:30 pm, a neighbor saw two women (one presumably Booker) yelling and arguing for about 45 minutes. Then, Blake pulled up in a gray SUV and told his son to get in the car. This is probably where the erroneous narrative of him breaking up a fight between two women came from.

▪️The neighbor saw Blake walk past the women without saying anything and enter the house. He was there for about 2 minutes.

▪️At ~5:10 pm, Booker called police with direct and lively accusations. Here’s part of the 911 call:

“Jacob Blake is here and he has the keys to a rental that I purchased that I need to take back and he’s not trying to release it and on top of that, he’s not supposed to be here. Today is his son's birthday, so I allowed him to spend a couple hours with him, but he’s not giving me the keys to this rental. And that's all I'm asking for….He’s crashed numerous of my vehicles in the past and I literally just bought one like yesterday. And so, just because he heard some false information, he’s not willing to give me the keys to this car that doesn't even belong to me. Me and my sisters just saw him skirt off in it and turn around and come back, so I need you guys to come…and I need these keys.”

▪️3 officers responded this call. The responding officers knew that Blake was the subject of the call, and that he had a felony warrant from a prior incident where he was charged with sexual assault (on Booker). Officer Sheskey obtained a description of Blake en route, and procedure required he must arrest him if encountered.

▪️When officers arrived, Booker flagged them down, identified Blake and shouted some version of "It's him! It's him! He has my keys! It's my car! It's registered to me!" Officer Sheskey heard the male say, "I'm taking the kid and I am taking the car." Sheskey saw Blake putting a child in the back of the vehicle and immediately attempted to arrest him, assisted by Officer Arenas and Meronek.

▪️Blake did not comply and physically resisted arrest. Officers brought Blake to the ground, but he got away. Two officers deployed their tasers, but Blake ripped them out, making them ineffective.

▪️Officer Meronek then saw Blake had a knife and yelled, “Knife! Knife! He has a knife!” The officers then backed off with guns drawn, commanding Blake repeatedly to drop the knife. Blake ignored these commands and began walking around the SUV to the passenger side. This is where the video we all saw picks up.

▪️From the viral video it was too blurry to tell if Blake had a knife, but DCI specialists enhanced the video to show it was in his left hand as he walked around the car. Additionally, Blake admitted he had a knife. By the time he was walking in front of the SUV, the knife was opened and blade was exposed.

▪️As Blake tried to enter the driver’s side (with the kids in the car) Sheskey lunged toward him, grabbing his his tank top. The next part is obscured in the video, but both officers stated that the moment before Sheskey opened fire, Blake twisted his body, moving his right hand (which now had the knife) towards Sheskey. This was confirmed by two citizen witnesses. Sheskey and Arenas claim that he was beginning to lunge with the knife.

▪️Sheskey shot Blake 7 times, 4 wounds to the back and 3 wounds to his left side. He wasn’t shot in the back 7 times. It’s unknown which shots came first, but the shots to the side suggest he had twisted and lunged at Sheskey, and those happened first.

▪️Sheskey stated he fired shots until Blake dropped the knife, consistent with law enforcement training. There were 10 bullets left in his gun. Officer Arenas was on the other side of the driver’s door and said he would have also fired but didn’t have a clear shot.

Some other noteworthy things to add:

▪️There was no body cam footage, which makes certain things unclear, particularly the initial struggle and right before the shooting. However, given all the evidence, this footage would likely bolster the officers’ claims and could have stopped much of the early speculation in its tracks. The DA was highly critical of Kenosha Police not having these cams.

▪️There’s almost no testimony from Booker, who is a significant witness. Besides a brief and unproductive questioning in the hours after the shooting, investigators have not been able to reach or locate her. This absence is notable and concerning, but could potentially be a result of the domestic abuse. Over the past 8 years, Booker has repeatedly alleged Blake hit, choked and sexually assaulted her. Many of these incidents involved Blake taking her car keys.

▪️Blake’s story has many holes and outright falsehoods. He claimed he didn’t know he had a warrant, and didn’t know why police were trying to apprehend him. But investigators found text messages and internet searches on his phone which showed he looked up his own pending warrant case.

▪️Blake admitted to having a knife, but claimed he dropped it at the beginning of the exchange, then decided to pick it up and return to his car (in the midst of the struggle!) but he was never planning on using it. Yet, in 2010 he was alleged to have attacked a police officer with a knife while resisting police. Police reports say he waved the knife in a slashing motion and ignored commands to drop it. He had to be repeatedly tased to be brought into custody.

▪️Given this context, there’s simply no way the DA could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that officer Sheskey acted unlawfully, the case would get obliterated by a competent defense attorney. While the incident was a tragedy, the early hype and jumping to conclusions caused massive damage, including the destruction of Kenosha and the deaths

It really sucks how abusive men are never really accountable.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I imagine its gonna be the Ferguson phenomenon and police are not going to want to police high crime areas. The crimes rates will probably just go up.

Which is really sad for the vulnerable people that rely on police to keep theirs streets safer, and mostly they cannot afford to move.

So essentially BLM has left poor people in a mess of destruction and loss of income and immeasurable grief with even less safety from gang violence, domestic violence and sexual assault. They have havent used a single penny from the billions theyve raised to help any of the areas theyve left shattered.

Kenosha was destroyed and the country just moved on and kept the narrative.
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