Is it just me or is this brilliant?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I disagree that this is either a good idea or effective. A better approach is to force people into rehab by enforcing existing laws then giving addicts a choice of go to rehab or go to jail. This is why the decriminlization moves (such as prop 42) are so counter productive and harmful.

You can’t force people into rehab. I mean you could physically in-prison them… but that wouldn’t produce the desired result of recovery.
Who gives a shit about recovery? I just want these insects to disappear

We either have to rehabilitate them or nuke them and then the UN gets involved and blah…. blah…. blah…. Blah BLAHHHH
Oh not the dreaded UN. You’re right. Let us back away from the idea of ridding ourselves of the obnoxious peasant filth running amuck in our major cities

id hate for us to get a strongly worded letter from some despot banana republic without running water voicing their collective concerns with our humanitarian crisis

that would simply be unsustainable

It’s always antithetical with you. This is why it’s so hard to reason with diehard republicans. You won’t budge an INCH for the sake of gaining common ground because you interpret this as losing leverage in your own argument, even when your logic accepts it SMH
Because people who shit on public sidewalks are shit and should not be catered to with public tax money lest we encourage more citizens to follow that route

what part of that are you having trouble grasping?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Christ almighty talking to libs is like being transported to the twilight zone without your consent where everybody in the room is upsidedown except you.

I cannot even believe paying people to not commit crime is even a topic up for discussion among mature adults.

c'mon Murdock, it's time to bust out laughing while you point your finger at me and say "gotcha I'm only fucking with ya"



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Christ almighty talking to libs is like being transported to the twilight zone without your consent where everybody in the room is upsidedown except you.

I cannot even believe paying people to not commit crime is even a topic up for discussion among mature adults.

c'mon Murdock, it's time to bust out laughing while you point your finger at me and say "gotcha I'm only fucking with ya"

Or you could just say "get raped and tossed in a dumpster, bitch".

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Christ almighty talking to libs is like being transported to the twilight zone without your consent where everybody in the room is upsidedown except you.

I cannot even believe paying people to not commit crime is even a topic up for discussion among mature adults.

c'mon Murdock, it's time to bust out laughing while you point your finger at me and say "gotcha I'm only fucking with ya"

Or you could just say "get raped and tossed in a dumpster, bitch".
YEs sir, you are concise and lack the tolerance for their idiocy that much is for certain :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

Hey you know how good I am at hitting veins for blood draws and IVs?

There ARE skills involved in the junkie life that can absolutely translate into redirected useful life skills I'm JUST SAYIN.

We do need to help people in recovery get decent employment because if they have a felony possession.....they may work hard to get clean, have a few years of recovery under their belt....and if they have a very hard time getting hired anywhere or get stuck in a low paying job because of the felony, there is a good chance they will get frustrated and not see the point in trying.

I've seen that happen as well. It's sad. I want employers to willingly decide to hire people though. Like if someone has drug charges, look into that on a case by case and see what they've done for recovery and put a condition on it like drug tests at random. Get references from counselors et.

People need a chance though. IF THEY HAVE WORKED ON GETTING CLEAN. Not if they are actively banging dope shitting on sidewalks.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Me with friends in real life:

No seriously people, I'm really not lying, I just had a conversation with someone online about paying criminals to discontinue their criminal activities

No no, we never did get into the financial burden of meeting their current pay-scale in criminal lifestyle. This was simply philosophy for the moment


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

Hey you know how good I am at hitting veins for blood draws on and IVs?

There ARE skills involved in the junkie life that can absolutely translate into redirected useful life skills I'm JUST SAYIN.

We do need to help people in recovery get decent employment because if they have a felony possession.....they may work hard to get clean, have a few years of recovery under their belt....and if they have a very hard time getting hired anywhere or get stuck in a low paying job because of the felony, there is a good chance they will get frustrated and not see the point in trying.

I've seen that happen as well. It's sad. I want employers to willingly decide to hire people though. Like if someone has drug charges, look into that on a case by case and see what they've done to recovery and put a condition on it like drug tests at random.

People need a chance though.
I'd be more inclined to give more people a chance had I not witnessed libs call me a piece of shit/intolerant in the 80's when I said the needle exchange program was pure lunacy. Everything I said would come of it has. Now, I just wanna see em all butchered.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Murdock, dear old friend, I think it's perfectly safe to conclude "it is just you" on this one

This idea is about as brilliant as putting a condom vending machine in a hospice


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

Hey you know how good I am at hitting veins for blood draws on and IVs?

There ARE skills involved in the junkie life that can absolutely translate into redirected useful life skills I'm JUST SAYIN.

We do need to help people in recovery get decent employment because if they have a felony possession.....they may work hard to get clean, have a few years of recovery under their belt....and if they have a very hard time getting hired anywhere or get stuck in a low paying job because of the felony, there is a good chance they will get frustrated and not see the point in trying.

I've seen that happen as well. It's sad. I want employers to willingly decide to hire people though. Like if someone has drug charges, look into that on a case by case and see what they've done to recovery and put a condition on it like drug tests at random.

People need a chance though.
I'd be more inclined to give more people a chance had I not witnessed libs call me a piece of shit/intolerant in the 80's when I said the needle exchange program was pure lunacy. Everything I said would come of it has. Now, I just wanna see em all butchered.

Forget them. Focus instead on communities and conservative outreach work.

Leftism dehumanizes. It ruins fucking everything. They make problems vastly WORSE. And they refuse to address how. They refuse to hear what others are doing that helps. They dont want to work WITH other groups. They think they have all the correct solutions and pretty much spit on everything else. They want to use government for everything....which SEE is a disaster.

If we go do it our way anyway, which tons of nonleft people already do .....results will speak for themselves.

Of course leftists want needle exchange and using centers. They think its "harm reduction". We need to let people be harmed to save their lives. Leftists respond to what they view as hopeless and they think this is compassion. It's not. Its enabling.

They really dont do or have anything to offer people who need help outside of government programs that dont work. They are easily scammed as well and they like the way they feel about themselves when they "show compassion".

It's like they NEED sick, suffering people or people they can call "oppressed" so they can use them for socail gratification and to satisfy this need they have to feel compassionate. But we see first hand what they really think of people when they get mad, dont we?

We still need to build healthy and stable communities regardless of how they thwart that endeavor so what I do is focus on the MANY efforts of those out there doing the thing and I offer my time and what I have to assisting that. Promote and lift up what you DO support, what's good, what is genuinely loving and what works. And I'll put the information out there, regardless if they listen or not.

No matter the hatred you get or how overwhelmingly hopeless it feels or looks sometimes. Or how disturbing and devastating the reality of others are going through is.....its a worthy endeavor to know what caring people are doing to help this and to boost THAT.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

Hey you know how good I am at hitting veins for blood draws on and IVs?

There ARE skills involved in the junkie life that can absolutely translate into redirected useful life skills I'm JUST SAYIN.

We do need to help people in recovery get decent employment because if they have a felony possession.....they may work hard to get clean, have a few years of recovery under their belt....and if they have a very hard time getting hired anywhere or get stuck in a low paying job because of the felony, there is a good chance they will get frustrated and not see the point in trying.

I've seen that happen as well. It's sad. I want employers to willingly decide to hire people though. Like if someone has drug charges, look into that on a case by case and see what they've done to recovery and put a condition on it like drug tests at random.

People need a chance though.
I'd be more inclined to give more people a chance had I not witnessed libs call me a piece of shit/intolerant in the 80's when I said the needle exchange program was pure lunacy. Everything I said would come of it has. Now, I just wanna see em all butchered.

I would have agreed with you tbh. But I was a little girl in the 1980s.

I think the needle program is DISGUSTING. I have walked past water jugs filled with used needles on Seattle where someone had the sense to hang one so they didn’t dump them on the ground. But I also find the people that are willing to try that even worse.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Murdock, dear old friend, I think it's perfectly safe to conclude "it is just you" on this one

This idea is about as brilliant as putting a condom vending machine in a hospice


Never underestimate the power of persuasion. I’ll start keeping track when I call these things out more so I can make you eat your words later.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

I’m tir
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

It’s a real MOFO. I’m still feeling blah after receiving my 2nd round Moderna vaxx so I don’t die on a ventilator if/when I do contract it. I don’t trust people to do what they need to make this die off or we wouldn’t be here right now.

But I’m tired and I’m going to get a mani/pedi from the women I’ve been coming to since I was in HS. Her daughter runs the place now. They are fresh off the boat refugees who lost most of their family to pirates when they came over. The mom’s father, mother and brother were killed right in front of her.

I’m also gonna pay her to assault me with wax next, so I gotta run. Gotta love white privilege ;)

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

I’m tir
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

It’s a real MOFO. I’m still feeling blah after receiving my 2nd round Moderna vaxx so I don’t die on a ventilator if/when I do contract it. I don’t trust people to do what they need to make this die off or we wouldn’t be here right now.

But I’m tired and I’m going to get a mani/pedi from the women I’ve been coming to since I was in HS. Her daughter runs the place now. They are fresh off the boat refugees who lost most of their family to pirates when they came over. The mom’s father, mother and brother were killed right in front of her.

I’m also gonna pay her to assault me with wax next, so I gotta run. Gotta love white privilege ;)

I ate Thai food yesterday?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Sometimes people just wanna be fucked up, dummy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

I’m tir
I can see it now.

John Dorkison -

Introduction: HIghly movitivated (and High) Career criminal drug addict with a propensity for stealing all of your shit at the first opportunity possible

Skills: Bagging rock, smoking rock, selling rock, indecent sex acts in a variety of places including public venues, pick pocketing, groping, public defecation,

Past experience: Robbery, Armed Robbery, Burglary (all three degrees), Grand Theft Auto, Narcotics distribution, Trespassing, Indecent exposure etc etc

Good workforce you're building there libs :LOL3:

I don’t think the homeless population is filled with people who would have the capacity to be a drug dealer TBH…. Or maybe I’ve been exposed to a higher level of criminal than you….

In any event, I believe they are the product of broken homes, abuse/neglect and the resulting complex & PTSD symptoms resulting therefrom, which makes you highly susceptible to pain killer and/or opioid addiction. They legalized marijuana late enough that this spiraled just enough to be disruptive to otherwise working class communities.
Let me ask you one simple question. since you are feeling so free to deviate from the relevant subject matter anyway.

How many of those Portland "peaceful protestors" who "peacefully protested with a bit of fiery vigor" for 90 something days straight had full time jobs to report to the next morning?

Let me ask you this = damn gurrrrl, you just destroyed my argument AND simultaneously linked this back to Roe v Wade.

I am not derailing this discussion into An~Queefa and Black Length Matters except to the men fucking their wimmenz. Trying to strengthen your weak ass argument by throwing the millennium equivalent to the common street thug in our day is only pointing out how truly conservative I actually am when it comes to withholding the core family values this country was built on.

I walk the walk… not just talk the talk.
So basically you don't have an answer.

Common occurrence.

So how about that delta variant huh?

It’s a real MOFO. I’m still feeling blah after receiving my 2nd round Moderna vaxx so I don’t die on a ventilator if/when I do contract it. I don’t trust people to do what they need to make this die off or we wouldn’t be here right now.

But I’m tired and I’m going to get a mani/pedi from the women I’ve been coming to since I was in HS. Her daughter runs the place now. They are fresh off the boat refugees who lost most of their family to pirates when they came over. The mom’s father, mother and brother were killed right in front of her.

I’m also gonna pay her to assault me with wax next, so I gotta run. Gotta love white privilege ;)
People with the vax still die.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I disagree that this is either a good idea or effective. A better approach is to force people into rehab by enforcing existing laws then giving addicts a choice of go to rehab or go to jail. This is why the decriminlization moves (such as prop 42) are so counter productive and harmful.
What does Andy Ngo have to say about it tho?

Seriously, Mr. Bland turns to him constantly, boy crush or what?!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I disagree that this is either a good idea or effective. A better approach is to force people into rehab by enforcing existing laws then giving addicts a choice of go to rehab or go to jail. This is why the decriminlization moves (such as prop 42) are so counter productive and harmful.

Yeah. I agree with you.

Freedom from inacarceration should only be provided if the addicts agrees to enrol in rehabilitation program.

Actually, I'd even be willing to pay taxes towards finding them free housing in a drug treatment facility outside of the city and a one way bus ticket there so they could find the help they need.

That's the only way they'll ever clean up the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, which is a whorey mess.

Right now, they even give out FREE drugs in Canada to these addicts. It should be conditional. Sure I understand providing drugs to WEAN them off of addiction, but not to further like the government her appears to be doing.