When people talk about the "Original Six" they are referring to the original six Avengers, Senile
If you are going to pretend to know what you are talking about, at least do your research.
..and so there is:
I got at least one of 'em
@The Prowler:
The Original Comic book of one of the 'Original Six"
Cost me $7500 US or over $10,000 Canadian.
I picked it up the other day.
Admittedly, it was Foolish Buy Indeed.
Luckily however, there are even bigger fools/suckers than me who'll pay even more than that. Possibly $15,000 US or twice as much as I paid for it.(?)
Maybe I'll try to unload it next year when the next Thor Movie comes out, eh?
...that should bump up the sale price a bit.
C'mon Thor Buddy, I'm countin' on ya!