I xan touch kids at least
you making seaboobs drool now
He licking his lips
he sitting there wondering if you need to take a course or get a certificate or something
He is pulling up that "cream pie" picture. The lack of consent gets him going.
Only if you put the same effort when raising your kids.
See why you gotta keep getting mad?
Again. Why am I "mad?"
Cuz I didnt make Fartini my fat house wife?
No. Because you held a fucking Nintendo Switch ovet a toilet, "psycho."
And it was funny as shit.
Martini insulated his sweat pants instantly with that one
I know Dove wouldnt of done it, but I remember the whole saga unfolding, and that shit, that shit was funny as fuck all lol.
I would have laughed my ass off if she did.
I could give the slightest fuck how his deformed mutant sprogs would have felt about it.
I remember him trying to make it out to be about the kid, some special kid or something, and I did indeed feel bad for the kid caught up in all this. But all I had to do, was remember that he was the one that took it from his kid, and left it there.
He convinced me to pawn the Switch for him and said he would get it.
But that didnt happen. After I blocked him, he drug it all to the internet and threw a huge fucking fit trying to threaten and manipulate me by blasting "pi", sending threats and wailing about how it belonged to his "autistic kid"
We were gonna ship it. But then he started sending me ultimatums. At that point, he wasn't getting shit.
Had he shut the fuck up he would have had it.
So we decided to make sure who it belonged to. I was gonna do a whole series of torturing that Switch. But I didnt want the kid to suffer.
So we(husband and I) reached out to the ex wife. Fartini is one of those narcs who slams all his exs nonstop. So he showed me her page to show me ugly he thought she is. (He is like that....it was a huge red flag)
She was very understanding. She has to deal with him so she knows what he is like.
So it turned out it was the kids. None of them are autistic. Also they didnt even know he had pawned it in another state. They lent it to him to play tetris. They were not upset.
So I paid to send it back to the kid.
Since Fartini is a narcissistic abuser, he has been shitting himself and raging and lying ever since. Narcs hate losing "control". So he is stuck in this nonstop quest for vengeance.
Being a slobby ass psycho on the internet for years on end seems to be how he will "show" me lol.
He is very obsessed with how he "looks" online....so his narcissistic rotted brain projects that on ALL of us.