The Dovzo Manifesto


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
flynn will be along to defend the dipshits honor any minute now.

Would you like me to come in here and decapitate you, again? While I'm at it I can post up some trigger words to Dovey and watch het spin like a top for days. Would you like me to do that, daughter fucker? Well? Would you?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
flynn will be along to defend the dipshits honor any minute now.

Would you like me to come in here and decapitate you, again? While I'm at it I can post up some trigger words to Dovey and watch het spin like a top for days. Would you like me to do that, daughter fucker? Well? Would you?

You mean you'll fly into a 3 day rage spammy meltdown like you normally do when you slowly start realizing no one actually cares about your feelings?

So what "trigger words" do you think will get it done? Did you add any new ones to your go to list?

You have chubby fingers, dont you?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Abortion is a woman's God-given right.
Life is a babies god given right, cunt!

Death to all unwanted zygotes

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Abortion is a woman's God-given right.

You know, it's this kind of thing which illustrates perfectly just how brainwashed you lefties are and how you'll dance to whatever tune the state has programmed you to.

Most of the time, you liberals attempt to be virtuous and cling to the moral highground, so you champion causes which you believe will make you look esteemed and of superior character to others. "Refugees Welcome" marches, LGBT rights, missionary work in third world countries etc, are all common activities among leftist activists.

However, this staunch pro-abortion stance, which is pretty much universal among the woke wussies, is a tad unusual because you are after all arguing that murder is a good thing.

It's a far cry from your typical brand of fuzzy, cuddly, pro-life activism, don't you think?
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The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
It's a far cry from your typical brand of fuzzy, cuddly, pro-life activism, don't you think?

I'm too busy fighting for YOUR rights by fucking off the

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

As we all should unless you want to go back to stop and search which you are probably too young to remember.

Believe me, if this gets passed we're all fucked.

At the moment the situation is

Most of the time, you have the legal right to refuse to answer and just walk away. Usually, under 'stop and account', the police officer or PCSO doesn't have the power to force you to stay. You can't be searched or arrested just because you refuse to answer their questions.

That's all about to go away and you'll find yourself spread eagled across a car bonnet on a wet Friday night whilst they plant drugs on you.

If we don't fight it that'll be reality.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

Hey, talk to your guy blandscape, he's calling the PM system his "home" and spamming it as well.
Ignore him?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
flynn will be along to defend the dipshits honor any minute now.

Would you like me to come in here and decapitate you, again? While I'm at it I can post up some trigger words to Dovey and watch het spin like a top for days. Would you like me to do that, daughter fucker? Well? Would you?
You lame assed faggit, you've never "decapitated" jack shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.


Yes you are correct. But you have it in reverse.

You can say you play it all as a game but absolutely no one buys that.

You drag personal matters onto the forums over the past 3 years and you no closer to shutting the fuck up now than you were 3 years ago.

The "stupid people" thing is fucking stupid. You are easily one of the stupidest fucking people on the boards. For someone who talks about socail media....I mean i remember your socail media. I think the most action you got was a few comments from the same people who were being nice and 5 or 6 likes on your most liked post.

And you are the one who finds importance in that stupid shit. So that's even sadder.

Now I'm SURE you have a secret socail media account that is just booming with popularity and you didnt want me to see it because I'm so so so stupid. It goes along with your secret house and your pretend bank account.

You know what do you imagine claims like that accomplish? Honestly?

Do you think I'm sitting here reading you rant about this fantasy life you live thinking "oh man....I wish I wasnt so "ratchet" and stupid and got so played by this high value Chad here who went so out of his way to trick me for content on a forum"?

Do you think I read this shit and feel bad? Like i lost out on something?

It's just ridiculous. You really need to get a grip. :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:

They really think they dont look like bitter, ghoulish morons. They think they are swinging and hitting and other people should STFU.

What amazes me is how stuck on stupid with this "cuck" bullshit they want to be.

Like being a dirtbag who screws with another mans wife has ANY leverage in some competition of morals/worth(that btw...they are the only ones trying to engage) If my husband was a cuck, he is still several notches above the beta who was happy to lap up crumbs off my cucks table.

But that's the angle that makes them feel all empowered. You cannot make this shit up :LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:

They really think they dont look like bitter, ghoulish morons. They think they are swinging and hitting and other people should STFU.

What amazes me is how stuck on stupid with this "cuck" bullshit they want to be.

Like being a dirtbag who screws with another mans wife has ANY leverage in some competition of morals/worth(that btw...they are the only ones trying to engage) If my husband was a cuck, he is still several notches above the beta who was happy to lap up crumbs off my cucks table.

But that's the angle that makes them feel all empowered. You cannot make this shit up :LOL3:
Would your hubby kick his ass?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:

They really think they dont look like bitter, ghoulish morons. They think they are swinging and hitting and other people should STFU.

What amazes me is how stuck on stupid with this "cuck" bullshit they want to be.

Like being a dirtbag who screws with another mans wife has ANY leverage in some competition of morals/worth(that btw...they are the only ones trying to engage) If my husband was a cuck, he is still several notches above the beta who was happy to lap up crumbs off my cucks table.

But that's the angle that makes them feel all empowered. You cannot make this shit up :LOL3:
Would your hubby kick his ass?

My husband is very fit. He would annihilate Poofer.

It wouldnt even be worth his while or the charges that Poofer would definately cry to cops to bring.

My husband is the guy Poofer tries to lie about being. Only my husband has standards and more class.

It's very obvious I have several mental issues to have created a situation like that in the first place. When you are going through as much as I was at that time the instinct is to escape. I may as well have jumped into a fucking sewer. Poofer was always much more threatened by my husband than my husband was of him.

It is what it is lol. It's not even a topic in my marriage anymore.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

Hey, talk to your guy blandscape, he's calling the PM system his "home" and spamming it as well.
Ignore him?

I called the sheriff.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know what Poofer should do is clean himself up.

Stop consuming junk. Work out. Get healthier. At his age he really cant afford to be a slob. He doesnt have the resources to manage being older with bad health. Drink more water and excersize.

Get into some therapy somehow. Ditch the fantasy life and start accomplishing things with his actual life he can feel good about. Stop obsessing over whether or not other people admire him.

Get whatever job and make the best of it. Work on having a healthy relationship with his kids.

He could be much less of a dirtbag if he wanted to. The problem is he is lazy and full of shit and thinks way more of himself than he should. He has magical thinking and an unrealistic view of himself and the world. Embarrassing himself on a forum isnt going to solve any of his deep issues.

He needs to take care of that house and be glad he isnt homeless.

I mean fussing over the same dumb old shit on a forum for 3 years is just a symptom. This guy needs to work on his own life. So much could have been done in the past 3 years that would have made this whole drama he created with me less and less important to him.

His ego got hurt and he is just stuck on it.

Attacking and trying to degrade ME isnt going to boost his value. It just diminishes him further. It might be less painful if he can turn me into some grubby loser.....but ot just makes him look even more low value and pathetic that he would bother with someone so beneath him. That is my issue. I went low and had to work through that.

He needs to work on himself. He will never pull hot 24 year olds.....but he can do better in general than he is doing now.
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:

They really think they dont look like bitter, ghoulish morons. They think they are swinging and hitting and other people should STFU.

What amazes me is how stuck on stupid with this "cuck" bullshit they want to be.

Like being a dirtbag who screws with another mans wife has ANY leverage in some competition of morals/worth(that btw...they are the only ones trying to engage) If my husband was a cuck, he is still several notches above the beta who was happy to lap up crumbs off my cucks table.

But that's the angle that makes them feel all empowered. You cannot make this shit up :LOL3:
Would your hubby kick his ass?

My husband is very fit. He would annihilate Poofer.

It wouldnt even be worth his while or the charges that Poofer would definately cry to cops to bring.

My husband is the guy Poofer tries to lie about being. Only my husband has standards and more class.

It's very obvious I have several mental issues to have created a situation like that in the first place. When you are going through as much as I was at that time the instinct is to escape. I may as well have jumped into a fucking sewer. Poofer was always much more threatened by my husband than my husband was of him.

It is what it is lol. It's not even a topic in my marriage anymore.
Yeah, I was going to say get him to wreck poof but he would undoubtedly snitch to the cops the snivveling weasel that he is!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
You know what Poofer should do is clean himself up.

Stop consuming junk. Work out. Get healthier. At his age he really cant afford to be a slob. He doesnt have the resources to manage being older with bad health. Drink more water and excersize.

Get into some therapy somehow. Ditch the fantasy life and start accomplishing things with his actual life he can feel good about. Stop obsessing over whether or not other people admire him.

Get whatever job and make the best of it. Work on having a healthy relationship with his kids.

He could be much less of a dirtbag if he wanted to. The problem is he is lazy and full of shit and thinks way more of himself than he should. He has magical thinking and an unrealistic view of himself and the world. Embarrassing himself on a forum isnt going to solve any of his deep issues.

He needs to take care of that house and be glad he isnt homeless.

I mean fussing over the same dumb old shit on a forum for 3 years is just a symptom. This guy needs to work on his own life. So much could have been done in the past 3 years that would have made this whole drama he created with me less and less important to him.

His ego got hurt and he is just stuck on it.

Attacking and trying to degrade ME isnt going to boost his value. It just diminishes him further. It might be less painful if he can turn me into some grubby loser.....but ot just makes him look even more low value and pathetic that he would bother with someone so beneath him. That is my issue. I went low and had to work through that.

He needs to work on himself. He will never pull hot 24 year olds.....but he can do better in general than he is doing now.
Is that what he aims for, hot 24yo girls?:LOL3::LOL3: He's got absolutely no chance, a broke 50yo who cannot drive and spends time streaming Fortnite to two people? Fuckin whacko!:facepalm:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I blame KM's problems on Fortnite.

Honestly, it's a cartoon like shit fest shooter that sucks.

He should play Cuphead, a game that, if he is out of shape, will probably give him a heart attack because it's so hard.

He claimed to have beaten it, (probably on easy mode) but never posted any proof, like a screenshot of his X box trophies for the game.

He never posted proof that he had the x box s, he probably playing fortnite on a dirty X box one.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sorry, Joe.

Dovzo is nothing but a buttblasted twat who got smacked around and all it took was a reply to one of her snore bombs.

See, when somebody does something like a snore bomb, you reply with a nuke.

When thimble brained morons say “it’s too long”, you won.

Don’t type out some remarkably trite tripe and not expect somebody to use that shit against you.

These tears from the low hangers are like nectar. When they circle tents like an autism parade then high five each other with pats on the back you know they’re desperate and you beat them.

Beat them, as in pointing out their mental intellect is limited.

Don’t worry. My beatings are rated E for everyone

You ranted the same old stupid shit for 7 pages that no one cares about.

Sure you dropped a "nuke" alright. On yourself. No one read that mess. I WAS gonna try reading it know....I still might do that.

I couldnt spit out 7 pages on this if I was getting paid.

Get a grip, Kevin. I know narcissists can hold grudges forever, but you act like we were fucking married or something.

You dont even shut the fuck up when people just let you claim it was all some MASTER TROLL.

You gotta go on and on about how much you dont care about it or how you dont even remember it. On and on.

Why do you think I started breaking it down like a case study? It fucking IS a case study. You need psych intervention.

No one made you do anything. You are a grown man and no one owes you fuck all. Take responsibility for yourself, suck it up and stop trying to "win" whatever it is you think you are trying to win.

People are starting to call you a stalker and give me shit because I havent drowned you in a toilet yet.

SWITCH it up.
Ah, here’s the stupid.

See dumbass, some of us play this as a game.

Some of you use this as social media because no other platform wants stupid ppl on it.

Oh look, it's the talking turd back for another rendition of "What not to do on forums"...
Take it away, CHEAPSKATE! :facepalm:

They really think they dont look like bitter, ghoulish morons. They think they are swinging and hitting and other people should STFU.

What amazes me is how stuck on stupid with this "cuck" bullshit they want to be.

Like being a dirtbag who screws with another mans wife has ANY leverage in some competition of morals/worth(that btw...they are the only ones trying to engage) If my husband was a cuck, he is still several notches above the beta who was happy to lap up crumbs off my cucks table.

But that's the angle that makes them feel all empowered. You cannot make this shit up :LOL3:
Would your hubby kick his ass?

My husband is very fit. He would annihilate Poofer.

It wouldnt even be worth his while or the charges that Poofer would definately cry to cops to bring.

My husband is the guy Poofer tries to lie about being. Only my husband has standards and more class.

It's very obvious I have several mental issues to have created a situation like that in the first place. When you are going through as much as I was at that time the instinct is to escape. I may as well have jumped into a fucking sewer. Poofer was always much more threatened by my husband than my husband was of him.

It is what it is lol. It's not even a topic in my marriage anymore.
Yeah, I was going to say get him to wreck poof but he would undoubtedly snitch to the cops the snivveling weasel that he is!

Totally not worth it. My husband doesnt even flinch at this joker.

3 years ago his lips would tighten at the mention or he would bring it up in arguments because he cannot believe I went to that level. But it was never worth my husband going to jail for assault.


Domestically feral
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United states
You know what Poofer should do is clean himself up.

Stop consuming junk. Work out. Get healthier. At his age he really cant afford to be a slob. He doesnt have the resources to manage being older with bad health. Drink more water and excersize.

Get into some therapy somehow. Ditch the fantasy life and start accomplishing things with his actual life he can feel good about. Stop obsessing over whether or not other people admire him.

Get whatever job and make the best of it. Work on having a healthy relationship with his kids.

He could be much less of a dirtbag if he wanted to. The problem is he is lazy and full of shit and thinks way more of himself than he should. He has magical thinking and an unrealistic view of himself and the world. Embarrassing himself on a forum isnt going to solve any of his deep issues.

He needs to take care of that house and be glad he isnt homeless.

I mean fussing over the same dumb old shit on a forum for 3 years is just a symptom. This guy needs to work on his own life. So much could have been done in the past 3 years that would have made this whole drama he created with me less and less important to him.

His ego got hurt and he is just stuck on it.

Attacking and trying to degrade ME isnt going to boost his value. It just diminishes him further. It might be less painful if he can turn me into some grubby loser.....but ot just makes him look even more low value and pathetic that he would bother with someone so beneath him. That is my issue. I went low and had to work through that.

He needs to work on himself. He will never pull hot 24 year olds.....but he can do better in general than he is doing now.
Is that what he aims for, hot 24yo girls?:LOL3::LOL3: He's got absolutely no chance, a broke 50yo who cannot drive and spends time streaming Fortnite to two people? Fuckin whacko!:facepalm:


The only 50 year olds pulling hot 24 year olds are men who started building wealth in their 20s. Men who stay in shape, have resources and dont play video games.

I'll believe that some busted albino hoodrat in her 20s who thinks he owns a house might cling to him for a few months but nothing past that.

He dated some younger model after his divorce and that's his big peak. He ran her off with his narcissism though.

He has absolutely ZERO sexual leverage. He needs to go work on himself. Or accept where he is and be the best at that. Lol.


Bastard of the Century
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Abortion is a woman's God-given right.

You know, it's this kind of thing which illustrates perfectly just how brainwashed you lefties are and how you'll dance to whatever tune the state has programmed you to.

Most of the time, you liberals attempt to be virtuous and cling to the moral highground, so you champion causes which you believe will make you look esteemed and of superior character to others. "Refugees Welcome" marches, LGBT rights, missionary work in third world countries etc, are all common activities among leftist activists.

However, this staunch pro-abortion stance, which is pretty much universal among the woke wussies, is a tad unusual because you are after all arguing that murder is a good thing.

It's a far cry from your typical brand of fuzzy, cuddly, pro-life activism, don't you think?

Did your post get the Dovey Trigger Words Seal of Approval?

If not, you can slink back to the Stormfront showers for another episode of Drop the Ivory.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So this is why I use the word narcissist while describing Poofer.

Most all of this applies to him. And even Oak.

It's just obvious when you are a dealing with a manipulative narc.
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