Why is a douche who supports abortion suddenly concerned with death of the preborn?
Oh that’s right it’s alledgedly Covid related so that’s what he’s supposed to think
carry on cocklicker
Why are the Maga, Moral Majority, I done my reserch anti-vax crowd, studiously looking the other way while this is happening right before their very eyes?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Do you guys seriously NOT understand the difference between a tragic death from an illness or accident and intentionally killing a healthy human being because they exist?
Let me try to help you
From the article
She had gone to get her vaccine while pregnant last year, but said there had still been uncertainty at that early stage in the rollout over whether expectant women should have it.
She said: "I did initially go to get the vaccine, but at the time the advice was not to have it."
How fucking HEARTLESS are you people? You've gone so far into partisan hate la la land that you've disconnected from humanity.
Your logic here is what? That if someone makes a decision we dont like that tragically ends in death, that person has committed a murder? So if a pregnant woman gets in a car wreck and it kills her pre born child, YOUR logic dictates that since she knew the risk of being in a car and getting into accidents and chose to get in the car anyway.....she murdered her pre born baby. That's the same fucking logic you are using. That there is no difference between directly and intentionally killing a human and taking a risk that turned out tragically.
I dont think this woman who suffered the loss of her child would appreciate being USED as some irrational abortion "got ya!" or being compared to someone who intentionally had their preborn child killed and disposed of.
I also know that you guys are the first to tell this woman that her preborn baby was nothing. That he/she was a "potential" life. That she lost "dreams".....not her living human baby. Which is completely factually wrong, dehumanizing and cruel and loss mothers say this all the time, but since the establishment and corporate narrative is pro abortion, loss mothers and women who suffer post abortive trauma and women who were forced or coerced get shoved to the far back.
Nice logical fallacies, Admin. But this just shows that again.....you do not even understand the positions that oppose yours. And you consistently fail to see humanity in any of these issues.
So what......in your narrow mind, you think we should view this poor woman as a killer because she had to make a decision for herself that she, along with her doctor felt was safest for her? That she killed her baby because she GOT SICK?
GTFO. This is both a wildly ignorant form of manipulation as well as misogyny.