Is Dovey Pregnant?



Factory Bastard
I do, I will, I slap you and Dovey aboot in the same thread, it coalesces.

Ensure that you continue smacking your penis, by the end of the day, you might just succeed in ejaculating.

I have already spunked... over you and your inability to even troll your own hobbled inability. I want you to be happy here, but stop trying to make me responsible for that happiness.


> you
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. o O
I'm Spartacus, and so is my wife Proxy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I do, I will, I slap you and Dovey aboot in the same thread, it coalesces.

Ensure that you continue smacking your penis, by the end of the day, you might just succeed in ejaculating.

I have already spunked... over you and your inability to even troll your own hobbled inability. I want you to be happy here, but stop trying to make me responsible for that happiness.

Spunk all you want and plaster man pudding on the walls, we are all rooting for you, so do whatever it takes to maintain some semblance of your sanity.


Factory Bastard
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I think Dinky Dianna is pregnant. Her tits have grown a lot as per her posts. It will be her 6th.


Factory Bastard
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I haven't really looked, but SCOTUS overturning Roe blah blah blah d blah Wade tells me one thing, when Dovey does not respond to the most seismic shift to state law since the constitution was abolished in 2016, she must have neurons firing that did not involve firing at neurons from her legally owned AR15.

I fink Dovey is having second thoughts now sepsis will be on the rise, and doctors and women will be going to jail even if they travel outa state to seek reproductive rights. Its been a while since I looked, but isn't the current proposed legislation 33 years in Texas, just to travel to another state to have an abortion.

Has SCOTUS ever overturned a 50 year old human right in its history?

God bless America, and God bless Trump's picks, even though every one of them denied in Congressional acceptance that they wid ever interfere wiff Roe V's Wade.

Maybe she's trying to schedule an abortion before the 6 week limit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Did every one of Trump's picks for SCOTUS deny they wid interfere wiff Roe V's Wade?

They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.



Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.

You do realize this ruling doesn't outlaw abortions, right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is absolutely natural to feel VERY sad about the act of abortion.... but brutilising little unwanted children after they are born is FAR MORE unbearable to me.

I am so glad I live in Australia. As Russel Crowe said at one Oscar awards...."thank Christ for Australia."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.

You do realize this ruling doesn't outlaw abortions, right?

After 8 weeks it does... Most countries have a cut off at 12 weeks ...after that an abortion might be because it is life threatening to the mum or its not a viable fetus or its a deformed fetus.... either way it's none of the government or judiciary fucking business and it hasn't been for 1/2 a century.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
After 8 weeks it does... Most countries have a cut off at 12 weeks ...after that an abortion might be because it is life threatening to the mum or its not a viable fetus or its a deformed fetus.... either way it's none of the government or judiciary fucking business and it hasn't been for 1/2 a century.
The US is leaving the rules up to the individual States to decide. Canada has always been this way, with Provinces to decide rules/cutoffs, etc, since each Province runs its own healthcare system. Essentially the US is now operating like Canada has been.

I'm sure Australia is similar...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
After 8 weeks it does... Most countries have a cut off at 12 weeks ...after that an abortion might be because it is life threatening to the mum or its not a viable fetus or its a deformed fetus.... either way it's none of the government or judiciary fucking business and it hasn't been for 1/2 a century.
The US is leaving the rules up to the individual States to decide. Canada has always been this way, with Provinces to decide rules/cutoffs, etc, since each Province runs its own healthcare system. Essentially the US is now operating like Canada has been.

I'm sure Australia is similar...

Anyone can have a free abortion in Australia. I know someone who just aborted pregnancy number 4.... I know 2 young women who are having baby number 5 and number 6. None of those 3 women own their own homes and only one is married.

Absolute lunacy to me.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I just found out our states allows abortions up to 20 weeks.
after that 2 doctors have to agree that an abortion can take place if the mother's life is in danger in special circumstances.


Factory Bastard
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They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.

You do realize this ruling doesn't outlaw abortions, right?

Um, yes. Your point?