Callout Scoundrel


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I could easily beat Lily in a one post match.

I had the best one post Dovey Flame at FT hands down, Cunty loved it so you know it was awesome.

that epic, the death of trf scrollbomb was a classic

Maybe, maybe not

The combined might of the Literature Club would destroy you with one post.

Whoa, should I just give you your cookie now?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Deal with judges, Scoundrel.

Don’t be a fucking pussy

The impartiality just flows.

Ever wondered why judges are passe?

That is how you tell who is full of shit and who you can trust...

And more importantly who really reads the matches... You can guarantee Regan and Prowler can read and critique matches.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn.... learn to be more patient. You are being far too pushy... we all in different time zones... so a little patience will go a long way.

Caskur, I say this with love:

It has not a damn fucking thing to do with "time zones." I took your word that the stips in the first post were agreed upon. I posted up TWO--read'em--TWO threads I had to unsticky because you and Mr. Roper from Three's Company are having fucking senior moments. I've been more than patient. Watching you two try to hash out the stips is like watching two geriatrics fuck in a broken wheelchair.

Now. Like I said before. When your ancient ass is ready and Don Knotts can agree to whatever the hell you guys are calling this trainwreck, let me know and make up a thread match with all the wonderful stips included, including any judges that might be participating.

WARNING: In the event this goes sideways again between Howdy Doody and yourself and I get more belly aching about something about what you both agreed on, you and Older Than Fucking Dirt will be barred from "Matches" for the entire length of both your stays, however long that may be. I hope that I have made myself perfectly clear this time.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is being hijacked by spam... move the spam out... we hadn't even gone 12 hours and you were cracking a sad..

Move the spam out of the thread so you can see the trees from the forest...

I made the stips in the first post... check...

Scoundrel then wanted it adjusted... I refused his stips. check

He resoloved it saying he was busy on the weekend and would start Monday... He was happy to start Monday.

Put the match thread up again and wait until Monday... it's not rocket science. Let Scoundrel have his stips. No run-ins. I don't care all that much unlike the girly men here I can battle under any circumstances. Do it or step down and let someone else be a promtor.... Pffft.

We are going to have fucking judges whether he likes it or not.. He doesn't have to read their critiques.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Errmmm and if you threaten me again we'll take the match to BC and you can suffer in you Bondi Bloomers sweet Flynn...

You'll soon learn who really IS the Queen of flame in flame town!~

fuck... who do these bitches think they are???


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
I'm a psycho... everybody knows that... flynn wasn't around during the years of Cosmic Outpost matches where champs became bigger champs.

Nobody should get on my bad side.. NOBODY.

How are going Mel? Are you giving those iron chinks curry?
Things are well, thanks for asking!

Those Chinks locked the board down earlier today because of my mere presence, even though I was told that Flea had full autonomous control of her sub. She doesn't... She's nothing more than a pawn for the Chinks there... All respect I had for her is gone.

Which is fine.

What's good in Western Oz?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is being hijacked by spam... move the spam out... we hadn't even gone 12 hours and you were cracking a sad..

Move the spam out of the thread so you can see the trees from the forest...

I made the stips in the first post... check...

Scoundrel then wanted it adjusted... I refused his stips. check

He resoloved it saying he was busy on the weekend and would start Monday... He was happy to start Monday.

Put the match thread up again and wait until Monday... it's not rocket science. Let Scoundrel have his stips. No run-ins. I don't care all that much unlike the girly men here I can battle under any circumstances. Do it or step down and let someone else be a promtor.... Pffft.

We are going to have fucking judges whether he likes it or not.. He doesn't have to read their critiques.

You are in no position to tell me what to do young lady. My job here is not to baby sit two adults that can't even make up their minds on some simple stips. Now, if this was regarding world peace or a cure for Cancer, well then maybe you'd need more time. What you are doing is getting people worked up and then finding an excuse to delay the match. Fine, if you want to do that it's yours to do, same with The Scoundrel but you both will not have me putting up and taking down threads for your amusement.

SECONDLY, I am not a promoter, that's not what I'm here for. If YOU want a promoter, get someone to promote your slow ass self and Alzheimers Scoundrel.

Thirdly, you were involved with the "spam" along with your cohort Scoundrel. Like I said, if that's what you want to do then cool, but I am not at your beck in call when it comes to things like this. Like I've stated numerous times, you have had ample enough time to sort this out. Just because you have dementia and The Prowler needs 500/500 reading glasses to read, does not give you two silly loons the right to putter around like you guys do at your local Senior Centers.

Additionally, I will not put up a fucking thing until I AM SURE that you two Jurassic era fossils are actually in agreement. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? I need to know that you understand and comprehend what I am saying.

Lastly, Grandfather Time has made it clear that he does not want judges and I will respect his wishes until he tells me otherwise. Until then, no match thread is going up until I read that you UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK I AM SAYING and until both you dinosaurs are BOTH in agreement.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm a psycho... everybody knows that... flynn wasn't around during the years of Cosmic Outpost matches where champs became bigger champs.

Nobody should get on my bad side.. NOBODY.

How are going Mel? Are you giving those iron chinks curry?
Things are well, thanks for asking!

Those Chinks locked the board down earlier today because of my mere presence, even though I was told that Flea had full autonomous control of her sub. She doesn't... She's nothing more than a pawn for the Chinks there... All respect I had for her is gone.

Which is fine.

What's good in Western Oz?

lol... they're terrified of their own shadows that lot.

You might have to make another board.

This board will most likely die when I take my business elsewhere and when the amateur promotor quits trolling the players.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Errmmm and if you threaten me again we'll take the match to BC and you can suffer in you Bondi Bloomers sweet Flynn...

You'll soon learn who really IS the Queen of flame in flame town!~

fuck... who do these bitches think they are???


You know what Caskur, dear. If you feel the need to take whatever it is you have to BC please don't hesitate.

I can tell you this without my Magic 8 Ball, I will not be suffering in the least bit. You can go and annoy those guys over there with your time wasting antics.

As far as "The Queen of Flaming" goes, perhaps but I'm willing to take that chance if it makes this portion of matches less retarded.

In regard to your soo eloquently put question, I'm the "bitch" that can stomp a fucking mudhole into your bony ass the size of fucking Texas. I'm the "bitch" that can single handedly wipe you off the "flame" map if I choose so. And...I'm the "bitch" that can and will make you look like you're posting from a hospital bed after I put your rusty ass into the coma that you've just woken from.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Omnipotent said:
Put the match thread up again and wait until Monday... it's not rocket science. Let Scoundrel have his stips. No run-ins. I don't care all that much unlike the girly men here I can battle under any circumstances. Do it or step down and let someone else be a promtor.... Pffft.

We are going to have fucking judges whether he likes it or not.. He doesn't have to read their critiques.

Do you see the fucking issue here, Caskur??? His stips were no judges, yet here you are...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Scoundrel and Monkey D. Luffy, gentlman and vomit spew man,

Would you like to match at Reject at BC...?

My boyfriend Bra1n is there.. It might be more interesting there than watching Flynn premature ejaculate on power trips... Foxy isn't the only one.

Actually, when all said and done, Monkey D Luffy asked me last year for a match but since my right arm was broken then, I failed the medical competence test. I am fit now.

Mods are always on power trips.... YAWN.

I called out Scoundrel. Not the other way around.

caskur Queen of Flame!~


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Canadian chilly mornings... PERFECT daytime temps.

We are doing OK... we need rain. We always need rain...
That's the problem with OZ!

We have a flood warning issued just now, because the snowpack is high, and the temps were low...

Until now! Snowmelt!

You better leave BEFORE the flood comes. I know you have high ground too. The floods were REALLY bad on our eastern side this year.

AND DO NOT CROSS ANY FLOODED ROADS EVER.... please say you won't cross a flooded road.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
caskur Queen of Flame!~

More delusions of grandeur....

Caskur, just because you're so ancient you used to have a pet dinosaur and be on first name terms with Jesus, doesn't automatically make you some kind of flaming legend.

You're average at best and that's being kind. There are far more witty and intelligent posters on here, myself included, who could verbally euthanise your decaying old ass in a few brief sentences.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Scoundrel and Monkey D. Luffy, gentlman and vomit spew man,

Would you like to match at Reject at BC...?

My boyfriend Bra1n is there.. It might be more interesting there than watching Flynn premature ejaculate on power trips... Foxy isn't the only one.

Actually, when all said and done, Monkey D Luffy asked me last year for a match but since my right arm was broken then, I failed the medical competence test. I am fit now.

Mods are always on power trips.... YAWN.

I called out Scoundrel. Not the other way around.

caskur Queen of Flame!~

Scoundrel can’t read BC because his eyes don’t work well with bright backgrounds. So that one you have to have here.

our match? Idk if the shit we can create is ok at fleas forum. I’ve been told too many times I gotta chill there where as here Flynn will give me the freedom of speech a flame match needs.

think about this, I will

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Actually, when all said and done, Monkey D Luffy asked me last year for a match but since my right arm was broken then, I failed the medical competence test. I am fit now.

And yet here I am, laid in bed after fracturing my coccyx and t14 t16 earlier this week. Posting from my phone but still willing to do a match starting Monday.

I think I'm being unbelievably generous.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Actually, when all said and done, Monkey D Luffy asked me last year for a match but since my right arm was broken then, I failed the medical competence test. I am fit now.

And yet here I am, laid in bed after fracturing my coccyx and t14 t16 earlier this week. Posting from my phone but still willing to do a match starting Monday.

I think I'm being unbelievably generous.

I hope you get well soon! I hope your broken cocc heals well and that you are still able to get erections when you read a Lokmar post.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I hope you get well soon! I hope your broken cocc heals well and that you are still able to get erections when you read a Lokmar post.

I hadn't bothered mentioning it as my physical woes have nothing to do with my mental powers. In fact the painkillers have got me in a slightly darker thinking mood which might be fun.

By Monday I'll be able to sit up with a lappy so all is good.

My erections are A1 diamond cutter hard as usual but thanks for asking.


Site Supporter
Actually, when all said and done, Monkey D Luffy asked me last year for a match but since my right arm was broken then, I failed the medical competence test. I am fit now.

And yet here I am, laid in bed after fracturing my coccyx and t14 t16 earlier this week. Posting from my phone but still willing to do a match starting Monday.

I think I'm being unbelievably generous.
Get well