Don't try to tell me that masks don't mitigate the transmission of viral pathogens. So medical personnel have been wearing them for decades for no good reason? Wow. They must be so stupid.
Common sense tells me that if an infected person near me coughs, not nearly as much of his crap is going to blow into my face if he's masked, so just fuck off morons. One and all.
No one is saying they dont mitigate.
What we are saying is that do not stop any virus from spreading.
And people thinking wearing a mask will protect them from infection and preaching the use of masks as if wearing them will stop the virus is annoying.
Admin openly said he lives in a tourist town so he never goes anywhere without a mask on because "trumptards are carrying disease". I tried telling him what the masks are for and he wasnt hearing any of it. People who think like this will take risks around infected people thinking they are protected, and they end up sick.
I have seen over and over people posting how they did everything they were supposed to do and never went out without the mask, and they are surprised they still got sick.
It's not a good idea for people to get so hung up on masks that they act nuts or think masks are critical to stopping Corona virus. It's not reality.
The masks will mitigate sure. A small bit. They probably will lower the viral load others are exposed to. But they wont stop infection and they can actually cause more risks because people will touch them and adjust them without even thinking about it. Or....get too close to infected people thinking the mask protects them.
People have placed way too much value on the masks when really its handwashing that will cut into the risk of infection. The benefits of masks are way overly exaggerated. Whether that is due to misinfo or it's a manipulation to influence people to wear them.....that's what puts off so many people. One side thumping their SCIENCE but what they are saying really isnt science. Mask mandates shouldnt be a thing.
Especially on little kids in school who get germs all over their hands and grab all over their face because they have a mask on and they are kids. It puts a bigger risk on them.
But yet partisans like Admin attack masks on kids in school being a choice as "parents are allowed to infect their kids now".....which is mindless and disgusting. No care at all for the risk:benefit ratio and attacking parents who care far more about their kids than leftwing strangers. If kids were getting sick with masks on....that wouldnt even be news.
Have you noticed its only news when someone was bucking government mandates gets sick and dies? But not the people who supported mandates getting sick and dying?(which is more frequent btw)