Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread - 2023 Version


Factory Bastard
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Some things have changed. The Blues used to go no further North than Cape Cod. They are a warm water fish. They stayed in NY waters all Summer and they ate anything that did not eat them first. If we got an early snow, they left. But now with the warming water they go all the way up to Canada. So they sometimes pass us right by. We have seen whole Summers with no Blues. This year was strange. Really big ones showed up early, stayed a bit, then kept going. None all Summer. Then mid- August the smaller ones came back in from spawning offshore. They are still here and eating anything that moves. Too bad the hot weather is keeping the asshat navy around too long. I need it to get cold so they go away and let us fish in peace.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I went to check on the boat yesterday. I noticed some splashes so I went looking . I tossed a 2oz spoon for no hits. Switched to a floating popper and BINGO!!! They hit it like it was their mother-in-law. No net man along, I lost 5 at the boat, but boated 3. It continued until the tide quit at sunset. 2 fatties and a small one. One actually bit the treble hook right off the popper. See lure pic. Three Creek Chub Knuckleheads, one with the middle hook bitten off, a new one, and one with a chunk bitten of the head. Tailors don't play.
