To the whores of bastard factory

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I need your advice. My neighborhood is screaming into the depths of sleeziness. Between prowlers, robbers, and violent punk-ass kids, they took my moped, so I already have enough to worry about on my street. So imagine my surprise when I started to see about three different women, in the space of four days, walking up and down the street adjacent to mine in what can only be described as hooker garb. Uncomfortable high heels, coochie cutter shorts, halter-tops and walking like they just shoved a three foot sommer sausage up their butts. I don't want anymore crap on my streets, and with prostitution comes even more crap. More skuzzballs, pimps, asses, punks, punk added, vandals, etc. Now, how do I confirm their hooker-ness before I sick the cops on them? My friend says to ask them straight up, but if the lady in question is not a hooker, then I just asked a neighbor if she turns tricks, and the entire situation could spiral out of control like an episode of Seinfeld?

What would you do? Sick cops no matter what? Try to think of benign way to actually confirm their skankiness? And if so, how? Lousy street. I need to move.


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Follow the money.
lots of pictures and some video of them accepting rides etc sent to your local law, crime stoppers tip line and or also if there is a local news outlet that likes muckraking stories.

But if your hood is already something of a war zone, you probably won't see a major task force swooping in.