Why is HollowBrain single?
And Lily is shacked up with a "con". Gotta wonder why she wouldnt be with a guy she can burn down black owned businesses with.
lily is shacked up with an inflatable life partner
nothing con about that
And you rent a nigger girl a couple times a month, who are you to brag? (Now watch, if I say Nigger it is bad, if Loktrd or Faeryanne or Duhh'v etc say the N word it is bigly funny)
Except I dont say that word.
I said it to you in response to you saying it but i dont use that word. It makes me uncomfortable.
But yeah i guess if Lok can be openly racist, so can you. You may as well be honest about it considering you dont think black people can handle having state ID.
Lok isnt even talking about black people when he says it. He is talking about loser criminals. He calls white scum bags that same word.
You literally just called an innocent black woman a rented n*gger.