Thinking of quitting for the hood


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

I feel you nigger, you build a unique bond with only a few speshul ones in a lifetime
he's my beloved BOSS ... rip cats apart, wirey and agile, he tolerates me



I always ask him if he's tryin' to French kiss me with that tongue lol

@Ice You see my fancy jean jacket cuff there LOL bastard !

Awwww he could pass as kin to some of the cats from here before lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
see his ear tip missing ... he's part of a program they have here, he has a micro chip verify his area of habitation if he ever gets caught up in a sweep, the tip missing shows he's fixed and been released back, he get's deeply discounted medical aid as long as I bring him as I am the registered owner of his colony ... 9 cats in total in my name

They have no program like that here and there are two feral colonies here. Two that I know of.

We talked about TNRing them anyway.... it's called a "barn cat package". They do clip the ears.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
see his ear tip missing ... he's part of a program they have here, he has a micro chip verify his area of habitation if he ever gets caught up in a sweep, the tip missing shows he's fixed and been released back, he get's deeply discounted medical aid as long as I bring him as I am the registered owner of his colony ... 9 cats in total in my name

My one cat has her ear clipped, I think she was catch and release, but I dont think she microchipped.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

I feel you nigger, you build a unique bond with only a few speshul ones in a lifetime
he's my beloved BOSS ... rip cats apart, wirey and agile, he tolerates me



I always ask him if he's tryin' to French kiss me with that tongue lol

@Ice You see my fancy jean jacket cuff there LOL bastard !

That's called "smurgling" ♡

LOL I see (:
you girls have cutesy names for shit ..

I actually got that from Jackson Galaxy lol
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Site Supporter
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

I feel you nigger, you build a unique bond with only a few speshul ones in a lifetime
he's my beloved BOSS ... rip cats apart, wirey and agile, he tolerates me



I always ask him if he's tryin' to French kiss me with that tongue lol

@Ice You see my fancy jean jacket cuff there LOL bastard !

Awwww he could pass as kin to some of the cats from here before lol.

fucking hell yeah lol the problem is these ones are DemoCATS


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

There was a "porch cat" living here when I moved in and I fell in love and brought her and her 4 kittens inside.

Found homes for 2.....but kept the tuxedos. Those kitties I'm always posting pictures of. Prudey and Mabel.

I kept Salem(the momma) as well. She got out for a few hours several weeks ago and sadly got pregnant(I was on a wait list for spaying....the Humane Society here is so booked up and I don't want to spend several hundred for something I can get for 60)

She had also gotten a bad respiratory infection and then started miscarrying. She lost a kitten and birthed was very underdeveloped. . so I rushed her to an emergency vet. Sat there for about 7 hours. Then they tell me she has the infection and she needs a csection and it was going to be like 3500 bucks. Wouldnt work with us at ALL. Then told us.....when they were bringing her out to us, that she passed 3 more kittens.

So we took her home to give her meds (we opted no csection. She had a bad respiratory thing and she was passing the kittens naturally.....not shelling out 3k on the spot for them to possibly kill my cat for no reason) and to get her to a regular vet the next day.

So she passed the rest of the kittens that night. We took her to the vet, she was fine. He said it was good we didnt do the csection because she was so sick and already birthing them.. he would have just given her something to induce harder labor.

It was fucking stressful and sad. Me and my husband were in that parking lot crying thinking this cat was dying and it was our fault and we were gonna have to pay 3 thousand dollars.

Now we are just pissed at that emergency vet and Salem gets spayed on the 5th. Along with my tuxies lol. She is SO much better now. Salem was the neighborhood badass until I made her a house cat. Shes the best.

I'm definitely not using that emergency vet ever again. Trying to sell us a 3k high risk surgery and not telling us she was back there birthing the kittens. Smh.

Damn thats crazy. Yeah vets be overcharging. It aint right when all you wanna do is take care of your baby.

Same surgery with the primary vet would have costs 750.

This emergency vets "low end" was 2500 but could have been 3500 something due to "miscellaneous charges" and whether or not they would have to resuscitate her if she died during it.

I just have all kinds of bad feelings towards them.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

I feel you nigger, you build a unique bond with only a few speshul ones in a lifetime
he's my beloved BOSS ... rip cats apart, wirey and agile, he tolerates me



I always ask him if he's tryin' to French kiss me with that tongue lol

@Ice You see my fancy jean jacket cuff there LOL bastard !

Awwww he could pass as kin to some of the cats from here before lol.

fucking hell yeah lol the problem is these ones are DemoCATS


I have Libertarfelines, they do what the hell they want lol.


Site Supporter
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

I feel you nigger, you build a unique bond with only a few speshul ones in a lifetime
he's my beloved BOSS ... rip cats apart, wirey and agile, he tolerates me



I always ask him if he's tryin' to French kiss me with that tongue lol

@Ice You see my fancy jean jacket cuff there LOL bastard !

Awwww he could pass as kin to some of the cats from here before lol.

fucking hell yeah lol the problem is these ones are DemoCATS


I have Libertarfelines, they do what the hell they want lol.



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

There was a "porch cat" living here when I moved in and I fell in love and brought her and her 4 kittens inside.

Found homes for 2.....but kept the tuxedos. Those kitties I'm always posting pictures of. Prudey and Mabel.

I kept Salem(the momma) as well. She got out for a few hours several weeks ago and sadly got pregnant(I was on a wait list for spaying....the Humane Society here is so booked up and I don't want to spend several hundred for something I can get for 60)

She had also gotten a bad respiratory infection and then started miscarrying. She lost a kitten and birthed was very underdeveloped. . so I rushed her to an emergency vet. Sat there for about 7 hours. Then they tell me she has the infection and she needs a csection and it was going to be like 3500 bucks. Wouldnt work with us at ALL. Then told us.....when they were bringing her out to us, that she passed 3 more kittens.

So we took her home to give her meds (we opted no csection. She had a bad respiratory thing and she was passing the kittens naturally.....not shelling out 3k on the spot for them to possibly kill my cat for no reason) and to get her to a regular vet the next day.

So she passed the rest of the kittens that night. We took her to the vet, she was fine. He said it was good we didnt do the csection because she was so sick and already birthing them.. he would have just given her something to induce harder labor.

It was fucking stressful and sad. Me and my husband were in that parking lot crying thinking this cat was dying and it was our fault and we were gonna have to pay 3 thousand dollars.

Now we are just pissed at that emergency vet and Salem gets spayed on the 5th. Along with my tuxies lol. She is SO much better now. Salem was the neighborhood badass until I made her a house cat. Shes the best.

I'm definitely not using that emergency vet ever again. Trying to sell us a 3k high risk surgery and not telling us she was back there birthing the kittens. Smh.

Damn thats crazy. Yeah vets be overcharging. It aint right when all you wanna do is take care of your baby.
It’s bullshit really. And in a lot of cases where the owners can’t afford a particular surgery, have no choice but to euthanase. Pet insurance is just over $3000.00 a year for a single pet here in Oz.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here was their estimate


Kinda insane considering what the regular vet said he charges for csections. Emergency vets are always more.

The stuff on this list they did do was like 492. They put her into a cardboard carrier.....from our carrier....and charged us for it LOL. Fuckheads.


Site Supporter
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

There was a "porch cat" living here when I moved in and I fell in love and brought her and her 4 kittens inside.

Found homes for 2.....but kept the tuxedos. Those kitties I'm always posting pictures of. Prudey and Mabel.

I kept Salem(the momma) as well. She got out for a few hours several weeks ago and sadly got pregnant(I was on a wait list for spaying....the Humane Society here is so booked up and I don't want to spend several hundred for something I can get for 60)

She had also gotten a bad respiratory infection and then started miscarrying. She lost a kitten and birthed was very underdeveloped. . so I rushed her to an emergency vet. Sat there for about 7 hours. Then they tell me she has the infection and she needs a csection and it was going to be like 3500 bucks. Wouldnt work with us at ALL. Then told us.....when they were bringing her out to us, that she passed 3 more kittens.

So we took her home to give her meds (we opted no csection. She had a bad respiratory thing and she was passing the kittens naturally.....not shelling out 3k on the spot for them to possibly kill my cat for no reason) and to get her to a regular vet the next day.

So she passed the rest of the kittens that night. We took her to the vet, she was fine. He said it was good we didnt do the csection because she was so sick and already birthing them.. he would have just given her something to induce harder labor.

It was fucking stressful and sad. Me and my husband were in that parking lot crying thinking this cat was dying and it was our fault and we were gonna have to pay 3 thousand dollars.

Now we are just pissed at that emergency vet and Salem gets spayed on the 5th. Along with my tuxies lol. She is SO much better now. Salem was the neighborhood badass until I made her a house cat. Shes the best.

I'm definitely not using that emergency vet ever again. Trying to sell us a 3k high risk surgery and not telling us she was back there birthing the kittens. Smh.

Damn thats crazy. Yeah vets be overcharging. It aint right when all you wanna do is take care of your baby.
It’s bullshit really. And in a lot of cases where the owners can’t afford a particular surgery, have no choice but to euthanase. Pet insurance is just over $3000.00 a year for a single pet here in Oz.

that's why one should really think before taking a life under ones wing ... it's not all kisses and soft fur


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here ya go, Tripod, with another favorite cat Nikolai Kittycoff lol.


Oh wow ...
the Gray one is a beauty
Good for you Blaze for helping them, much respect

Thanks man!

The gray one disappeared one day too. He was the bad ass lol, a brute!!! He would come join me for bonfires and hop up on my lap.

I've taken care of so many kitties over the years. Still do. I just wish Shit Butt would stop pooping in my driveway lol.

Midnight and Mrs Stripey cool cats too, they strays. The my indoor strays I've taken in are Zena the Warrior Princess, who I had to save after she was attacked and her eye had to be removed, shes black, and there is Beorna the Bear, cause of her bear like fur.

There was a "porch cat" living here when I moved in and I fell in love and brought her and her 4 kittens inside.

Found homes for 2.....but kept the tuxedos. Those kitties I'm always posting pictures of. Prudey and Mabel.

I kept Salem(the momma) as well. She got out for a few hours several weeks ago and sadly got pregnant(I was on a wait list for spaying....the Humane Society here is so booked up and I don't want to spend several hundred for something I can get for 60)

She had also gotten a bad respiratory infection and then started miscarrying. She lost a kitten and birthed was very underdeveloped. . so I rushed her to an emergency vet. Sat there for about 7 hours. Then they tell me she has the infection and she needs a csection and it was going to be like 3500 bucks. Wouldnt work with us at ALL. Then told us.....when they were bringing her out to us, that she passed 3 more kittens.

So we took her home to give her meds (we opted no csection. She had a bad respiratory thing and she was passing the kittens naturally.....not shelling out 3k on the spot for them to possibly kill my cat for no reason) and to get her to a regular vet the next day.

So she passed the rest of the kittens that night. We took her to the vet, she was fine. He said it was good we didnt do the csection because she was so sick and already birthing them.. he would have just given her something to induce harder labor.

It was fucking stressful and sad. Me and my husband were in that parking lot crying thinking this cat was dying and it was our fault and we were gonna have to pay 3 thousand dollars.

Now we are just pissed at that emergency vet and Salem gets spayed on the 5th. Along with my tuxies lol. She is SO much better now. Salem was the neighborhood badass until I made her a house cat. Shes the best.

I'm definitely not using that emergency vet ever again. Trying to sell us a 3k high risk surgery and not telling us she was back there birthing the kittens. Smh.

Damn thats crazy. Yeah vets be overcharging. It aint right when all you wanna do is take care of your baby.
It’s bullshit really. And in a lot of cases where the owners can’t afford a particular surgery, have no choice but to euthanase. Pet insurance is just over $3000.00 a year for a single pet here in Oz.

that's why one should really think before taking a life under ones wing ... it's not all kisses and soft fur

Well the primary vet we found who saw her after this does after hours emergencies.

This clinic has all kinds of bad reviews, too. I'm so glad we didn't dip into our renovation funds to have that surgery done considering it was over priced and she was birthing them. They didnt even tell us she was! They had us in tears thinking she was absolutely on deaths door. She wasnt.

Uhg I'm still pissed about it.

Anyway here is Salem. Her eyes were crusty from her cat Covid.


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
What did I @blowitoutmylatinoarse still making up stories? Baahahahahahahahahaa...can someone in Mexico duck her head underwater for 10 minutes...I’m sure it can breathe out of that arse_snorkel!?

That’s still not gonna stop me from stomping the curb with your man pussy, you menstruating hussy. Ya shoulda just let the ho’s battle it out instead of trying to save the day cuz now your ass is getting got . Only way imma stop is if BF bans me so ya best gets to begging.
I look forward to your continued angst...but please be gentle! Xx

Way too easy. I would thank you for playing but I wouldn’t exactly call wanting to murder children a form of “play”. Next time, mind your own damn business and you won’t get whooped like a bitch.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
What did I @blowitoutmylatinoarse still making up stories? Baahahahahahahahahaa...can someone in Mexico duck her head underwater for 10 minutes...I’m sure it can breathe out of that arse_snorkel!?

That’s still not gonna stop me from stomping the curb with your man pussy, you menstruating hussy. Ya shoulda just let the ho’s battle it out instead of trying to save the day cuz now your ass is getting got . Only way imma stop is if BF bans me so ya best gets to begging.
I look forward to your continued angst...but please be gentle! Xx

Way too easy. I would thank you for playing but I wouldn’t exactly call wanting to murder children a form of “play”. Next time, mind your own damn business and you won’t get whooped like a bitch.
Oh I never said that! Link? Context? You’re a parrot! Lol

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
What did I @blowitoutmylatinoarse still making up stories? Baahahahahahahahahaa...can someone in Mexico duck her head underwater for 10 minutes...I’m sure it can breathe out of that arse_snorkel!?

That’s still not gonna stop me from stomping the curb with your man pussy, you menstruating hussy. Ya shoulda just let the ho’s battle it out instead of trying to save the day cuz now your ass is getting got . Only way imma stop is if BF bans me so ya best gets to begging.
I look forward to your continued angst...but please be gentle! Xx

Way too easy. I would thank you for playing but I wouldn’t exactly call wanting to murder children a form of “play”. Next time, mind your own damn business and you won’t get whooped like a bitch.
Oh I never said that! Link? Context? You’re a parrot! Lol

Yes you did. Go back and sift thru your spam and find it. You pull that threat shit with someone else next time. I ain’t the one.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
What did I @blowitoutmylatinoarse still making up stories? Baahahahahahahahahaa...can someone in Mexico duck her head underwater for 10 minutes...I’m sure it can breathe out of that arse_snorkel!?

That’s still not gonna stop me from stomping the curb with your man pussy, you menstruating hussy. Ya shoulda just let the ho’s battle it out instead of trying to save the day cuz now your ass is getting got . Only way imma stop is if BF bans me so ya best gets to begging.
I look forward to your continued angst...but please be gentle! Xx

Way too easy. I would thank you for playing but I wouldn’t exactly call wanting to murder children a form of “play”. Next time, mind your own damn business and you won’t get whooped like a bitch.
Oh I never said that! Link? Context? You’re a parrot! Lol

Yes you did. Go back and sift thru your spam and find it. You pull that threat shit with someone else next time. I ain’t the one.
You’re a parrot and you missed the point. Don’t attack people’s family, don’t try to use or threaten PI and people could possibly trust day in the distant future. That’s just nasty and vindictive.

Now post hoods or GTFO!


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
No you missed it, you stupid fuck. That Swamp thing you were defending, she started with the family shit. I just hit her back harder than she imagined I would. Like I said, stay put the bitch fights and I won’t have to drag by your nasty cheese dick all over the fucking forum.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
No you missed it, you stupid fuck. That Swamp thing you were defending, she started with the family shit. I just hit her back harder than she imagined I would. Like I said, stay put the bitch fights and I won’t have to drag by your nasty cheese dick all over the fucking forum.
Get over yourself and blow it out your arse!
Hoods or GTFO of my thread!



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.

Well, now. This doesn't sound like the big fat mouthed ghetto whore, who once had animalistic magnetism with Sum Cun't. It sounds like one giant Puerto Rican rolled up snot rag crying about some petty shit she can't control.

Let me fill you in on some facts you already know you latin flavored pig. The forums aren't here to play Chris Hansen, nor are they here to police people who've clearly got under all that blubber you call "skin." There is no John Walsh coming to unhook that giant rusty harpoon still stuck in that thingy, you call an "ass."

The forums are...well just that, forums. If you don't approve or like some of the things posted, well you already know what you can with your all of a sudden can eat your words like a 12 pound bag of Doritos, which in your case would take you less than one (American) football quarter to polish off.

You need to slap the fuck out of that stupid motherfucker that has you in taco smelling knots. Or you can tuck tale and run the fuck home to the projects. This retarded ass OP is about as silly as people thinking "they" can have relations off this "forum" and think it won't implode in their acne ridden faces.

Now, as far as poster's go, you aren't my favorite, but you don't make me want to vomit up some of my period, then swallow it back down in slow motion. You're not the worst. Though the thing about you that just annoys the holy living fuck out of me is your penchant for turning a forum into a fucking circus. Whether it be an e-relationship that went sour faster than your relationship with leather face. And/Or a poster posting some slop that you can't put your stamp of approval on because it offends you so. Or/And some ding-dong jack booting your bean bag looking arse while you cry the fuck about it, as your roast beef colored pussy spits out tears made entirely from your current yeast infection. I mean, sometimes I think you manufacture drama just so you can bitch and moan, just to "bitch and moan."

Look. I'm not trying to bust your woman sack. Just buck up and fight fire with fire you silly cunt. You let that brain dead fucktard Breakfall, who couldn't even win a game of checkers against himself get you in a tail spin. I've known you forever and I've never seen you cower to anyone, let alone on the level that the single celled organism known as Breakfall is on. Do you realize how fucking pathetic Breakfall is? This is a fucking real life clown that posted pictures of his alleged genitals. Who the the fuck does this? I mean what could be so very wrong with someone that they need to post their privates for a bunch of strangers? For fuck sakes, this guys "flames" consist of " No Yuo" and how he owns this forum. Simply pathetic. If you let this little point headed toothless gimp run you off, next Dovey will be claiming that she still has custody of her children and how I'm on "meth" all the while being the so-called reformed junkie. See how this ride goes? Dovey will then lament on how evil I am because I stated, it would be nice if her and her brood were to perish in a fire. Flynn is so evil!!!!! It's almost "empiracle" to a point. Liken it to wrestling, you can't win them all, but you can certainly take your beat down like a fucking woman you weak minded gorilla.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.