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Domestically feral
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So how many cases like this need to happen before the establishment left is satisfied that their socail experiment to trash women's rights to accommodate any fucking man who says he is a woman is a bad idea?

And how easy will it be to re establish those rights and protections after theyve been systemic systemically picked off for "equality"?

When are you gonna care? When you get the go ahead from your side of politics? Because that will never happen, Lotus. Every single left wing person gets kicked out the minute they express concern for the rights and safety of women and girls.

What gets me here is that you dont hesitate to point out male violence against women, or that used to be the case when that violence was politically useful to slam republican males.....but not so useful when you pick up the torch of allowing these males into female spaces and throwing us all under the bus for "transrights" aka male entitlement.