Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread - 2023 Version


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I love river and stream fishing too. I have the beautiful Lenapehanna in my (so to speak) backyard, and a number of excellent trout streams/creeks etc nearby. I wet wade them, shore fish. I love climbing on rocky banks, and getting in the water. It too is a skill to develop.

Last time I crossed a stream, about waist high, I used trekking poles to help me keep balanced. I hadn't done it since my teenage years and was concerned I'd fall in. It was up in the Sierras. The water was ice cold, crisp...and so refreshing on a hot day.

The water was crystal clear, which made it easier to keep my footing. I sat on a fallen log and watched my family practice casting. Simple pleasures.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Last time I crossed a stream, about waist high, I used trekking poles to help me keep balanced. I hadn't done it since my teenage years and was concerned I'd fall in. It was up in the Sierras. The water was ice cold, crisp...and so refreshing on a hot day.

The water was crystal clear, which made it easier to keep my footing. I sat on a fallen log and watched my family practice casting. Simple pleasures.
.. Rock walking banks and wet wading rocky rivers and streams is a very good exercise. Falling happens as do injuries. To me it's all part of the game....or all in a day's play, you might say.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
.. Rock walking banks and wet wading rocky rivers and streams is a very good exercise. Falling happens as do injuries. To me it's all part of the game....or all in a day's play, you might say.

It is. I hadn't planned on crossing the stream that day, so I didn't have a change of clothes.

But teaching my grandson to cast and hear him exclaim "This is so cool!" over and over was the highlight of my day.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
My father and grandfather both were avid fishermen. I went fishing many times. My father took us fly fishing. Went fishing with my grandfather in the Puget Sound, in his little rowboat. We also went crabbing. It was all a lot of fun and very, very beautiful. Except for the part about whacking the fish on the head. I never, ever got over that. Can't do it.

My next door neighbor slaughters ducks and chickens. I admire her cool detachment, but can't do it myself.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
My father and grandfather both were avid fishermen. I went fishing many times. My father took us fly fishing. Went fishing with my grandfather in the Puget Sound, in his little rowboat. We also went crabbing. It was all a lot of fun and very, very beautiful. Except for the part about whacking the fish on the head. I never, ever got over that. Can't do it.

My next door neighbor slaughters ducks and chickens. I admire her cool detachment, but can't do it myself.
The whacking is difficult if you don't lose sight of the fact that a fish is a living thing and not just a thing to be eaten. I have a problem with people who leave a fish alive on a stringer to suffer and die slowly. The whacking is actually the merciful approach if you are taking a fish for food though I too find it difficult on the one or two occasions in the spring when I take a trout.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
The whacking is difficult if you don't lose sight of the fact that a fish is a living thing and not just a thing to be eaten. I have a problem with people who leave a fish alive on a stringer to suffer and die slowly. The whacking is actually the merciful approach if you are taking a fish for food though I too find it difficult on the one or two occasions in the spring when I take a trout.
Yes, my father and grandfather and brother always explained to me that they were being merciful when they were playing whack a fish. I just feel it in my gut. I see every living thing as a living thing. I don't have an ethical objection to eating living things, it's just I can't handle others' pain. Cannot.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes, my father and grandfather and brother always explained to me that they were being merciful when they were playing whack a fish. I just feel it in my gut. I see every living thing as a living thing. I don't have an ethical objection to eating living things, it's just I can't handle others' pain. Cannot.

I admit I don't enjoy it, but I am rather stoic about it. Pain is part of this planet, a lioness chasing down a gazelle, a fox hunting a rabbit. It is how this planet evolved.

For those who are sensitive, it's best not to participate in any kind of hunting or fishing. I won't hunt, I will tell you that much. Fishing is as "violent" as it gets for me.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
There was a small wildcat on the highway yesterday. I missed hitting it by inches. I cannot tell you. My heart went racing out of control. I was so grateful I didn't hit it. They're endangered, to boot.


The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Today's outing was interesting.
.. I went to a local lake - it's about a 30 minute hike in and a similar time coming out.
On the way coming around a bend I see a black object moving crossways to the trail. Bear?....
No - a stumbling extremely high guy in big black shorts. Behind him a fellow carrying a fishing pole.
.. There was only one car in the parking area when I arrived so I was happy to see, or I assumed, that I would have the lake to myself. This stumbling black shorts guy is so high, I can not say on what but likely some alcohol but also I think something else, that he had apparently either fallen or run into a tree and had multiple lacerations on his face. His buddy was stoic, not sure why, while he was jovial insisting on a handshake in greeting.
.. Brief encounter, but as I'm walking away, I'm thinking - oh shit, I have stuff in my car that I had collected from my former fishing pards house (story for another day) and not brought inside yet. So I'm like - I hope these messed up fucks don't break into my car and steal that stuff. There's a reason why people are always advised not to leave valuables in their car at a trailhead. I ain't walking back though so to the lake I go.
.. Now harkening back to yesterday's conversation I nearly made an entry this morning regarding the accidental murder of fish and am thinking quite hard on that very subject as I walk. First cast I hook up a nice Largemouth who has taken the hook rather deeply and (try mightily though I did) I could not extract the treble - long / short, the fish would not have survived and I had to proceed with the whacking. I hate it because I have no real proficiency, or poor aim or what, but the fish quivered before repeated efforts rendered it good and quiet.
.. I tossed it into the bushes (mainly high bush blueberry which surround the lake). Nothing goes to waste in nature. I take some solace in that and in knowing that an individual fish is not like an individual human, having no true individual identity but rather being a temporary projection from a single "oversoul", not to mention that they themselves are brutal killers and cannibals....still.....

..One day I think it will get to be too much, and I will quit. Or - I will get real old and unable to move freely about.

Returning to my conveyance I found it unmolested.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Today received a package anxiously awaited - Scottsboro Screw-Lock ball-head Jigs.
.. Storms a-comin but I wanted to try them out.

With certain swimbait plastics a good bait keeper on the jig head is a must and nothing beats a screw-lock.
Nothings a bigger pain in the ass than having to readjust a plastic on a head because the keeper sucks.
I use a lot of 3.25 inch paddletails in the river this time of year and with weather the next 7 days at least I had to get out there.
Long short on that - they performed beautifully - thems baits never budged.


Cute incident at the end of my time at the eddy. I just released a Walleye caught on that very combination when I hear a little voice from the bridge above. An older lady asking if I would be able to make the rock climb out okay - did I need help. I assure her that I've managed before and feel confident I will again. It's not that easy actually especially carrying three rods so only one hand for securing holds and balancing. I get to the top and there's this old stained tooth smiling lady supported by a walker complimenting my effort. I could have caught a hundred fish they couldn't have been worth that encounter.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
...The Lenapehanna is running high with all of this summer's rain and it's now about time to get up to the Big Res and start checking out them big smallies. This is a transition time in the year so setting up gear can be tricky. Just bring a little of this and that and in the end on any given day only use a small number of the lures. Picking rod and reel combos is equally tricky because you don't want to bring dedicated rigs, say for spinnerbaits or topwater baits then when the fish aren't on those baits the rig isn't versatile enough to handle other potentially productive baits effectively. So.....

...anyway - here's the way I set up for this coming Tuesday (with a few plastics not pictured).


I will undoubtedly start with a topwater bait, a spinnerbait (3/8 oz black) and a small swimbait on 1/4 oz head.
.. Later I will shift off to a larger heavier swimbait setup just to test though I've had better results with that when the real heavies show up in late October into November.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
.. Can you believe fall fishing is upon us (official Autumn begins tomorrow)? Mystically just about this time each year too. Yesterday I got out in the river, the beautiful Lenapehanna, probably for the last time wet wading, The water is dipping below 65 degrees, so the topwater action is ending, and being mid thigh deep in running water (even with a thermal layer) for a typical length day is chilling.
All or nearly all of my remaining fishing days for the year will be at the Big Reservoir - maybe about a dozen outings, but the best fishing of the year both for numbers and size of Bass caught. I'll pare down my lure selection as only a few lures are now needed to be productive. I'm adding one this year that I found productive in the river over the last 2 weeks - I had been meaning to try some spoon fishing and with success I've added a heavier version to my reservoir kit - I'll see how that works.

...anyway - today though, no fishing. I will be out hiking and picking berries (actually grapes), and nuts. I always make sure to have a bit of what local nature has to offer in the way of nutritious foods. Nutritious food never goes out of style - it certainly beats the crappy processed "food" modern man's perverted taste enjoys.


Factory Bastard
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A big blow is heading our way. I went down to the dock to make sure the bilge pump was clean and the extra lines were out. I figured a few hours of fishing to get the motor some exercise would be OK. I drifted for Summer Flounder while keeping an eye out for Blues. I ended up mostly chasing the Blues and got a few nice ones for my time. I also nailed a 19.5" Flounder that went for a 1/2 oz leadhead with a squid strip, even though I had live baby Bunker on the other hook. Go figure. While I was cleaning them the Wifey said take a picture so here it is. The Blue is even bigger than the Flounder.


Factory Bastard
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There is no closed season and there used to be no limit. Now the limit is three per day per person. But the reason is not over-harvesting, but rather just a down cycle. So they put the limit on just to take the pressure off. It must be working because there are big schools of 2-3 year old cocktail size Blues ravaging the back bays. The Striped Bass are a different story. Not only a down cycle, but massive over-harvesting too. So now a slot of 28-31 inches, one per day per person. Just close it like they did in the 80's, they rebounded beautifully.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
There is no closed season and there used to be no limit. Now the limit is three per day per person. But the reason is not over-harvesting, but rather just a down cycle. So they put the limit on just to take the pressure off. It must be working because there are big schools of 2-3 year old cocktail size Blues ravaging the back bays. The Striped Bass are a different story. Not only a down cycle, but massive over-harvesting too. So now a slot of 28-31 inches, one per day per person. Just close it like they did in the 80's, they rebounded beautifully.
.. I haven't ocean fished in over 40 years, but the last time was for Blues out of Brielle NJ. I did not make it far until lack of sleep, no Dramamine, and the pitching deck sent me to laying down. I force myself to get up just before we went in and caught a couple to take home.

This year I also caught my first Stripe Bass in about 40 years - it was from my this year's favorite spot on the river. I was quite surprised. Thought I had a very big Smallie. I estimated it at about 4 to 5 lbs (it was 22" approximately which is undersized - not legal). I know we have hybrids in the river and also some lakes and reservoirs, but this one looked more like a Striper non-hybrid, and the chart weight at 22" would bear that out at 5-6 lbs vs 8-9 for a hybrid. I had seen a fisherman with one only 2 weeks earlier. Later I met a feller who said he had heard that they came waaay up this year (thanks, global warming climate change) - WAY up like a little further than the 200 miles up river that I caught that one. Then early this month I caught a pounder a bit further down-river - but that was definitely a hybrid.

Yesterday, when getting back to my car, I met a small group who were going into that general area to scuba dive as training. The leader told me there is a deep hole there down to 60 ft, and in that area he had seen Tiger Muskie (2) that were the length of his truck's gate - like 4 ft. I have heard they are in there, never seen one though.


Factory Bastard
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Striped Bass are anadromous- that is, living in salt water but migrating up into fresh water to winter over and spawn. They go way up the Hudson and Delaware rivers. And of course there are big impoundments that have been stocked with Stripers. My cousin in Pittsburgh says they are even found in the Ohio River. I learned to fish on the
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in Pennsylvaia. My Uncle had a small boat and we caught Crappy Bass, Perch, Bluegills, and sometimes a Smallmouth. The best was when we would stay overnight listening to the Pirates on the radio. Those were simpler times. That same Uncle dragged me and my Dad out to Montauk, Cox's Ledge, in January, for Cod. No one checked the weather, my Mom loaded us up with a big greasy breakfast, everyone got sick as dogs, I caught a Wolf Fish [ugly!] the only thing caught all day, my Dad never went fishing again. Many moons later I went out deep sea for Bluefish and Cod but I had learned about sea-sick pills by then.
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Factory Bastard
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Well it happened again 2 years in a row. A hurricane sat offshore for a week just blowing and churning up everything. 25 foot seas out on the ocean, 6 foot surf. The Bass and Blues said goodby and left for calmer waters. Oddly, the Fluke stayed and were biting like crazy. But the season had closed and it was all for naught. Normally we get Bass right through December. Even the Blues will stay if there is no early snow. So another season went out with a wimper.


Factory Bastard
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Fishing is only cool if the beer is cold and the boat isn't sinking, other than that it's a pastime for pansies.
I am from Chicago. We used to walk to the lake. Lots of small dead perch and stuff used to wash ashore. I know there are big Lake Trout and Walleye offshore but you need a big boat to really go after them. Otherwise fishing is pretty tame there. I never caught shit. You can keep it. Once I came to Shitty City I learned about salt water fishing. You get a big ass Blue or Striper and you will think you hooked a bus. And the Blue will try and take your fingers off if you are not careful. Nope. No pansies on the High Surf. What you catch in freshwater- we use for bait.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Received my new 6' light action rod direct from source in exotic and mysterious China today - very nice. Exotic wood and cork handle and beautiful action. Excellent for the stream and creek fishing I intend to do more of next year. I will hopefully make a fuller report year ending 2023 and anticipation of the 2024 season prior to my departure.

While you wait:

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Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Received my new 6' light action rod direct from source in exotic and mysterious China today - very nice. Exotic wood and cork handle and beautiful action. Excellent for the stream and creek fishing I intend to do more of next year. I will hopefully make a fuller report year ending 2023 and anticipation of the 2024 season prior to my departure.

While you wait:

Can’t wait! Yay…


Factory Bastard
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I came across this video and it is a perfect example of why I stay in Shitty City. Watch at 19:00 for the big Smallmouth they get in CENTRAL PARK!!!! Wrong Island is 100 miles long. I have caught fish at both ends and everywhere in between. My rule is: fish as close to home as you can, and LEARN THE WATER! Everywhere is good fishing once you learn the rhythms and cycles.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Well, I promised to make a final report for 2023, so I will even though not in the mood. I am moody today evidently.

Anyway - 2023 was really quite successful. I reached my goal for numbers of Bass caught. Caught a nice river run Striper, a 4 lb Smallie, and a 3 lb wild Brown, the last there was my inspiration to angle more toward stream/creek/small river fishing next year so I geared up for that. Got some light power fast action 5'6" and 6 ft rods. Even got a couple of ultra light rigs set up. I like walking along that type of water and wading in it. Good fishing to be had - and the sound of water running over rocks can not be beat to soothe. I got a list of 8 or 10 that I haven't fished.

Bought a set of 50, 100, and a 200 size Piscifun Viper X spinning reels. Very inexpensive (40$ each) but with excellent reviews, plus a very pretty pagan/bug green coloring -pretty counts. Still will fish the lovely Lenapehanna, of course. It's gonna be good. So - if you wonder where I am, you can imagine me there doing that.

I know how you folks love pictures so:

...and since this is New Year's Eve I will share my favorite version of the Robert Burns classic (who also wrote another favorite - To a Mouse, all about best laid plans). May you all have a health, happy and wonderful next year.



Factory Bastard
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Nothing like getting nice fish on light tackle. I think that is the greatest experience one can wish for. I keep it light so each fish is a challenge. I don't go above 20lb line even on the big boys. This was a strange year. I put my Whaler in the water and the first day I went out, I pulled my sciatic muscle. I had to lay down on the deck just to get the fish out of the live well. I spent the entire month of May flat on my ass taking muscle relaxers. Once I recovered I caught some nice Fluke here and there. But the Blues had already passed by and the Stripers were no where to be seen. I picked away at the Fluke all summer dodging the 90°+ heat waves. Luckily around September the Blues came busting back in from spawning. Both my Daughter and Grandson experienced Bluefish blitzes where they were getting them on every cast. I don't freeze Blues so my neighbors were well fed that month. I only nailed one nice Striper all year. And he was picking up the pieces from under the Blues. Then instead of a Fall run, the hurricanes did a job on us. Oh well, I needed to do some work on the Whaler so I took advantage of the nice weather and got it all done for next year. Over the winter I would like to cast some new lead head jigs. I have a DO-IT mold for 1/1.5/2/3 ounce ball head jigs. I have 100 hooks for each and some special powder coat paint. Time to teach the Grandkids some new skills. That's another cool thing- catching fish on a lure you made yourself!


Factory Bastard
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I was looking for a video I saw a while back but could not find. I stumbled upon this one and I clipped the best part. Fishing in NYC can be tough with lots of snags and access problems. But the persistent can be rewarded.
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Link won't load but click and watch. Maybe this one will work?
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