Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread - 2023 Version


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Factory Bastard
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I haven't checked it out and I obviously posted it in the wrong thread. duh.


Factory Bastard
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I put the Whaler in, it works well. I had my daughter help because I blew my knee out. She is very capable and usually catches more and bigger than me. I had a nice few days where the wind was from the South, the tide coming in, no boat traffic, and I could drift my little 12 ft deep creek quietly. The fish were feeding on grass shrimp and I used a 1/2oz leadhead, with a grub body, and a sliver of squid for flavor. Over the course of week I nailed 7 big Fluke, biggest 21", all fat and fought like hell. I keep forgetting to snap pics but I remembered again just as I was cleaning the biggest 21"er. This is more and better fish than all last summer combined.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
I put the Whaler in, it works well. I had my daughter help because I blew my knee out. She is very capable and usually catches more and bigger than me. I had a nice few days where the wind was from the South, the tide coming in, no boat traffic, and I could drift my little 12 ft deep creek quietly. The fish were feeding on grass shrimp and I used a 1/2oz leadhead, with a grub body, and a sliver of squid for flavor. Over the course of week I nailed 7 big Fluke, biggest 21", all fat and fought like hell. I keep forgetting to snap pics but I remembered again just as I was cleaning the biggest 21"er. This is more and better fish than all last summer combined.
Hey, what's the make of that knife?
Looks like one of mine - a Solingen - Weidmannsheil.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
. We are really in it now. Bass are hitting the topwater baits on the river. The weather has been gorgeous. Tomorrow would be a good fishing day on the banks of the beautiful Lenapehanna were it not Sunday...still it will be a good day on the river to watch lovely bikini clad maidens drift by on rafts, in kayaks and canoes.
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The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
I actually took a pic before carving this time. I kept two fatties out of a dozen I boated today. This guy was almost 21". And THICK!

...and don't we all love the fatties?

..Today I went a fishin for them wild Brownies at an amigo's campsite. He was very unpleased to learn I had turned back a keeper before learning of his presence.
He says that since the Mexicans keep everything they catch that so should we never mind the regs etc.
I turned that one back because I did not need a fish to eat and he had been so well concealed that I did not know he was there until his little dog, a Mexican Chihuaha (Ironic, I know) came to greet me.
I continued to fish on the way back to my conveyance, and caught another keeper which I offered back in friendship, thereby rescuing a warm comradery.

Skills count !


Factory Bastard
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.."caught another keeper which I offered back in friendship"

I only fish for the table, so I can appreciate that gesture. With the minimum length at 19" these days, it is hard to fill the freezer as we used to do. On the other hand, a 19" fish used to be so rare as to get you on the cover of The Fisherman magazine years ago. When the size was 14" too many small fish were kept. Now I would not dirty my knife on a 14" fish. I do see a LOT of 16"-17" fish that will be next year's keepers.

No Bluefish yet. The big Gorillagators swept through early disrupting the Striper fishing. I like the fight, but they taste like motor oil. I wait for the Cocktail Blues around 2-3 pounds. Tasty!

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
.."caught another keeper which I offered back in friendship"

I only fish for the table, so I can appreciate that gesture. With the minimum length at 19" these days, it is hard to fill the freezer as we used to do. On the other hand, a 19" fish used to be so rare as to get you on the cover of The Fisherman magazine years ago. When the size was 14" too many small fish were kept. Now I would not dirty my knife on a 14" fish. I do see a LOT of 16"-17" fish that will be next year's keepers.

No Bluefish yet. The big Gorillagators swept through early disrupting the Striper fishing. I like the fight, but they taste like motor oil. I wait for the Cocktail Blues around 2-3 pounds. Tasty!
That is the point I tried to make - that those smaller fish need to be left to mature so the fishery remains healthy.
. There are plenty at keeper size so no reason to raid the youngsters.
To me fishing is a sport. It's a skill to develop. There is always a new experiment - new equipment and techniques, new places. It's like BBall - I score a hoop, I do not eat the net but can be pleased with the skill acquired through long practice and the fitness that accompanies the activity. The way I fish is great exercise since I'm climbing rocky banks and walking on submerged slippy rocks etc as I wade - often more tiring than the hiking I do and more risky due to falls.
Motor oil is not my favorite fish flavor. Are you fishing the Gulf or NY bay?

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
A couple of very nice days Bass fishing on the beautiful Lenapehanna.
. Caught (and released) 10 Smallies yesterday upriver, and 15 today (downriver) in the most wonderful secluded spot I know of on the river - which forever will remain mine and mine alone. Don't even ask me.
The lure which they could not resist is a Yo Zuri brand (I'll tell you, leave it to the Japs) 20 of the 25 falling on that, my favorite suspending minnow imitation. Also caught 4 Walleye which I hear are good for eats though never had one. Maybe I will bring a fry pan next I'm there. Little butter, garlic, pepper...yum.
. Anyway - walking on those river rocks in swift current is quite the workout as well. I feel I am in better shape than I have been in years.
The Shad are still spawning and dying off. I quess you can eat those too if you get hungry. People fish them. Not me though.
. I considered showing the actual lure I used, but that would violate the oath of secrecy to that great Fraternity of River Bass Fisherman - were I found out, would like that fool Socrates, be forced to drink Hemlock for the transgression of transmitting the secret knowledge.
. Gonna be fierce heat next week. Shady side of the river will be the place to be.


Mr. Excitement
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When I used to fish bass the best lure I ever used was a Rapala Rattlin' Rap. When I caught my first smallmouth I went to grab it and its dorsal quills got me. Fuck that hurt.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
When I used to fish bass the best lure I ever used was a Rapala Rattlin' Rap. When I caught my first smallmouth I went to grab it and its dorsal quills got me. Fuck that hurt.
..Lipless crankbaits like that catch lots of fish. I don't use those but occasionally go with a Sugar Shad or Rat'l Trap. I found them good for trolling in the early days of Spring once upon a time when I fished from a boat. I bought a set of 1/8 oz Sugar Shads over the winter and will sure give them a go this summer.
. Handling caught Bass, any fish, with trebles in them has it's dangers. Always remember to hold them firmly - let them know they are controlled and that even though you are evil that you are on their side at the moment and only want to help them out of their unfortunate circumstance, and they will become docile and cooperative. Much like a .... oooo, better not get myself in trouble here...
..I think Cotton Cordell invented the type back in the 50s...The Cordell Spot.



Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
How do you cook Halibut? If I grill it or bake it, it always tastes dried out?
My fisherman neighbors says his fave way is to use a cedar plank and layer lemon and onion slices under and over the fillet and bake at 225 for 20 minutes. (Doesn't seem long enough to me, but he seems to know what he's talking about)

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
June, 17th 2024:
. Last day before the wicked heat sets in, but truly when you are in the moving water the heat is all bearable - 86 today but felt fine. Another day of 10 Bass caught and a big surprise at the end of day.
.Went back to the place of river solitude and did fairly well - 8 Smallies and a few got off. I'm learning the upper stretch of that area. Another nice Walleye, and a couple more Fallfish.
Picked up 8 there and then decided to stop at an up river location to see if I could make another day of 10 which I did in short order. Short stretch that I decided to fish and as I was reaching the end felt a tap but no hookup - let it rest, twitched it and felt the weight. Another Striper like I got last year about the same time - June 23. A good 5 pounds. Had trouble controlling it and those dorsal fins, as mentioned by another poster, sliced open my thumb.
. The night before, that being last night, I had transferred my river tackle into a new pack and seeing I had no first aid stuff, threw in some bandages. What a good decision that was. Hope for the best - prepare for the worst.
..also - last week spotted what was almost certainly a Snakehead, which have been confirmed to infest the lovely Lenapehanna.
..Hoaxes have power. Though there is no such-a-thing as global warming, both the featured species venture northward.


Snakehead....BOOOOOO ! :Pissed5: