Dear Men of Bastard Factory


Factory Bastard
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Oh dear, seems I must have asked an off script question too difficult for the chinese chip implanted in Lotus' brain to tackle

she's avoided the question entirely

Not this this is in any way uncommon for her

I have an article for you, Einstein. It's a study of all the deaths at demonstrations up to the date of the study (pre Jan 6). Out of 25, TWO of the victims were rightwingers, and the rest were left wingers. This means the vast majority of deaths were caused by you people hating on lefties.

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what method was used to murder that cop at the capitol?

There is video of them smashing him in the door, etc. He died of his injuries. It's on fucking video. Don't give me this fucking "Let's deny the evidence and make up a story, like we did with Kyle Rittenhouse" bullshit. Everyone is sick of it.
Post that video you speak of? Identify him as the cop who died and tell me what injuries were the ones that killed him

and then help me understand why, with so much overwhelming evidence, no one has been charged with murder?

There is evidence he was roughed up badly. There is also evidence other cops stood down, which put a greater strain on the ones who were doing their job. That doesn't mean they know exactly who did it, dumb fuck.

So, what's your fantasy about how he died? Did he kill himself?
another words, you have none of the proof you spoke of. Only assumptions and liberal oriented hearsay

thanks for playing Lotus

that's one myth debunked

now lets move on to the other

How exactly do you consider a child defending himself against a violent mob guilty of murder?

Do you like seeing children getting murdered?

outside the womb I meant.

What evidence do you have that he wasn't murdered? Please, post it. Otherwise, you're a liar.
Um... I don't have to post evidence that he wasn't murdered, dummy. I'm not the one making the accusation that he was

Plus, isn't it against the basic premise of logic to ask one to prove a negative?

Time for a firmware update lotus... your talking points are stale

Did you read the article about all the righties who kille protestors? Many of them have been named and charged, like your hero Kyle. Charged with murder, not self defense.
Being charged and convicted are two very different things Lotus.

Were you not aware of that?

Um, yes, dumbass. OJ got off. But no one gets charged if there's not lots of evidence, especially in a case like this. And if he gets off, like OJ, that doesn't prove he's innocent, either. That prves you people are haters, that's all.

With the cop, I'm not asking you to prove an unproveable negative. You CAN prove he did not die of injuries sustained in the protest. That is entirely possible. If he DID die of injuries sustained in the protest, he was murdered.

Arguing with an ignorant dwarf is a dead end LB.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh dear, seems I must have asked an off script question too difficult for the chinese chip implanted in Lotus' brain to tackle

she's avoided the question entirely

Not this this is in any way uncommon for her

I have an article for you, Einstein. It's a study of all the deaths at demonstrations up to the date of the study (pre Jan 6). Out of 25, TWO of the victims were rightwingers, and the rest were left wingers. This means the vast majority of deaths were caused by you people hating on lefties.

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what method was used to murder that cop at the capitol?

There is video of them smashing him in the door, etc. He died of his injuries. It's on fucking video. Don't give me this fucking "Let's deny the evidence and make up a story, like we did with Kyle Rittenhouse" bullshit. Everyone is sick of it.
Post that video you speak of? Identify him as the cop who died and tell me what injuries were the ones that killed him

and then help me understand why, with so much overwhelming evidence, no one has been charged with murder?

There is evidence he was roughed up badly. There is also evidence other cops stood down, which put a greater strain on the ones who were doing their job. That doesn't mean they know exactly who did it, dumb fuck.

So, what's your fantasy about how he died? Did he kill himself?
another words, you have none of the proof you spoke of. Only assumptions and liberal oriented hearsay

thanks for playing Lotus

that's one myth debunked

now lets move on to the other

How exactly do you consider a child defending himself against a violent mob guilty of murder?

Do you like seeing children getting murdered?

outside the womb I meant.

What evidence do you have that he wasn't murdered? Please, post it. Otherwise, you're a liar.
Um... I don't have to post evidence that he wasn't murdered, dummy. I'm not the one making the accusation that he was

Plus, isn't it against the basic premise of logic to ask one to prove a negative?

Time for a firmware update lotus... your talking points are stale

Did you read the article about all the righties who kille protestors? Many of them have been named and charged, like your hero Kyle. Charged with murder, not self defense.
Being charged and convicted are two very different things Lotus.

Were you not aware of that?

Um, yes, dumbass. OJ got off. But no one gets charged if there's not lots of evidence, especially in a case like this. And if he gets off, like OJ, that doesn't prove he's innocent, either. That prves you people are haters, that's all.

With the cop, I'm not asking you to prove an unproveable negative. You CAN prove he did not die of injuries sustained in the protest. That is entirely possible. If he DID die of injuries sustained in the protest, he was murdered.

Um... there's video evidence clearly showing Kyle being hunted down by violent protestors who are furious at the fact that he put out a dumpster fire. Now, unless you can show me that putting out a fire is a crime I'd say Kyle was doing a community service and found himself under attack by the mob looking to destroy the community he was helping.

Clear case of self defense

now why in the world would I want to let you of my hook by doing your research for you Lotus? You stated the cop was murdered and therefore the onus is on you to support your allegation. Is civility too difficult a standard for you Lotus?


Put your glasses on!
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Many people that use to lean left (Hi!) have turned sharp to the right because of them.

All the reasons why I used to lean left are now all the reasons i dont lean left.


The Left use to be about diversity, tolerance, inclusion, rights for all, etc, but not anymore. Its their way or the highway.

Holliday Unchained

First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

The 17-year-old accused of shooting three people during a protest in Kenosha, Wis.,
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several charges — including first-degree intentional homicide. But some widely shared Facebook posts say he should be cleared of at least some of them.

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, one Facebook user said it was "perfectly legal" for Kyle Rittenhouse — who was arrested in Antioch, Ill., after fleeing Wisconsin — to brandish an assault-style rifle on the streets of Kenosha.

"Carrying a rifle across state lines is perfectly legal," the poster said. "Based on the laws I can find of this area at 17 years old Kyle was perfectly legal to be able to possess that rifle without parental supervision."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (
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On Aug. 25, two protesters were killed and one injured after police say someone opened fire on them. The violence
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on the third night of protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by a white police officer in Kenosha. Blake survived, but he is partially paralyzed from a bullet that severed his spinal cord.

Rittenhouse stands accused of shooting the protesters. Since his lawyer
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that Rittenhouse obtained the assault-style rifle from a friend in Wisconsin (meaning that he didn’t transport it with him from Illinois), we’re going to focus on the second half of the claim — that it was "perfectly legal" for the teenager to carry a firearm in Kenosha.

Is that true? State laws suggest not.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice
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concealed carry permits issued in Illinois. But Rittenhouse did not have a permit to begin with, and he was not legally old enough to carry a firearm in Wisconsin.

In Illinois, concealed carry applicants
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at least 21 years old. Since Rittenhouse is 17, he would not qualify for a permit. In Wisconsin,
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for adults to carry firearms in public without a license if the gun is visible. However, to open carry, you must be at least 18 years old.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure Krieg is left.

Krieg actually dont like politics, and hes actually center.

I suspect he's one of those classic liberal types who is discouraged by younger liberals today and disagrees with the likes of Lotus and other far left SJW nutjobs who have gone off the deep end into batshit crazy political territory.

I think you're exactly right. I cant speak for Krieg, but I think you nailed it on the head!

Hell, even I use to be Center. But as of late, I want NOTHING to do with the Left/Liberals. They can all get fucked with a .50 cal up the asshole!
As if fucktardboi! You've always acted like a white wing dumbfuq, don't kid youself, you blame your failures on people you think are beneath you. Confederate Flag in your AV???

For one, yes I have leaned more Right as of late, cant blame me, with your soy squads Burning Looting and Murdering. Oh... and attacking my Confederate Heritage, the Founding Fathers, AND Christianity!

Go shove a dildo up your ass, in fact, use that one that is a replica of Lotus's arm and fist.

Did you go into a coma on January 6, Hypocrite?

Im not the one that graduated from Hypocrite House..... hypocrite :Grin3:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure Krieg is left.

Krieg actually dont like politics, and hes actually center.

I suspect he's one of those classic liberal types who is discouraged by younger liberals today and disagrees with the likes of Lotus and other far left SJW nutjobs who have gone off the deep end into batshit crazy political territory.

I think you're exactly right. I cant speak for Krieg, but I think you nailed it on the head!

Hell, even I use to be Center. But as of late, I want NOTHING to do with the Left/Liberals. They can all get fucked with a .50 cal up the asshole!
As if fucktardboi! You've always acted like a white wing dumbfuq, don't kid youself, you blame your failures on people you think are beneath you. Confederate Flag in your AV???

For one, yes I have leaned more Right as of late, cant blame me, with your soy squads Burning Looting and Murdering. Oh... and attacking my Confederate Heritage, the Founding Fathers, AND Christianity!

Go shove a dildo up your ass, in fact, use that one that is a replica of Lotus's arm and fist.

Did you go into a coma on January 6, Hypocrite?
were you in a coma from may 26th thru Jan 6th?



Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure Krieg is left.

Krieg actually dont like politics, and hes actually center.

I suspect he's one of those classic liberal types who is discouraged by younger liberals today and disagrees with the likes of Lotus and other far left SJW nutjobs who have gone off the deep end into batshit crazy political territory.

I think you're exactly right. I cant speak for Krieg, but I think you nailed it on the head!

Hell, even I use to be Center. But as of late, I want NOTHING to do with the Left/Liberals. They can all get fucked with a .50 cal up the asshole!
As if fucktardboi! You've always acted like a white wing dumbfuq, don't kid youself, you blame your failures on people you think are beneath you. Confederate Flag in your AV???


For one, yes I have leaned more Right as of late, cant blame me, with your soy squads Burning Looting and Murdering. Oh... and attacking my Confederate Heritage, the Founding Fathers, AND Christianity!

Go shove a dildo up your ass, in fact, use that one that is a replica of Lotus's arm and fist.


Did you go into a coma on January 6, Hypocrite?
were you in a coma from may 26th thru Jan 6th?

No. I remember Kyle Rittenhouse murdering people and you asswipes trying to make him a hero.

Self defense :Grin3:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure Krieg is left.

Krieg actually dont like politics, and hes actually center.

I suspect he's one of those classic liberal types who is discouraged by younger liberals today and disagrees with the likes of Lotus and other far left SJW nutjobs who have gone off the deep end into batshit crazy political territory.

I think you're exactly right. I cant speak for Krieg, but I think you nailed it on the head!

Hell, even I use to be Center. But as of late, I want NOTHING to do with the Left/Liberals. They can all get fucked with a .50 cal up the asshole!
As if fucktardboi! You've always acted like a white wing dumbfuq, don't kid youself, you blame your failures on people you think are beneath you. Confederate Flag in your AV???


For one, yes I have leaned more Right as of late, cant blame me, with your soy squads Burning Looting and Murdering. Oh... and attacking my Confederate Heritage, the Founding Fathers, AND Christianity!

Go shove a dildo up your ass, in fact, use that one that is a replica of Lotus's arm and fist.


Did you go into a coma on January 6, Hypocrite?
were you in a coma from may 26th thru Jan 6th?

No. I remember Kyle Rittenhouse murdering people and you asswipes trying to make him a hero.
notice the ONLY thing Lotus remembers during that timeframe :LMAO2:

She still dont even know who Cannon is! That shows you right there.

Holliday Unchained

First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
How exactly do you consider a child defending himself against a violent mob guilty of murder?

Do you like seeing children getting murdered?

I bet it would disturb Lotus, if she heard of the recent 12 year old Kyle Jr, took out a bad guy. Bad guy died.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Oh dear, seems I must have asked an off script question too difficult for the chinese chip implanted in Lotus' brain to tackle

she's avoided the question entirely

Not this this is in any way uncommon for her

I have an article for you, Einstein. It's a study of all the deaths at demonstrations up to the date of the study (pre Jan 6). Out of 25, TWO of the victims were rightwingers, and the rest were left wingers. This means the vast majority of deaths were caused by you people hating on lefties.

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what method was used to murder that cop at the capitol?

There is video of them smashing him in the door, etc. He died of his injuries. It's on fucking video. Don't give me this fucking "Let's deny the evidence and make up a story, like we did with Kyle Rittenhouse" bullshit. Everyone is sick of it.
Post that video you speak of? Identify him as the cop who died and tell me what injuries were the ones that killed him

and then help me understand why, with so much overwhelming evidence, no one has been charged with murder?

There is evidence he was roughed up badly. There is also evidence other cops stood down, which put a greater strain on the ones who were doing their job. That doesn't mean they know exactly who did it, dumb fuck.

So, what's your fantasy about how he died? Did he kill himself?

The portland cops dealt with protesters trying to burn down their occupied precinct.

I dont see anyone talking about domestic terror laws over that.

I watched most the video, and the guy is right. Those people that are "bussed in", and are paid infiltrators from Soros, are the ones orchestrating this shit.

Holliday Unchained

First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?
If I carry a hand grenade to a Trump rally and toss it into a crowd when someone turns on me for being a gawl-dern shoshulisht is that self defense?
or do you think someone might rightly ask what I was doing there with an illegal weapon to begin with?

PS: btw - where did KR get the alleged fire extinguisher?
Did he loot it?
That's another charge then - looting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?
If I carry a hand grenade to a Trump rally and toss it into a crowd when someone turns on me for being a gawl-dern shoshulisht is that self defense?
or do you think someone might rightly ask what I was doing there with an illegal weapon to begin with?

We know what Kyle was doing in Kenosha.

Trump rallies have never resulted in the destruction of an entire community. BLM protests do.

Why were people from out of town in Kenosha starting fires?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh dear, seems I must have asked an off script question too difficult for the chinese chip implanted in Lotus' brain to tackle

she's avoided the question entirely

Not this this is in any way uncommon for her

I have an article for you, Einstein. It's a study of all the deaths at demonstrations up to the date of the study (pre Jan 6). Out of 25, TWO of the victims were rightwingers, and the rest were left wingers. This means the vast majority of deaths were caused by you people hating on lefties.

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what method was used to murder that cop at the capitol?

There is video of them smashing him in the door, etc. He died of his injuries. It's on fucking video. Don't give me this fucking "Let's deny the evidence and make up a story, like we did with Kyle Rittenhouse" bullshit. Everyone is sick of it.
Post that video you speak of? Identify him as the cop who died and tell me what injuries were the ones that killed him

and then help me understand why, with so much overwhelming evidence, no one has been charged with murder?

There is evidence he was roughed up badly. There is also evidence other cops stood down, which put a greater strain on the ones who were doing their job. That doesn't mean they know exactly who did it, dumb fuck.

So, what's your fantasy about how he died? Did he kill himself?

The portland cops dealt with protesters trying to burn down their occupied precinct.

I dont see anyone talking about domestic terror laws over that.

I watched most the video, and the guy is right. Those people that are "bussed in", and are paid infiltrators from Soros, are the ones orchestrating this shit.

OMG!!!!! You are the one who was posting gleeful threads about January 6 before January 6. Were you trying to recruit Soros' people?


Soros, the all powerful!!!!



Put your glasses on!
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You hear that everyone?


lotus said so

It's sad that their whole argument amounts to you not believing your own eyes

Still didn't read the article I posted, nor did you understand any of my posts. Typical of you, you dumb ass.

And @Blazor obviously didn't read the thread.

You two are cucks.

Oh I read, it said "Dear Men of Bastard Factory", so naturally here I am :Grin3:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

The same damn people that want to change the color of the WHITE house, are same ones putting Gorilla Glue in their hair for fuck sakes.

I'm not sure how a dumbass putting gorilla glue in her hair has fuck all to do with any of this, but you are a hillbilly, so what can I expect?

Maybe we should cover the white house with Gorilla Glue, it'll "bring everyone together" hahahaha.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?
If I carry a hand grenade to a Trump rally and toss it into a crowd when someone turns on me for being a gawl-dern shoshulisht is that self defense?
or do you think someone might rightly ask what I was doing there with an illegal weapon to begin with?

PS: btw - where did KR get the alleged fire extinguisher?
Did he loot it?
That's another charge then - looting.

Or, if I showed up at the Capitol with an automatic weapon and started waving it around, and then a bunch of people came at me to disarm me, and I killed two of them, am I actually defending myself, or am I a murderer?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Oh dear, seems I must have asked an off script question too difficult for the chinese chip implanted in Lotus' brain to tackle

she's avoided the question entirely

Not this this is in any way uncommon for her

I have an article for you, Einstein. It's a study of all the deaths at demonstrations up to the date of the study (pre Jan 6). Out of 25, TWO of the victims were rightwingers, and the rest were left wingers. This means the vast majority of deaths were caused by you people hating on lefties.

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what method was used to murder that cop at the capitol?

There is video of them smashing him in the door, etc. He died of his injuries. It's on fucking video. Don't give me this fucking "Let's deny the evidence and make up a story, like we did with Kyle Rittenhouse" bullshit. Everyone is sick of it.
Post that video you speak of? Identify him as the cop who died and tell me what injuries were the ones that killed him

and then help me understand why, with so much overwhelming evidence, no one has been charged with murder?

There is evidence he was roughed up badly. There is also evidence other cops stood down, which put a greater strain on the ones who were doing their job. That doesn't mean they know exactly who did it, dumb fuck.

So, what's your fantasy about how he died? Did he kill himself?

The portland cops dealt with protesters trying to burn down their occupied precinct.

I dont see anyone talking about domestic terror laws over that.

I watched most the video, and the guy is right. Those people that are "bussed in", and are paid infiltrators from Soros, are the ones orchestrating this shit.

OMG!!!!! You are the one who was posting gleeful threads about January 6 before January 6. Were you trying to recruit Soros' people?


Soros, the all powerful!!!!


I told ya it was gonna be wild lol. Y'all still talking about it a month and a half later it was so wild lol.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure Krieg is left.

Krieg actually dont like politics, and hes actually center.

I suspect he's one of those classic liberal types who is discouraged by younger liberals today and disagrees with the likes of Lotus and other far left SJW nutjobs who have gone off the deep end into batshit crazy political territory.

I think you're exactly right. I cant speak for Krieg, but I think you nailed it on the head!

Hell, even I use to be Center. But as of late, I want NOTHING to do with the Left/Liberals. They can all get fucked with a .50 cal up the asshole!
As if fucktardboi! You've always acted like a white wing dumbfuq, don't kid youself, you blame your failures on people you think are beneath you. Confederate Flag in your AV???


For one, yes I have leaned more Right as of late, cant blame me, with your soy squads Burning Looting and Murdering. Oh... and attacking my Confederate Heritage, the Founding Fathers, AND Christianity!

Go shove a dildo up your ass, in fact, use that one that is a replica of Lotus's arm and fist.


Did you go into a coma on January 6, Hypocrite?
were you in a coma from may 26th thru Jan 6th?

No. I remember Kyle Rittenhouse murdering people and you asswipes trying to make him a hero.

Kyle saved his own life and perhaps even the lives of others.

...don't be a snivelling coward and moron.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?
If I carry a hand grenade to a Trump rally and toss it into a crowd when someone turns on me for being a gawl-dern shoshulisht is that self defense?
or do you think someone might rightly ask what I was doing there with an illegal weapon to begin with?

PS: btw - where did KR get the alleged fire extinguisher?
Did he loot it?
That's another charge then - looting.
my god, your analogy couldn't get any worse if someone as dumb as Holiday18 posted it.

Oh wait.

Your silly scenario in no way relates to the matter at hand.

now, had you said the angry mob of trump supports were pursuing you with obvious intent to do you harm I'd say you were completely justified tossing the hand grenade you had on you at the time into the crowd. Whatever it takes to defend your own life falls squarely into the doctrine of self defense. Dummy.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
First of all he was illegally in possession of a firearm - no matter how you split it.
Secondly - why was he there instead of at home playing video games or out trying to get laid?
What intention did he have in being there and being armed?
.Had he not been there and armed, would he have murdered anyone in Kenosha?
Why did he go on the lam if he is innocent?

....Obviously guilty on all counts.

Does any of that make the case for homicide?
It speaks to intent that he was there and armed with a semi automatic long gun, dummy.
Opportunity was easy to find, and he took it w/o hesitation.
I see, so by your logic because he was not home playing video games that night he lost the right to defend himself.

Does a woman lose the right to remain free of sexual assault by a thirsty man when she dresses provocatively too?
If I carry a hand grenade to a Trump rally and toss it into a crowd when someone turns on me for being a gawl-dern shoshulisht is that self defense?
or do you think someone might rightly ask what I was doing there with an illegal weapon to begin with?

PS: btw - where did KR get the alleged fire extinguisher?
Did he loot it?
That's another charge then - looting.

Or, if I showed up at the Capitol with an automatic weapon and started waving it around, and then a bunch of people came at me to disarm me, and I killed two of them, am I actually defending myself, or am I a murderer?

God DAMN you're such a dumbass hahahaha.

He was waving around a fire extinguisher not a gun you nit wit lol. Or, maybe he had an AR14 :ROFL3: