According to radical leftist John Erlichman


Domestically feral
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United states
Leftist Jimmy Dore even knows we are fast tracking into authoritarianism.

But muh cons! Muh mango MUsSoLiNi!

The leftists fucking deserve it. As we watch our civil liberties get tossed in the garbage. .....I'm gonna laugh at every crying leftists that realizes they are as fucked as they wanted their own neighbors to be. They wished it on us. Fuck them.

These fucking morons. Trump was fascist wanna be dictator cuz its like....a state of mind. So much better to have legit fascism and real authoritarianism now.

Useful fucking idiots that dont listen, dont truly care, and are only motivated by hate of US and a overblown view of themselves as these great, open minded deep thinkers who are clearly so much better than everyone. Uhg.

"Our mission, is to seek out confirmation bias, where ever we must go to find it!"

This post proves you do

I've been pointing these issues for a long time but now a leftard said a topic. Go. Fucking. Figure.


Leftist gaslighting tactic: butcher someone's point and twist it into something else. Than immediately slap a label on it and call it "typical".

Such open minded critical thinkers you guys are. Truly.

Just be glad you never had to debate anything with that Decepticon guy, he didn't have a kind bone in his body and he was merciless. Holliday might remember him, or Deportz might.
And yet those bygone days witnessed a certain civility which we have lost now.


Factory Bastard
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This is even dumber than usual out of dog shit. Hell, the main driving cause in the explosion of homelessness on the west coast has been decriminalization of most drugs. 90% of the street homeless (the people who refuse to go to available shelters) are actually hard core drug addicts. That is why they were unemployable, burned all their bridges with family and friends, and ended up as homeless street junkies. At least before liberals decriminalized drugs police and courts could force people into rehab with the "go to rehab or go to jail" choice.

Now? We just let them die in the streets from their addiction and that is not compassion. Free rehab is available to everyone of them but no one can force them to stay there and complete the programs. Even if you convince one to go the next day they can and do check themselves out as soon as the drug cravings hit them. This is a failed policy which is killing people. It is evil.

You're kidding, right?

Thank you for proving you know absolutely nothing yet again.


Factory Bastard
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This is even dumber than usual out of dog shit. Hell, the main driving cause in the explosion of homelessness on the west coast has been decriminalization of most drugs. 90% of the street homeless (the people who refuse to go to available shelters) are actually hard core drug addicts. That is why they were unemployable, burned all their bridges with family and friends, and ended up as homeless street junkies. At least before liberals decriminalized drugs police and courts could force people into rehab with the "go to rehab or go to jail" choice.

Now? We just let them die in the streets from their addiction and that is not compassion. Free rehab is available to everyone of them but no one can force them to stay there and complete the programs. Even if you convince one to go the next day they can and do check themselves out as soon as the drug cravings hit them. This is a failed policy which is killing people. It is evil.

You're kidding, right?

Thank you for proving you know absolutely nothing yet again.

Triggered ^^^^^^


Factory Bastard
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Sure, pointing out you don't even recognize the basic problem is me being triggered. Yep. Totally. :rolleyes:


Factory Bastard
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Very clearly. The heart of our current homelessness epidemic is the drug epidemic. Don't believe me? Go volunteer at a homeless shelter in the US west coast or speak to people who work daily in that field. They will tell you the same thing if they are honest.


Factory Bastard
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Very clearly. The heart of our current homelessness epidemic is the drug epidemic. Don't believe me? Go volunteer at a homeless shelter in the US west coast or speak to people who work daily in that field. They will tell you the same thing if they are honest.

What's at the heart of the drug epidemic? And what drugs? Which drugs that have been decriminalized?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Kensington, Philadelphia looks absolutely delightful, another shithole blue city, I think I'm starting to notice a pattern....

Nice liberal run shithole. It's about as bad as that toilet we know as Cali

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Another random walkaround vid popped up on Youtube, this time in Tokyo and after watching it for a few mins, all I can say is the 2 locations may aswell be on different planets.



Factory Bastard
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Very clearly. The heart of our current homelessness epidemic is the drug epidemic. Don't believe me? Go volunteer at a homeless shelter in the US west coast or speak to people who work daily in that field. They will tell you the same thing if they are honest.

What's at the heart of the drug epidemic? And what drugs? Which drugs that have been decriminalized?

Yeah, @Oerdin . You give me a 'fuck you' because you have no legit reponse. You know damn well most homeless peopple aren't homeless because of marijuana. What other drugs have been decriminalized? You are a complete liar. Decriminalization doesn't increase homelessness. People out on the street due to drugs are heroin and crack addicts. They are opioid addicts, which certainly isn't caused by decriminalization. That's caused by crooked pharma.


Factory Bastard
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Very clearly. The heart of our current homelessness epidemic is the drug epidemic. Don't believe me? Go volunteer at a homeless shelter in the US west coast or speak to people who work daily in that field. They will tell you the same thing if they are honest.

What's at the heart of the drug epidemic? And what drugs? Which drugs that have been decriminalized?

They changed all the amounts needed to get a criminal charge to astronomical levels far beyond regular use. Also there is a proposition you would know about if you weren't completely ignorant on this subject. BTW this is not just my opinion but most experts and the drug and alcohol addiction rates printed by various cities housing commissions as well as the state is 88%. We have a drug problem and the law has been changed to decriminalize things so that virtually all of them just get a misdemeanor ticket now so now one can be forced into rehab. Rehab is free through mediCAL but it is voluntary and no one can be compelled to take part. This is wrong and evil.

I don't expect some ignorant ideological shitheel who feed to a foreign country to know jack shit about our correct problems here and you clearly do not. Not even a little. You have no idea who bad the state has gotten. You truly are just a stupid person babbling stupid shit who knows nothing. Upwards of 90% of the street homeless, who are every where and who's numbers have exploded exponentially, are street junkies. The 1/3rd or so who just fell on hard times go to the shelters and quickly rebuild theor lives while the street junkies become non-functioning criminals consumed by their addiction.


Factory Bastard
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Very clearly. The heart of our current homelessness epidemic is the drug epidemic. Don't believe me? Go volunteer at a homeless shelter in the US west coast or speak to people who work daily in that field. They will tell you the same thing if they are honest.

What's at the heart of the drug epidemic? And what drugs? Which drugs that have been decriminalized?

They changed all the amounts needed to get a criminal charge to astronomical levels far beyond regular use. Also there is a proposition you would know about if you weren't completely ignorant on this subject. BTW this is not just my opinion but most experts and the drug and alcohol addiction rates printed by various cities housing commissions as well as the state is 88%. We have a drug problem and the law has been changed to decriminalize things so that virtually all of them just get a misdemeanor ticket now so now one can be forced into rehab. Rehab is free through mediCAL but it is voluntary and no one can be compelled to take part. This is wrong and evil.

I don't expect some ignorant ideological shitheel who feed to a foreign country to know jack shit about our correct problems here and you clearly do not. Not even a little. You have no idea who bad the state has gotten. You truly are just a stupid person babbling stupid shit who knows nothing.

You're blowing smoke out your flabby asshole. Your post doesn't even make sense. What does "printed by various housing commissions" even mean? You have posted zero evidence. That's pure BS.


Factory Bastard
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Another random walkaround vid popped up on Youtube, this time in Tokyo and after watching it for a few mins, all I can say is the 2 locations may aswell be on different planets.

I didn't see that part of the city but I really enjoyed see Tokyo's Ueno Park during cherry blossom season. The electronics district was also really cool even if you weren't buying just to see all the Japan only electronics on display. I can remember walking among all these back allies filled with restaurants, bars, and shops where I decided to stop and eat only to find all menus in Japanese with no one who spoke English. The waitress was very nice and got me a very nice dinner after it was clear I couldn't speak or read and Japanese. I just handed her my debit card and she took care of everything.


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Factory Bastard
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Japanese are such stickers for the rules though. I remember landing in Norita Airport (the official airport for Tokyo even though it is like90 miles from Tokyo) from Bangkok, Thailand and getting a ticket on the bullet train at like 3am local time. The ticket cost around $90 to ride the bullet train even back then. I saw nearly the whole cabin of the train was empty of people so I said fuck it and sat down in the nearest seat. No shit, some Japanesr guy got on board halfway through and got upset because he had the ticket number to the seat I was sitting in even though the car had like 100 seats and 93 or so were empty. They really like their rules; almost as much as Germans.


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Truth hurts, doesn't it, @Oerdin ?


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Hey, retard! I am telling you want is going on right now in the streets of every major city on the west coast of the US. It is literally a biblical style plague. They also decriminalized shop lifting as long as each incident is below $950 so that organized gangs roam around with 20-50 homeless bums each stealing $800-$900 per store then trading their loot to organized crime gangs for drugs. The gangs then sell the stolen good online. Homeless are taxed by gangs saying they either have to pay cash each day to the gangs or they Jace to "work" for the gangs for drugs.

We have a massively wrong problem with drug addicts and the vast majority aren't even from here, they are from other states, but they come here because they heard there are no rules and the weather is good. It is at crisis proportions with encampment covering sidewalks covering sidewalks for half a dozen miles and being under ever bridge. You have no idea how bad it is now.


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Truth hurts, doesn't it, @Oerdin ?

You have no idea what truth is. Worse you have no desire to learn. You truly are just a useful idiot.


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Hey, retard! I am telling you want is going on right now in the streets of every major city on the west coast of the US. It is literally a biblical style plague. They also decriminalized shop lifting as long as each incident is below $950 so that organized gangs roam around with 20-50 homeless bums each stealing $800-$900 per store then trading their loot to organized crime gangs for drugs. The gangs then sell the stolen good online. Homeless are taxed by gangs saying they either have to pay cash each day to the gangs or they Jace to "work" for the gangs for drugs.

We have a massively wrong problem with drug addicts and the vast majority aren't even from here, they are from other states, but they come here because they heard there are no rules and the weather is good. It is at crisis proportions with encampment covering sidewalks covering sidewalks for half a dozen miles and being under ever bridge. You have no idea how bad it is now.

My argument is that "decriminlization" of drugs is NOT at the root of homelessness. Prove to me that it's not by citing studies, not stories about what you see. That is not proof of the cause of any of this.


Factory Bastard
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Seventeen years on [since the decriminization of all drugs in Portugal], the U.S. is suffering
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in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars.

In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate
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than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use
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, those most at risk of initiating drug use.

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Truth hurts, doesn't it, @Oerdin ?

You have no idea what truth is. Worse you have no desire to learn. You truly are just a useful idiot.

You think you are teaching me something by posting your unsupported opinion? You really are thick. You have not posted a single piece of evidence to support any of your claims. I have.


Factory Bastard
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Obvious dog shit has never used Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). What a fucking shit stain of a human being.