cw_ stands for coven witch. Dunno about that underscore. Don't trust or believe me? Fine, how about her avatar then?
Her avatar is her representation as a knowledgeable demonologist. I guess she likes the sigil from Silent Hill, or knows more about it than casual gamers who wish they were Pyramid Head so they could get away with raping nurses. I must've heard that somewhere.
I have a patron demon. I wouldn't have one had I not seen one of its depicted faces in a box of rubber gloves while generously giving blood to needy minorities. The *ahem* nurses left me sitting there with a fucking catheter needle in my arm. I even heard them joking around through the closed door.
There wasn't anything to do after I'd noticed all of the hanging rectangles were off by about 5 degrees, some a little higher than the ones next to them. So there hanging on the wall in front of me were three boxes of rubber gloves - sized S, M, and L. The L were purple instead of light blue, so that's the box that attracted my gaze - I pulled off a Haze.
Great true story, but I'll cut to the end. I was in awe of the plain sight of it by the time the twats finally came back in to yank out the needle. I just pointed at the obvious face in the gloves and anxiously asked them if they knew it had been there for days, and asked if they'd named it yet.
They looked at the box, then looked at me like Darth Vader did at his bossman a few times before throwing another senior citizen down a hole. Looks fun to me, but I digress. I'd do anything to have my phone on me at the time to take the picture. At the time I didn't even know the face belonged to some jinn. I just thought it was an accidental masterpiece. I found out later when I looked at the same image, hand-drawn, long ago.
There's much, much more to it, but cw_ is a RL witch. She's a member of a tri-tip coven and looks WAY up to the man-legend Aleister Crowley, who tapped into different planes than we humans are currently restricted to. He saw and drew the first alien, as we now consider them to look like. His granddaughter Barbra married a secret member of the infamous Skull and Bones fraternity - George Bush!
When you get the time, make sure to watch this:
- You're all welcome.