Hey Freud. It's my turn.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hello Freud.

As you want to start threads about people, I figured I'd cartwheel myself into here and start one about you. I foresee you being very open and receptive about this subject as you're known as an "honest" and a swell "guy"


I hope that you will elaborate on this subject of pretending to be a little mousey "woman" aptly named Dinky Diana otherwise known around these parts as D.D. What's interesting to note is you went the extra mile with premeditated intent as you bought hardware to reinforce this fabrication.

Only a truly sick fuck would go through the lengths you have gone through, in your attempt at fooling forum posters by pretending to be female. Fortunately, the good lord above chose not to give you a brain but a banana instead, which would explain why you fooled no one. I know you'd like to forget about this mega FUCK UP but I don't give a fuck what you want.

I said to Bricktop what I meant about all this here ("Somehow I'm not surprised") -

"I'm just not trading back and forth with you if it's going to derail topical threads and cause dramas like the last time I was here."

It too easy for my replies to get RR'd or outright removed-hidden if they contain a shred of cheek, Fash. Then there have been the disabled membership moments where I couldn't post anything. Not whining or pointing fingers though. At points I intentionally pushed you towards it while at others all it took was my repeated refusal to accept being called a male troll from elsewhere.

I'd rather just contribute to topical threads that have nothing to do with the perception others desire to have about my reproductive bits.
Things like social items, politics, whatever.

If the past here is any indication of the future, the moment I actively engage in the back and forth, my posting privs will be mothballed.

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Interesting enough, here comes Aryan covering for Freud the "man" masquerading as a female. Funny, Aryan says he hates trannies, faggots and non-whites but look how quickly "scouse" the closet wannabe Neo Nazi faggot starts fellating Freud's imaginary pussy.

Is there any sort of proof that DD is a fella, other than of course what that crippled, cancerous cunt RW has claimed?

Not, taking sides, just genuinely curious? Because if it's all on her word, I'm ashamed of myself for initially believing it...

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Here's perhaps the the most damning evidence of how these depraved fucks "stick together," and though I think Bricktop is a fucking piece of floating shit, he nails Freud right between the fucking eyes with this post. Also, look what other names are mentioned, yet you'll see Freud and this person skipping along here at BF like he was never outted trying to pass himself off as a female.

I've known XXXXX for years. This is his trolling schtick to a T.

He has no concept of an off switch.

Annie, Dove, Keeper and I were also in the Skype convo...we all heard him using a vocoder.

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Notice how no one says anything about Freud's big lie, even the sluts who witnessed Freud's big fail just go on like nothing happened. You want to talk about "narcissism" and depraved behavior? These fools shot themselves in the foot and think no one's going to find out or remember.

Fucking funny shit!
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Who is this, Freud?


Dinky Diana?

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P.S.-If anyone clicks that link they'll see what Freud "looks like."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
One really has to question the stances Aryan says he has on gays and trans people. Here's Freud pretending to be a woman but somehow that's okay in Aryan's mind but wants to accuse me of being a guy but then owns himself through a pm I never posted. LOL!

So here it is people, these stupid fucks will even contradict themselves on their own values if it means asserting their secret gay agendas like Aryan does on a daily fucking basis. No wonder Aryan has to post fake pictures, he's more likely the tranny than anyone else here on this forum. There's even proof of Aryan defending Freud as DD. So much for Aryan being the Archdiocese of reason.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And here we have the admission:

And I am a stirrer of shit...

...after this forum grew on me, I abandoned it, lest I leave it in worse condition than I found it... Mimi and Evs are cool...

I'm a dude.

I promise to not post any discriminating pm's or chats with any of the lads I catfished here...

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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
My. Fucking. God. Is this really how you spend a typical Saturday night?

I'll wager that even Fagmin has more of a life than you.

Nice try dickhead.

You still refuse to acknowledge why you never bombarded Freud with bigoted name calling after being outted as a male. The mere fact you have to fucking lie about being in on this alleged "troll" is so fucking unbelievable that you're now in the realm of The Fucking Twilight Zone.

After this monumental finding on how you openly and still do stick up for a guy that pretended he was a woman destroys any and all credibility you ever had.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to contradict yourself three years ago?

Fucking homo.

P.S.-Look how Aryan tries deflecting the subject by bringing up Admin, who has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Even self owning Aryan knows he can't fellate his way out of this one.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
"Monumental finding"? :LOL3:

Is that what you call dragging up posts from nearly 10 years ago from another forum?

Tell me, you unstable mental case, what is this groundbreaking new info which you claim to have uncovered ? Because as far as I can tell, it's old news and already common knowledge.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
"Monumental finding"? :LOL3:

Is that what you call dragging up posts from nearly 10 years ago from another forum?

Tell me, you unstable mental case, what is this groundbreaking new info which you claim to have uncovered ? Because as far as I can tell, it's old news and already common knowledge.

Again with the decade thing. You fucking clown TBC wasn't around a decade you excuse ejaculating closet faggot. Your excuses suck just like your made up doctrine on faggots and trannies.

More deflection as Aryan runs from his past and his own words highlighting the fact that he must think it's okay for a man to go around pretending to be a female.

Hypocrisy at its finest.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hello Freud.

As you want to start threads about people, I figured I'd cartwheel myself into here and start one about you. I foresee you being very open and receptive about this subject as you're known as an "honest" and a swell "guy"


I hope that you will elaborate on this subject of pretending to be a little mousey "woman" aptly named Dinky Diana otherwise known around these parts as D.D. What's interesting to note is you went the extra mile with premeditated intent as you bought hardware to reinforce this fabrication.

Only a truly sick fuck would go through the lengths you have gone through, in your attempt at fooling forum posters by pretending to be female. Fortunately, the good lord above chose not to give you a brain but a banana instead, which would explain why you fooled no one. I know you'd like to forget about this mega FUCK UP but I don't give a fuck what you want.

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Interesting enough, here comes Aryan covering for Freud the "man" masquerading as a female. Funny, Aryan says he hates trannies, faggots and non-whites but look how quickly "scouse" the closet wannabe Neo Nazi faggot starts fellating Freud's imaginary pussy.

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Here's perhaps the the most damning evidence of how these depraved fucks "stick together," and though I think Bricktop is a fucking piece of floating shit, he nails Freud right between the fucking eyes with this post. Also, look what other names are mentioned, yet you'll see Freud and this person skipping along here at BF like he was never putted trying to pass himself off as a female.

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Notice how no one says anything about Freud's big lie, even the sluts who witnessed Freud's big fail just go on like nothing happened. You want to talk about "narcissism" and depraved behavior? These fools shot themselves in the foot and think no one's going to find out or remember.

Fucking funny shit!

Look at Freud run away from all this.

:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
People are laughing hard at you, Five Guys, for getting sucked into an 8 year old exploit and tantying your panties. :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People are laughing hard at you, Five Guys, for getting sucked into an 8 year old exploit and tantying your panties. :LOL3:

I don't think so fuckwit.

Anyone who gets put on blast for pretending to be a woman is at least 34 rungs down the ladder from me.

Try again tard.

You're just mad that you're a shite troll that got caught forgetting to turn on his voice changer.



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Proof that you're an amateur and farm Leaguer who hasn't improved even an iota in nearly 18 years.... yup


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Proof that you're an amateur and farm Leaguer who hasn't improved even an iota in nearly 18 years.... yup

Proof that you're DD you outted dick sucker?

I'm not the one that was caught red handed pretending to be female.
