Thank you for the time off


Site Supporter
My son says there is a cat in the backyard bleeding ):
There was a pregnant one I've preemptively found homes for the kittens ..I fear she is suffering a miscarriage
He's following her now to see MAYBE she had the kittens somewhere


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Did the fat stupid person just say something?

So in the car was supposed to turn around and harass my 16 year old? Like the whole way have my eye ball on her?

Jesus Christ :LOL3:

So we have already sat through an hour of speeches and watched my daughter walk across the stage and get her diploma.

We now have to sit through 800 more kids. Should I grab my 16 by the face and make deep and uninterrupted eye contact since I have a free minute right now?

OMG there is a kid here whose name is "semen"....yes pronounced semen and now me and said 16 year old are trying not to laugh lol.

Are you stoned at you Daughter's Graduation?

Nope! I'm normally weird.

Anyway we wrapped it up and are outta there. Her father and his wife and their 6 year old daughter....and her grandfather all drove up from N Carolina. So my daughter is going with them tonight to go spend time with them. They are leaving Saturday.

I'm not just allowing him to have her tonight.....I actually allowed a picture of him and I with her. The first one since she was born.

In a few weeks we are having a big family graduation party.

Since you are concerned about my daughters big night and all.....its more like a big month really.

Youd have loved the never ending speeches. They were "diversity" this, "Covid" that.....and the school has one of those GSA things.

Me and my graduating daughter texted messaged through most of it bahahahaha.

I have a very difficult time with crowds because of my PTSD. I dont take any medication and I use CBT tactics when I get hit....or more appropriately triggered.

When I feel like I cant easily escape it really can be hard for me. And it's not predictable. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine. Both of my daughters were involved in things. My oldest played violin all through school. She plays beautifully. Shes very musically inclined. She plays guitar and piano as well. My 16 year old did choir, she loves to sing. Shes not as into instruments like her sister....but shes been playing ukelele for years and shes quite good.

So when they had orchestra concerts I was there. And choir concerts...I'm there. My 16 year old did cheer leading so I was at all that too. SOMETIMES
....if it's a bigger event, I'll start feeling that fight or flight creeping in.

It's being packed in where you cant easily get out that does it. I need to put myself in a sort of meditative state because if it gets bad enough I cannot calm down. Sometimes stores do it for me if they are crowded....and crowded restaurants.

It was a bit triggery tonight. It was all ourdoors....beautiful perfect day too....and those bleachers were PACKED. We were near the top next to my daughters girl friends family. There was no way I would have easily dipped out but I got myself through it. It was awesome.

Cant miss the whole tassel turn, yanno.

"No. I don't talk about myself or put out my own personal details."

Sure about that Dove?

Will you start crying foul when others use your PTSD against you?

Attention whoring at its finest.

Flynn, do you know what PI even is? Or are you such next level retard that you think anytime a person talks about themselves its "PI"? I never said I do not talk about myself. I said I did not post my own PI.

And there is a huge difference between "crying foul" and people telling you that your posts are unhinged spam that is unfunny, lame and repetitious. Apparently you intend to make "material" out of ptsd and you think by claiming any slap backs are "crying foul" you've somehow protected yourself from any criticism.

Everytime you completely fail to hit your just go off pretending you've really done something. Its predictable and it's interesting how all the posters who function like this on the boards have ended up all hating the same people and going through the same cycles.

Go choke on a dick or pussy you mentally ill cunt.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.

I'll have you know that I can spell potato, ma'am!

Typo.. Typo....had a 12 pound cat just jump into my lap!!!!

I figured that's why I responded how I did. I knew who that was intended for...

Yeah. I had 2 windows open and was trying to do 9 things at once. Haha!


Site Supporter
Did the fat stupid person just say something?

So in the car was supposed to turn around and harass my 16 year old? Like the whole way have my eye ball on her?

Jesus Christ :LOL3:

So we have already sat through an hour of speeches and watched my daughter walk across the stage and get her diploma.

We now have to sit through 800 more kids. Should I grab my 16 by the face and make deep and uninterrupted eye contact since I have a free minute right now?

OMG there is a kid here whose name is "semen"....yes pronounced semen and now me and said 16 year old are trying not to laugh lol.

Are you stoned at you Daughter's Graduation?

Nope! I'm normally weird.

Anyway we wrapped it up and are outta there. Her father and his wife and their 6 year old daughter....and her grandfather all drove up from N Carolina. So my daughter is going with them tonight to go spend time with them. They are leaving Saturday.

I'm not just allowing him to have her tonight.....I actually allowed a picture of him and I with her. The first one since she was born.

In a few weeks we are having a big family graduation party.

Since you are concerned about my daughters big night and all.....its more like a big month really.

Youd have loved the never ending speeches. They were "diversity" this, "Covid" that.....and the school has one of those GSA things.

Me and my graduating daughter texted messaged through most of it bahahahaha.

I have a very difficult time with crowds because of my PTSD. I dont take any medication and I use CBT tactics when I get hit....or more appropriately triggered.

When I feel like I cant easily escape it really can be hard for me. And it's not predictable. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine. Both of my daughters were involved in things. My oldest played violin all through school. She plays beautifully. Shes very musically inclined. She plays guitar and piano as well. My 16 year old did choir, she loves to sing. Shes not as into instruments like her sister....but shes been playing ukelele for years and shes quite good.

So when they had orchestra concerts I was there. And choir concerts...I'm there. My 16 year old did cheer leading so I was at all that too. SOMETIMES
....if it's a bigger event, I'll start feeling that fight or flight creeping in.

It's being packed in where you cant easily get out that does it. I need to put myself in a sort of meditative state because if it gets bad enough I cannot calm down. Sometimes stores do it for me if they are crowded....and crowded restaurants.

It was a bit triggery tonight. It was all ourdoors....beautiful perfect day too....and those bleachers were PACKED. We were near the top next to my daughters girl friends family. There was no way I would have easily dipped out but I got myself through it. It was awesome.

Cant miss the whole tassel turn, yanno.

"No. I don't talk about myself or put out my own personal details."

Sure about that Dove?

Will you start crying foul when others use your PTSD against you?

Attention whoring at its finest.

Flynn, do you know what PI even is? Or are you such next level retard that you think anytime a person talks about themselves its "PI"? I never said I do not talk about myself. I said I did not post my own PI.

And there is a huge difference between "crying foul" and people telling you that your posts are unhinged spam that is unfunny, lame and repetitious. Apparently you intend to make "material" out of ptsd and you think by claiming any slap backs are "crying foul" you've somehow protected yourself from any criticism.

Everytime you completely fail to hit your just go off pretending you've really done something. Its predictable and it's interesting how all the posters who function like this on the boards have ended up all hating the same people and going through the same cycles.

Go choke on a dick or pussy you mentally ill cunt.
Is that a diet you recommend that how you got the shiney completion


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Did the fat stupid person just say something?

So in the car was supposed to turn around and harass my 16 year old? Like the whole way have my eye ball on her?

Jesus Christ :LOL3:

So we have already sat through an hour of speeches and watched my daughter walk across the stage and get her diploma.

We now have to sit through 800 more kids. Should I grab my 16 by the face and make deep and uninterrupted eye contact since I have a free minute right now?

OMG there is a kid here whose name is "semen"....yes pronounced semen and now me and said 16 year old are trying not to laugh lol.

Are you stoned at you Daughter's Graduation?

Nope! I'm normally weird.

Anyway we wrapped it up and are outta there. Her father and his wife and their 6 year old daughter....and her grandfather all drove up from N Carolina. So my daughter is going with them tonight to go spend time with them. They are leaving Saturday.

I'm not just allowing him to have her tonight.....I actually allowed a picture of him and I with her. The first one since she was born.

In a few weeks we are having a big family graduation party.

Since you are concerned about my daughters big night and all.....its more like a big month really.

Youd have loved the never ending speeches. They were "diversity" this, "Covid" that.....and the school has one of those GSA things.

Me and my graduating daughter texted messaged through most of it bahahahaha.

I have a very difficult time with crowds because of my PTSD. I dont take any medication and I use CBT tactics when I get hit....or more appropriately triggered.

When I feel like I cant easily escape it really can be hard for me. And it's not predictable. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine. Both of my daughters were involved in things. My oldest played violin all through school. She plays beautifully. Shes very musically inclined. She plays guitar and piano as well. My 16 year old did choir, she loves to sing. Shes not as into instruments like her sister....but shes been playing ukelele for years and shes quite good.

So when they had orchestra concerts I was there. And choir concerts...I'm there. My 16 year old did cheer leading so I was at all that too. SOMETIMES
....if it's a bigger event, I'll start feeling that fight or flight creeping in.

It's being packed in where you cant easily get out that does it. I need to put myself in a sort of meditative state because if it gets bad enough I cannot calm down. Sometimes stores do it for me if they are crowded....and crowded restaurants.

It was a bit triggery tonight. It was all ourdoors....beautiful perfect day too....and those bleachers were PACKED. We were near the top next to my daughters girl friends family. There was no way I would have easily dipped out but I got myself through it. It was awesome.

Cant miss the whole tassel turn, yanno.

"No. I don't talk about myself or put out my own personal details."

Sure about that Dove?

Will you start crying foul when others use your PTSD against you?

Attention whoring at its finest.

Flynn, do you know what PI even is? Or are you such next level retard that you think anytime a person talks about themselves its "PI"? I never said I do not talk about myself. I said I did not post my own PI.

And there is a huge difference between "crying foul" and people telling you that your posts are unhinged spam that is unfunny, lame and repetitious. Apparently you intend to make "material" out of ptsd and you think by claiming any slap backs are "crying foul" you've somehow protected yourself from any criticism.

Everytime you completely fail to hit your just go off pretending you've really done something. Its predictable and it's interesting how all the posters who function like this on the boards have ended up all hating the same people and going through the same cycles.

Go choke on a dick or pussy you mentally ill cunt.
Is that a diet you recommend that how you got the shiney completion

Speak English please.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My son says there is a cat in the backyard bleeding ):
There was a pregnant one I've preemptively found homes for the kittens ..I fear she is suffering a miscarriage
He's following her now to see MAYBE she had the kittens somewhere

Mastitis (SP?) Or a retained kitten or placenta. That cat will die without intervention.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did the fat stupid person just say something?

So in the car was supposed to turn around and harass my 16 year old? Like the whole way have my eye ball on her?

Jesus Christ :LOL3:

So we have already sat through an hour of speeches and watched my daughter walk across the stage and get her diploma.

We now have to sit through 800 more kids. Should I grab my 16 by the face and make deep and uninterrupted eye contact since I have a free minute right now?

OMG there is a kid here whose name is "semen"....yes pronounced semen and now me and said 16 year old are trying not to laugh lol.

Are you stoned at you Daughter's Graduation?

Nope! I'm normally weird.

Anyway we wrapped it up and are outta there. Her father and his wife and their 6 year old daughter....and her grandfather all drove up from N Carolina. So my daughter is going with them tonight to go spend time with them. They are leaving Saturday.

I'm not just allowing him to have her tonight.....I actually allowed a picture of him and I with her. The first one since she was born.

In a few weeks we are having a big family graduation party.

Since you are concerned about my daughters big night and all.....its more like a big month really.

Youd have loved the never ending speeches. They were "diversity" this, "Covid" that.....and the school has one of those GSA things.

Me and my graduating daughter texted messaged through most of it bahahahaha.

I have a very difficult time with crowds because of my PTSD. I dont take any medication and I use CBT tactics when I get hit....or more appropriately triggered.

When I feel like I cant easily escape it really can be hard for me. And it's not predictable. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine. Both of my daughters were involved in things. My oldest played violin all through school. She plays beautifully. Shes very musically inclined. She plays guitar and piano as well. My 16 year old did choir, she loves to sing. Shes not as into instruments like her sister....but shes been playing ukelele for years and shes quite good.

So when they had orchestra concerts I was there. And choir concerts...I'm there. My 16 year old did cheer leading so I was at all that too. SOMETIMES
....if it's a bigger event, I'll start feeling that fight or flight creeping in.

It's being packed in where you cant easily get out that does it. I need to put myself in a sort of meditative state because if it gets bad enough I cannot calm down. Sometimes stores do it for me if they are crowded....and crowded restaurants.

It was a bit triggery tonight. It was all ourdoors....beautiful perfect day too....and those bleachers were PACKED. We were near the top next to my daughters girl friends family. There was no way I would have easily dipped out but I got myself through it. It was awesome.

Cant miss the whole tassel turn, yanno.

Have you got social anxiety? My ex had a mild case of that. It meant she got edgy at times in busy public places.

PTSD. It comes with a lot of chronic anxiety and panick attacks.

I manage it very well without meds. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be.
  • Agree!
Reactions: X


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My son says there is a cat in the backyard bleeding ):
There was a pregnant one I've preemptively found homes for the kittens ..I fear she is suffering a miscarriage
He's following her now to see MAYBE she had the kittens somewhere

Are the shelters around you no kill? Can you bring her and the kittens inside?


Site Supporter
My son says there is a cat in the backyard bleeding ):
There was a pregnant one I've preemptively found homes for the kittens ..I fear she is suffering a miscarriage
He's following her now to see MAYBE she had the kittens somewhere

Are the shelters around you no kill? Can you bring her and the kittens inside?
Dove, these Kitty's are taken care of better than a shelter..they have a very clean shed with a clean futon and a fireplace and annd a nice rug to ly about..birds mice food two times a day they are living a true cats life


Site Supporter
Did the fat stupid person just say something?

So in the car was supposed to turn around and harass my 16 year old? Like the whole way have my eye ball on her?

Jesus Christ :LOL3:

So we have already sat through an hour of speeches and watched my daughter walk across the stage and get her diploma.

We now have to sit through 800 more kids. Should I grab my 16 by the face and make deep and uninterrupted eye contact since I have a free minute right now?

OMG there is a kid here whose name is "semen"....yes pronounced semen and now me and said 16 year old are trying not to laugh lol.

Are you stoned at you Daughter's Graduation?

Nope! I'm normally weird.

Anyway we wrapped it up and are outta there. Her father and his wife and their 6 year old daughter....and her grandfather all drove up from N Carolina. So my daughter is going with them tonight to go spend time with them. They are leaving Saturday.

I'm not just allowing him to have her tonight.....I actually allowed a picture of him and I with her. The first one since she was born.

In a few weeks we are having a big family graduation party.

Since you are concerned about my daughters big night and all.....its more like a big month really.

Youd have loved the never ending speeches. They were "diversity" this, "Covid" that.....and the school has one of those GSA things.

Me and my graduating daughter texted messaged through most of it bahahahaha.

I have a very difficult time with crowds because of my PTSD. I dont take any medication and I use CBT tactics when I get hit....or more appropriately triggered.

When I feel like I cant easily escape it really can be hard for me. And it's not predictable. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine. Both of my daughters were involved in things. My oldest played violin all through school. She plays beautifully. Shes very musically inclined. She plays guitar and piano as well. My 16 year old did choir, she loves to sing. Shes not as into instruments like her sister....but shes been playing ukelele for years and shes quite good.

So when they had orchestra concerts I was there. And choir concerts...I'm there. My 16 year old did cheer leading so I was at all that too. SOMETIMES
....if it's a bigger event, I'll start feeling that fight or flight creeping in.

It's being packed in where you cant easily get out that does it. I need to put myself in a sort of meditative state because if it gets bad enough I cannot calm down. Sometimes stores do it for me if they are crowded....and crowded restaurants.

It was a bit triggery tonight. It was all ourdoors....beautiful perfect day too....and those bleachers were PACKED. We were near the top next to my daughters girl friends family. There was no way I would have easily dipped out but I got myself through it. It was awesome.

Cant miss the whole tassel turn, yanno.

Have you got social anxiety? My ex had a mild case of that. It meant she got edgy at times in busy public places.

PTSD. It comes with a lot of chronic anxiety and panick attacks.

I manage it very well without meds. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be.
Not that I liked you have anxiety I do too...just that I know how hard without meds...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.
Back of the bus, nigger bitch!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Since when is reading your banal crap, "work?"
The work part is when you're working on a retort, douche.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Since when is reading your banal crap, "work?"
The work part is when you're working on a retort, douche.

The "work part," huh?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.
Nope, not there.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.
Nope, not there.

Have you looked? Now you'll have a valid excuse to finger yourself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.
Nope, not there.

Have you looked? Now you'll have a valid excuse to finger yourself.
Just dropped a deuce. Wasnt there.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.
Nope, not there.

Have you looked? Now you'll have a valid excuse to finger yourself.
Just dropped a deuce. Wasnt there.

Dig farther up, maybe use a ruler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.


Hey Lokmar? Did you feel that burn?
No. Not at all. Where was it?

Up your ass.
Nope, not there.

Have you looked? Now you'll have a valid excuse to finger yourself.
Just dropped a deuce. Wasnt there.

Dig farther up, maybe use a ruler.
I think you're lying.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Lily ~ I believe this behavior would be classified as disassociation.

I have 3 honorary children until I’m made their official stepmother and I can’t find the time to juggle this forum, my own family, my household and being their father’s love interest with his kiddos at our house 50% of the time. I have a healthy, thriving relationship with their father and I plan to keep it that way.

I try to monitor the time I’m online since I have overindulged in the past. It’s harder now since you can now use a cell phone to post…. but I’m lucky because he will not allow anyone (including himself) to be preoccupied with phones/iPads/laptops because he wants us to talk to each other and be a family.

It’s about being present and mindful.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I’m lucky because he will not allow anyone (including himself) to be preoccupied with phones/iPads/laptops because he wants us to talk to each other and be a family.

Sounds very controlling.
Bimbo always has to chime in and make shit about herself. She's an attention whore so someone wasting their time to control her gives her self worth.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This thread is really rough on my labia.

certainly on your ass hairs...

I have NO ass hair. I make sure to shave all up in there. I cant STAND any sort of hair on any avenue down in lady town. I just so happen to be very freshly shaved at the moment.

Thanks for the concern.

Ok. Not concerned. Just noticing your melty.

So what am I melting over?

I think you are just noticing things you WANT to notice.

Over Flynn's insult. At least that how it appears to the casual observer.

Ahhhh yes. The killer "ur labia iz rotten" really got to me.

I have never ever seen that said to anyone before nor has anyone ever posted that to me before. Totally OG. Cutting edge shit. My prolapse is throbbing with emotional pain.

Flynn really crippled me with that!

Pretty much, which is why you keep bringing it up. Kinda like your "potato" fiasco.

The question is: Is Duhv the Dan Quayle of forums or is Dan Quayle the Duhv of Vice Presidents?


Dan Quayle is smarter than you. So no. You're the misguided and poorly educated cunt that thinks she's running shit shit here.
He's damned well smarter than biden, pelosi, schumer, kameltoe, and you put together. Now stfu in melty about politics, faggit. Its not allowed!

No stupid. Politics isn't allowed in other subs. Spam and thread-jacking are not allowed in politics.
Figure it out, idiot.
Nigger bitch, get back to the politics board where you belong! Flynnbecile has important work to do!¡

Look homo, I can post wherever the fuck I want, unlike you. And I will.
Back of the bus, nigger bitch!

STFU homo