Forum Deportation Raid - Biggie Smiles - May 14, 2022

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Let's keep Politics IN Politics forum and Meltdown for Face Ripping.

Thank you,

But what about politcal face ripping? Because politics is exactly what has all these tampon strings aflame.

And there is SO MUCH material to be had when a priviledged white shitlib female wants to help usher in the revolution.

If it's a hard "no" I will abide. I dont read her anyway I just like to talk shit lol.

I feel its impossible to keep fighting out of Politics, but were trying to keep that forum open.

If that forum goes away.. we'll have a politics free BF next.

If posters can't be civil, there's no reason to keep it. Everything has been said, 10k times.
yeah, you leftist shitbags are very civil



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Let's keep Politics IN Politics forum and Meltdown for Face Ripping.

Thank you,

But what about politcal face ripping? Because politics is exactly what has all these tampon strings aflame.

And there is SO MUCH material to be had when a priviledged white shitlib female wants to help usher in the revolution.

If it's a hard "no" I will abide. I dont read her anyway I just like to talk shit lol.

I feel its impossible to keep fighting out of Politics, but were trying to keep that forum open.

If that forum goes away.. we'll have a politics free BF next.

If posters can't be civil, there's no reason to keep it. Everything has been said, 10k times.

Be patient. Stubby has zero self control.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Let's keep Politics IN Politics forum and Meltdown for Face Ripping.

Thank you,

But what about politcal face ripping? Because politics is exactly what has all these tampon strings aflame.

And there is SO MUCH material to be had when a priviledged white shitlib female wants to help usher in the revolution.

If it's a hard "no" I will abide. I dont read her anyway I just like to talk shit lol.

I feel its impossible to keep fighting out of Politics, but were trying to keep that forum open.

If that forum goes away.. we'll have a politics free BF next.

If posters can't be civil, there's no reason to keep it. Everything has been said, 10k times.

Be patient. Stubby has zero self control.

He is the most obvious culprit, but not the only guilty party.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why is Flynn obsessed with Dove?? Lovey-Dovey :)

Well a lot of people have concluded it's actually Poofer and his brother based on that inappropriately angry rage Flynn spun into over the whole Poofer thing.

Flynn will claim it's because he is the self appointed slut police and thinks it's his job to spam his disapproval over peoples sex lives.....but as you can see these standards dont apply to Murd who has fucked a few men off the boards while married and has pretty much sexted with everyone else.

So this is why people mainly believe its Poopturd and his brother.

Poopturd acted in a very disgusting and unhinged manner and he views me as a threat to his "cyber image" he thinks he has. So to get ahead of being "exposed" as a lying dirtbag bum.....after I ended our correspondence, he came running to the forums basically blasting a ton of bullshit about me hoping to chase me off the forums.

And since that isnt going to happen.....some are just kinda stuck on stupid.

It's actually pretty amazing how many hysterical meltdowns and schizo episodes have been had because they want me to leave :LOL3:

Triggering narcissists is a sort of speciality talent of mine. All I have to do is exist and they are triggered and raging lol.


Why is Flynn obsessed with Dove?? Lovey-Dovey :)

Well a lot of people have concluded it's actually Poofer and his brother based on that inappropriately angry rage Flynn spun into over the whole Poofer thing.

Flynn will claim it's because he is the self appointed slut police and thinks it's his job to spam his disapproval over peoples sex lives.....but as you can see these standards dont apply to Murd who has fucked a few men off the boards while married and has pretty much sexted with everyone else.

So this is why people mainly believe its Poopturd and his brother.

Poopturd acted in a very disgusting and unhinged manner and he views me as a threat to his "cyber image" he thinks he has. So to get ahead of being "exposed" as a lying dirtbag bum.....after I ended our correspondence, he came running to the forums basically blasting a ton of bullshit about me hoping to chase me off the forums.

And since that isnt going to happen.....some are just kinda stuck on stupid.

It's actually pretty amazing how many hysterical meltdowns and schizo episodes have been had because they want me to leave :LOL3:

Triggering narcissists is a sort of speciality talent of mine. All I have to do is exist and they are triggered and raging lol.
Flynn is totally netdead now tho.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why is Flynn obsessed with Dove?? Lovey-Dovey :)

Well a lot of people have concluded it's actually Poofer and his brother based on that inappropriately angry rage Flynn spun into over the whole Poofer thing.

Flynn will claim it's because he is the self appointed slut police and thinks it's his job to spam his disapproval over peoples sex lives.....but as you can see these standards dont apply to Murd who has fucked a few men off the boards while married and has pretty much sexted with everyone else.

So this is why people mainly believe its Poopturd and his brother.

Poopturd acted in a very disgusting and unhinged manner and he views me as a threat to his "cyber image" he thinks he has. So to get ahead of being "exposed" as a lying dirtbag bum.....after I ended our correspondence, he came running to the forums basically blasting a ton of bullshit about me hoping to chase me off the forums.

And since that isnt going to happen.....some are just kinda stuck on stupid.

It's actually pretty amazing how many hysterical meltdowns and schizo episodes have been had because they want me to leave :LOL3:

Triggering narcissists is a sort of speciality talent of mine. All I have to do is exist and they are triggered and raging lol.
Flynn is totally netdead now tho.

It is kinda like having a demonic haunting, isnt it?



I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Yeah. Candy man has lots of self control. Lolz


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Another new example of leftist teachers PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children.

seems like you can't wait you fucking gimped out fucker of wit ...... ffs sexualizing kids is all YOU DO and where there's smoke there's fire you filthy degenerate, no wonder you fucks are tryna normalize the convo, I feel BF is too late the pedos have taken over

You've been whinging for years about being called "Bathtub Jaws, 20,000 leagues under pisses bath water, Mr Bubbles " etc now that you've been successful in having it censored you're calling everybody else one??

Another new example of leftist teachers PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children.

seems like you can't wait you fucking gimped out fucker of wit ...... ffs sexualizing kids is all YOU DO and where there's smoke there's fire you filthy degenerate, no wonder you fucks are tryna normalize the convo, I feel BF is too late the pedos have taken over

You've been whinging for years about being called "Bathtub Jaws, 20,000 leagues under pisses bath water, Mr Bubbles " etc now that you've been successful in having it censored you're calling everybody else one??

I still dont get why you touched yer maws dead puss instead of what most people do which is call an ambulance yoo filthy FUCKKER

That's fuckin awful man... :facepalm:

fucking goof, completely normal what you say tho right pill popper ?

That comment was just nasty filth, I shared with you as a "mate" that my mum had passed and you're spouting out the very worst shit imaginable to try to upset me, why? You've got no loyalty since we're talking about it, if I told you anything about myself that you could twist it would be all over the board, if you do it with me you'd do it with ANY member, people should note that...

Is this a parable about people that have been sent into exile?

No, I'm not a wise old man yet but people should take note... It's like a friend that starts talking to you about another shared friend with some nasty shit then talks to him/her like besties all happy "mate" this "Bro" that, I'm like if you're doing that to them you're more than likely talking shit about me! Avoid that fucker in future! I've got plenty buddies in life but only 3 real friends that I know would do anything they could for me and vice versa, those fuckers are important to me, their friendship means a lot to me...

wow you just explained like everyfucking body in the werld ...

I don't do that, I know plenty people that wouldn't pretend to like someone and bitch about them, you're for sure the type to do that so maybe the good people you've met have sensed the danger with you and disappeared...

yer a realtime idiot arent yeh ??/ ffs retard you said you have friends and keep a small portion of those friends closer than others you dimwit ... like what EVERYBODY does you overly dramtic retard LOL does the term BEST FRIENDS mean anything to you ?? my god yer a dum blonde

So I'm not ALLOWED to talk about what my life experience with friends is like after you said everyone in the world was the same, they talk about you negatively behind your back? Real friends don't do that lol mine don't anyway, could bet my left leg they don't... Why are you always mean and miserable?

Do you turn the lights on after sex by opening the car door ?? just wanna know if you suffer the same as a dumb blonde

Says the retard that couldn't resist posting to get banned ahhaahahahahaaa we had you as number 1 to get banned when the thread was posted and you did:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3: you just couldn't resist like a moth to a light that gets burned but you have at least 30 IQ points above moths haha Dumb ass!!! "why did I do that" bet you were seething!:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

you bet I was seething ??? are you fucking stupit er wat ? LOL I posted not somebody else el retardO what the fuck did I think was gonna happen ffs I feel like you tiptoe around the medicine cabinet as to not wake the sleeping pills you thick bellend LOLOL this is new side of you I've never seen before LMFAO yer a daft twat AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SIMPLETON !!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

The 80's called, it wants its joke back! Yeah, you posted in that thread because you want to cancel yourself then when you saw "banned" the first 6th and 10th time you tried to log in you defo thought "great, why the fuck did I do that?" hahahahaha You strop around the place moaning as if you're forced to be here, you ain't bozo! :LOL3: "A side you've never seen before" aye right dick cheese, such a whiner who's mean to people so mean and disgusting it's tragic to see...

ha ha you high, ?? I posted in a post and get banned thread but I thought a pizza was going to be delivered you cocksuck LOLOL.

get a grip man ... preferably not on yer mates knob :LOL3:

Did you do it to entertain us or what? I don't know why you're like this because we both know you regretted it and asked yourself why the fuck you did it... hahahahahaaaa such a weird little man you need to learn to fill yourself with happiness not all this negative crap, that's how you've ended up on anti-depressants man all these insults have crushed your core so I'm going to be nice to you, not one to kick a man when he's down...

why did he create that thread numbnutZ ?? for FUN .... I had FUN yes ... tol 'em so in a PM that I thought it was great idea, ffs drift .. my core is impenetrable, Wolverines Adamantium claws couldn't penetrate it ..
sorry yer team stunk up the joint ... watch Canada this year if you want some winning action

So, not being able to post in a forum you sit on every single day is FUN?? A guy on anti-depressants says his core is impenetrable?:facepalm:

It's quite funny that you'd be a Celtic supporter given their history an imminent court hearings...

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I had a great time last night, cops were pricks though... Nice view!!

ha ha ha ha ha you know wat ?? I would'na been to POOOR to buy better seats ahahahahahahahahahaha... FUUUUUCK did you bring the Telescope ffs

Those seats were going for thousands of pounds last week but you being you wouldnt have a clue, we only got 4,000 tickets you stupid idiot, gold dust you couldn't just pick were you sat! Embarrassing for you, well it should be! 100,000 Rangers fans flew to Sevilla and only 4,000 of us got tickets through the club! Very lucky to get a seat at all! Dunce! Why comment on something you dont know anything about? Your dead mother thing is just fucking horrendous and it's no wonder your whore mother was glad to be maggot food to get away from you like your dad! She wouldnt be able to handle the court cases turning the bad name to real shit!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Another new example of leftist teachers PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children.

seems like you can't wait you fucking gimped out fucker of wit ...... ffs sexualizing kids is all YOU DO and where there's smoke there's fire you filthy degenerate, no wonder you fucks are tryna normalize the convo, I feel BF is too late the pedos have taken over

You've been whinging for years about being called "Bathtub Jaws, 20,000 leagues under pisses bath water, Mr Bubbles " etc now that you've been successful in having it censored you're calling everybody else one??

Another new example of leftist teachers PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children.

seems like you can't wait you fucking gimped out fucker of wit ...... ffs sexualizing kids is all YOU DO and where there's smoke there's fire you filthy degenerate, no wonder you fucks are tryna normalize the convo, I feel BF is too late the pedos have taken over

You've been whinging for years about being called "Bathtub Jaws, 20,000 leagues under pisses bath water, Mr Bubbles " etc now that you've been successful in having it censored you're calling everybody else one??

I still dont get why you touched yer maws dead puss instead of what most people do which is call an ambulance yoo filthy FUCKKER

That's fuckin awful man... :facepalm:

fucking goof, completely normal what you say tho right pill popper ?

That comment was just nasty filth, I shared with you as a "mate" that my mum had passed and you're spouting out the very worst shit imaginable to try to upset me, why? You've got no loyalty since we're talking about it, if I told you anything about myself that you could twist it would be all over the board, if you do it with me you'd do it with ANY member, people should note that...

Is this a parable about people that have been sent into exile?

No, I'm not a wise old man yet but people should take note... It's like a friend that starts talking to you about another shared friend with some nasty shit then talks to him/her like besties all happy "mate" this "Bro" that, I'm like if you're doing that to them you're more than likely talking shit about me! Avoid that fucker in future! I've got plenty buddies in life but only 3 real friends that I know would do anything they could for me and vice versa, those fuckers are important to me, their friendship means a lot to me...

wow you just explained like everyfucking body in the werld ...

I don't do that, I know plenty people that wouldn't pretend to like someone and bitch about them, you're for sure the type to do that so maybe the good people you've met have sensed the danger with you and disappeared...

yer a realtime idiot arent yeh ??/ ffs retard you said you have friends and keep a small portion of those friends closer than others you dimwit ... like what EVERYBODY does you overly dramtic retard LOL does the term BEST FRIENDS mean anything to you ?? my god yer a dum blonde

So I'm not ALLOWED to talk about what my life experience with friends is like after you said everyone in the world was the same, they talk about you negatively behind your back? Real friends don't do that lol mine don't anyway, could bet my left leg they don't... Why are you always mean and miserable?

Do you turn the lights on after sex by opening the car door ?? just wanna know if you suffer the same as a dumb blonde

Says the retard that couldn't resist posting to get banned ahhaahahahahaaa we had you as number 1 to get banned when the thread was posted and you did:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3: you just couldn't resist like a moth to a light that gets burned but you have at least 30 IQ points above moths haha Dumb ass!!! "why did I do that" bet you were seething!:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

you bet I was seething ??? are you fucking stupit er wat ? LOL I posted not somebody else el retardO what the fuck did I think was gonna happen ffs I feel like you tiptoe around the medicine cabinet as to not wake the sleeping pills you thick bellend LOLOL this is new side of you I've never seen before LMFAO yer a daft twat AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SIMPLETON !!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

The 80's called, it wants its joke back! Yeah, you posted in that thread because you want to cancel yourself then when you saw "banned" the first 6th and 10th time you tried to log in you defo thought "great, why the fuck did I do that?" hahahahaha You strop around the place moaning as if you're forced to be here, you ain't bozo! :LOL3: "A side you've never seen before" aye right dick cheese, such a whiner who's mean to people so mean and disgusting it's tragic to see...

ha ha you high, ?? I posted in a post and get banned thread but I thought a pizza was going to be delivered you cocksuck LOLOL.

get a grip man ... preferably not on yer mates knob :LOL3:

Did you do it to entertain us or what? I don't know why you're like this because we both know you regretted it and asked yourself why the fuck you did it... hahahahahaaaa such a weird little man you need to learn to fill yourself with happiness not all this negative crap, that's how you've ended up on anti-depressants man all these insults have crushed your core so I'm going to be nice to you, not one to kick a man when he's down...

why did he create that thread numbnutZ ?? for FUN .... I had FUN yes ... tol 'em so in a PM that I thought it was great idea, ffs drift .. my core is impenetrable, Wolverines Adamantium claws couldn't penetrate it ..
sorry yer team stunk up the joint ... watch Canada this year if you want some winning action

So, not being able to post in a forum you sit on every single day is FUN?? A guy on anti-depressants says his core is impenetrable?:facepalm:

It's quite funny that you'd be a Celtic supporter given their history an imminent court hearings...

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I had a great time last night, cops were pricks though... Nice view!!

being a fiLTH explains why you touched yer maws dead poooosaY instead O callin' an Ambulance ...

You're going back on ignore, I don't like you and Im not interested in anything you have to say... I hope you one day have the courage to stop being a burden on your what's left of your family and hang yourself in the woods, goodbye

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Let's keep Politics IN Politics forum and Meltdown for Face Ripping.

Thank you,

But what about politcal face ripping? Because politics is exactly what has all these tampon strings aflame.

And there is SO MUCH material to be had when a priviledged white shitlib female wants to help usher in the revolution.

If it's a hard "no" I will abide. I dont read her anyway I just like to talk shit lol.

I feel its impossible to keep fighting out of Politics, but were trying to keep that forum open.

If that forum goes away.. we'll have a politics free BF next.

I advised this a long time ago.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
It’s never gonna stop til you make it a zero tolerance policy. Just stating my experienced opinion.

I agree. Any name calling and insults over politics should send someone to the shitter for 3 days, a week for a second offense, a month for a third and so forth.

It’s too hard to moderate to that extent. Dump em all in a spammer sub forum when they fuck up. Problem solved.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It’s never gonna stop til you make it a zero tolerance policy. Just stating my experienced opinion.

I agree. Any name calling and insults over politics should send someone to the shitter for 3 days, a week for a second offense, a month for a third and so forth.

It’s too hard to moderate to that extent. Dump em all in a spammer sub forum when they fuck up. Problem solved.

Permanently? Maybe you're right. I mean, some even say they hate politics and then post in politics and fight battles for others in politics.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admong can handle sucking lots of cock
Is Elon making your bussy itch right now?

grab a tampon from any boys bathroom in your state

lmao--- tampons... in boys bathrooms.. :LOL3:
It's you're own fault you're in time out, and at the rate your going, you just might be in there for a while, your bratty behavior earned you another ass kicking by BF this morning, straighten up!
It's your own fault you cannot get the military to pay for your sex change operation. YOU should have joined a real military branch that doesn't turn their boys into girls within 6 months of joining

stop sucking dick, noodle neck

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I agree. Any name calling and insults over politics should send someone to the shitter for 3 days, a week for a second offense, a month for a third and so forth.

It's sometimes hard to tell what people consider politics,

For example the Jews Won't Replace Me thread was posted in politics first then moved to meltdown. Quite rightly in my opinion but it beggars the question as to why the OP thought it was a political thread in the first place? When dealing with ass monkeys like this then a re education programme in line with Russian Gulags seems in order. A few weeks in Siberia should learn em.

Open support of a political view is easy to spot but is religion politics?

Threads seem to turn political when someone can't fight back and resorts to spamming 'Youz right/left wing idiots are idiots' or some such like.

Those weak enough to do this should be hung, drawn, quartered and perma banned.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I agree. Any name calling and insults over politics should send someone to the shitter for 3 days, a week for a second offense, a month for a third and so forth.

how about hijacking every thread with useless trump drivel

how long does one get for that you hypocritical fat slob


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I agree. Any name calling and insults over politics should send someone to the shitter for 3 days, a week for a second offense, a month for a third and so forth.

It's sometimes hard to tell what people consider politics,

For example the Jews Won't Replace Me thread was posted in politics first then moved to meltdown. Quite rightly in my opinion but it beggars the question as to why the OP thought it was a political thread in the first place? When dealing with ass monkeys like this then a re education programme in line with Russian Gulags seems in order. A few weeks in Siberia should learn em.

Open support of a political view is easy to spot but is religion politics?

Threads seem to turn political when someone can't fight back and resorts to spamming 'Youz right/left wing idiots are idiots' or some such like.

Those weak enough to do this should be hung, drawn, quartered and perma banned.

Religion is politics in the case of the Jewish religion. A world war was sparked and then a religious fascist state was created by the UK and their allies because you didn't want them in your country or Europe.

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
This where it was left off 15 months ago...



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Let's keep Politics IN Politics forum and Meltdown for Face Ripping.

Thank you,

But what about politcal face ripping? Because politics is exactly what has all these tampon strings aflame.

And there is SO MUCH material to be had when a priviledged white shitlib female wants to help usher in the revolution.

If it's a hard "no" I will abide. I dont read her anyway I just like to talk shit lol.

I feel its impossible to keep fighting out of Politics, but were trying to keep that forum open.

If that forum goes away.. we'll have a politics free BF next.

If posters can't be civil, there's no reason to keep it. Everything has been said, 10k times.
You can always stay the fuk out.