When did I say Meghan couldn't be questioned because she's biracial?
Link that. You are inferring something I'm not saying. I think she has problems, she's a human being for Christ's sake. However, I think some of the questioning of this woman is racially tinged.
For some people, biracial (whatever races and whatever percentages) is to be automatically questioned. I don't know if you're part of that group or not.
What I do think, is that people like you believe everything the rag media says just because they say it. They'll use whatever issue they think will ignite the passions of the ignorant. Those rags are garbage and build up people and then tear them down. They've done it with most celebrities. It's how they make their money.
Everyone should question everything those rags say, period. That is what I really think.
I don't read rags however I watch various news shows and current affairs programs and my browser opens on 9 MSN with all the latest rubbish. I recently found Lady C channel about 18 months ago and watch her religiously every other day for 1 hour. She is the author of 21 books varying about the Queen's marriage, Diana and various other subjects relating to biographies hers and the Royals. Now Jesus Enrique Rosas is on my compulsory viewing list
She unspins the rags...she has a mixed heritage... born in Jamaica where there is class prejudices not race ones. Her father owned department stores and her mother was an alcoholic and a narcissist so that is her field of interest.
The other day you mentioned the dickhead claiming he lived in a fish bowl... I saw him actually say that to after you mentioned it.. Did you know he never even realised that until Markle told him he did? She is the one who put that stupid idea in his bobblehead. Of course it's the biggest load of Tommy Rot that has come out of his mouth yet. Rachael Meghan brainwashed the dummy to get all his money and take off to Montecito where she has 100% control of him. In the UK she wouldn't get diddle squat in a divorce.
I agree about questioning rags that is why I raise issues here to let people know the real truth as I find it out.
I don't consider Markle a human being... do you consider serial killers human beings?
She's a truth killer. Take up for her all you like but she is using the public to line her pockets and with deception. And many of us INCLUDING genuine black ladies writing daily to Lady C expressing their disgust about Meghan are just as incensed as I am.
If you don't believe me read the comments on Lady C channel..