Update on Levon's IGNORED List


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
If you want to ignore people then ignore them but constantly bringing it up means you just want to troll but not get called out back. Real mature.

Yet he posted this while membershit is dwindling… go figure… tongue in cheek of course


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Domestically feral
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United states
All the folks that kicked his vagina a little too hard


It's not about politics.

It's just everyone who doesnt agree with left wing politics.
I think it’s nose envy. But that’s just me

He finds the left wingers just as boring.

But its us who "shit post" enough to be on ignore.

It's totally not bias at all.
He doesn’t have a nose.

remember that and everything else just falls into place on it’s own

And he called you a loser. Lol. A guy who lost his nose accusing you of losing. Rich in irony No?

Ha! I didnt even see him call me a loser lol.

I still dont get why he flipped and got so shitty but eh!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
Total freak! hahahahaaha

Aren't you late for another appointment with Flea so she can drag your crackhead arse yup and down the forums?
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"


P.S.-"Trip myself up???" Anyone can do a search and see that I've been making fun of your crackhead ass for the last 2 years. If I was going to "trip myself up," don't you think it would have happened already? But first I would have to be that person in question. Your logic sucks just like your crack addiction.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...
Listen, it's no secret that I am a white hacker by trade.

So I know a thing or two about how to identify proxies and TOR exit nodes

I also know how to break a browser from behind a proxy with a simple PM message. Done it hundreds of times

and I'm telling you for a FACT flynn is driven by this asswipe much of the time.

Once again you were given the chance to prove this on multiple occasions, which you have not done. Furthermore, SHAMWOW has claimed to put my P.I. on 4Chan. So. It should really be easy proving I'm Martini.

I guess you forgot I did a podcast which EVERYONE heard. Additionally, BF himself investigated this matter and found that it amounted to sour grapes.

You'll need to do better than this, Webster.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...
Listen, it's no secret that I am a white hacker by trade.

So I know a thing or two about how to identify proxies and TOR exit nodes

I also know how to break a browser from behind a proxy with a simple PM message. Done it hundreds of times

and I'm telling you for a FACT flynn is driven by this asswipe much of the time.
Can you teach me how to fry someones motherboard?
that would be illegal, sir

Plus, your IT skills are shorter than you. You're about as much of a "hacker" as SHAMPOO is a current mod.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm sure everyone is dying to know.

I originally put several people on Iggy in observance of Lent cause I was sick of reading their shitpoasts. To wit: @Oerdin, @Dove, @Biggie Smiles, @Aryan, @The Prowler, and @Lokmar.

I'd planned to reinstate all or most of them on Easter, but as we see... Easter has come and gone, and I find I'm still mostly enjoying the peace and quiet.

My definition of "shitpoasts" is maybe different than yours, friends. It's not about the mindless bullshit of binary political thinking. Hell, some of the lib posters here are fully as boring as some of the conz are. Most of the political topics are not worth bothering with, except to watch the better trolls get the gaff into some sucker, and by "better trolls" I generally don't mean "good" trolls since (like "flame") the troll game is mostly dead too.

No, I have no use for the posters whose only "gift" to us is gall, acid reflux, hate, and singed butt hairs. Consequently, everyone is staying on my Ignored list except I think I'll go back to at least seeing what @Lokmar is up to since he at least can be interesting some days.

I'll look at the other five losers after Memorial Day, maybe.

And just a word to @RAVEN ... girl, it's not just that yer politics are deplorable and half baked, it's that you cruise around carrying water for the haterz. It makes you hateful, which is a big burden to carry when yer already a couple of sammiches shy of a picnic. Lighten the fuck up, please. I used to enjoy yer posts and would like to do so again. Even @Jeannie is more fun these days.

Hey dude, you have nearly half of the forum on ignore.

When does politics on a troll site ever become anything other than shitposting? Were you expecting to read profound and compelling political debates here, are you crazy?

I try like hell to at LEAST get some normal discussions going.

Ain't ever gonna happen with these assholes.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I'm sure everyone is dying to know.

I originally put several people on Iggy in observance of Lent cause I was sick of reading their shitpoasts. To wit: @Oerdin, @Dove, @Biggie Smiles, @Aryan, @The Prowler, and @Lokmar.

I'd planned to reinstate all or most of them on Easter, but as we see... Easter has come and gone, and I find I'm still mostly enjoying the peace and quiet.

My definition of "shitpoasts" is maybe different than yours, friends. It's not about the mindless bullshit of binary political thinking. Hell, some of the lib posters here are fully as boring as some of the conz are. Most of the political topics are not worth bothering with, except to watch the better trolls get the gaff into some sucker, and by "better trolls" I generally don't mean "good" trolls since (like "flame") the troll game is mostly dead too.

No, I have no use for the posters whose only "gift" to us is gall, acid reflux, hate, and singed butt hairs. Consequently, everyone is staying on my Ignored list except I think I'll go back to at least seeing what @Lokmar is up to since he at least can be interesting some days.

I'll look at the other five losers after Memorial Day, maybe.

And just a word to @RAVEN ... girl, it's not just that yer politics are deplorable and half baked, it's that you cruise around carrying water for the haterz. It makes you hateful, which is a big burden to carry when yer already a couple of sammiches shy of a picnic. Lighten the fuck up, please. I used to enjoy yer posts and would like to do so again. Even @Jeannie is more fun these days.

Hey dude, you have nearly half of the forum on ignore.

When does politics on a troll site ever become anything other than shitposting? Were you expecting to read profound and compelling political debates here, are you crazy?

I try like hell to at LEAST get some normal discussions going.

Ain't ever gonna happen with these assholes.

It's because you're dumber than a burlap sack full of used rubbers.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
it's that you cruise around carrying water for the haterz.
lmao!!! Ya know, Levon? I really don't think that you're in a position to critique what people post here :/ I rarely see you post anything of substance, maybe a quick jab at someone in meltdown. Dunno? Maybe I don't pay as much attention to you as you do me :/

I only sign on a couple of times a day and post in random threads, including general discussion, gaming and meltdown. Hell, sometimes I don't post anything at all lol I hate arguing politics, especially with FAR RIGHT and FAR LEFT discussions. Too hateful for me and I find it pointless. Sorry to disappoint ya, but I'm not here to entertain YOU.

Also, I have other interests on the net where I spend most of my time, enjoying a hobby I love and where I can express myself and be creative. I participate in 7 or 8 Photoshop request groups and alter photos for free. It's very rewarding and I talk to people from all walks of life who are appreciative :)

As far as carrying water for haterz. I don't care who the fuck you are. If someone is trolling, using child RAPE.. I will call them out on it every time. If Gallium were saying the same thing to Lotus, Admin, YOU, or whoever, I would be the first one to stand up and say it's wrong. People who know me, know this about me.

Anyway.. Don't know what to tell ya? You are more than welcome to block me if you'd feel better ;) see ya :)

They really only think "haters" are everyone else. People with beliefs and opinions that oppose theirs.

They have no self awareness. They are rude and hateful and than accuse others of being "haterz" when get their shit handed back to them.

You either take their side or you are bad. That's no joke how they are.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth? Thanks for verifying that daughter fucker.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.
It's his business, I'm getting married to his daughter so it's a family business wtf I've never told lies about anything I'm getting the keys to the business when he retires that's all I've ever said about it LMAO


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.
It's his business, I'm getting married to his daughter so it's a family business wtf I've never told lies about anything I'm getting the keys to the business when he retires that's all I've ever said about it LMAO

You stated it was your ex-girlfriend. Now you "were married" to her???


Keep on lying crackhead!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth? Thanks for verifying that daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.
It's his business, I'm getting married to his daughter so it's a family business wtf I've never told lies about anything I'm getting the keys to the business when he retires that's all I've ever said about it LMAO

You stated it was your ex-girlfriend. Now you "were married" to her???


Keep on lying crackhead!!!
How does "getting married to" mean we're married?????? How stupid are you?

here's what happened in line flynn nutcase
worked with girlfriends dad in her dads business

big fight happens=unemplyed and ex girlfriend


back with girlfriend and back in old job with her dads business

Getting married taking over family business Hydraulic engineering my heart out!

Getting married in a castle by a loch with all the mountains with ma kilt on want an invite?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.
It's his business, I'm getting married to his daughter so it's a family business wtf I've never told lies about anything I'm getting the keys to the business when he retires that's all I've ever said about it LMAO

Why does your story change more than your crack pipes?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth? Thanks for verifying that daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth. I thought you only did that to "niggers?" Is your daughter a "nigger," daughter fucker?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
isn't it rather peculiar that you get a full afternoon of ferret flynn and then this mook just happens to login ?

Members online

From what I saw, I'd put money on him being Flynn sometimes... Totally avoided me this past hour or two, not wanting to get into it because he'll trip himself up...

You're not fucking serious are you?


"Avoiding you?"

Yeah, scared that you'll get jabbed into the bin where you belong, such a little squeak squeak!!!! hahahhaahhahaaaaaa

Gee...i'm not the sad fucker that got demodded.

Nor am I the one getting pummeled like a Shanghai whore by U.S. sailors on shore leave by one Flea aka The Countess.
You've only got your imagination "moderator squeak squeak!!!" hahahahahahahaa

Speaking of "imagination," aren't you the crying butthurt tard that claimed you were unemployed six months ago? Then you claim that you have always worked at your "family business?"

Dude. If you're going to lie, don't "trip" yourself up by contradicting yourself six months later you fucking idiot.
Except I haven't lied, I got remanded because I was fighting with HER dad, my BOSS so I didn't even think I'd ever be back working with them but time's a great healer and everything's back to norma FACTS I never liel... You know too much about me, you care a lot too... You can't even tell people what you've got between your legs but it smells of an old tug boat that's never been washed...

So. Obviously you can't fucking read. What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about having a make believe job? So.

Now the "family business" was your ex-girlfriend's fathers? How the fuck does that constitute a "family business?"

Furthermore, you're a fucking liar because you stated that YOUR family owned the business.

God. You're about as pathetic as the short bus riding fucks you have aligned yourself with here.
It's his business, I'm getting married to his daughter so it's a family business wtf I've never told lies about anything I'm getting the keys to the business when he retires that's all I've ever said about it LMAO

You stated it was your ex-girlfriend. Now you "were married" to her???


Keep on lying crackhead!!!
How does "getting married to" mean we're married?????? How stupid are you?

here's what happened in line flynn nutcase
worked with girlfriends dad in her dads business

big fight happens=unemplyed and ex girlfriend


back with girlfriend and back in old job with her dads business

Getting married taking over family business Hydraulic engineering my heart out!

Getting married in a castle by a loch with all the mountains with ma kilt on want an invite?


You constantly referenced her as your ex and if you're not married you are not family.

You stated that it was your "family business." Hence, you aren't married and now all of a sudden you're "getting married?"

C'mon crackhead, stop the lying and tall tales. You ain't gotta lie to kick it!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth? Thanks for verifying that daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth. I thought you only did that to "niggers?" Is your daughter a "nigger," daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This thread needs more NIGGER!!!
open yer ass an let THEM OUT !!!
You want me to shit in your mouth?

What a faggit!
No way, brother fucker.

Oh yes daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

Do you also "shit in your daughter's mouth?" Well, do you daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth? Thanks for verifying that daughter fucker.
No way, brother fucker.

So you do shit in your daughter's mouth. I thought you only did that to "niggers?" Is your daughter a "nigger," daughter fucker?
No way, brother fucker.

So you fuck your own daughter and "niggers?"