Will Texas Abortion Legislation turn American Women into Democrats?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.

I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor abortion. In a civil society, access to reproductive health services, including affordable contraception, should be readily available. If you look at abortion data in this country, unwanted pregnancies peaked in the 1950's. Abortion has been decreasing over the decades. The access to affordable birth control, including free for the poor, has resulted in the decrease in abortion.

However, the Christian Taliban wants women to stop having sex. It is about controlling women, end of story.

The Texas Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism. What they are not is pro-life. They are loudly and proudly the pro-death party.

You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape.
~ Joy Reid ~

I think to many men, gay or straight, women are just vessels/incubators when it comes to "life'. Conservatives want to control the vagina because of the power it holds over them.

Many gay men just treat women like vessels. I posted a thread about Buttigieg announcing he and his husband have twins now. They are sitting on the hospital bed as if they had just given birth. The birth mom was not only excluded from the picture, she was kicked off her own hospital bed. Wtf?! Can you two non-ovarian chuckleheads go sit in chairs to take the picture?

I have to say, at least Anderson Cooper was effusive in his praise for the birth mom when he had his kid.

Yes, as an Outsider to this argument, I have to agree with your assessment.

Even if a group is pro-life, there should still be a discussion and a consensus bringing pro choice and anti pro life groups together.

This does not appear to be the case in Texas.
It is very one-sided. My way or the highway.
The Texas governor is not offering any help to girls or women in need.
No exanpanded social services, etc.

These are troubled girls/youths/women who need help, not punishment.

Actually, Abbott's policies are highly reminiscent of George W Bush's ill fated wars in the Middle East.
Another Texan who slam dunked social or political policy down everyone's throats.

And look where it got America 20 years later.... division, a broken society.
In short, a mess.

This latest directive from a Texas politician will not end well either since it was not done in a spirit of fairness or democracy.

Social policy in a supposedly democratic country IS NOT a Zero sum game.
You can't run one like that.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Stupid whores keep penis' out of yourselves!!! SHEESH!

Keep your fucking dicks to yourselves or wrap it up motherfuckers.
Nope. I always soak it in cider!!!! Back in the day, there were always cum thirsty hoes at the bar. They wanted it, I gave it.

Then you will continue to be part and parcel to abortion, impoverished children or child support. Males are 50% of the problem. You notice I said "males" and not "men". Men are accountable and responsible for their choices. You're a male, just like any gorilla or chimp.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Stupid whores keep penis' out of yourselves!!! SHEESH!

Keep your fucking dicks to yourselves or wrap it up motherfuckers.
Nope. I always soak it in cider!!!! Back in the day, there were always cum thirsty hoes at the bar. They wanted it, I gave it.

Then you will continue to be part and parcel to abortion, impoverished children or child support. Males are 50% of the problem. You notice I said "males" and not "men". Men are accountable and responsible for their choices. You're a male, just like any gorilla or chimp.
I raised my kids, bitch!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

So you think pretending that tens of thousands of outreaches, resources, and programs just dont exist and all the women who have been helped by pro life outreach are just hallucinating.

Right. So you guys just stay stuck in bad info.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Look how dumb progressives are


It was also thousands of women who were behind this bill.

So funny how as soon as abortion gets regulated, these idiots prove one of OUR arguments. That lack of abortion access would result in LESS unwanted pregnancies.

They are literally NOW telling women how to use effective birth control and be super careful.....and now they are telling women not let men use them as fuckholes.

So basically telling women to do basic healthy things that we have been screaming for years. Funny how that works!

Their entire load of hysterical SHIT is claiming that expecting women to be a bit more responsible with their sexual choices is akin to living under Taliban rule. They are THAT disgusting and priviledged.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Stupid whores keep penis' out of yourselves!!! SHEESH!

Keep your fucking dicks to yourselves or wrap it up motherfuckers.
Nope. I always soak it in cider!!!! Back in the day, there were always cum thirsty hoes at the bar. They wanted it, I gave it.

Then you will continue to be part and parcel to abortion, impoverished children or child support. Males are 50% of the problem. You notice I said "males" and not "men". Men are accountable and responsible for their choices. You're a male, just like any gorilla or chimp.
I raised my kids, bitch!

You take your attitude to the ballot box. Take the responsibility that comes with it. And raising your kids doesn't make you special. You meeting the minimal requirements of being a father. You don't get a ribbon for that job. It's your duty and moral obligation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Freeloader and welfare cheat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Freeloader and welfare cheat.
HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-HAAAAAAA! Proud of it too!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Freeloader and welfare cheat.
HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-HAAAAAAA! Proud of it too!

Of course you are. You don't believe in the rule of law, you're a piece of shit with no morality.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Freeloader and welfare cheat.
HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-HAAAAAAA! Proud of it too!

Of course you are. You don't believe in the rule of law, you're a piece of shit with no morality.
HAHA! nanny gub got cheated! I support ALL tax evaders EXCEPT democRATs, BTW!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Isnt it funny how they've made government theft and waste into some sacred thing?

They are fine with the government taking money from the people and wasting billions. With no accountability or oversight.

And they want the government to take MORE that they wont use right.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
30 years ago, my ex wife and I were married and we got all kinds of free shit. We got enough food where we ate very well. The only thing we didnt get was cash. My ex got her RN Degree paid for by the state. Sure, it was tough with some things....we couldnt own any cars newer than 5 years old, but the benefits were great!! I worked for cash on the side.

Of course you worked for cash and didn't declare it. You're a cheat like that.
I am. I'd cheat the government out of ALL my taxes if I could. Fuk you people.

Freeloader. So, you were always a piece of shit. Got it.
Yep. I love my money! You cunts shouldnt get to spend a dime of it!!!! EVAH!!!! Its very satisfying to earn a $100 bill and pay ZERO income taxes!!!!

Isnt it funny how they've made government theft and waste into some sacred thing?

They are fine with the government taking money from the people and wasting billions. With no accountability or oversight.

And they want the government to take MORE that they wont use right.
Once I heard John Lurch Kerry sailed his fukin yacht from some democrat ran shithole to another in order to not pay some new tax, I became totally numb to any Republican cheating taxes. Just Republicans tho!!!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Stupid whores keep penis' out of yourselves!!! SHEESH!

Keep your fucking dicks to yourselves or wrap it up motherfuckers.
Nope. I always soak it in cider!!!! Back in the day, there were always cum thirsty hoes at the bar. They wanted it, I gave it.

Then you will continue to be part and parcel to abortion, impoverished children or child support. Males are 50% of the problem. You notice I said "males" and not "men". Men are accountable and responsible for their choices. You're a male, just like any gorilla or chimp.

Personally, I really don’t like what the single-mother household produces. I think the product of these women are children who do not respect or value men. They see men as a dollar sign and I think it’s a bad example and has completely shifted us further and further away from a 2 parent contributing home.
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