Kyle Rittenhouse to go free!!!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"


Domestically feral
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United states
Joe, you have very limited knowledge of the Russian Civil War or the multicountry interventionist. The US's involvement was specifically limited to two things only. 1) Recovering war material bought on credit by the Tsarist government and never paid for by the Reds. 2) Delivery of humanitarian aid to starving civilians.

You really shouldn't talk about topics which you have no real knowledge about. If you would like to actually learn something about events I recommend reading the autobiography and war time memoir of Pyotr Wrangle who was a General first in the Tsar's army then in the Russian White Army (anti-communists). The book is called "Always with Honor" and you'd learn a lot from it.

But the fact remains, armies of the Great Western powers were in there trying to overthrow the Bolsheviks.

And they were a threat

They were trying to overthrow governments in Germany Austria & Hungary after World War I.

So Putin attempts to destabilize the US are nothing new.

I'm not how sure how any of you would think its us that support Putins fucking with America when it's been Clinton who actually "colluded" with Russia for the lie of Russiagate and Biden fucked over Americans for Russia as far as oil.

But yeah because Trump wasnt a dick on the world stage(which really is the whole complaint. Trump was polite to world leaders) that means those of us who just want our rights and liberties preserved and lower taxes and lower costs of living and LESS globalism and objective honesty in the media are "putanists".


Domestically feral
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United states
Joe, a weapons charge would have made no difference. It would've been a Misdemeanor at best, so of no real consequence.

Just get over it, and appreciate that we still have the right to defend ourselves from grievous bodily harm or death.

It's so fucked up that anyone thinks the Rittenhouse verdict means anything besides our rights and the law was honored.

Did they think it was illegal for people you attack to protect themselves before this? They are carrying on as if something new happened. There are self defense claims all the time that do not ever see a trial....because self defense is legal and SHOULD be and needs to stay that way.

The only "precedent" set by this is that when these rioters extend their violence into other communities the laws wont band to protect them when citizens defend they do is shit hole places like Portland and Seattle. And CA.

The left wants their mobs to be protected as they harm and murder and destroy all over the country so it's a "precedent" for THEM. Not to the rest of us who know we have always had the human and constitutional rights to protect our property and selves from violence.


Domestically feral
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United states
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"

It's only ever "bias" when it's fair. The dem/progs think catering to them is the new standard so now a fair judge who honors the laws is considered bias.

Rosebaum never should have been on the streets. He was because of dem bleeding heart bias that aligns more with violent criminals than innocent people.

So not stretching and twisting the law in order to convict a kid with something, and staying fair during a hysterical and dishonest smear campaign looks like bias to people who are so bias themselves they dont know what objective looks like.

We dont change laws during trials so we can convict someone. That's insane and no one should want that. Especially ones who have created a justice system that enables and is light on rapists. And radicals who attack towns in acts of domestic terror. That's being sold as "protests". Its insane.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"

It's only ever "bias" when it's fair. The dem/progs think catering to them is the new standard so now a fair judge who honors the laws is considered bias.

Rosebaum never should have been on the streets. He was because of dem bleeding heart bias that aligns more with violent criminals than innocent people.

So not stretching and twisting the law in order to convict a kid with something, and staying fair during a hysterical and dishonest smear campaign looks like bias to people who are so bias themselves they dont know what objective looks like.

We dont change laws during trials so we can convict someone. That's insane and no one should want that. Especially ones who have created a justice system that enables and is light on rapists. And radicals who attack towns in acts of domestic terror. That's being sold as "protests". Its insane.

Rosenbaum was the real crazy in Kenosha that night. I believe the one who incited that entire incident. Had he not been there none of this would have ever happened and we would probably never heard or known who Kyle Rittenhouse was.

All the actions of that night started or began because of Rosenbaum. Even protesters who had no intention of doing anything wrong were sucked into that incident because of just 1 crazy man. HE instigated that whole thing.

Ie it's quite possible that the others wouldnt have lost their lives and Groskeurtz wouldnt have had his arm blown off.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"

It's only ever "bias" when it's fair. The dem/progs think catering to them is the new standard so now a fair judge who honors the laws is considered bias.

Rosebaum never should have been on the streets. He was because of dem bleeding heart bias that aligns more with violent criminals than innocent people.

So not stretching and twisting the law in order to convict a kid with something, and staying fair during a hysterical and dishonest smear campaign looks like bias to people who are so bias themselves they dont know what objective looks like.

We dont change laws during trials so we can convict someone. That's insane and no one should want that. Especially ones who have created a justice system that enables and is light on rapists. And radicals who attack towns in acts of domestic terror. That's being sold as "protests". Its insane.

Rosenbaum was the real crazy in Kenosha that night. I believe the one who incited that entire incident. Had he not been there none of this would have ever happened and we would probably never heard or known who Kyle Rittenhouse was.

All the actions of that night started or began because of Rosenbaum. Even protesters who had no intention of doing anything wrong were sucked into that incident because of just 1 crazy man. HE instigated that whole thing.

Ie it's quite possible that the others wouldnt have lost their lives and Groskeurtz wouldnt have had his arm blown off.

It's true that Rosebaum was the reason for the incident with Kyle and had he not wandered into the riot, this incident wouldnt have happened.

BUT.....the riot was still happening and if the incident with Kyle didnt happen? It would getting minimized as a "mostly peaceful protest". I'm pretty convinced the reason for the lies and smears against Kyle was to deflect from the violent riot that was being allowed by the state. Kyle having to shoot 3 people in self defense exposed the unhinged violence that was being tolerated against the people of Kenosha.

If the rioters had never been there burning down buildings, beating up citizens and small business owners......Rosenbaum likely wouldnt have joined in to burn shit and attack people.

If these "protesters" respected the town, cleared out at curfew time and didnt stick around to destroy and commit violence none of this would have happened. If the state had done its job protecting the community.... like the peoples taxes pay to do.. .this wouldnt have happened.

And yeah this should be a lesson about herd/mob mentality. If an armed person is trying to flee.....leave them alone. You dont know what's happening and you can become the aggressor. They should have not been there... but they should have left him alone. He told them he was going to the police.

They wanted to hurt or murder him. They were pumped up on their mob violence. That's what happens when shit like this is tolerated and allowed to occur. It ONLY attracts crazies who enjoy violence and then you got residents who go out there to protect their town.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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A Retired Wisconsin Judge who knows Judge Bruce Schroeder analyzes his Perfromance:

...although she thought he was correct about the weapons charge and his interpretation of it, she doesn't seem to agree that Kyle Rittenhouse was completely innocent.

So, if Kyle had faced her instead of Schroeder, likely would have found him guilty of at least a couple charges. it all depends which judge a defendant faces.

Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Is anyone still reading this fucktard's nonsense? ^^^

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I was hanging out with some of the locals yesterday evening

and it's so wonderful and refreshing to live in a place where EVERYONE hates liberals as much as I do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"
amen brother.

We celebrated down here. That's for sure. fuck liberals and their tears


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe, you have very limited knowledge of the Russian Civil War or the multicountry interventionist. The US's involvement was specifically limited to two things only. 1) Recovering war material bought on credit by the Tsarist government and never paid for by the Reds. 2) Delivery of humanitarian aid to starving civilians.

You really shouldn't talk about topics which you have no real knowledge about. If you would like to actually learn something about events I recommend reading the autobiography and war time memoir of Pyotr Wrangle who was a General first in the Tsar's army then in the Russian White Army (anti-communists). The book is called "Always with Honor" and you'd learn a lot from it.

But the fact remains, armies of the Great Western powers were in there trying to overthrow the Bolsheviks.

And they were a threat

They were trying to overthrow governments in Germany Austria & Hungary after World War I.

So Putin attempts to destabilize the US are nothing new.

I just specifically said the exact opposite and named the specific missions authorized by congress. Both were very specific and very limited in scope and neither had anything to do with overthrowing communism.

And yet I've seen other indicators that the USA in 1920 really didn't like communism.
and probably for good reason as it was militant and invasive.
They actually were trying to export revolution.
So it posed a threat to the establishment and communist leaders were jailed and hounded by the predecessor of the FBI.

Even tho it appears that the US military had a small incursion into Russia at the time, Great Britain's was much larger.

Interestingly, the USA was one of the few nations NOT to declare war on the Ottoman Empire. But it's clear that Britain and France wanted to carve it up to get the oil.

so the USA was not as malevolant as the other 2 powers which had overt imperial intentions.

I still say World War I was largely Britain's fault along with the resulting turmoil and probably World War II was a bit of their fault too.

I think Oxford Historian Niall Ferguson more or less said the same thing.

Again, you arenigborant. 1) People in the US opposed communism but the US government did nothing to help the whites or hinder the reds during the 1918-1922 Russian Civil War. 2) WW1 was already well underway before the UK decided to join by honoring the 19th century mutal defense treaty it had with Belgium which had just been invaded by imperial Germany. If anything the blame for starting WW1 falls upon Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.

Austria Hungary for demanding annexation of Serbia after the assassination of its crown prince, Russia for declaring it would go to war against AH and Germany for backing up AH. France then sided with Russia.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Then you should ask the miserable judges why the dead evildoer that raped 5 children wasn't given life in jail instead of being shot dead at a riot....

She was probably the judge in that case and gave a lenient sentence...

Fuckin' bleeding heart idiot.

She said something like "Let us not forget that two men died."

How about "Let us celebrate that two major scumbags who were a menace to society were removed permanently never to harm again!"

It's only ever "bias" when it's fair. The dem/progs think catering to them is the new standard so now a fair judge who honors the laws is considered bias.

Rosebaum never should have been on the streets. He was because of dem bleeding heart bias that aligns more with violent criminals than innocent people.

So not stretching and twisting the law in order to convict a kid with something, and staying fair during a hysterical and dishonest smear campaign looks like bias to people who are so bias themselves they dont know what objective looks like.

We dont change laws during trials so we can convict someone. That's insane and no one should want that. Especially ones who have created a justice system that enables and is light on rapists. And radicals who attack towns in acts of domestic terror. That's being sold as "protests". Its insane.

Rosenbaum was the real crazy in Kenosha that night. I believe the one who incited that entire incident. Had he not been there none of this would have ever happened and we would probably never heard or known who Kyle Rittenhouse was.

All the actions of that night started or began because of Rosenbaum. Even protesters who had no intention of doing anything wrong were sucked into that incident because of just 1 crazy man. HE instigated that whole thing.

Ie it's quite possible that the others wouldnt have lost their lives and Groskeurtz wouldnt have had his arm blown off.
But the good news is: He's maggot food now


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A Retired Wisconsin Judge who knows Judge Bruce Schroeder analyzes his Perfromance:

...although she thought he was correct about the weapons charge and his interpretation of it, she doesn't seem to agree that Kyle Rittenhouse was completely innocent.

So, if Kyle had faced her instead of Schroeder, likely would have found him guilty of at least a couple charges. it all depends which judge a defendant faces.

Judges clearly inject their biases into trial as Schroeder had done, in the the case of this former change, She would have done too.

Is anyone still reading this fucktard's nonsense? ^^^

josephine is a complete fukin idiot. His gaslighting skills are about a -2.


Put your glasses on!
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Hahahahahaa, suck it bitches!!!



Domestically feral
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United states
Hahahahahaa, suck it bitches!!!


I love this SO much. Time for some REAL accountability.

These viscious propagandists need to start being held accountable for hate they incite with their lies and smears. It's amazing all these establishment media propaganda sources have the audacity to drag, smear and lie about regular nonpublic people.

It's bad enough they do it to other public figures. But at least other public figure have a platform to defend themselves from. Kids like Kyle and Nick do not. These shit media mouth pieces deserve the lawsuits.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Kenosha County Eye got its hands on the video of NBC News following the jury bus.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Kenosha County Eye got its hands on the video of NBC News following the jury bus.

I love that cop.

The weasel on the phone and the weasel in the car both say "Sorry." and he does not respond. I am sure he would like to say "Bullshit, you asshole. You are sorry I caught you."

Their explanation of why they were following was basically non-existent. The chick on the phone starts saying something, then starts mumbling and just stops.

That cop was dying to bust the fucker with something!!

Any word if they pressed any charges?


Factory Bastard
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I hope they do, Mathewson of Kenosha County Eye is pushing for charges to be brought up, but the city and the D.A. are far left Democrats who are political in every move they make.


Factory Bastard
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Johnnie Walker Dread really didn't like Tim Pool's take on the Dominic Black case.



Factory Bastard
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A great discussion on why we need Kyle's law. It starts around 35 minutes.



Domestically feral
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United states
Holy crap! I really believed the 911 dispatcher told Zimmerman not to approach Martin!

Damn. I hate the media....such liars.

And yes he is exactly right that people who believe media propaganda keep repeating the falsehoods even when you show its falsehood, because they WANT to believe it....and its true how they just go in circles.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I was hanging out with some of the locals yesterday evening

and it's so wonderful and refreshing to live in a place where EVERYONE hates liberals as much as I do.

Is that the same attitude in Fort Meyers, do you think?
Probably not as much. I have friends down that way and when I drive down I do see more BIden signs than up here

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I was hanging out with some of the locals yesterday evening

and it's so wonderful and refreshing to live in a place where EVERYONE hates liberals as much as I do.

Is that the same attitude in Fort Meyers, do you think?
Probably not as much. I have friends down that way and when I drive down I do see more BIden signs than up here

My wife and I have been checking places out there. It is pretty affordable.

I am starting to dislike the cold. Not playing hockey because of the Covid bullshit makes the winter less fun.

I guess if they knew we were Canadian, they would figure we are liberal douchebags too.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I was hanging out with some of the locals yesterday evening

and it's so wonderful and refreshing to live in a place where EVERYONE hates liberals as much as I do.

Is that the same attitude in Fort Meyers, do you think?
Probably not as much. I have friends down that way and when I drive down I do see more BIden signs than up here

My wife and I have been checking places out there. It is pretty affordable.

I am starting to dislike the cold. Not playing hockey because of the Covid bullshit makes the winter less fun.

I guess if they knew we were Canadian, they would figure we are liberal douchebags too.
Pm me. We’ll talk about different areas that are within your price range.

i assume you want to be near a beach?