A discussion with my old friend Big….


Domestically feral
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United states
I don't care about the drama between you and every woman that has befriended the guy that shoved you out the door.

Oh is that why you have so much to say about it?

What does THAT have to do with the topic here? We are talking about you butting into an exchange between Moon and Murd.

We are not talking about MY supposed "drama" that you dont care about and never shut the fuck up about.

Why the fuck do these progs from CA speak for people they dont know? How many times do you and Murd wanna embarrass yourself speaking for BIG?

Did she share his childhood with you and now you feel him cosmically too?

That NPD tactic gets a 4 for predictability.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh is that why you have so much to say about it?

What does THAT have to do with the topic here? We are talking about you butting into an exchange between Moon and Murd.

We are not talking about MY supposed "drama" that you dont care about and never shut the fuck up about.

Why the fuck do these progs from CA speak for people they dont know? How many times do you and Murd wanna embarrass yourself speaking for BIG?

Did she share his childhood with you and now you feel him cosmically too?

You're creating drama now. This has nothing to do with you. It was an exchange between myself and Moonie. It was an A and B conversation that you can C yourself out of, meddler.


Domestically feral
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United states
You're creating drama now. This has nothing to do with you. It was an exchange between myself and Moonie. It was an A and B conversation you can C yourself out of, meddler.

I'm not creating "drama". I'm roasting your ass for that little stunt you just tried to pull on Moonie and YOU are the one making it drama.

You SHOULD say "you know what? You are right. I should have said something to Murd for dragging Moonie instead of accusing Moon and trying to use emotional blackmail against her to make HER feel bad. And I apologize".

That's all that should be coming outta that fatty gateway to hell grey matter of yours onto the screen in my face. And I ain't seeing that .....I'm seeing a cascade of narcissistic abuse tactics and goal post moves.

Grow up! Here is your big moment to show us all what "accountability" looks like.

And you bet your gotdamn ass I'm gonna meddle when I see YOU coming in doing meddling of your own and it's against Moonie. You didnt C your fat ass out when it was between A and B in the first place DID YOU?

Apologize, Bush Pig! Immediately.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I’ll give you an example of how toxic this drama whoring has evolved over the years….

Okay, waiting for that example....

I have 4 kids in my house this weekend. I’ll log out and won’t think about this place until sometime deep into next week I’ll be so busy… maybe I’ll see something that reminds me of one of the few people I actually talk to on this site and then I’ll log back in to tell them about it and have a few laughs while ducking and dodging the reguLOSERS who live for the toxic drama.

I’ll come back and maybe… just maybe… I’ll press that pesky Show Ignored Content button and my name is going to light up like a jizz soaked mattress after a tsunami of luminol and the soft glow of a black light hits it.

I’m not here to parent or police these rejects. Most of them need therapy desperately, but they’re either too stoopid or too headstrong to get help.

That was not an example of anything except you trying to convince people that you have a life outside of this forum....

Monday I referred hockey in the evening, Tuesday I went out to dinner with some of my umpire buddies, Wednesday I walked dogs at the Shelter and later I had an executive meeting with my referee's association, Thursday I have a gym booked in the afternoon to play some basketball with friends and I am jamming in the evening with my band, Friday I jam in the afternoon with singer and in the evening I referee tournament hockey games...and every day I spend a lot of time with my wife and our dog.

Everybody has a life outside of here, Murdock.

That is not "an example of how toxic this drama whoring has evolved over the years"....

That is an example of how this drama is upsetting you and your attempt to hide that fact and deflect by saying "Izzzz hazzzz a lifezzzzz!!!!"

Enjoy the time with the 4 kids. Try not to make everything about you.


Domestically feral
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United states
Okay, waiting for that example....

That was not an example of anything except you trying to convince people that you have a life outside of this forum....

Monday I referred hockey in the evening, Tuesday I went out to dinner with some of my umpire buddies, Wednesday I walked dogs at the Shelter and later I had an executive meeting with my referee's association, Thursday I have a gym booked in the afternoon to play some basketball with friends and I am jamming in the evening with my band, Friday I jam in the afternoon with singer and in the evening I referee tournament hockey games...and every day I spend a lot of time with my wife and our dog.

Everybody has a life outside of here, Murdock.

That is not "an example of how toxic this drama whoring has evolved over the years"....

That is an example of how this drama is upsetting you and your attempt to hide that fact and deflect by saying "Izzzz hazzzz a lifezzzzz!!!!"

Enjoy the time with the 4 kids. Try not to make everything about you.

I think shes been black lighting mattresses in search of ejaculate and that makes me uncomfortable.

Like the mental picture is pretty unsettling.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
In all honesty, I was joking about murds boobs but seriously that’s the most i remember her gigantic boobs flopping around for anyone to see. I’m not hating either I thought I wish I had an ounce of that confidence too. Anyhow, people need to lighten up because we all can become a victim to the vax and croak any minute.


Domestically feral
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United states
In all honesty, I was joking about murds boobs but seriously that’s the most i remember her gigantic boobs flopping around for anyone to see. I’m not hating either I thought I wish I had an ounce of that confidence too. Anyhow, people need to lighten up because we all can become a victim to the vax and croak any minute.

I dont think that's confidence. It's just run of the mill alcoholism lol.

I agree though :D


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I'm not asking you to like or not like anyone. I guess you're right, I don't know you very well. Though it has always been pleasant and cordial in my experience with you.

She is passive aggressive and played the middle. I hate that.
But she has some boundaries and that’s a hell of a lot more than I can say about Dove’s impeding on EVERY conversation plaguing this community. She is so obnoxious it makes my skin crawl.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
She is passive aggressive and played the middle. I hate that.
But she has some boundaries and that’s a hell of a lot more than I can say about Dove’s impeding on EVERY conversation plaguing this community. She is so obnoxious it makes my skin crawl.
She as who??? Say it.


Domestically feral
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United states
She as who??? Say it.

Shes blathering about me.

My existence annoys her now and she feels the "community" is hers and IM intruding into her "community". And you didnt pledge undying allegiance to Murd so she takes that as "passive aggresive".

Aaaalll about her as usual.


Domestically feral
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United states
Murd really sounds like a 68 year old leather skinned Karen the way shes been saying shit like "she so obnoxious she makes my skin crawl!" And old lady shit like that.

Bahahahaha. I should start reading that outloud on those voice things lol.

Shes so fucking stupid lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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If her skin is crawling that ain't me.....that alcohol DTs and lack of soap.
Doesn't advanced stages of liver decay manifest itself with symptoms like that?

I mean, I'm no biologist or medical professional even, but I could have sworn I read something like that somewhere


Domestically feral
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United states
Gotta love how the disgusting pig who used my daughter as forum ammo and blatantly lied

Who constantly threw her pussy at a man who wasnt interested. Then discussed his "broke dick" (she couldn't get him hard) with someone. Then started tons of threads about fucking him.

Who blathers....right in this very thread....more off board stuff about someones life. Who shares private info on people shes mad at

Just talked about boundaries.

You cant make this up.

Murd you should have ignored me when I was trying to ignore YOU. Now I'm gonna fuck you up until you either take a chain saw to your wrists in a clawfoot tub filled with gin or just stop bothering all togther.

Suck it up, cunt. You are genuinely vile and deserve every single bad feeling you have. Karma maybe?


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
@Murdy, You were quoted in a DM at SG as saying one of the main reasons your relationship with Stubby went south, was his insistence on being "pegged" constantly, for those of us not familiar with that, could you expand on that a bit for us?

let’s get one thing straight… Big and I were never in a relationship. We were buddies.

I’ll provide some history so the perpetually 13 yo mentally clique chicks don’t stroke out with the you love him because you’re friends with him crap-oh-lah….

I grew up in a neighborhood in Venice that was all boys. Naturally, I had a Dog Town skateboard (and eventually a Santa Monica Airlines and Christian Hosoi deck were added to my collection) and the only other girl was my bestie from Guam whose brother was a wrestler. They lived in a single parent home and he was brutal to her…. So she would fist fight with the boys. But that was my crew of friends growing up. I was a total Tom Boy.

So I gravitate towards men. I don’t hate women… I just can’t stand them in packs. I despise gossip and the incessant clucking tbh.

But as for SG and pegging… you can search Nine Deuce on that forum and that should provide you with all you need to know about pegging lol
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