Affordable Non-Vax Medication shows promise as a treatment agaist COVID


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
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If confirmed by more research, the drug, fluvoxamine, would be one of the most effective and convenient to treat the virus outside of pricey new “monoclonal antibodies.” They typically have to be administered in a hospital, as opposed to a pill taken orally at home.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
What's that other drug which is meant to be effective, but has been suppresed and branded unsafe? I can't remember the name, @Dove will probably know it.

Hydroxychloroquine? Or Ivermectine?

They are not really being "suppressed".....not like what is being said. The only one you could say was suppressed was Hydroxy when gotdamn democrat governors like Gretchen Bitchler tried to ban doctors from using it "off label"(we had NO on label drugs for was brand spanking new ffs) to treat Covid because she was playing politics with peoples fucking treatment options. Which was insanely ignorant and evil.

Really the issue is there isnt a whole lot of evidence showing benefit to it. We know it does not work at all for severe cases. Whatever benefit it has, it has to be used early on in the infection and truth be told....we dont KNOW for certain if the people who were given it would have gotten better anyway. See what I mean? So yeah we have doctors who say they treated all these Covid cases with it.....BUT it cant be shown these patients wouldnt have recovered anyway. That doesnt mean it doesnt do just means we dont have the data that we would WANT to have if it was working because most cases wont get severe. Most cases resolve without any medical intervention. So any early treatments are gonna have weak data.....make sense? They dont have the data that shows a strong enough benefit to outweigh the risks of side effects from the meds.

But if you test positive and you are miserable and you really want it, your doctor may discourage it due to side effects but he will give it to you if it will at least placebo you enough to relax lol. It probably wont HURT. But if it DOES you know....your doctor is responsible so....they dont like that. If he gives it and something happens, he doesnt have the data to justify putting you in that situation. I dont think people really get that and this has been made SO political.

Right now its the same with Ivermectine. Not sure if I'm spelling any of it right right now lol.
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