Forum Deportation Raid - Biggie Smiles - May 14, 2022


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Several pages back I believe Murdock mentioned her support for BLM.

She completely went rabid on me because I tried to get it through to her that it was a violent grift that was harming minorities and profiting off destruction.

That's what made her flip. And oh.....she said I was a "bad friend" for not supporting a "cause shes passionate about". Like I took my position JUST to be mean.

There ya go. Enjoy.

And the stupid twunt STILL calls me a Republican. Because in her tiny mind if you are not mindlessly supporting dems and the woke rabid left... you gotta be a republican. Oh and she also believes Republicans "lost the civil war".

Shes toxic, ignorant and insane. So she would support shit like BLM.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Several pages back I believe Murdock mentioned her support for BLM.

She completely went rabid on me because I tried to get it through to her that it was a violent grift that was harming minorities and profiting off destruction.

That's what made her flip. And oh.....she said I was a "bad friend" for not supporting a "cause shes passionate about". Like I took my position JUST to be mean.

There ya go. Enjoy.

And the stupid twunt STILL calls me a Republican. Because in her tiny mind if you are not mindlessly supporting dems and the woke rabid left... you gotta be a republican. Oh and she also believes Republicans "lost the civil war".

Shes toxic, ignorant and insane. So she would support shit like BLM.

No, I went off on you because you’re Detroit white trash.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
So you support locking this race hustling Criminal up?

that’s a good start

have you ever known me to not support the prosecution of criminals?
Are you admitting here and now that Patrice is a criminal?

Are you implying that someone accused and convicted of embezzling money isn’t a criminal?
Can’t just give a str8 answer. Lol

Its intensely hard for cowardly useful idiots to even come close to admitting a wrong.

And she probably needs the corporate media to give her permission to slam these obvious grifting terrorists that have destroyed so many lives of the very people they fake care about.

The kind of people who cry for Treyvon Martin but wont even acknowledge little Secoriea Turner and the black mother whose life was gutted and destroyed by a group calling itself "black lives matter".

How fucking SICK is that? Uhg. I'm never gonna stop bringing up that poor little girl. Ever.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
So you support locking this race hustling Criminal up?

that’s a good start

have you ever known me to not support the prosecution of criminals?
Are you admitting here and now that Patrice is a criminal?

Are you implying that someone accused and convicted of embezzling money isn’t a criminal?
Can’t just give a str8 answer. Lol

Why would I do that without knowing the facts of this case?

Is it so hard to believe that a black man was paid a salary for his services of 97k per year? It’s not exactly uncommon for a non-profit to pay their officers and directors.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Unfortunately, given the election/pandemic climate… tensions were running high already before Floyd was murdered.

Most BLM members have filled out applications on the website during the open membership period. But anyone can claim affiliation to a non-profit organization, as we saw with many of the rioters bandwagon jumping because it was trending with the uprising of protests.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

Likely the one who argued for letting black people get murdered by other black people. Cuz....reasons.

Oh and who also argued against School Choice because those poor black kids should stay in their own communities. While hers attend private.

That one.

But she likes rap and dated a drug dealer so.....she is in touch with the struggles.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
My favorite was the whining about how I "go there" with her alcohol abuse when she has to "deal with the temptation everyday" and as a recovering addict I should know better

After months of her calling me a junkie, telling people I currently use drugs(a lie, btw... I dont even hardly drink let alone use drugs) and using my daughter as forum ammo to accuse me of enabling sex abuse. Knowingly lying.

I've never seen anyone go that she can fuck off crying foul about me pointing out her obvious alcohol problem.


Philosopher King
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West Coast
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.
Don't spill any of that water you're carrying on the paper bag you wear over your head

K, monster?


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.

It doesnt take much thinking power to parrot.

Do you think just repeating how dumb you think people who reject your political opinions are without any actual engagement is gonna make us be like "Oh damn.. this partisan guy here wont respectfully discuss anything, but HE says we are stoopy dumbz so we must be stoopy dumbz!"

We are seeing clearly how neither of you grasp any of this, how you are stuck on partisan narratives and have been very very duped.... and not only duped, but all that effort placed into making Americans hate Americans was effective with you both.

You both lie and spew insults. That's not what "intelligent" looks like. And what's worse is neither of you can easily admit you could be wrong. That's a sign of low intelligence, I'm afraid. Instead of giving better arguements or backing up claims you guys just get shitty and insulting.

I'd happily stay dumb and be surrounded with better and kinder, more humble people who just seek to live in peace and foster unity than be whatever politcs has turned you guys into. Just saying.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Come to think of it, Dove used to specialize in emasculating guys who displayed Meathead Mansplaining.. Wonder what happened to stop her doing that.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.
Don't spill any of that water you're carrying on the paper bag you wear over your head

K, monster?

We are supposed to look at her ignorant, semi coherent and dishonest alcohol fueled cognitive abortions and think she understands ANYTHING on any level?

Just stop :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Come to think of it, Dove used to specialize in emasculating guys who displayed Meathead Mansplaining.. Wonder what happened to stop her doing that.

Oh I still do, thank you.

You just want to be completely blind to who shows that behavior and who is responding to that behaviour.

I've always bullied the bullies and that doesnt change just because todays bullies have ahold of everything from culture to legislation.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
We are seeing clearly how neither of you grasp any of this, how you are stuck on partisan narratives and have been very very duped.... and not only duped, but all that effort placed into making Americans hate Americans was effective with you both.

Actually, what you are "seeing" is a sort of movie you've written, wish you were directing, and are now trying to star in.

You don't know what I "grasp" because I have offered NO narrative or views of my own. As usual, you find it much easier to shove a narrative YOU have written for me into MY mouth, a narrative that is conveniently identical to Murdy's narrative (which most likely you are ALSO inventing as you type.

Seems the only thing you are seeing is a reality you have created for yourself to live in. That's what a psychotic break looks like, and I'm sorry to be the one to tell you so.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.
I'm not demanding anything.

You were asked a simple question.

if you want to dance and wiggle, then dance wiggle, but don't blame me cause you're out of breath and no one but you is impressed with your two dollar jargon.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
So what I gather after scanning the last dozen or so posts, is that Stubby is a pathological lair with a deformed skull and a brokeback, he also has voice like Rosie Perez, and he is in meltdown to think about his poor behavior.

Does that about sum it up?



Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.
I'm not demanding anything.

You were asked a simple question.

if you want to dance and wiggle, then dance wiggle, but don't blame me cause you're out of breath and no one but you is impressed with your two dollar jargon.
^^^Meltieboy is melting!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.
I'm not demanding anything.

You were asked a simple question.

if you want to dance and wiggle, then dance wiggle, but don't blame me cause you're out of breath and no one but you is impressed with your two dollar jargon.
^^^Meltieboy is melting!
^^^^^ Something a guy with a cock in his mouth would say


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So what I gather after scanning the last dozen or so posts, is that Stubby is a pathological lair with a deformed skull and a brokeback, he also has voice like Rosie Perez, and he is in meltdown to think about his poor behavior.

Does that about sum it up?

^^ Looks like PLEASE ASS BOX ME! shit, cunt. You need banned.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
So what I gather after scanning the last dozen or so posts, is that Stubby is a pathological lair with a deformed skull and a brokeback, he also has voice like Rosie Perez, and he is in meltdown to think about his poor behavior.

Does that about sum it up?

^^ Looks like "BabyPumperAlert!" shit, cunt. You need banned.
Maybe you two girls should get a room, if you're going to be scissoring.