Forum Deportation Raid - Biggie Smiles - May 14, 2022


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.
I'm not demanding anything.

You were asked a simple question.

if you want to dance and wiggle, then dance wiggle, but don't blame me cause you're out of breath and no one but you is impressed with your two dollar jargon.

Asking any of these people simple and direct questions is like trying to bathe a rabid cat.

They always respond with hostility and dramatics. The anger these people harbor towards others who question them and challange them is like an emotional impact of propaganda.

They are worse then that because they are consistently dishonest and know exactly what they are doing. To compare I bathed and flea dipped my cat today and while he cried a lot and shook because getting wet scares him (as it does most cats), there was no clawing or biting, he would calm down as I pet him and spoke to him while we waited the five minutes for the flea dip to work and kill the fleas. I even held him and dropped him over my shoulder while I rinsed him off and no scratching. Animals can be better than people sometimes.

What's going o Bruh, are the step kiddos, not putting out any more?

So you respond to an observation on how talking to you guys is a waste because you are constantly hostile and dishonest with saying THIS?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
We have a whole thread on that topic where your support for child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! was made clear. You even started it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
You are the one supporting child PLEASE ASS BOX ME!, dude.
Citation's required, or you are required to bitch slap yourself, each side twenty times, and Hai!

Accusing people of book burning because parents want sexually graphic material removed from school.

Opposing and lying about a bill that prevents teachers from having inappropriate discussions with small children about adult sexuality and gender identity.

Completely ignoring rape and assault when it happens directly because of actions taken by democrats/progressives.

Calling everyone "cons" and accusing them of being "desperate for hate and division" over opposing these things.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.
The wiggling is real


as are the racist undertones
Who’s racist?

You’re asking me to give a personal opinion here. You’re demanding that I make that judgement without conducting due diligence with respect to the evidence of the case. That’s your first mistake. Twitter is not evidence btw.

Do you need someone to agree with you so we can both growl in disgust over a non-profit that has garnished negative media attention? Because otherwise I seriously doubt that you’re looking for my actual answer here.

The question teeters on an ethical violation devoid of the ideal observer theory… which is based solely on the relation between morality and impartiality. Therefore, I do not and will not answer important questions based on my feelers or political affiliations.
I'm not demanding anything.

You were asked a simple question.

if you want to dance and wiggle, then dance wiggle, but don't blame me cause you're out of breath and no one but you is impressed with your two dollar jargon.

You have demanded that I form an opinion on a random tweet shared by a poster with a known political affiliation and suspected agenda several times in this very thread now.

You could at least read the linked news article if you want more information on the scam in question.

That one wont look at anything shown to her.

One time at BC like 6 people showed her the second Jacob Blake video. And she still doesnt even know it exists.

Most of the time she doesnt even read a post before she spouts when her responses are off the wall and you wonder "the fuck kind of drugs is this bitch on".....its because she didnt read what was said. She is responding to what she THINKS is being said.

She also told me she read Jacob's Blake warrant but she was still arguing that the police were there because of a girl fight.

You would think she would be embarrassed but she never is.

No brain, no head ache.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
We have a whole thread on that topic where your support for child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! was made clear. You even started it.

He claims none of it is happening and it's all some elaborate right wing conspiracy.

I wish I was kidding.

It is a lie he knows is untrue but he runs with it because he supports and wants to enable the sexual PLEASE ASS BOX ME! of children. No, that is not ok.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We have a whole thread on that topic where your support for child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! was made clear. You even started it.

He claims none of it is happening and it's all some elaborate right wing conspiracy.

I wish I was kidding.

It is a lie he knows is untrue but he runs with it because he supports and wants to enable the sexual PLEASE ASS BOX ME! of children. No, that is not ok.

Well either way, it's horrible.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
So this thread got me thinking about some of my favorite charity work, which ironically didn’t even constitute actual work.

My cousin served a tour of duty while we were in our early 20s. My godmother made me promise that I would take care of service men and women who were away from home for the holidays when I married my exhusband, who was an officer in the US Coast Guard.

Eventually my offer of Sunday dinner to any of the subordinates stuck on the boat as a single or geo-bachelor evolved into an annual holiday party in early December that my family and I hosted and invited all of our friends and Coastie families who couldn’t afford to go home for the holidays to. My house was heavily decorated for Christmas and my camera equipment came out to memorialize the festivities. Photography has been a hobby of mine since I was a little girl. I collect vintage cameras and so does my daughter. Although, her collection now includes film equipment too.

I photographed most of the families invited to these parties over the years… many of them used my photos as their family Christmas card. Most of them still reach out to me from across the US and select territories to tell me they miss me and our parties and wished I could photograph them again. I enjoyed saving these families money doing something that I love.

I am a giver and a doer. People who can’t compete with me on my level will always resort to trying to drag me down to theirs.

Holy fuck.

That is the first time I have ever seen someone brand throwing a party as doing "charity work".


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
So this thread got me thinking about some of my favorite charity work, which ironically didn’t even constitute actual work.

My cousin served a tour of duty while we were in our early 20s. My godmother made me promise that I would take care of service men and women who were away from home for the holidays when I married my exhusband, who was an officer in the US Coast Guard.

Eventually my offer of Sunday dinner to any of the subordinates stuck on the boat as a single or geo-bachelor evolved into an annual holiday party in early December that my family and I hosted and invited all of our friends and Coastie families who couldn’t afford to go home for the holidays to. My house was heavily decorated for Christmas and my camera equipment came out to memorialize the festivities. Photography has been a hobby of mine since I was a little girl. I collect vintage cameras and so does my daughter. Although, her collection now includes film equipment too.

I photographed most of the families invited to these parties over the years… many of them used my photos as their family Christmas card. Most of them still reach out to me from across the US and select territories to tell me they miss me and our parties and wished I could photograph them again. I enjoyed saving these families money doing something that I love.

I am a giver and a doer. People who can’t compete with me on my level will always resort to trying to drag me down to theirs.

Holy fuck.

That is the first time I have ever seen someone brand throwing a party as doing "charity work".

You beat me to it lol.

Incredible isnt it?

And of course she does so much more than anyone else she likes to shit on. Because she knows and said so. So SHE can rant and spew and that's her "righteous judgement" while shes decided other people smacking back is "people who cant compete with her trying to drag her down"

Only she sees "competition" in anything.

Have you ever seen projection this heavy? Self awareness.... not something that can be bought. Lulz.

You cannot make this up. :LOL3:

I'm so glad I get the opportunity to see people actually brag and boost themselves over charity theyve engaged in so I can see why it's so important to never do that. I've met some of the worst volunteers imaginable and I can tell you they do not do it for any people, they do it for themselves to be like "look at mee and how good I am for helping these people I see as below me!"
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hey guise. Eye doo charitee werk two

I like to show up to the store and buy stuff. And as I’m handing the cashier my money sometimes I even position my hand in such a way that she actually gets the opportunity for her hand to make skin to skin contact with mine

It makes me feel so good when I give back to the community in ways like this

BLM. Bonding, like, matters. Yo


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I just wanted to say goodnight to all my haters… and I say this with the utmost disrespect:

I hope my happiness is nauseating. I hope every single soul who watched me struggle, hurt, and lose myself gags every time they see me in complete love with the life I’m living.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I just wanted to say goodnight to all my haters… and I say this with the utmost disrespect:

I hope my happiness is nauseating. I hope every single soul who watched me struggle, hurt, and lose myself gags every time they see me in complete love with the life I’m living.
Thank you for reminding the hoi polloi of their status in the scheme of stuff, and things.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I just wanted to say goodnight to all my haters… and I say this with the utmost disrespect:

I hope my happiness is nauseating. I hope every single soul who watched me struggle, hurt, and lose myself gags every time they see me in complete love with the life I’m living.

So dramatic! Hahaha!!

Your entire self-worth seems to depend on what other people think about you.

If you would stop trying to impress, and instead actually be impressive, maybe you could learn to truly value yourself.

But time is.

Running out.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I just wanted to say goodnight to all my haters… and I say this with the utmost disrespect:

I hope my happiness is nauseating. I hope every single soul who watched me struggle, hurt, and lose myself gags every time they see me in complete love with the life I’m living.
Thank you for reminding the hoi polloi of their status in the scheme of stuff, and things.

spirituality that never leads to service is vanity in disguise


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Leftists are the kind of people that might ask other people to help them buy a Thanksgiving dinner for some poor family and than preach all year about how much more caring they are than everyone else.

These people will raise millions in a weekend for a politcal candidate but are never around to help any real human beings. Or even scrutinize where they send money.

Look at the BLM shit.

They could have at LEAST helped rebuild the MINORITY communities ravaged by riots that occurred in their name. Nope. Not a single cent for that. Fuck it was the evil "cOnZ!" like Brandon Tatum and Candice Owen's who raised money for Secoriea Turners family.

Just selfish, self important narcissists completely out of touch with humanity. That's the left.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So what I gather after scanning the last dozen or so posts, is that Stubby is a pathological lair with a deformed skull and a brokeback, he also has voice like Rosie Perez, and he is in meltdown to think about his poor behavior.

Does that about sum it up?

^^ Looks like "BabyPumperAlert!" shit, cunt. You need banned.
Maybe you two girls should get a room, if you're going to be scissoring.
Dont project, faggit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lamp @ Flynn getting dragged, admin sucking cock, monster crying and candyman having a conniption because he needs more candy to fulfill his sickening fetish


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
The dancing was amusing tho

It’s almost as if a deep rooted guilty conscience won’t allow them to call a spade a spade

Most entertaining

When it comes to "serious and intentional" discussion, few things are more entertaining than watching you ham-fistedly trying to prop Dove up while discoursing on shit Murdock clearly understands far better than you do.

I personally enjoy my title of being the first person online to make that bitch refuse to post directly in my direction.

I’ll ask nicely for everyone’s opinion now…

Do you think she was honest that it was my pointing out that she allowed her then 12 yo daughter to troll forums where men posing as teenage boys send unsolicited cock pics or do you think it’s because I had a fling with Big? I mean, I was trying to get her to back the fuck off with the fiendishly hypervigilent pelvic thrust of post humping my every move on this forum… which I wanted nothing to do with her before she resorted to these antics.

I’m thinking it has the most to do with my fling with Big during our divorces. It also provides motive as to why she went running to Flea and THAT matches up with the cutthroat antics of a junkie ex stripper. Im sure she couldn’t stand how close we had become and that our friendship was solid while she ran off and married the drug addict with one foot in the gutter.

From where I stand, he is content with filling his toxic void online with the resident sycophant swinging from his nuts…. anything more than that is a a blatant admission of being played by an opportunistic master manipulator who cared more about this wallet than she ever did about him. Denial is pretty much his only option for saving any face here.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Factory Bastard
Happy Valley
I personally enjoy my title of being the first person online to make that bitch refuse to post directly in my direction.

I’ll ask nicely for everyone’s opinion now…

Do you think she was honest that it was my pointing out that she allowed her then 12 yo daughter to troll forums where men posing as teenage boys send unsolicited cock pics or do you think it’s because I had a fling with Big? I mean, I was trying to get her to back the fuck off with the fiendishly hypervigilent pelvic thrust of post humping my every move on this forum… which I wanted nothing to do with her before she resorted to these antics.

I’m thinking it has the most to do with my fling with Big during our divorces. It also provides motive as to why she went running to Flea and THAT matches up with the cutthroat antics of a junkie ex stripper. Im sure she couldn’t stand how close we had become and that our friendship was solid while she ran off and married the drug addict with one foot in the gutter.

From where I stand, he is content with filling his toxic void online with the resident sycophant swinging from his nuts…. anything more than that is a a blatant admission of being played by an opportunistic master manipulator who cared more about this wallet than she ever did about him. Denial is pretty much his only option for saving any face here.

Are we all supposed to know who these people being mentioned are?