Will Texas Abortion Legislation turn American Women into Democrats?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...even if they're not really Democrats or liberals?

Maybe a lot of conservative minded women just wanna have control over their own bodies.

so...they have a choice between a party which gives them that right & the other which doesn't?

Which party do you think these women wil choose?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
WHY do you people keep insisting that its MEN behind abortion bans?

So women just dont fucking exist unless they support abortion?

The reason that conservative women are conservative in the first place is because they OPPOSE ABORTION.

WHY would they flip sides now that they are on a victory high?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
...even if they're not really Democrats or liberals?

Maybe a lot of conservative minded women just wanna have control over their own bodies.

so...they have a choice between a party which gives them that right & the other which doesn't?

Which party do you think these women wil choose?

I think there will be repercussions in 2022 and 2024. I don't think what they'll lose is enthusiasm for participating in the political process if all they have is pro-birth candidates. Yes, I said pro-birth. They certainly aren't pro-life, there are school boards that voted against feeding kids free food.

They can't even agree that feeding hungry kids is a good thing. So, no, they aren't about life at all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
WHY do you people keep insisting that its MEN behind abortion bans?

So women just dont fucking exist unless they support abortion?

The reason that conservative women are conservative in the first place is because they OPPOSE ABORTION.

WHY would they flip sides now that they are on a victory high?

I think there are some merits to your arguments.

However, I think are ways to drastically improve the Texas legislation as well & not alienate women voters or provide ammunition for the Democrats to discredit the Republican Party.

The legislation in place is far too one sided

The Republican Party should go back to the drawing board & find ways to improve it.

The Law has to be Fair as well.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
WHY do you people keep insisting that its MEN behind abortion bans?

So women just dont fucking exist unless they support abortion?

The reason that conservative women are conservative in the first place is because they OPPOSE ABORTION.

WHY would they flip sides now that they are on a victory high?

I think there are some merits to your arguments.

However, I think are ways to drastically improve the Texas legislation as well & not alienate women voters or provide ammunition for the Democrats to discredit the Republican Party.

The legislation in place is far too one sided

The Republican Party should go back to the drawing board & find ways to improve it.

The Law has to be Fair as well.

Joe, women who are not democrats? It's mostly because they hate abortion.

You've been brainwashed into seeing this as womens rights issue. Its NOT.

MORE women oppose it than you realize.

It should be completely banned and I hope that happens.

I dont buy the pathetic and selfish hysterics. There are too many ways to easily avoid pregnancy, no one is entitled to sex, sterilization IS a thing, and there is a lot of help and resources out there.

There is no reason to continue brutally killing human beings and continuing this sociopathic dumbing down of society that is required to sell this abortion bullshit.

There is absolutely NO benefit to this. Oh it helps human traffickers and shit bag men, yeah. Outside of that it devalues life.

And more black babies are aborted each year than born.....so it's even black genocide.

Go to a poor minority community. There are abortion clinics. Go to an upper class mostly white community.....fertility clinics.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?
I have videos of 400,000+ kids living in foster homes and several times that many kids living in wretched conditions with horrible parents that probably would have been sterilized in another time or place.

No you dont, Admin. And stop with the pathetic simping for the state attacking poor families.

And how dare you claim those kids should have been killed inhumanely because you ASSUME the mother would abuse them. And how dare you claim abuse survivors lives are worthless.

You probably NEVER think about ANY of those children until you need a way to justify something so fucking cruel as abortion.

Yeah your ilk cares so much for others that you just offer death. "Well you can legally kill your offspring, you're welcome"

Btw child abuse has increased since Roe. Probably has a connection. When we view human beings as disposable property that might make us very desensitized.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Joe explain how abortion isnt draconian.

Go on. Ill wait. Please explain pushing dark age level pseudoscience about pregnancy/life in the womb so that abortion clinics can keep profiting off ripping living human beings to peices?

Your PREMISE is bad. If abortion wasnt a thing, and someone came along and honestly presented it? People would be up in arms over this actual draconian "method" of dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Especailly since if abortion wasnt a thing.. everyone would be far more educated on this topic.

And you keep ignoring all the help people give to women in a crisis pregnancy as if ONLY the government can do anything and if it's not the government doing it....it may as well not exist.

Well the government already offers insurance, food, WIC, childcare, Works programs that help people get skills for employment, so on. But it seems like those who lean left dont think anything short of full blown socailism is enough and that outreaches dont count.

So it's not lack of help or resources you guys are worried about. You guys just want more government assistance. Help has to be through certain avenues or it's not good enough.

If people do not want to give birth, we have a ton of affordable birth control and free birth control as well as the ability to get sterilized. If abortion was banned, the amount of unplanned pregnancies would drop.

Are we going to progress in this discussion? Because it seems like you aren't reading anything I'm saying and responding to it. You are just repeating your points as if I didnt address them. Come on, Joe.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...even if they're not really Democrats or liberals?

Maybe a lot of conservative minded women just wanna have control over their own bodies.

so...they have a choice between a party which gives them that right & the other which doesn't?

Which party do you think these women wil choose?

I dunno.. why would a post menopausal woman care?

A large portion of females don't want to bring children into a dangerous and uncertain world.

I think I would be sick with worry if I had another kid today.

I think it would turn some women towards democrates but I'm sure the morning after pill will be prescribed still so not all is lost.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...even if they're not really Democrats or liberals?

Maybe a lot of conservative minded women just wanna have control over their own bodies.

so...they have a choice between a party which gives them that right & the other which doesn't?

Which party do you think these women wil choose?

I dunno.. why would a post menopausal woman care?

A large portion of females don't want to bring children into a dangerous and uncertain world.

I think I would be sick with worry if I had another kid today.

I think it would turn some women towards democrates but I'm sure the morning after pill will be prescribed still so not all is lost.
So my wife and I had 2 kids about 19 years ago. I worry for them today. The world is sick and evil but if good Christian believing people dont have kids, then only scumbag democRATs will.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.

I look forward to all the loving Christians and anti-abortion activists emptying all orphanages, shelters and permanently placing all foster care children in loving homes.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.

I look forward to all the loving Christians and anti-abortion activists emptying all orphanages, shelters and permanently placing all foster care children in loving homes.

I always wondered why Pauncho Potatoe had so many bedrooms, for the little chirldren!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.

I look forward to all the loving Christians and anti-abortion activists emptying all orphanages, shelters and permanently placing all foster care children in loving homes.

I always wondered why Pauncho Potatoe had so many bedrooms, for the little chirldren!

you always wondered that? So like, I don't go away in your mind when you hit the little x on the upper right corner of your browser?


Do you see me in your dreams wearing a Fedora & glove with really long blades on it too?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.

I look forward to all the loving Christians and anti-abortion activists emptying all orphanages, shelters and permanently placing all foster care children in loving homes.

I always wondered why Pauncho Potatoe had so many bedrooms, for the little chirldren!

And the Olympic sized pool for their water therapy. We have a hero in our midst this whole time!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You know what Joe I have videos of abortions being done.

You want to see what you are defending?

I have a late term abortion video. The babies body is born, the head left in the birth canal so it's not a live birth.

Then an instrument is used to stab the baby in the back of the head and a vacuum sucks his/her brains out while the babies body jerks.

I have another where the doctor is jerking peices of the baby out. You see crushed arms, legs, tons of blood. The worst part is the head. The face. It's horrible.

That's what these disgusting hateful bitches are supporting. You know....the ones who dont care that Biden got rid of womens sex based rights and now women are getting raped in prison?

Want to see it?

Dovey, if you want to prevent illegal abortions and save more babies, the better way to do it is to provide more social supports for women and girls.

This can take a number of forms such as:

1) Funding for birth control clinics and reprodutive educaiton to prevent unwanted pregnancies
2) Increased funding and establishment of state or national daycare as an incentives for mothers to keep their children
3) 1 year maternity leave
4) Job retraining programs for single others
5) Guaranteed access to social housing
6) Free or subsidized daycare
7) Child support programs
8) Food allowance subsidy programs
9) Greater funding and access to psychiatric services

Of course they would mean higher taxes and increased spending for social services for women.

The big problem I see with Texas as that the government there wants to have all the authority & to hold all the cards.
such as Low taxes, cuts in social services so they give little or nothing back to these expectant moms.

They can't be so selfish and one sided like that.
All it will lead to eventually are more illegal abortions and hence, more deaths of unwanted children.

Governor Greg Abbott needs to be fairer and not so mean-spirited.
this isn't 1950 anymore. Times and expectations have changed.

There has to be a greater compromise even if the bias is pro-life.
Democratic governance is about sharing not monopolizing power or social policy.
There has to be a collaborative approach.

You're not gonna save more babies by imposing draconian laws and drawing a line in the sand.

this was tried during the comnunist years in Romania with tragic results

That was the result of Romania's forced birthing policies

I saw the video. But LIFE is so precious. Weren't those images just precious?

Jesus loves seeing his children living in prison conditions.

And the "Abandoned Baby No Socialization Dance" is just so cute.

So wholesome and heartwarming.

I look forward to all the loving Christians and anti-abortion activists emptying all orphanages, shelters and permanently placing all foster care children in loving homes.

I always wondered why Pauncho Potatoe had so many bedrooms, for the little chirldren!

And the Olympic sized pool for their water therapy. We have a hero in our midst this whole time!

There's room in your belly for aLOT of jelly

carry on


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I love how Joe said "Will this turn American women into Democrats" because he knows you cant be both.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.

I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor abortion. In a civil society, access to reproductive health services, including affordable contraception, should be readily available. If you look at abortion data in this country, unwanted pregnancies peaked in the 1950's. Abortion has been decreasing over the decades. The access to affordable birth control, including free for the poor, has resulted in the decrease in abortion.

However, the Christian Taliban wants women to stop having sex. It is about controlling women, end of story.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.

I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor abortion. In a civil society, access to reproductive health services, including affordable contraception, should be readily available. If you look at abortion data in this country, unwanted pregnancies peaked in the 1950's. Abortion has been decreasing over the decades. The access to affordable birth control, including free for the poor, has resulted in the decrease in abortion.

However, the Christian Taliban wants women to stop having sex. It is about controlling women, end of story.

The Texas Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism. What they are not is pro-life. They are loudly and proudly the pro-death party.

You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape.
~ Joy Reid ~


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.

I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor abortion. In a civil society, access to reproductive health services, including affordable contraception, should be readily available. If you look at abortion data in this country, unwanted pregnancies peaked in the 1950's. Abortion has been decreasing over the decades. The access to affordable birth control, including free for the poor, has resulted in the decrease in abortion.

However, the Christian Taliban wants women to stop having sex. It is about controlling women, end of story.

The Texas Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism. What they are not is pro-life. They are loudly and proudly the pro-death party.

You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape.
~ Joy Reid ~

I think to many men, gay or straight, women are just vessels/incubators when it comes to "life'. Conservatives want to control the vagina because of the power it holds over them.

Many gay men just treat women like vessels. I posted a thread about Buttigieg announcing he and his husband have twins now. They are sitting on the hospital bed as if they had just given birth. The birth mom was not only excluded from the picture, she was kicked off her own hospital bed. Wtf?! Can you two non-ovarian chuckleheads go sit in chairs to take the picture?

I have to say, at least Anderson Cooper was effusive in his praise for the birth mom when he had his kid.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I think this is going to turn more people against Christianity and the far right TBH. Their need to infect their religious beliefs on everyone is appalling. Not everyone has a financially stable life and can afford to raise children properly. The worst of sinners are now “saved” extremists who bomb and kill in the name of Jesus Christ. They are as bad as the mormon fundamentalists.

A woman should have the right to decide personally and privately what she needs to do if she becomes pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. The 14th Amendment of our Constitution supports this.

Furthermore, I have never had an abortion and I have never been with the type of man who would suggest I get an abortion.

I’m pro QUALITY of life for the woman and for society.

I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor abortion. In a civil society, access to reproductive health services, including affordable contraception, should be readily available. If you look at abortion data in this country, unwanted pregnancies peaked in the 1950's. Abortion has been decreasing over the decades. The access to affordable birth control, including free for the poor, has resulted in the decrease in abortion.

However, the Christian Taliban wants women to stop having sex. It is about controlling women, end of story.

The Texas Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism. What they are not is pro-life. They are loudly and proudly the pro-death party.

You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape.
~ Joy Reid ~

I think to many men, gay or straight, women are just vessels/incubators when it comes to "life'. Conservatives want to control the vagina because of the power it holds over them.

Many gay men just treat women like vessels. I posted a thread about Buttigieg announcing he and his husband have twins now. They are sitting on the hospital bed as if they had just given birth. The birth mom was not only excluded from the picture, she was kicked off her own hospital bed. Wtf?! Can you two non-ovarian chuckleheads go sit in chairs to take the picture?

I have to say, at least Anderson Cooper was effusive in his praise for the birth mom when he had his kid.
All faggits should be executed. I hope kids with gay parents start murdering their parents in their sleep. I'd acquit.


Domestically feral
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United states