Irrelevant Raven or whatever your name is..


> you
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. o O
take your suggestion and shove it
for the record i've always and always will be an asset
you posted a picture of yourself as a minor, (supposedly) that was you doing that and were happy enough to do so at the time
also, every forum i've been on has been improved by me in fact several forums you've posted on wouldn't have existed if i had not kept them going
fuck you and i've never done any PI crap
eat shit flynn


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
tell me this, when you ppl post pictures sucking your faces in for cheap internet dates why is that PI? you fucking give it away like there is no tomorrow and yet if it is reposted it's wrong? it's not pi if you instigate it shithead make your bed and lie in it i've never posted anything you ppl haven't posted yourselves i've been privy to plenty of PI and never have used any of it your accusation is baseless and wrong
the lackey thing is stupid, stop assuming motivations that do not exist idiot

also, i can write stuff better than you ya bitter fucking whorestain!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
take your suggestion and shove it
for the record i've always and always will be an asset
you posted a picture of yourself as a minor, (supposedly) that was you doing that and were happy enough to do so at the time
also, every forum i've been on has been improved by me in fact several forums you've posted on wouldn't have existed if i had not kept them going
fuck you and i've never done any PI crap
eat shit flynn

You're about an "asset" like a dog needs a second tail you stupid cunt. Patting your emaciated self on the back just reinforces how utterly useless you are. For days the banners here were out of whack and you did nothing or couldn't, or refused to. Yeah, you're useful alright.

Yeah? So the fuck what if I posted it? I was young and unassuming at that time, yet you use that as an excuse to to justify posting everyone's fucking picture that were never directed at you, just so you could get some kudo points from the morons you were trying to impress. Still, to this day, you try to justify all your shitty actions and point your skeletal finger at everyone else except yourself.

Bullshit! None of those "forums" needed you, no forum needs just one person to survive. You credit yourself with things you have no hand in, like the survival of so said forums. At what forums were these pray-tell that you stopped from imploding? Name them. If your own farce of a forum FT is any indication of you "saving" anything, it does proves how inept you truly are, or you're just a fucking liar. BF may not know what a fucking snake you are, but the rest of us veterans do.

As for your P.I. claim, you're a fucking liar. You and that piece of shit Sum Can't have been passing P.I. back in forth for over a decade. You save every single picture and I.P. addresses of poster's to use at a later time. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. You've probably passed on my I.P. address to your buddies, which is why I feel very uncomfortable with you having a panel because you're a shitty human.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
tell me this, when you ppl post pictures sucking your faces in for cheap internet dates why is that PI? you fucking give it away like there is no tomorrow and yet if it is reposted it's wrong? it's not pi if you instigate it shithead make your bed and lie in it i've never posted anything you ppl haven't posted yourselves i've been privy to plenty of PI and never have used any of it your accusation is baseless and wrong
the lackey thing is stupid, stop assuming motivations that do not exist idiot

also, i can write stuff better than you ya bitter fucking whorestain!


You're garbage and most people who have dealt with you know it. The only reason you wanted a panel here was for the info. You can rationalize and make up stories all you fucking want, but those that actually know you, know that you're a cowardly cunt that collects P.I. to use at a later date. The sooner you die, the sooner the forums have one less problem.

As for your non-existent "writing skillz," don't make me fucking laugh. You've had the pleasure of being around some of the greatest writers and after all this time, you still write like Fred Flintstone trying to pass the English part of his G.E.D. test. Your "writing" is about on par with X, you two bozo's couldn't come up with a salient thought even if Hemingway was there in person giving you pointers. Try staying in the realm of reality when you start boasting about the things you can and cannot do.


> you
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. o O
lol 'veteran'
where is your own forum?
I've assisted F4$ BH CO BraIns crapstand and others who asked for technical assistance, happily and without any malice, just so users like you can lie and play
You're welcome.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
again with the bogus motivation
i couldn't care less about any "info"
fuck you


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
lol 'veteran'
where is your own forum?
I've assisted F4$ BH CO BraIns crapstand and others who asked for technical assistance, happily and without any malice, just so users like you can lie and play
You're welcome.

Where IS yours?

You've "assisted" by kissing ass and peddling information to selected people which got you in their good graces, so shut the fuck up. No one is impressed.

F4$? That forum is gone. BH? That forum went tits up. CO? that forum got taken down by the Feds. Great examples there, how did you actually help them if they're all extinct? EXACTLY! You didn't. Thanks for proving that you didn't "save" shit.

Yeah, thank you....for I don't know what. All I know is TBC didn't even want your services as a "mod." That in itself seems to be a sore subject with you that you'd like to ignore if you were to have it your way.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
btw if you don't like your picture stop fucking posting it

You're missing the point dipshit. It's not your fucking job to repost other people's pictures you illiterate hag. You post up pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with you, why? So you can get into the good graces of those you want to impress. You by far are one of the biggest sycophants here.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Where IS yours?

You've "assisted" by kissing ass and peddling information to selected people which got you in their good graces, so shut the fuck up. No one is impressed.

F4$? That forum is gone. BH? That forum went tits up. CO? that forum got taken down by the Feds. Great examples there, how did you actually help them if they're all extinct? EXACTLY! You didn't. Thanks for proving that you didn't "save" shit.

Yeah, thank you....for I don't know what. All I know is TBC didn't even want your services as a "mod." That in itself seems to be a sore subject with you that you'd like to ignore if you were to have it your way.

It's been interesting getting a back story. I see things a lot more clearly now. I sincerely had no agenda when it came to underscore, but that was clearly never how I was approached by this whackjob.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You're missing the point dipshit. It's not your fucking job to repost other people's pictures you illiterate hag. You post up pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with you, why? So you can get into the good graces of those you want to impress. You by far are one of the biggest sycophants here.



> you
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. o O
TBC asked for my help and i provided it. Yeah, those forums went away, but while they were trying to be, i helped them do it. I don't make or break forums you fool, I've merely assisted with technical stuff as asked like skinning or fixing permissions and stuff like that. What have you ever done but spout off? I've never 'peddled' information. That's all in your stupid insipid headspace.

btw CO was taken down because no one had access to the host and the php version couldn't be updated. Also, farmer was using it to spam the internets.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
again with the 'good graces' crap. that motivation may be your own.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
TBC asked for my help and i provided it. Yeah, those forums went away, but while they were trying to be, i helped them do it. I don't make or break forums you fool, I've merely assisted with technical stuff as asked like skinning or fixing permissions and stuff like that. What have you ever done but spout off? I've never 'peddled' information. That's all in your stupid insipid headspace.

btw CO was taken down because no one had access to the host and the php version couldn't be updated. Also, farmer was using it to spam the internets.

No, you stated almost to the point that you single-handedly "saved" them. That's impossible if they're all gone, isn't it? So, in the end, YOU didn't "save" or do shit. They're all fucking gone and you couldn't do a fucking thing to change that. So, get seriously fucked with your bullshit narrative, because that's exactly what it is, bullshit. You and I both know it.

I never claimed or danced around purporting to be the savior of forums like you. I did my part which was post and never to be a P.I. peddling monger like you. You on the other hand always thought you were better than most, while hiding under the various nutsacks and clits of whatever "important" forum hierarchy you happened to be in bed with at that time.

Who gives a fuck about CO? It's gone and with it being gone contradicts your claim of being the Robin Hood of forums. You have just proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that each forum you "saved" ended up dying a horrible death.
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> you
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. o O
what you do two do is drag things down to an us vs them thing instead of doing anything that takes skill. just personal garbage. enjoy your hatefullness? cuz i don't
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
what you do two do is drag things down to an us vs them thing instead of doing anything that takes skill. just personal garbage. enjoy your hatefullness? cuz i don't

At this point bitch, what you need and want is irrelevant. You see, for me to give a flying fuck about how you feel, I would first have to put you in the human category, which you are not.

You've proven that you'd rather point the finger at other's for your deeds and then pontificate on how you "helped" a bunch of forums, all of which do not exist today. So, save the mindless dribble for someone that doesn't know you. You're barking up the wrong tree.


> you
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. o O
right, while i assisted forums with technical stuff i caused their demise.
if that ever happens again, it was me with malicious intent and a blowdart you silly make it up liar.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
right, while i assisted forums with technical stuff i caused their demise.
if that ever happens again, it was me with malicious intent and a blowdart you silly make it up liar.

Well, explain to me second coming of e-christ to the forums, why are they all gone? If you "helped" them soo very much and after your insisting that you're God's gift to the forums, why are they zilch? See how you painted your old self into a corner,?

I'm the liar? I'm not the one spouting off about "saving" certain forums that are dead. If you're just that talented then why aren't they all around today? I mean with your technical genius helping them along, they should still be in service to this very day, shouldn't they? But, no, it's someone else's fault isn't it? I already know your redundant and generic answer.

You're pathetic and other's know it. Martini the wunderkind moron even has your number and he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, either.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
fine, forums i've assisted with technical stuff haven't survived the downward spiral of vitriol from ppl that can only diss and not do. enjoy.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It's been interesting getting a back story. I see things a lot more clearly now. I sincerely had no agenda when it came to underscore, but that was clearly never how I was approached by this whackjob.

Whackjob is right. Anyone like cw that keeps a hard drive full of P.I. from their various times as mods is truly fucking disturbed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Whackjob is right. Anyone like cw that keeps a hard drive full of P.I. from their various times as mods is truly fucking disturbed.

Imagine those that have kept my picture from the mid 2000s...disturbed is right. Just so they can "win" the interwebs and run me off.

I'm made of much sterner stuff than these fools. If someone posted their PI, pics, etc...they would have disappeared years ago.

These type of people are W E A K.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
fine, forums i've assisted with technical stuff haven't survived the downward spiral of vitriol from ppl that can only diss and not do. enjoy.

Oh, spare me the martyr routine. The only reason you "assisted" was to get your wrinkly paws on sensitive data pertaining to other poster's and that was it. You can stop with the virtuous reasoning, because if that were truly it, we wouldn't be having this "discussion."