If only they had just obeyed the law!
Yeah people who protected their property from a mob who was threatening them.
They learned the hard way to not trust dems!
People who freaked the fuck out because black people were walking by their house to go stand vigil in front of someone else's house. Just because they're white and assholes, doesn't mean all blacks want to kill them.
It was a mixed race mob of people who broke into a gated community and were threatening them.
You pair that with the insane violent riots that follow these mobs and its completely reasonable to fear them and want to protect yourself.
They didnt harm anyone. They just made it clear they would protect themselves. That's a right we all have.
I love the total lack of empathy you guy have towards people who have been beaten brutally and attacked by these mobs and how you never condemn their violence towards innocent people.....but when innocent people protect themselves you guys get all righteous and condemn them for protecting themselves.