but but but... critical race theory is just teaching the same history that's always been taught in class


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Thanks for that inspiring dissertation, professor prolapse!

If you were writing a paper on rattle can car painting, would you research Cadannce Owens for info?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Imagine calling black people who oppose your political views "race traitors" and attacking people instead of countering their arguments and points. Imagine being that hateful.

Is Candace an Oreo?

You really are a disgusting, horrible person.

That is not very civil of you Adjutant Doh'v!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Youd also have to understand the appeal to authory fallacy and how to discern information.

Based on your performance here you would fail. MSNBC are not experts.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Thanks for that inspiring dissertation, professor prolapse!

If you were writing a paper on rattle can car painting, would you research Cadannce Owens for info?

Oh well that must mean everything Candace says is garbage because we cant site her in a research paper on any random topics.

So I'm assuming the people YOU listen to CAN be sited?

Like if you had to write a paper on Ivermectin would you site Rolling Stone? Lol Tell all those doctors Ivermectin is horse paste?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Thanks for that inspiring dissertation, professor prolapse!

If you were writing a paper on rattle can car painting, would you research Cadannce Owens for info?

Oh well that must mean everything Candace says is garbage because we cant site her in a research paper on any random topics.

So I'm assuming the people YOU listen to CAN be sited?

Like if you had to write a paper on Ivermectin would you site Rolling Stone? Lol

Word to the wise, when you face the Civil War Crimes Tribunals, your ad hominem attacks won't help your pleas for mercy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Thanks for that inspiring dissertation, professor prolapse!

If you were writing a paper on rattle can car painting, would you research Cadannce Owens for info?

Oh well that must mean everything Candace says is garbage because we cant site her in a research paper on any random topics.

So I'm assuming the people YOU listen to CAN be sited?

Like if you had to write a paper on Ivermectin would you site Rolling Stone? Lol

Word to the wise, when you face the Civil War Crimes Tribunals, your ad hominem attacks won't help your pleas for mercy.

YOUR constant ad hominem will help YOURS though!!

Like your never ending stream of ad homs towards Candice. You havent ONCE addressed anything SAID. You do nothing but attack the person.

Funny how it's only a problem when the people you always attack attack you.

I would die and spitting in your face long before I'd beg sociopaths for "mercy". None of you even know the meaning. Asking an establishment shill for mercy is like asking an ant for help in algebra.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The kind of people who openly say they "dont care" when women and girls are assaulted and raped by predators using the Equality act to access victim have absolutely no empathy and no capacity for mercy.

I would die 100 times over before asking the people who destroyed the country for anything.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The kind of people who openly say they "dont care" when women and girls are assaulted and raped by predators using the Equality act to access victim have absolutely no empathy and no capacity for mercy.

I would die 100 times over before asking the people who destroyed the country for anything.
Two ewe, din't not red!



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin you really gotta stop equating rejection of CRT with racism. CRT is racism. That's why it's being rejected.

Try to understand what it is and why people are opposing it. It seriously teaches racism.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin you really gotta stop equating rejection of CRT with racism. CRT is racism. That's why it's being rejected.

Try to understand what it is and why people are opposing it. It seriously teaches racism.
Much ado, about Nada sweetcheeks.

No.....its not nada. It's a big deal. I feel like if you paid close attention to what people are upset about, perhaps you would agree with us.

But this fake paradigm prevents that because you are seeing this as a partisan issue.


Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

If are little young white babbies were forced to lurn this, it would be in the end of white peoples!
oh my god... there's a glimmer of hope for this rampant racist that occured nearly 70 years ago!!!

how bout something a little closer to present day? cocklicker?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin you really gotta stop equating rejection of CRT with racism. CRT is racism. That's why it's being rejected.

Try to understand what it is and why people are opposing it. It seriously teaches racism.
No .. no... teaching hate is the only way to stop hate

see, these people are fredo smart and they know


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Admin. Fuck off faggot!! You're a lame troll.. nothing else.
according to the fat loathsome whale pig he's very imaginative tho

The minute he ever steps out of "line".....she would turn on him hard, too.
It'd take the dumb bitch a long minute to figure it out tho! She aint too smukin fart!

If he ever started actually talking to us like we are actual people? She would get pissed and end up snapping on him in a matter of days.

Leftists dont even treat eachother like human beings with value.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Is this about black peepoe and white guilt?

Did you actually read that? :LOL3:

I didnt. They are psychotic and disconnected from reality and the only racist people in the country.

Watch this

Watch how this convo goes when Candice starts discussing her tweet about how dems are racists. The woman starts interrupting, gaslighting and arguing Candices point about the woman asking her (Candace) how she feels about the skin color of people in the WH and NOT her thoughts on policy.

These people just do not get it. It's a racist cult.

And white boy Admin here called Candice Owen's a race traitor. As if that's even in the realm of an appropriate thing to ever say.

And this jack ass seriously thinks he gets to call other people racists.

Look how they blather about institutionalized racism without even realizing dems/progs literally run ALL the institutions. They blame and attack workers.

Imagine thinking Candy Cane Owens is an authority worthy of citation. LOL. Must be some 3d Civil War shit!

Wow, you faggits really hate black women!!!!!!

If I was writing my thesis, I would be required to cite noted experts in the fields of study I was working on, didn't they teach you that in home school?

Thanks for that inspiring dissertation, professor prolapse!

Professor Prolapse Bwhahahaahaha